Alexa Chung On Healing Heartbreak And 'Embarrassing' Herself In Front Of Beyoncé | ELLE UK

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hello show you my leather pants oh yes i'm alexa chong this is our uk we're going to dig in some cues and i'm going to give you some a's uh whiskey makes me pretty happy i'd say i'm a happy drunk some people when they get drunk they get a bit modeling but i was actually mentioning the other day that i'm quite pleased that when i get drunk i become a much nicer version of myself barata makes me very happy very happy not sharing barata makes me very happy finding friends that really make you laugh makes me happy my favorite tv show right now and probably ever is succession it's incredible i'd heard about it i tried to watch it i found it boring i thought the characters were like super unlikable and then my boyfriend started watching it and i was like i've already seen this i don't like it i can't connect to it and then gradually i just kind of got massively sucked in my favorite book i don't is have a favorite book right now i'm not going to be like i'm reading blood if you've got to be honest with you i'm not reading anything right now i'm reading my phone at night oh film dear hunter i watched it in lockdown best movie ever incredible favorite met gala look both of yours and other people's my own dress to the met gala the catholicism year it was white kind of poofy mini thing and the camp year was really fun because i got to wear a sequin beret it was just an explosion of colour i loved the year beyonce wore her latex thing the she looked incredible obviously something that i couldn't pull off but she looked amazing it was also the same year when i thought she was waving at me and i saw her going like this and i went and then she went and i was like oh god it's not me is it i turned around she was literally just waving at someone she actually knew behind me so that was embarrassing my favorite t4 memory is i got to travel around the uk with rick edwards who became a good friend of mine he used to make me laugh so much so we were really young and we'd stay up till like four a.m drinking with the whole crew and then we would uh have to record at like seven in the morning and oh god i remember getting to t in the park festival and i you know i pulled a bit of an all-nighter and ended up on someone's tour bus and got delivered home at like 6am we had to be on set by 7am and i was so tired and drunk he tried to prop me in the background with a cape on and like sunglasses a nightmare and in the end they were like chun i think you should go home that was spice it's funny to think of yourself as a spice probably paprika because it's a little bit of heat there but it's not too hopefully not too much um it livens up the party it can give things a bit of color um it goes with quite a lot of things not appropriate for all times but people are on the whole quite happy to see it that's the one look no one can go wrong i mean i think pretty much everyone looks great in dungarees body shape wise age-wise toddlers elderly gentlemen farmers it's a pretty democratic item of clothing my tips on how to heal a broken heart firstly you have to um hang out with your friends a lot because you you're gonna go from you know being with someone all the time that you love to being very alone so it's important not to you know be left alone too long and then i do think there is a distinction between a broken heart and a broken ego so it might be good to kind of pick those bits apart i think there's more amazing things at our disposal these days that can help with broken hearts with before you may use to shut yourself away and cry forever and aside from that you know the usual send absolutely crazy messages it's a rough one i'm not gonna lie best of luck but oh actually a good thing of having a broken heart is you know how much it hurts it's also how much you loved so i think you're very lucky if in this lifetime you actually experience broken hearts it means you've also experienced very deep connection and love with someone so that's something to be grateful for because we got to go to the maldives and it was incredible gorgeous but it's a real honeymoon spot and i think we sort of terrorized the people on the island because there was about eight of us and everyone else was in romantic couples we made a wedding and we married two of our male friends together in a fake ceremony where one of them was the bride and i made like his veil and costume out loads of t-shirts tied together and we became very industrious with what we had and the guys that dropped us off on the boat were just like literally looking from the distance going daisy my friend was there she was the vicar i put my pajama top on her backwards so she had the reverence dog collar and then we all pretended to be the choir my 2020 style icon it's a tough one this year isn't it i haven't really seen anyone it's kind of been locked away and the world's kind of falling apart so i mean anyone who wears a mask really i guess maybe paris hilton 90s paris hilton kind of amazing baby doll dresses stacked flip-flops baguette bag she doesn't age is tan my best co-host ever one of one of yes i've had many of them but tan france is one of my favorite co-hosts and definitely my favorite in recent years in the sense that i didn't have another one lately thank you for asking um i can tell you about our fall collection i'm wearing some of it now the aforementioned snazzy leather trouser and literally hang on oh dream cardigan by ac might be back to front um the new collection is called suburban punk it's a very explosive fun collection with sexy edge much like me that's it so thank you so much l uk for hosting me and thank you to everyone who wrote in especially tan he is my favorite ghost okay thank you so much for watching i'll see you again someday somewhere you want to see my leather trousers again oh yeah oh yeah
Channel: ELLE UK
Views: 343,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alexa chung, ask me anything, fashion, style, t4, beyonce, met gala, heartbreak, love advice, succession, dungarees, maldives, fashion icon, paris hilton, tan france, movies, next in fashion
Id: a-mw2diVR9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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