Alex Warren | Give You Love, Kouvr, Death, Hype House

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[Music] foreign [Music] welcome to the studio Alex Warren yes we're talking about the fact that I am uh as of recently a rower I love it I row but you are recently on a weight loss Journey yeah yeah with your fiance yes so cover is so just to start I I'm not like doing it all too healthy I'm monozymic and testosterone and a plethora of things so you're being honest and transparent about that yeah I don't well because I'm not on it to lose weight so the the like byproduct of it is losing weight so I'm not like trying to tell everyone I'm naturally losing all this weight and stuff I've been very open about it from the beginning so what do you take as epic for I'm pre-diabetic okay I had my for seven years or eight years I haven't had my blood drawn and ever since like I just never went to the doctor or anything and like my mom growing up was a whole situation so I kind of once I became an adult I'm like oh you know what like I can push this off I'm young I'm healthy and then this year has been like really really crucial for me to take my health seriously so I quit nicotine like on the first before going on tour with my friend Daniel and then um I wanted to get my blood test tested and see like exactly what's happening with me and all these things because I kind of started feeling depressed and anxious and stuff and turns out I had the testosterone of a 70 year old man and I had like my they said I was pre-diabetic and to offset it or prevent myself from getting type 2 diabetes I'd have to take ozympic so monozepic I'm on testosterone and I get um also vitamin D but you feel better because of it oh my God it's it's life-changing it's also like they're like oh hey you should work out while you're on this because you know I we we know you've been I've dealt with like weight loss for a very long time like I've body dysmorphia or whatever that is I think um but I've always been really unhealthy of losing weight and gaining weight and so I kind of just wanted to grab it by the balls and go for it so yeah what changes what what wakes you up to wanting to figure this out and get get [ __ ] together even though when you get a blood test because like it is scary I'm terrified of dying but I think it's also because I've lost so many people that's what I was gonna say like like you would think to a certain degree and I don't know no yeah you nobody finds peace and death no I'm very numb to it though like that's the problem I don't think the only if cover died to my fiance if cover died tomorrow I think I'd kill myself but that's something or write a song about it but but I'd rather you know have you write a song yeah but not to get dark but it's just like some like when someone's like oh like this person died it's like oh [ __ ] that's terrible but holy [ __ ] I'm numb to it like it's really crazy how how everything kind of happens and and how you like watch someone's especially someone like your parents you watch them die in front of you it kind of at a young age it Alters you definitely but I don't think I'd be who I am today without it like I didn't know much about your dad's history I didn't also I didn't know that he vlogged the last few months of his or years of his life right so he knew he was dying he's he beat cancer three times and the fourth time got him but he knew that there was a potential that he wouldn't be able to live his life and he didn't know when he was going to the first time he got cancer was when just my older sister was born not even and we have three other three other siblings so they they got busy real quick but um he started filming like them getting like being born and like all the life and like talking to the camera and like showing us who he is and like he'd go to Costco and buy these like water slides and like bring him home and surprise us and we'd all come out and like whoa like like literally like prank my mom and like have me hold the camera in like four like three feet tall me and seven years old is like filming the camera like holding it and even when he was dying dying like on chemo like couldn't even walk he would have my mom follow him around with a camera and just show us everything so I have hours and hours and hours of footage on my dad and it's really cool like I feel like I don't remember anything about him when I was nine and stuff just because of everything happening it was a lot and I try to tune it out and kind of forget about it but I can watch the videos and like really like oh wow that's cool like that was my dad those are tangible moments that you can look back on whenever you want yeah I stole someone's clothes too which is really cool but also you've realized in that moment like I guess what a camera really can do and with the power it actually possesses like Yeah because it is more even though you have a rule where you don't film on holidays you don't film on birthdays but there is something to the fact that [ __ ] you know your [ __ ] yeah I love that I think I've only said that once yeah well there is something to the fact that this thing as much as it can be occurs could be like the biggest blessing ever yeah right like it's a time capsule that lives with you forever that was the whole point of why I started getting into it too and like obviously I don't Vlog anymore but the whole thing for me was like kind of felt like I was close to my dad doing it also you know I want to be able to look back and be like this is what I did you know I think the biggest thing was I was just sitting around and had these huge Ambitions but I didn't do anything about them and like that was a lot of times around a lot of kids where I'm from just we just always talked about what we wanted to do but never did it and I think the Vlog or running around the camera and people knew that I was filming was something where they realized that they could be doing something so like everyone was like oh let's go to the park and rides surfboards down a hill or something because we're from a surface town or like let's go to in and out and try and like build the gnarliest burger Evers like things that are just so typically like you would just do with your friends and not film it but we weren't doing any of that they were just sitting around smoking weed in a garage so it's like oh let's go do something in their lives so it's fun but to answer your question about the health thing I was shot when I was 18. that's this is crazy yeah because it's by chance like so your friend's dad tries to aim at a Target and it ricochets you're [ __ ] lung and it's killing you today yes you were shot yes so I have a I have a 177 caliber bullet in my line which is a little bit smaller than a 22. what the [ __ ] yeah and so it's like one of those ones you can buy at like Dick's Sporting Goods or uh the big five or whatever it's called yeah and it's got the pointed front and the flat back and so when you shoot like it's shot with like a a like one of those snipe Marksman snipers and when you enter it's meant to hunt here and so when you hit it into a deer it's supposed to play Pinball inside of their bodies to kill them humanely you know but when you shoot a human it kind of does the same thing so it entered my liver and it shot up missed my heart and it's now stuck in my lung and so I wanted to get that checked because they told me that they couldn't remove it because it would they'd have to break all my ribs and there'd be a chance of death and if they leave it in it's so small that it'll capsulize and so it's just in my lung capsulizing I wanted to make sure that I'm not dying because I always get scared I'm terrified if I have a if I have a fever or if I'm taking medicine I always check online to see if they're contradicting with each other like I have a really bad phobia with like knowing that I'm about to die like if I don't know I'm about to die that's fine but like if I took pills and then realized that I'm about to die and I can't do anything to get those pills out of me