Gunsmith Reveals Most Reliable Carry Gun

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what's up America Neil here with chocolate Farms Academy thanks for watching today we have an exciting video we're gonna be going over some of the best and worst guns right out of the box so as you can see we have a very special guest we have Daryl in the house Daryl thanks for coming absolutely Daryl is a professional gunsmith so he's gonna break it down for you right now Daryl tell them all about who you are and why you're here well my name is Daryl I am a professional gunsmith I have been since uh 2017. um wait a minute so you work at like a like like a cheese factory and then you do this part time in your basement or what how's this work I I actually work at a gunsmith all right um it is what I do 40 hours a week gotcha I'm actually set up supervisor there and um outside of that even when I'm not working okay this is also what I do I've uh been a range safety officer for a local training company um uh giaga giaga something sensitive in the tongue yep geography I've been working with you guys for a long time um I do help out with uh setting up some security around and doing some other things so this is basically what I do I do guns all the time I hear there's a blacklist a mysterious Blacklist out there there is there is a blacklist there there's a group of guns that if you bring them to me there's there's nothing I can do to it what would be the reason for that why would you say that there's not much I can do well a lot of your cheaper lowering guns um they're just not reliable no matter what I do to it um you know there there's a group of guns they usually run in that probably three 350 in under range um there's just nothing there for me to work with if it's unreliable it's unreliable sometimes it's just a bad design and I think you know when you really think about it let's just say the 350 range I mean we don't need to jump a thousand dollars to get into a better gun no no it's not even that big of a deal I mean maybe we we save another month or two and then that puts us in a Range that's a little bit more realistic would you agree with that absolutely yeah I have to ask absolutely go for it is the high point on that Blacklist there I cannot fix the heat Cannon let's address the elephant in the room shall we sure when you're talking about the best and the worst I'm sure and I can hear listen I can hear the buzz of the internet as the keyboards are firing up because they know probably what's coming so I would assume that you're going to say Glock is the best Glock is a very reliable carry gun we danced that one very nicely I like that yeah um I carried a Glock I have carried a Glock um did you say you carry a glock I have one it's it's with me at the moment very well and there's a little Side Story that let's just disclose if I were to take that apart the Glock oh absolutely how many of the Glock original parts exist in your Glock what okay it's good to be the gunsmith um one of the upsides about uh where I work and what I get to do is uh we don't sell things that we don't test black has a great aftermarket multiple to uh bring from yeah so we don't really carry all of the things that are are out there and are marketed to be good so if we have interest in a thing and we hear a lot of it coming up I will buy it we will run it we will see if it works I'll bring it to class we'll see how it how it runs if it holds up if it is good then we do run it we're talking about the the Glocks in general I'm sure that there's almost a set order of parts that people come to you and say hey I want to start fixing these things or replacing these things there's issues that I have with the gun and shoot my entire career it's pretty much every department has Glocks but there are certain things that I would like to replace right off the bat what do you typically see for that um first off first thing out of the box um sites the sites on the Glock are horrible um who puts plastic sites on a combat gun the sights are the first thing um the trigger is the second thing if you can uh replace those and get by with it and that's kind of running your truck really the way that you want it to that's a good place to stop but you can really go down the rabbit hole I have replaced these sights the triggered the slide I went to uh p80 grip style I went with a springco recoil system you know what I find it interesting one of the biggest complaints with Glock and I'm one of them is that I don't like the grip angle and it seems that when we start looking in aftermarket there's a lot now on Market that are having the the grip angle more of a 1911 ish for the Glock it would seem like lock would come out with a version right of a more of a 1911 grip angle I just don't know why they never did that but speaking of the 1911 grip angle yes I hear that your favorite gun of all time is the 1911. my favorite gun to see in a safe is a 1911. we were talking about carry guns right yeah yeah uh the 1911 as far as a carry gun is heavy has low capacity it has manual safety it you know it doesn't check any of the marks I need for a carry gun what about uh I mean at the end of the day when we're talking