Alexa Chung Answers YOUR Questions | ALEXACHUNG

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hello thanks for watching again you know what the comments box it runneth over and it's really lovely to see all your questions so we decided to make a compendium of the most frequently asked questions and I thought I'd give you some A's to those queues so I'm gonna dive in right now fizzy pop wants to know where do you think fashion is heading hell Virginia mellow how many genes do you own one black pair one blue pair and another blue pair that I actually worth probably three SUSE Wainwright what's your favorite animal landscape or cloud I remember being dog the glass and skipping learning which clouds were which but favorite animal is a wild boar because it shouldn't be one boy Anna what was your favorite clothing item when you were a teenager I loved the tartan trousers I loved tartan trousers I also had a pair of orange hipster flares from Pilate which is pretty cool 90s shot that I loved what's the most embarrassing moment you've had in fashion so far one time in LA I got invited to this really fancy dinner by Anna Wintour and it was to be at someone's house and it was only food like 20 people and I asked if I could bring a guest and they were like no so I went to this party it's dinner party and had to arrive alone sure enough I walked in and everyone was already there and they were in couples and it was really really famous scary people and the only people I could think to go over to was David a Victoria Beckham because English and I went over and said and they've got a lot of money but I'll pay you anything to talk to me right now and they did they were really nice they did charge me afterwards but no they'd know what a smell that brings back good memories I would say this really reveals a lot saddle soap what it's quite specific one I like the smell of tag I like the smell of tack I used to really like horse riding so when I smell leather it reminds me of saddles and that reminds me of horses and that reminds me of being really happy in Hampshire favorite film is it's a split between diehard all of them but not for and the Bourne movies and usually when I say I really like born people think I'm saying porn the porn movies but my favorite movies are Bourne Ultimatum yeah Matt Damon I really like I think he's great in that tell me a guy that you would exchange wardrobes with well obviously George Harrison obviously Mick Jagger then not now although his trainers looked pretty cool probably David Hockney he's he's got great style okay Oh party trick what's up what's your best party trick I I am mediocre a lot of things and I don't excel it anything so I can play the piano quite I'm not very good at playing piano but I would I play it party trick making whisky disappear I'm really good at that you could meet and befriend any movie character who would it be Jason Bourne any dog name ideas quite like dogs with human names like Kate or Daniel if you had a band what music would you play and what would your name be what would you wear on stage I genuinely think it's a missed opportunity that I'm not in a band because I spend my life pretending that I am but I think I would like to play drums I think of band names all the time and when my phone is by write them down cardboard keyboard was one of them three stupid and I'd wear I would wear I'd probably wear loads of suits I think by actually I think I'm the lead singer I think this is it I think I just wanna be a lead singer one time I went to see Fleetwood Mac with my friends and it was in Brooklyn in New York at some big stadium that I now forget the name of anyway and I we were doing these stupid Instagram Story videos because we thought it was funny to pretend that the location we were about to go on actually and not Fleetwood Mac and that the crowd was there for us in the idea de and we got so involved in filming it that we aim it's the beginning of the Fleetwood Mac gate which I'd wanted to see for like 10 years and be apparently at some point Stevie Nicks had come into the room we were all in before that say hi and we missed a meeting Stevie Nicks because we was pretending to be in a stupid band so that's that have you ever met a celebrity crush and were you disappointed by them yes no I mean I have not just points by them they were just point by me I I met and freaked out about Bruce Willis at a party in New York and I saw him most genuinely so starstruck and my friend said Alexa loves you can you have a photo with her yada-yada so I kind of embarrassed myself there then I went to sit down for the dinner and he was seated opposite me and it was just incredibly awkward for the entire dinner because I'd already said how much I loved him like how John McClane was like my favorite character all this stuff and then we just had a really silent quite awkward dinner another time I met Leonardo DiCaprio who had fancied since I was a kid and I actually wore the tape of Romeo and Juliet out because I was just watching the kiss over and over and over and over again and he thought I was the waitress so I got him drinks and pretended to be the waitress this is the only interaction I could have had with him who's the person you look up to in fashion I most forgot to mrs. Prada because hey she's excellent B she makes fantastic clothes but here's the main thing she'd must be in her like I don't want to gauge it but she's an older lady and yet out of her office she has a slide she has a slide to get out of her office so every day I don't know what time she clocks off let's just say six well everyone else has using boring pedestrian doors mrs. Prada is sliding out of her office that is a goal that's great Lydia Jacobs what is the worst fashion faux pas you have witnessed at an airport this isn't a fashion faux pas I did see someone on a plane be sick on someone else a stranger as we were taking off they puked on the person next to them and it was just horrific who's your favorite artist of all time I went to see that Hilmer ass Clint exhibition at the Guggenheim and I thought I was just incredible so at the moment it's her but I'm more changeable than the wind so it would probably be someone else Rosie favorite fashion decade I'd say like now it's quite good as a net because then you can take elements from all the other decades and mishmash them together remember when hi-low was like crazy never II was like whoa it's a saline blazer with vintage jeans and Topshop shoes and that's just blowing my might what were people doing before that just doing that head to toe 1 or 1 or 1 I have no idea Joplin babe favorite perfumes I like things that smell like rose or I like things that smell like cigars and tobacco and boy things like libraries do you own an Alexa this literally is the most frequently asked question in my life currently I don't own an Alexa so therefore it's not awkward I and because I don't have one in my life I rarely think about that but I'm forced to think about it because every day of my life at this point it wasn't really weird with the Alexa machine and I just deal with it in different ways usually the stock answer is this do you know what enough of my A's I think I'm gonna give you some cues cuz there's stuff that's on my mind that I haven't had a chance to research and I'm a busy gal so sometimes in bed at night which is not where you meant to do I google stuff to figure it out but seeing as you're here I've got some cues for you can you sleep in your contact lenses and survive I don't know fully how long do you boil an egg for for it to be just like medium just nice and a little bit runny but not too much I don't want the white bit to be running I just want a little bit of stickiness in the middle do you think they've got all of the dinosaurs now or they're gonna be some more popping up because they've got a wide array but I feel like there's more of those guys knocking around where are we all gonna live when it gets really crazy because they say New Zealand's good but surely we can't all fit there so there's something to think about what's with the light you're pregnant actually for 10 months thing I think you're bringing up for 10 months not 9 months and they lie about it there you go those are all my eggs and a couple of bonus cues for you I hope you enjoyed watching if you could research those cues for me and put them in the comments box I'll be fantastic and like this subscribe to it ring the bell and don't stay on the internet too long kids it's not good for you arrivederci [Music]
Views: 905,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alexa Chung, Met Gala, Fashion, Clothing, Chung, Comedy, Ask me anything, Alexa Chung Interview, Style, Leonardo Dicaprio, Embarassing moments, Celebrity Q&A, Q&A, Fashion Interview, Style Advice, Fashion Advice, Fashion Designer, Fashion Q&A, Vogue, Alexa Chung Vogue, Celebrity interview
Id: -Jjcw2_DWUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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