like that's terrifying to me it's crazy so I like I wanted to focus on my health but I think it's an unhealthy obsession with my health but Jesus from the fact that you watch both your parents die yeah 110 yeah and I'm finally in a place where in my life I feel like like with the Vlogs and stuff that was fun but I always wanted to do music like so on social media you've been posting about it way before you posted any other [ __ ] content on the internet yeah I didn't know about there's a lot of people think it's gone the opposite way but I don't know there's something in here about the fact that you posted literally like some of your first posts ever were about your before hype house yeah my first post ever was a cover of Labyrinth jealous and so it's like and then I did Justin Bieber's um boyfriend I think it was or something I'm not sure but like I I did a bunch of covers it didn't stick no one kind of liked it went for the Vlogs and saw success there and that's where I was like oh cool I'll just turn it into the music thing which I I'm happy I did I liked the fact that I did it I want to go see your story oh sorry I go on really bad tangents I really bad ADHD But to answer your question I'm very happy in my life now and that's why I'm scared to die yeah I get it I I and death is terrifying but they do say death is hardest on those who are alive yeah and grief is grief is different every day man like it really it is the way somebody described it to me and I I hang on to this is like it's very much like weather like some days it's a raging hurricane and the other day and the next day it could be a beautiful sunny breezy day it's yeah and typically like I'll break down a lot but not a lot but like when I do break down it's like from the random [ __ ] and like you just realize you're like oh [ __ ] and like it just kind of hits you yeah but when you decide to do like a non-boxing with your dad's ashes oh that's funny so you find that entertaining or does that make you feel good because yes and that's because I mean I have a [ __ ] up sense of humor because of it I think the biggest thing is like I tried I was heavily bullied as a kid so I tried to make jokes before people would make them at me like a lot of times like oh at least my dad's not dead and was like very popular one for me um so then I started making like really [ __ ] up jokes about my dad before anyone else could do it and it's stuck and I think a lot of people who've lost a parent or someone very close to them at a young age all developed this unanimous [ __ ] up comedy because it's like I don't know when you post it all the comments are like oh my God we have the same humor like I lost this and it's like it's just a cool we have a little group a grief group just like a little Community yeah that's what I'd like to say nobody I do believe that that type of relationship is genuinely important right because there are so many people out there who have experienced really great loss and the deepest loss like there's nothing like losing a parent there's also nothing like a parent losing a child like it goes both ways and to your point it's it's so few but also so many people at the same exact time and I I do believe that like those people to feel understood and seen whether it be from a YouTube video or a record I think is really important yeah it's also like being able to my biggest thing is like with with growing up with it but even like 21 I lost my mom and like that that's older sure but it was something that I did not know how to navigate it me and my mom never had a really good relationship you know when someone has addiction they need a surrogate someone to blame who isn't themselves and I was that person because I would call her out and her [ __ ] I'd be like you're drinking you're an alcoholic you can't drive us drunk you can't like we were running red lights all the time growing up on our way to school at 5am because my mom was drinking all night and so it's something where like no one else would call her out on it except for me which gave me the kind of attention to be like oh hey you're the problem you're the [ __ ] up child that's why I drink because of you type of thing but when she passed away I never knew how to like I didn't know how to navigate it I didn't know how to react I didn't know like because somehow I still felt like my world had stopped like I remember right watching her die in the hospital and immediately going outside and hyperventilating and looking around and people are on their lunch break and people are walking around and and on their way to to work and I'm like my mom just died and your my whole world just stopped and you're like it it didn't affect you like you're just you have no idea what's happening you're just walking around on a normal day and that that to me was like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] and so when I write these songs I I wrote remember having me remember me happy the day she died and I was just like which is funny that started off as a suicide letter when I was a kid and then I I turned it into like oh my God imagine my mom no she because apparently they can hear you when right before they die from liver cancer or liver disease so I like I she died from alcohol liver poisoning or whatever it was and I walk in and I just see if anyone's ever seen a loved one dying from this liver failure whole body is like yellow or white and there's something called the death breaths and it's kind of like like a then you think they're dead and then all of a sudden like and it's it's [ __ ] terrifying and no one should ever say that but um yeah apparently they can hear you like they can still hear you in those situations and so it's kind of like I wrote the song in perspective of if my mom could talk right now like what would she be saying it's like I hope you remember the times I was happy and not when I was sad but yeah so writing these songs it's like it gives me the ability to share my story but also people who have gone through this don't have that outlet I feel like they don't know how to put words onto what it is like going through that and so I just put it into like metaphors or analogies like headlights just literally the whole song's an analogy but when you're writing a song after on that day like how are you sorting through your thoughts and your feelings or does it just pour out and you sort it mentally what is that process like I don't know I think it's like I don't go to therapy I I write songs with amazing talented people did you go in the room with people or did you yeah I can't like that's the thing really I I have so my mind and even you'll see this interview my mind is going so much faster than my mouth can keep up that it's like it's so nice to have people in there who are like oh yeah yeah like that's perfect oh go back to the weight you're saying I would just keep running my mouth and just keep talking and keep thinking of lyrics and people like oh like let's keep that let's keep that let's keep that and like I have a book full of it and then I'll come in with a book and I'm like all right here's through 30 ideas I came up with in an hour like which one should we hit and then it's a whole awesome process so after your mom passes you just write in notes and then you take it to people yeah and I'll just sit there and I'll be like all right this is what I wrote down it's like two pages long and like here's the title that I want to do and I have a book of all the titles remember me happy chasing Shadows everything and all the songs to come and I I came up with the titles and everything but remember be happy you just said it started as a suicide note yeah so I wanted to write this I I was really depressed at one point and I started writing like kind of like it was like if I'm gone like I don't want you to think of anything bad you know like because death is so depressing I'm so sorry but death is so sad and it's like I don't want you to think that way but then it was just the bones of it and then we were kind of like oh like let's turn this