about reliability and mechanics you got anything you want to add on that one they're a little finicky I can put you under a little bit of pressure and get you to slip up on your grip or get you to forget to hit that safety it's happened to me before a student has brought me a bag of Shame which is their 1911 in a various configuration of parts and they say help yep we get 1911 in a bag of gun quite often especially as soon as they go to pull it apart they uh they get the uh spring cap goes flying across the room they can't find it it's gone um I replaced a couple of them this week actually so you mentioned about grip and of course we have a grip safety on a 1911. I just got to throw this one out there and if you disagree by all means I think the worst design and I'm a huge MMP fan everyone knows that I think the worst design of a gun is that easy model absolutely I I mean it's not I can I can put a paycheck down in a magazine a student is going to screw that absolutely I try not to throw down like uh too many discs on anything in particular but that one that's a terrible design and Daryl I have to ask because I get a lot of female students they bring in the revolver because they say it never jams is this true so it's not I get a lot of revolvers that come in and one of the biggest weakest points on a revolver is people love to take them and play the Hollywood Western and they'll open them up and they'll spin them and they'll smack that sucker closed and it will bend the crane right that's like what you do with them yep you'll do it a couple times but you won't do it a lot and from a training perspective people also understand if you impede the ability for that selling return which doesn't take very much it does not go bang so if I pull it up and get my shirt up in there it will stop yeah wow or if someone grabs it and just just holds on to it you I mean unless it was somehow already cocked which would be a horrible idea and the other thing is I see a lot of people in and they'll kind of come in there and they're like oh well I got this this cool plastic because I got this great positive grip and this positive grip on a revolver is not going to land to a good day no I'm not anything in front of that cylinder is we went over there's some lower budget guns that aren't we could probably avoid and maybe save a little bit more to get us into a more realistic reliable gun without getting crazy we talked about some upgrades of course we talked about generally the two Styles I mean a 1911 is an all-metal mechanical single action gun versus a Glock which is our polymer wonder gun of today and then we have all the varieties of in between so now that we've covered those things is there a kind of a core group of out of the box I could buy this gun and I'm already off the race this is a solid performer you know from your experience mostly your experience at the shop of seeing guns that come in because I mean if you're a mechanic and you you're gonna know that this year model car has an issue because you see so many of them so what would you say is a good you know isn't there that Core group of guns that you say those are solid so I would say on my top few list of the Sig 365 I see a lot of I've seen a lot of those come through um they're pretty cheap and easy to upgrade there's quite a few upgrades that you could do to that if you want now when you say you see a lot of them come through you don't mean because they're broken and they're failed you mean because people just want to do something as an upgrade absolutely more is an upgrade I have not seen very many failures on those at all on that list we could do the uh the Hellcat okay Springfield Hellcat um it's got a little more felt recoil than the 365 so you got that um the m p 2.0 that is an all-time good hitter of course you got that Glock 19 the CCP 10 um the PDP The Shield plus by the way is my carry gun and uh I think that I mean it's really hard to tell the difference just by looking just in width alone but getting so many more rounds in there what about Canik uh Canik is a great gun if you don't plan on doing a whole lot to it uh there's not a big aftermarket out there for it yet but it really doesn't need it um it comes with a pretty decent trigger it's a very good trigger um it kind of checks all the bases um not off the top of my head what kind of sights does that come on it does come with a decent set of sights there well for as far as when I consider when I say decent to me they got to be metal and they got to have a combat Edge maybe there's no like the shield super popular gun but the rear sight had this weird I don't know if it's weird but just it has a slope on it on the originals and you can't rack that off of anything it's just it won't do it so I always replace those with uh night vision okay that also run you back to your 1911s that you were asking about a lot of those come with a Novak sight on it and these are also ramped like that so good point uh the P320 is it is it does get some backlash there's been some issues that there's been some well you you know I'm gonna ask this question absolutely go for it I mean does it evidently it just shooting on its own right I mean you just you can't trust