Alexander's Successors: First War of the Diadochi 322–320 BC DOCUMENTARY

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This video is sponsored by Lee merits blue merit a better way to do college Alexander the Great is dead In his lifetime this macedonian had changed the whole nature of the ancient world Forming the greatest empire the world had yet seen With his death however this empire would never be the same again This documentary series will focus on the ensuing struggle that followed Alexander's passing as former brothers-in-arms became the most vicious of enemies These were the Wars of his successors On the 11th of June 3 to 3 BC Alexander the Great passed away He had left the formidable empire stretching from Greece to India yet his fate was far from certain Alexander's only living child have been deemed illegitimate His half-brother aridaias was mentally ill and although one of his wives Roxanne was pregnant there was no guarantee the child would be a son a Clash for the authority began and one of Alexander's greatest generals Perdiccas emerged as the victor Aridaias became King as Philip the 3rd Perdiccas was to be the commander-in-chief The great expeditions to Arabia and Carthage planned by Alexander were abandoned and His generals began dividing the provinces among themselves In what was later called the partition of Babylon? one of the most notable gainers from this partition was the personal secretary of Alexander Human ease a Greek from kardea who was militarily untested until now Not long afterwards Roxanne had given birth to a son who became Alexander the 4th Dicus who ruled in Babylon was assigned to act as regent Meanwhile revolts had erupted in both East and West a large force of 23,000 disgruntled Greeks abandoned their posts in bacteria and started their journey home In Greece many cities had revolted against the Macedonian rule The regent of Macedonia and tippet ur head itself to crush the Greeks while perc has sent one of his generals Python East to deal with the uprising in Bactria Early cases political position was weak and he proposed a marriage with Nicaea a daughter of an tippet ur to strengthen it The marriage was agreed and ICA began the long journey to Babylon Bernanke's turned his attention to other pressing matters In 3 - 2 BC he led an army to help the new governor of Cappadocia human ease The province had never been completely conquered by Alexander and remnants of Persian resistance remained strong under the King area rotties The neighboring governors refused to help but purchases arrival changed Everything area rotties was crushed and the grateful human ease was installed as governor He would prove an invaluable Ally for purchase Kirkus headed back to babylon crushing any resistance to mass stoning rule in his path His position had strengthened significantly and ICEA was now nearing babylon however soon Perdiccas learned that the sister of alexander cleopatra desired his hand in marriage and he now faced a great dilemma a Marriage to Cleopatra would give him a claim to the throne Yet to disregard Nicaea would put him at odds with Antipater hoping to appease an tippet ur turkish married, Nicaea At the same time however he sent letters to Cleopatra Telling her he intended to discard my SIA and marry her instead as soon as possible somehow news of this reached the governor of Phrygia Antigonus Who had no love for burkas and had already disobeyed him once before by refusing to aid human ease? Antigonus sailed to Europe to inform an tippet, er who was crushing the final remnants of the revolt in Greece An Tippet, er was outraged gathering his forces including the formidable Macedonian general crater as' and Tippet have prepared for war he also found an ally in the governor of Egypt Ptolemy his relations with Paris had always been strained, and he readily accepted Antipodes plan Takus was still unaware of the impending war against him As was agreed previously. He was sending Alexander's body back to Macedonia with a small escort However as this escort was passing through Syria Ptolemy seized the body which was then transported to Egypt At the same time and tippy-toe was making his final preparations to cross into Asia Announcing his aim to remove her takus the first war of the dyadic. Ii had begun On receiving these two pieces of news The curse gathered his generals He was planning to confront Ptolemy in Egypt While human ease was ordered to delay on tiptoe in Anatolia and slow the enemy advance Purchases army traveled quickly and in the summer of 3 to 1, BC. They reached the most Eastern branch of the Nile Delta However, the river was heavily guarded as Ptolemy had deployed Garrison's all along the opposite bank He himself was leading the central army intent on shadowing her the kissies movements and preventing his foe from crossing Perla cos needed a swift victory So one night. He forced marched his army far upriver hoping to cross the Nile before tal nature prevented The crossing her Turkish had selected was guarded by an Egyptian Force called the camels rampart in which Ptolemy had placed a small garrison Reaching the crossing just before daybreak Baraka squigly prepared his forces to attack He was desperate to capture the falls before Ptolemy could arrive with reinforcements to lead the crossing the COS placed his Indian war elephants Behind them he placed his elite infantry force the silver shields aren't with ladders to scale the Wolves the final line consisted of purchases cavalry The assault commenced Initially this crossing met no difficulty yet as his troops Got closer to the fort ptolemies army appeared and rushed to the fort reinforcing the garrison and denying Perkis an easy victory The kiss and his army pressed on Attempting to take the fort by force the elephants were driven forward to smash down the gates while the silver shields were to scale the walls with their ladders a desperate struggle ensued casualties were high on either side in the end however Ptolemy and his defending force prevailed and Perkis was forced to retreat Berdych is now desperately searched for another crossing Descent had already begun to spread among his army, and he had to quickly achieve success The curse marched his army even further up the Nile to the bank opposite Ptolemies capital at Memphis Here the river was wider deeper and had a stronger currents There was a large island separating the two banks on which Perkis decided he wouldn't camp his army To ease the crossing Perdiccas devised a solution the elephants were placed upstream to slow the currents a Line of cavalry was also placed downstream to collect any soldiers that lost their fitted For a time the strategy worked well the river became shallower and a part of pertussis infantry successfully made it to the island, but then disaster struck As the elephant's dug their feet into the riverbed Gradually the sand sank beneath them and the water level increased Within no time at all River had become too deep to cross His army divided The curse could send no more men those that had already reached the island found themselves stranded Reluctantly per the COS called them back Thinking only of survival the