into you know when I started talking about everything the day of we're like let's go to remember me happy and just you know make it about that what drives you to write a song from your mom's perspective I think it's because it's so easy not to like it's so easy to be like oh [ __ ] you uh you know this was you made my life out like we did not talk and like before right when she was hospitalized I was in Rome and I had sent her a message because my dad and her went to Rome and Paris trying to find uh there's something that someone could help with the cancer or something and so they were there and they would take photos in the vat again and so I was in the Vatican and I sent her a photo I said I I thought you'd like this and uh she was in the hospital at the time and so like that was my last tech store and it was like it was something crazy where it is so easy to be upset at something like that who like abused me my entire childhood and like I never really saw her as a mom it was more like a learning experience but for some reason I didn't feel that way I didn't feel the hatred I didn't feel the the anger and the malice I just felt terrified sad because like how alone she felt [ __ ] with me like none of my siblings talk to her because she did this to all of us and she was just really really like when she was drunk she was a terrible person like a horrible person but that became her because she was drunk all the time and so it just it scared the [ __ ] out of me knowing that when she was dying and like there was no one there to help her there was no one there to to be there like that to me is just terrifying no one deserves that they don't yeah how do you reconcile with that I don't know I think I've just gotten used to like moving on like it's kind of like like everybody else walking around you yeah which is sad and I think it's like you know I I'm so excited to be a dad like I am so excited to be a dad I can't wait to to have a kid or two kids or three kids but um I I I can't wait to share the stories that I've learned or to share stories about my mom the good ones and like the great stories about my dad that I I know and show them the videos of me growing up and definitely not showing them the Vlogs but but like showing them like I kind of like this was your grandma and grandpa like they're never gonna meet them like that's [ __ ] so it's like it's something where like I can only just tell them about them and like keep that memory alive take them to the Grave like take them to show them not to a dad unboxing but but I don't know I think it's the best way to just live I try to live the best capabilities of my dad like I really do like my dad would was very much like make sure you find the right person make sure you know you get married before you have a kid like just simple things and I've lived my life that way the person you're with is the person oh my god dude over I mean even there that's a story like it's so cool you guys are homeless together yeah so my mom kicks me out right when I turned 18. day I turned 18 she stormed into my room at midnight and said get the [ __ ] out not kidding like fully just get the [ __ ] out and I was like what the [ __ ] and she she just threw me to the curve with nothing so I the only thing I owned was my phone and a camera because I bought those things myself and so I would just I set up at the top of my road on a sidewalk and one of my friends picked me up I had told cover two days before like hey you should come out here and like we should like get a place together and stay together and so she was planning on moving out the day after and so I never told her that I got kicked out she flew in from San Diego I picked her up in my friend's car and she's like what's going on like where we where we stand what's like what's the like oh oh I got kicked out and so like we're gonna stay in a motel tonight I got 75 bucks I took her to In and Out For the First Time Ever which was five dollars I I didn't skim for the two dollar drink I got a water cup and filled it up with soda the whole nine yards and next to the internet was a motel six and it was 75 for the night and I put together all the money I could borrowed 25 from my friend and we stayed our first night in a Motel 6 in Carlsbad and then after that I would sleep in my friend's cars she stayed with a friend for like a week and then she was like I hate this I want to stay with you and I'm like I'm sleeping in cars I'm sleeping on couches I don't even have my own car I didn't get to finish high school like you know I had to drop out and like because I wanted to try and make money and figure it out that way and she's like [ __ ] it let's just do this and so she started just coming with me she had a bag with her at all like just a duffel I had a duffel and like we would just sleep in cars like at a park that our friends would let us borrow my their parents didn't like me because the things my mom would tell them about me that just weren't true but she just really loved telling people lies about me and so we'd then sneak into their houses and they would like let us like sleep in like their beds and stuff and so like it was really cool and we did that for the four months so do you figure out the algorithm as a means for survival or as a way to like fulfill a larger passion wow I've never been asked that um I think at first it was first survival I don't know necessarily how much I enjoy putting my entire life on the internet I think it's all I know it's what got me out of a really really terrible situation and it's what made my dreams be able to come true but then I'm scared I'm over sharing now so it's like I think the biggest thing was like I did it I remember the first time I had a viral video was we were we had spent we woke up in the car and I looked at my phone and I had 800 000 views from a video that I filmed on a Snapchat like it was and then I posted on The Tick Tock because I thought it was funny it was just me and cover and that was like holy cow like this could actually be something and then so I kept posting it kept posting new ones and like making those videos and I figured out that the the niche like the algorithm like you know like I know now what I can post that would do really well like I have an understanding of it so I was building that idea and it got me out of the situation so I think it started as survival and then it really I really really like posting to get people to listen to my music and it's like my I truly truly truly truly thing and it's really hard to be religious after everything I've gone through of course and it's like if there was a God why the [ __ ] did anything that happen to me but uh I wear my dad's cross around my neck and I I truly think that I was put on this Earth to make music it's hard [ __ ] work and I have a lot to prove coming from Tech talk because there's people like and sorry going on tangents and stuff there's people who've dedicated their entire lives to this who there's always going to be people more talented than me there's gonna be people who are way better at singing than me there's gonna be people who's way better guitar than me there's tons of things I know plenty of them but like coming from social media to music the way I did it I do have a leg up I'm in a position right now with where I'm doing shows where I may not be fully ready as someone next to me you know and like I have to be very apparent of that that I yes I deserve to be here but I have to work extra hard to get that 100 but you're also crafting real songs that I mean one your voice is unique and one of the notes I have in my phone which I have lyrics and [ __ ] but uh it is unique yet similar if that makes any sense yeah um but a lot of the like the records that you're you're showing vulnerability in a very honest way and I do appreciate the fact that you share these songs but also live honestly and share everything yeah because there is something to I don't know getting a real understanding of the person who's crafting music that is seeing me in a lot of cases through