it right it just fires remotely I guess it all satellites installed or something it all depends on who you talk to the story that you get I know a lot of the stories that I read and and I'm just going on what I can read on on the internet also when it comes to this is some holster issues some training issues somewhat lot so I don't know if it's getting just a lot of bad press so over half a decade you've been a gunsmith professionally have you seen a bunch of these coming in that are just shooting had not okay there's your answer now this is just a a small example of a very big pool yeah um these are just a few off the top of my head that uh I see a lot of not necessarily breaking okay but I do see them coming in for oh crazy I see a lot of people carrying these and uh I don't see a whole lot of things going wrong with them now we've covered that we kind of got our core base there as far as cost wise and Major Brands and by the way I'm sure there's other guns out there so Ryan you can type away as you want but there's something that Daryl probably didn't mention that could potentially be a good gun but that's kind of the most that you're going to see on a general basis right absolutely all right now let's talk I am okay let's talk about the Ferraris here let's talk about the big the big guns here have you well let's just let's just do this I'll go right for the throat on this one I mean when we talk about expensive guns without question one of the first one that's going to come everyone's mind is staccato staccato right it's an excellent race gun okay I think that you meant something different there when you said race gun it's a great Target gun great race gun they do have a couple versions I see some people some people carrying um it is a high capacity 1911 style so it does check that box okay unfortunately for my personal opinion and this is just my personal opinion it doesn't check the rest of the boxes for me the Scotto's one and I know a lot of people beat up on that because that's the biggest popular one that's out right now but it is very expensive it is very expensive you could have the Legacy sigs the 226s the 229s all the stuff that's made in Germany um again higher tolerances big and heavy guns um do I hate them absolutely not um they're great guns I just don't think that they fall in that and that carry Department right now I think there's a lot better newer options that you know when you're seeing some of the things that are coming out today that's lighter higher capacity just easier to control get a better follow-up shot let's talk about the actual guns themselves we want to kind of step over the puddle of the very lowest of the lowest the center meet there is a good place to be we don't have to get crazy and go to the three thousand dollar gun would you agree with that I agree and uh stick with the core Brands not because we just think that the Best Brands per se but because they're going to have the most accessories and products as we do train we're going to be able to find holsters for it you're going to be able to find better holsters you're probably going to have a little better customer service uh experience if something does happen we'll be able to have more resources to fix that gun one of the things that we wanted to bring up was new Shooters because potentially there'll be new Shooters watching this so off the bat there is no perfect gun for any one person there's there's a lot of good guns there's a lot of good guns and there's a lot of pretty close guns um and just because you go and find a gun that checks off the majority of them but you don't like the sights that's that's not necessarily a deal breaker we can change sites if you go and find a gun that you like the majority of it but you can't stand the trigger there's a good chance that there's a better trigger out there for that gun um or I want it to be pink or if you want it to be pink I can definitely make it Pink uh we could put unicorns on it we do all the things well Daryl I appreciate your time thank you so much for coming on thank you and we'll uh we'll definitely do some more of these I'm sure that this will catch on pretty good and there'll be a lot of hate mail for you oh I'm sure you'll never see Daryl again he's gonna leave the country and change his identity you guys know where to find us here on YouTube Facebook Instagram or Rumble and of course we put all our premium content on patreon until next time remember it's always better be judged by 12 then carried by six thank you
Channel: Geauga Firearms Academy
Views: 42,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best carry gun, best edc gun, best carry gun 9mm, best carry gun for women, do glocks suck, best carry gun for beginners, best gun out of the box, top 5 guns, top ccw handguns, top ccw handguns 2023, best pistols 2023, best ccw, best ccw 2023, best carry gun 2023, best edc gun 2023, most reliable ccw, most reliable handguns, most reliable pistols, best 9mm, should i get a glock, is the p365 reliable, issues with glock, most reliable gun to carry, most reliable carry gun
Id: ZKT3XW2pd9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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