stranded soldiers plunged into the water Some of the better swimmers managed to make it back Many others however. We'd either drown or be eaten by the lurking crocodiles Nachus had suffered another humiliating defeat and his army demanded blood Verdict as his generals Antilles pytho and Seleucus were all too happy to oblige Going to his tent. They murdered the regent To the north human ease was facing heavy opposition to his command The Fried's quickly defected to an tippy-toe ad his armies crossing into Asia before humans could even arrive More dissent followed as many of Paris's generals even his brother al Curtis refused to serve under human ease another general Neoptolemus betrayed human ease a Small clash ensued and although human ease did prevail the optimist escaped to join an tippy-toe The odds gnarled heavily stacked against human ease The autonomous informed antipathy and cratis or the human eases perilous situation Believing the reports an tippy-toe divided his army into Protaras and the autonomous were tasked with confronting evidence Meanwhile and tippet our continued east towards Perdiccas and egypt Barely ten days after Neoptolemus is betrayal the forces of human ease and cratis faced each other somewhere in Phrygia near the Hellespont Crateros was confident of victory unexpected human eases Macedonian troops to quickly join him Yet human ease had other ideas Knowing that his Macedonian troops were never knowingly fight against cratis one of the most revered Macedonian generals of the time human ease devised a plan He did not reveal to them that cratis was leading the opposing army instead He claimed the army that they were facing was led by the treacherous Neoptolemus And a barbarian warlord named P grace Knowing that crater aswer place himself on the right flank the position of Honor in the Macedonian line Human ease deployed a large contingent of Asian and Thracian cavalry to oppose him not a single Macedonian was included in this unit in the center twenty thousand infantrymen were deployed with a core made of a small number of Macedonian phalanges the rest were mercenaries from Asia Minor Unlicensed entry from Mesopotamia as for human ease he stayed on the right wing with his most powerful horsemen from Cappadocia as unit had expected Crateros positioned himself on the right wing with just over a thousand of his best cavalry the companions In the center he deployed his 20,000 strong infantry mostly Macedonians trained in the formidable pike phalanx formation On his left crater is placed in the autonomous with the rest of his cavalry Crassus advanced his cavalry ahead to the hill ready to show himself to human eases soldiers As cratis and his army reached the top however unis from his truck Seeing cratis is Asian and Thracian cavalry charged the general Immune to the aura of the man at the same time human ease led his own wing against the autonomous on the right keeping his infantry far back away from any possibility of hearing who they were facing a Deadly cavalry battle now erupted on both flanks with neither sides infantry force close enough to come to the aid Horsemen against horsemen. It was now a bitter struggle to the death Outnumbered by unknown warriors, Crassus and his cavalry were quickly overwhelmed and the general felt in this melee our sources differ on how he was killed and he was either trampled underfoot after stumbling from his horse or He perished after march heroic fighting Whichever is true the result remained the same Another of Alexander's most formidable generals now lay dead on the field Hearing of his death kratos's right wing panicked and soon shattered completely Meanwhile on the left wing human ease and the optimises horsemen had been engaged in a ferocious clash Amidst the fighting both generals attempted to find one another Finally they spotted each other in the melee and charged after a bloody struggle human ease emerged victorious Both Crassus, and the autonomous were now dead the battle was over a new manie's had gained a stunning victory This former Secretary had emerged victorious over the most revered Macedonian general of the time Get the news soon reach human ease of the events in Egypt Turkish was dead and his troops had joined Ptolemy Antipodes Carlin now decided to rearrange the empire in what was later called the partition of tripura diocese He was to replace Perdiccas as regent and the royal family were to be taken back to Macedonia However human ease and the remnants of purchases forces throughout the Empire were keen on resistance and had to be dealt with The man selected for this task was Antechinus This general now nearing 60 years old Headed with a large army to confront. He buddies who was in Phrygia at that time Human ease desperately searched for allies as he couldn't fight Antigonus alone hoping to unite his forces with Lucas's brother al Curtis he marched PI Cydia Unfortunately however both wanted to leave the United army and their differences proved too great Human ease was on his own Human ease now move deeper into Asia Minor with Antigonus in hot pursuit At a place called or Kenya Yumi's turned to face his pursuer However in the ensuing battle and taken as successfully deceived human ease Pretending he had received reinforcements he extended his phalanx to half the usual depth doubling its length To human ease his army and tignous his force looked massive, and they were instantly disheartened furthermore during the ensuing fights one of you nieces cavalry generals at pollen IDs deserted Slaughter soon followed you mises army was routed Escaping with a small force of loyalists, you manie's retreated in all haste to the fortified city of nora in Cappadocia Antigonus arrived soon after but desiring to avoid the siege he offered to human ease the chance to negotiate Human is readily accepted the offer terms were discussed with both desiring a peaceful decision Messengers were sent to an tippet er to decide the matter Anew manie's returned to nora to await the results little did he know however now very soon He will become the central figure in deciding the future of Alexander's Empire His military endeavors were just beginning We often say that we want our channel to be a gateway to more learning And the sponsor of this video might help our viewers with just that New Merit Scholar is the best way to save a ton of money on your bachelor's degree? 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Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 972,434
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Keywords: First War of the Diadochi 322–320 BC, wars of the diadochi, Alexander's Successors, kings and generals, Antigonus, Antipater, Eumenes, Perdiccas, Historia Civilis, ancient battle, strategy, tactic, full documentary, thfe, lesson, study, documentary film, world history, animated documentary, alexander the great, philip arrhidaeus, macedon, greece, history, historical, Seleucus, bazbattles, Ptolemy, Demetrius, epic history tv, history lesson, diadochi wars, mithridatic wars, seleucid empire
Id: oThgqdp0ic8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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