some of the hardest moments of my [ __ ] life or some of the best moments right I'm wrong I don't know no you're right I think that I think the most powerful thing is is showing exactly what I've been through I think it's also like really hard to believe that I've been through that much but it's nuts dude it is so nuts and I I don't know I just feel like all that [ __ ] happened to me and the fact that I'm still kicking is something really cool I also think it's there's a story to tell there and songwriting just really comes naturally to me and like just making music and like the way it makes me feel and I did shows with I mean you went to one of Daniel's shows yeah I met you there and to see people's reaction to I was an opening act and people were singing my songs back to me and like to me that was nuts to see how are you learning how to craft records because they're well craft records and they're really well produced I I mean they really I mean they sound good Have you listened yeah they're phenomenal yeah they're [ __ ] great references a lot of it is references I'm obsessed with well you you saw how I algorithmically got myself into something you're doing the same thing here I kind of got that under a feeling a little bit and so like that's the whole thing of like with my first song jvke helped me with it and so I'd written it when I was 15. it was called one more I love you and I had it on just a guitar and I didn't even know what keys were I didn't know like what the chords I was playing I just knew that these were the progressions of it and so I jvke reached out to me when I had posted a singing video on my spam account and I got 10 million views it's like hey man I saw that you posted a singing video I was wondering if you you want to get into it and he wasn't he wasn't picking at all yet and he had just been making like Tick Tock sounds at the time and I was like yeah bro like I don't know what the hell I'm doing but let's do it and he came over and I played him one more I love you in its current state and you was like wow dude we should we should run with that and I'm like I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing but let's do it and so he went home that day listened to the sound recording that we had done helped me rewrite it and like kind of put it in the structure of a song sick and then he did the production of it and so the first two songs were done by Jake and that allowed me to be like I really love one more I love you to this day is still one of my oh my God yeah the sound of the the tape reel starting up at the beginning of it really sets the mood and the tone it's really beautiful so I've always tried to like out do that right and then with more and more talented people I work with the more and more ideas that I hear and even sessions that I don't have things come out of it I'm I walk in and the first thing I say is I have a book full of song ideas whether or not I can tap into every one of these emotions which one speaks to you and so each person in that room has a song that actually like when the song they're working on there it's not like they're working on it because they have to they're working on it because they want to and I'm learning from these people the way they think the way why wouldn't they put why wouldn't they put a snare there like why are they using a four to the floor opposed to you know some like you know it's just like why are they making those decisions and choices and these guys went to like Berkeley and they went to all these different music schools and I I didn't graduate high school so it's like I'm trying to understand why they think that way what made them think that way and and then how do I feel about it because that's the biggest thing so many people lose it so many people lose their own options like a lot of people assign to a label then don't really they're like oh yeah you guys know best like you guys know this and it's like all the stuff and it's like still what I care about I went into this because of how it feels and it's like do I feel this way still and the smartest person in the room is the person who knows that they're not the smartest person in the room so as long as you go into it being vulnerable and living your truth and being honest and at the same time realizing that you can learn [ __ ] all around you constantly but the biggest mistake most people make especially coming from social media is the wa and I've seen it firsthand they'll walk into these rooms keep mine these people in these rooms I've done thousands of sessions yeah oh they probably did two that day and and people like tick talkers and I'm a part of this group like they'll walk in and I don't think this way but I've watched it happen is they'll walk in and they're like I'm the next Beyonce I'm the [ __ ] like I've heard this come out of a tick tocker's mouth and it's like I'm this I'm that and it's like Bro you've had 13 sessions these guys have done thousands of sessions and whether or not they've had a hit it's like about found to happen it's bound to come you can't go in with the ego link and I've watched them mistreat these people and and do this and I'm like you cannot do that like regardless of who you think you are these people are 10 times more talented than you you have so much to learn from them but if you go in with the mindset that you're the best and that you're the next thing you will never be able to open up and be able to learn from everyone oh and it's also going to ruin their chances and I'm telling you right now Tick Tock has created more one-hit wonders than we've ever seen before in society going back to the earliest stages of music and its release I don't mind about being a one-hit wonder just give me a hit no you're doing pretty good you have a lot of consistent streams on your records they do very very well you should be very very proud thank you um and also I think you you know I think there's a threshold to grab a hit right and I think it hit like it takes you gotta fire on all cylinders and it's about playing the whole game right and that's more than just playlisting on dsps it's about engaging radio it's engaging syncs it's I think it's engaging the right looks it's so many things but what we found with Tick Tock and I think what we're going to continue to find is a real Mental Health crisis down the line because a lot of people get attached to what it was and people will continue chasing what they had even though it was incredibly fleeting just as fleeting as the flick of a [ __ ] finger on a screen and it we've seen nothing like it before it really frightens the living [ __ ] out of me I'm telling you look at labels they've done more single deals in the last three years four years and ever [ __ ] before you say I didn't know I don't know what the music industry was like before so like that's like not that I know I I I someone said the guy from One Republic public he said that it's ten times yeah ten times harder to to get a hit than it was before like it used to be like oh my God a label could throw it on the radio and all of a sudden brother yeah you knew where to go right like so you knew the levers to pull in order to get exposure right so you knew the radio people and even back in the day like you knew the DSP people now a lot of the ways that like digital service providers even operate is like they've eliminated people on the other end so even labels have to fill out a [ __ ] form to get like playlist support from a Spotify for example so they've removed people from the equation yeah that makes it so much harder and the democratization of uh more than a medium of like a medium and a Marketplace and just a culture stream has allowed for anybody who's anybody to stick their [ __ ] dick into it and in in doing that what ends up happening is like it clutters the space so you really don't know what's great and like what are your metrics for great anymore is it tens of millions of plays on tick tock amazing millions of streams and today's top hits on Spotify is it being in the top 20 on radio I'm just I'm having issues getting people to [ __ ] make songs to or make tick tocks to dead people music that's the biggest thing like I made a trend of me twerking to my song about my dead dad and that was like funny because of what the [ __ ] that's so out of pocket and I love getting that reaction the same way as I love it when people cry to my music because it's like oh my God you feel bad yeah and so like when I make them go what the [ __ ] is wrong with you that makes me ten times maybe even more excited than the crime okay when you say it's hard to get people to care about the music about your dead parents and then you see a Clinton Kane does that enrage the living [ __ ] out of you no I don't like see the funny thing is I found out from your show that that was not true or at least perceived to be not true I don't it's the whole thing but I ran into a Coachella yes you brought it up and I was like well because everyone comes up to me now after you after yours and Tana's show everyone comes up to me and they're like by the way I'm so sorry I didn't know that Clinton was lying about having dog parents I go what the [ __ ] are you talking about and then I watched her show and I found out and I was like what the [ __ ] but I I don't know I think I think to each their own his songs helped people and like they were what sucks is he's so talented he's so good and by the way I know you're gonna watch this you didn't need a shred of the lies you were such a gift I still love you Clinton I'm not I'm not mad like you don't Harbor any ill will bro it is so hard for me to hate you like you could literally do so many [ __ ] up things and I'd still like I don't it's so much work and life is way too short to give a [ __ ] about like like to me an apology goes a long way in this situation it'd be egotistical for me to assume that I would even need an apology like that's the thing we may have bonded on the fact that both our parents were dead and that was a thing that you know but he bonded with tens of millions of people in that yes when you think about it on that scale yes that's [ __ ] up I do respect your view on it though it's it's something where like personally for me like I don't need an apology from him where like a lot of people are under the assumption that I'm I should have one where it's like it's not about me it's about all the people and whether or not these songs help them I don't think necessarily Clinton is helping them I think the music that he's making is helping them and off the perception that his parents are dead I just think it was unnecessary I don't think you should pretend to have dead parents trust me coming from real life experiences it's not fun so I don't know but I don't think it's like a lot of people like oh I imagine living that and then seeing someone lie about it and benefit from it I don't to each their own like I don't I don't care the music didn't need any of it it didn't he's so talented he is so talented it's insane it's not like I wish I had a songwriting abilities like imagine how Unstoppable I'd be that duties like my most listened to artist on Spotify two years ago like it's it's nuts him and Benson I love Benson I don't know if you've had Benson yet love him oh yeah he's such a gift such as such a good kid yeah really a good guy yeah a kid I guess he's so young he's like 19 isn't he you're 20 recently I think yeah he just comes over to my house and does backflips yeah like a freak the kid's [ __ ] gnarly so weird I took him to the Taco Bell headquarters and uh he would have access to Taco Bell headquarters that's sick man out of all my power moves bro I don't have many that's that's not my list of flexes that's so funny people will hit me up all the time like very big celebrities and they'll be like how the [ __ ] do I get in or how do I get a purple card which is uh something that is brand new yeah it's new wow it's like a metal it's a metal car who's the most famous person in your contacts oh I mean I don't know um I could probably answer that hey Ariana Grande yeah but that's not fair she's my best friend for like a long time that's sick by the way real quick whenever you're in the market for a mattress you should buy the mattress that I use every single night it's called the vibrasonic it's by Beyond sleep there's speakers built into this thing so I listened to TV like I've never listened to it before I listen to my podcast like I've never listened to him before I don't play video games but if you do you could play video games like you've never played them before and also like meditation and rain sounds it's really pretty wild it's the first ever mattress and the only mattress that is speakers built into it so sick and it's also incredibly comfortable if you want to check it out there's a link in the description below okay okay sleep well who's the most famous person in your I mean you know everybody you know a lot of people not really man my dream my dream friendship is Shawn Mendes oh I I've ran into him twice now I ran into him at Coachella and I came up to him I was like I have to introduce myself like because he's one of the reasons why I started doing music like I would sing stitches like covers all the time did you see his trajectory and say I can do that yeah that's what influenced me to be like oh wow this is possible like him like Justin Bieber and Grayson Chance like seeing all those people blow up from social media and like I thought it was kind of done after Grayson and then Sean did it on Vine and that's at the time when I started posting singing covers on Vine and nothing ever like kind of grabbed it but he blew up from it and I was like holy cow like that's possible and so I saw him at Coachella and I was like I have to say like I'm I love you like I love your music we have a bunch like because my vocal coaches says vocal coach vitro oh my God Eric's like and then this area is my ENT who I'm getting my nose done tomorrow look at you you have uh the you know you have the pop star right so so I I said that and like we I introduced myself and all those things and then I literally run into him the next day at vocal lessons and so I'm at vocal lessons with vicho and I'm walking out and Sean is at the door I see six foot [ __ ] five Sean Mendes massive human and he's like and I'm like all right play it cool he probably doesn't remember you he was drunk and I walk out and he go he goes hey and I'm like hey he goes I know you I go holy [ __ ] cool I go yeah man from where you know what I play it off and he goes yeah yeah you were at Coachella and I was like yeah man it's so nice to see him we talked like he just literally sat there out front of this house for 20 minutes talking to me about the nose surgery because I'm so terrified of it and he was just like you're gonna love it you're gonna do those things let me know if you need any help and I'm like this dude is sick third time's a charm I'll ask for his number that's yes take it slow yeah he's an incredible guy but also I've noticed that too it's like I'm not scared like I will literally DM my favorite celebrities be like I [ __ ] love you and I will not backpedal on it I will literally be Fanboy at someone hope we'd be friends because I think it's like to me it's like if someone came up to me and was like Hey I absolutely love you that isn't gonna ruin my chances of becoming friends with him if anything it's even cooler like I understand that they like me but see that's interesting I feel like there's an expectation or a pressure and I even feel this like when I meet so many people pretend not to know anyone and then they like try and hopes to become friends with them [ __ ] that Zach asked Tom Holland what he did for a living I did that I was a little drunk why that was the don't it's the dumbest thing I've ever done I feel like in his head like at a certain point when you're that big you have to assume that everyone knows who you are yeah yeah but also you you know yes yes yes yes I did do that way to call me out I love it but I think it would be naive but also I think offensive for me to pretend I don't know who Sean Mendes no that's 100 yes 100 and that's the dumbest thing I've done no I don't think I'm not calling you now you should you should you should and honestly don't think me talking like if Sean ever saw this I don't think it would affect my chances of becoming friends with them because I that's just I don't know this way my brain works good but some people are like oh that's weird and cringe I'm like nah dude no but I I won't like if somebody says that they're a fan of our show and me it was thanks but I I feel scared to uh Forge a relationship with them because I don't want to let them down whatever and I am the same person on and off but like you know you get to know me a little bit too long you know you don't want to hang around me you know a lot of my friends a lot of my friends have been around for [ __ ] decade plus so it's like long time long time so I do get like nervous about like if somebody's like I like your show and they'll be like oh let's hang out and I'll be like yeah the first sure first time I met you I was like dude I'm obsessed with your show thank you that's cool especially I see all the time on Tech talk that's all him there you go I post a [ __ ] ton there you go yeah that's him and our great guest to be honest but like you know at the end of the day real does recognize real and you should understand that like Shawn Mendes is like a very kind guy but you know he doesn't stop for anybody he doesn't get that same energy from so he's so cool he's up there like when did Life of the Party era is when he came on our show for the first time I listened to that in the gym yesterday she's [ __ ] classic something big is it happening like that was I started running on the treadmill from that no he's Canadian gem oh I know so this thing's so hot too bro good looking dude yeah I'm yeah please don't even get me started like uh like you'll get me sweating and that's all I think about for like the rest of the [ __ ] day and night days ruined bro I was been thinking about Shawn Mendes in his [ __ ] Calvin's or in any photo he ever takes actually life what a gift you are I'm just happy you came back to music I thought he was turning into a socialite for a bit really yeah I was like you didn't release music he was just seen everywhere and I was like where's the song going I feel like it added to the value though yeah when he finally came out to me yeah Sean's back yeah and he released that song in 24 hours the other day which is pretty sick yeah I saw it was um [ __ ] what happened or why is everyone dying or something like that what are we all dying for what are we all dying for all right yeah that's sick that's a fire title dude yeah I I really do like the fact that it was done in exactly 24 hours I think that's really unique and different I know I never heard of that yeah give you love though that is your most recent release is this a note to your fiance or to who yeah so the biggest thing with me and it's like it's no secret cover and I broke up a month into dating not like in person we did long distance for four to six months and she was just a completely different person at the time and you know she made some mistakes and and I ended up breaking up with her and my biggest thing was like I was always cheated on in a relationship like I I don't think I've ever dated someone where I wasn't cheated on and I was constantly like kind of like oh my God I kind of deserve it at this point like like if it keeps happening to me it's something with me why do you think you deserved it uh because it kept happening to me but was there something about you that you like kind of I was so I've always battled insecurity yeah I I am I'm a One-Stop shop for trauma like that's the biggest thing it's like I am so so insecure about myself I I constantly doubt myself even singing like I constantly have a really bad imposter syndrome you're very feature don't worry thank you but because the social media exacerbate that or does it actually Bring It On brings it on I I truly I think it's worse for me because yes people are paying attention more but it I'm held to a standard now we're like I have X amount of listeners which it's not a lot but it's something where like I'm very proud of how many listeners I have and how many views streams I've gotten so I feel like comparatively to people in my stature where we are they're a lot more talented than me so that's the way I view myself like I'm kind of like always putting myself down and I think it's because my mom did and she's dead now so I'm kind of filling in for her um yeah but is that like is that pressure that you put on yourself a blessing and a curse yeah yeah because I work extra hard because of it yeah but I don't think I'll ever be proud of where I am because of it I think you can find pride in other areas yeah I'm very I'm I'm very proud that my fiance is with me you should be proud that your music has a positive impact on millions of people yeah that is something that I think I overlook a lot because that might mean I'm doing something right and I don't want to give myself that Kudos yeah but I think you should remember you should find a balancer you can remember that but still strive to get more streams sell bigger venues I mean there is oh yeah my dream is to play [ __ ] Arenas dude great so cool good you can I mean there is a deep part of this that takes an artist to be selfish a little bit and to have this push for more I'm just scared of getting egotistical like I don't want to ever come off as a douche like that's the biggest thing this I I don't want to lose where I'm at yeah but you're not afraid of being canceled because you claim you're not a piece of [ __ ] so if you stay true to that I think you'll be okay okay well you also didn't become egotistical when you were getting millions and millions of views on YouTube and you were like one of the biggest YouTube Stars I've just I've never viewed myself as that that's the thing like and I know everyone [ __ ] says that says this but like genuinely I never believe those numbers are true The Tick Tock followers all that stuff the views I don't believe it to be what it is like that's the thing I just think I get lucky every time like I will never kind of give myself that credit of like oh like you know you did because like I think if you make those comments before then anything else someone says about you won't hurt you and like that's the same mentality of like why I made that dad jokes and stuff so people wouldn't make it in front of you I'm a whole therapist's dream right now dude like I'm I'm quite literally so broken that a therapist is like I can fix you but but give you love um give you love is yeah so I I'd written part of this song when my fiancee at the time but she's my girlfriend I'm sorry girlfriend at the time fiance now um she had like fought tapped me back like she had really really like you know just like I changed I don't know and I was hesitant really hesitant because I'm absolutely in love with this girl like this is I knew from the start this was my one this is and I I how'd you know how do I know what hey you were in love and choose your one dude I I just the gut feeling like it's something I I wish I could explain and I even said it to her I was like dude this hurts so much and it's so hard because I know that like we're gonna get married like and it's just weird and I've never felt that way about anyone else and it's and I've had you know countless relationships growing up and you know obviously we met 18 so as Junior as that relationship could have been um it was just a gut feeling like I don't know what it was I couldn't explain it couldn't tell you I just knew that we were gonna be together and I knew that this was the right thing to do in taking her back and and ever since then it was like a whole new person things were different my life is different like it's just it's so interesting and so weird like how I trust in my gut but it worked that's amazing yeah yeah I don't know I don't know I I wish it's scary to trust your gut it's scary as [ __ ] in my situation too but yeah so that song was like you know if I go in head first am I gonna get hurt like am I gonna get hurt again are you gonna break my heart what's her reaction to this song she loves everything I do she's the most supportive [ __ ] person I've ever met which kind of sucks because she won't give me any advice she's always like you're amazing you're perfect you do amazing I'm like no you need to tell me what I'm doing wrong because like if everyone constantly says I'm doing amazing then how the hell am I supposed to get better true and I'm begging people to tell me what I'm doing wrong and so I I go to my hate comments because everyone around me is as love I think they know that I'll obsess over it so none of them tell me like oh you you know this it could be better this is they're just like you're amazing you're doing great you're like and it's like as amazing as that is I need someone to be like hey you could do this differently you could do this better you could do this blah or else I'm just gonna stay where I'm at or this is where my brain works I understand that though yeah but sometimes you know If people really don't know they don't know they may be afraid to say something in in fear that I could steer you in the wrong direction Maybe yeah you are doing so much right thank you it's so hard I I I I feel like I needed to hear that because I don't feel that way but I don't know true thank you God I'm I'm just an insecure little [ __ ] like I don't get what you feel like you're doing wrong like you were homeless three years ago and now oh yeah yeah I had no by the way real talk I had no [ __ ] clue that you created the hype house really yeah no clue yeah I I had no idea yeah I I named it I I did a lot of stuff behind the scenes but I I told the Thomas the person I created it with I I was like Hey first week of it starting I was like I don't want to be involved in this like Jake Paul had came over to our house and was like um you're gonna get sued a lot and it's gonna ruin your friendships and it's going to do all the stuff and he gave us a heads up and I was just like after that talk I went up to Thomas and I was like I don't want to run the business I just want to reap the benefits like I'll post I'll do all the things that I have to but YouTube Jake comes over to warn you Jay came over as like a courtesy thing but like Thomas wanted to know like you know with Team 10 and how that happened like what he could do differently and me like I've always just wanted to make content or make music I've never really cared about but like I don't care about business I don't care about making money like the benefits of money are great and I love that I've been able to build such a profitable business on social media and music but I've always just cared about like I'm an attention [ __ ] I love I love I love I love when people are paying attention to like the music I don't like negative attention that's why I don't you won't see me in drama I don't try to get into that [ __ ] I don't care about making a scene I just want to make music and I want to make people feel a certain way it's plain and simple and he just taught myself business so he asked and and I went to him the next day was like I don't want to be involved in the business side you know I helped come up with a name I helped with all the socials I'll help promote people I'll help whatever I introduce them to Huddy and all that stuff I just want to make music and get out of it whenever I can and so I was in it for like two years and then two and a half years and then I was like hey I'm gonna go pursue music I signed a record label deal and here we are and do you make a lot of money from it yes music I mean I I got a good deal I I my personal opinion money wise phenomenal up front but also my my royalty is really good okay so hold on you make money from the record deal but do you make anything from high pass no never no one made money off iPads except for Thomas what yeah how the [ __ ] does that work um I I it was the whole thing where he like controlled the finances pretty much he just said you know all the money will be um will be used to like pay for like a high pass account it's like we had an account for the high pass purchases and stuff and he just control but we got paid like for brand deals okay the high post would bring but he still took a piece of those too yeah is that why the hype house died or did it just run its course a lot of us sign ndas so uh No One's Gonna talk about it but you know it's like do you think on a piece of your music business hell no he doesn't no no no high pass the whole thing is there was no contracts no one owned parts of things but there was like falling out like no one anyone who's ever been a part of hype house will not tell you like what happened what happens if I passed at a certain point if everyone leaves and no one like you all of us hang out but no one hangs out with anyone who is in it or have are currently in it for a certain reason yeah someone can do some deductive skills here and figure out why it just seems like that was really dirty and then across the street you had the other house that was really dirty that I know a lot of people are still that's a huge part of why I don't give myself credit for that time I think the biggest thing is like sure I helped create it and all this stuff but I think a lot of times a lot of My Success is based off the fact that I was a part of that and I didn't even know though yeah thank you that's awesome I appreciate it but I think a lot of it is like I guess it's really easy for me to go after myself like I won't give myself credit where it's some people will and I think it I don't know why maybe a therapist who's watching could tell me but um yeah I don't know I'm really self-deprecating obviously and uh I understand that but you should give yourself credit where credit is due I really should start trying but I don't think you know where it's due I don't I don't know how to do it which and I'm really hard at taking compliments I always think people are lying to my face I'm such an insecure [ __ ] bro it's crazy yeah interesting that's why it's so easy for me to be vulnerable in my music and so it's like that's why I'm scared of changing is I'm obsessed with the music I make I love my music and that I feel it's really rare a lot of people hate the music they make or they can't hear it I'm proud of everything I make because I feel like it's a way for me to cope and so I'm kind of scared if I start getting more confident and stuff yes the music will change like it will change to a more confident but that's okay that's you evolving as a person but I'm not gonna force it I'm gonna let it happen I feel like I think once I'm married and I have kids I think that's gonna like I'm gonna have kids by 25 because my fiance has PCOS and endometriosis which means by 28 she has to freeze her eggs if she doesn't have kids so like we want to have like three kids and she doesn't want to freeze her eggs so we're gonna we're gonna start at 25. muzzle time I'm 22 so I got three years damn yeah so start cranking away do you have an album ready to go or what's up um I've been working on you like I'm not that kind of crap we're not working I I have a lot of songs approved and ready to go we're doing like a whole month roll out each song it's like next month I have a song called change your mind which my brother tried to commit suicide last year and I wrote the song kind of like because he would tell me like he would tell me what's going on and like he tried to OD on pills and um it was something where like you know I I had lost Cooper also and so like kind of like Grant trying and then losing Cooper is something where I was like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] what's happening and I wrote change your mind which is coming out July 13th I think um it's just like literally like a plead kind of like almost like a Suicide Song kind of like the 1-800 song that logic did but more of like a like I'll be there for you type of thing and then I have a song called how could you be okay that comes out August and then you'll be all right kid which the entire prod project is going to be called and it's going to be a bunch of songs that are about my childhood about me where I'm at now like what I've been able to put out and it's all going to be put into a record uh like or records of just like you'll want to go listening you'll be all right kid and it's from start to finish where I was to where I am now and then whatever projects I work on after are going to be where I'm at now going forward do you believe the title yeah I think the biggest thing I would sit there in my room after like my mom just like punched me in the face and like that's why I have a deviated septum and why I'm getting it fixed tomorrow but um I'd sit there and be like what the [ __ ] dude like and I'd look in the sky and I'd be like no genuinely like I would actually say this like out loud screaming in my room what the [ __ ] did I do to deserve this lost my dad constantly getting abused by my mom getting cheated on in a relationship at the age of 16 was life-threatening shot right my whole world was over I would get panic attacks and I would just sit there and I'm like what the [ __ ] and that happened for so long where I was just like I would literally get on my balcony and look down and this strap isn't gonna kill me but I would just sit there and I'd be over it and I'd be like crying that I knew it wasn't gonna kill me but I would just look down you know and it's like that's something I was like I look back on it and I try to forget a lot of my childhood because of how [ __ ] it really is but yeah I I where I'm at now I'm it's so I bet it's so hard to believe this I am so happy right now I think the biggest thing is like because of everything I've gone through I'm able to tell a story well does music allow you to put a period on this [ __ ] so you can move on every song I write about something like especially like my mom's death like remember me happier all the songs I've written it helps me understand why I like I I push off all the emotions I don't think about it ever until I write the songs and then when I write these songs and I listen back I break down crying like I will break down if you play any one of my songs like you'll be a kid or change your mind or all these super depressing ones that no one's heard yet but I'll play them in my car and just start breaking down ball and crying because those are the times where I'm actually able to talk about how I felt in that situation and I'm able to move on from it like I'm able to like be like that's okay that I felt that way it is totally normal to feel that way and I'm in such a better place now like I'm buying my first house with my fiance we're getting married next year like there's so many cool things in my life that I dreamed of that I never thought I'd actually make it to and now you're here yeah at the exact same show you said you're happy now when did you when did you start to feel happy like were you happy when you were vlogging and making it seem like you were happy that's why I quit like I I I genuinely there is like a switch like after the like in the Netflix show like you can just tell all I care about is filming content like all I cared about was getting views and stuff there was like a switch that happened once I started doing music where I didn't have to film my entire life but this is also linked to Financial Freedom huh Financial Freedom or at least Comfort no because I still have to do social media to make money like I post on Snapchat like 90 times a day just to to make sure that like I can still do music and be able to make a living I got paid very well for it so like that's the thing it's like not boohoo like whatever but like the goal is to just do YouTube is well just do music and I don't want to have to share every aching minute of my day or or life like I want to be able to have some privacy I don't have any private seriously well you want people to get to know you see the music and not everything else exactly but I I do think like as of now it helps the narrative and I don't know yeah and it's also like I I don't hate it like I love what I do it's able to get me in front of more people and show them my music but the goal is to obviously just do music yeah I think it's it's more me well support his quest to making that a reality listen to All of Alex Warren's music there's gonna be a link in the description below all those songs are on Amazon music what are you thinking Daniel I have two questions completely different but like what's it like going into surgery tomorrow like what are the emotions knowing you're going into surgery because of something your mom did to you I don't care you don't no I think it's like it I'm more scared of surgery I'm terrified like again like how I'm terrified of like taking pills I this I'm going to be fully under I have no idea what that's like I've never been under oh so like I'm terrified of like never waking up he'll wake up yeah he'll be fine but it is I remember that uh Dan and Zach told me to wake up here medical trained professionals but like yeah we you'll be fine I love it yeah but no I I don't I again it's so hard for me to like hate anything that happened because everything that happened to me has led me to where I am today I'm very proud of who I am today but there is something to like you know either putting a period or ellipses on something like that was so traumatic is your mom punching you yeah there's something to Healing it finally and kind of having closure and moving on from it I think that's why I'm focusing so hard on my health like I think that's the biggest thing is why I'm really going after is kind of like you know I feel like this is finally me taking care of myself I didn't eat right for so long I didn't care about my health for so long I would Vape I would do all these things and like that was something where like I just continuously let my body deteriorate and now I'm like working out every other day I'm on the right medications like the ozempic and the like testosterone in the vitamin D the priority is you yeah and I'm able to share with people and not like I don't want to lie like so many people like oh I'm not going to resembling it's like yes you [ __ ] are dude like that's the thing around me is like I don't want to get people on unfair expectations either like this is what I'm on this is what I'm doing but I have to take it and like I'm just going to show you guys what I have to go through like I got a shot in the ass and I film it and I show people that I'm getting a cover will give me a [ __ ] shot in the ass and then I get a shot in the stomach and as it's not fun I don't want shots in the stomach ass I'd rather just work out and eat healthy but eventually I know I look so same thing you're like wow Zach's definitely on those Epic no no I wrote he rubs [ __ ] row [Music] what was your second one the second one was like I'm sure I'm sure you know a lot of people that were super successful for like a very short period yeah what is the lasting effects that that will have on some people because you found your lane you're going into music yeah what are the effects on the people that have no idea what they want to do they're 22 and they have their whole future and they're like my social media career is kind of dead I I see it a lot yeah they kind of move back home like it's something we're like that or like there's like a scene that everyone kind of like gets a party scene I don't drink or smoke so I don't party like and I'm not going to a party to meet girls which is typically like the three things you go do to a parties if you want to get [ __ ] up if you want a network or if you want to meet a girl that's why I go to you know the meet all the Honeys but or at least with my friends or group that's what they do yeah and I I don't know I've never really partaken that but like you've noticed a lot of them kind of like result to drugs and alcohol and partying to kind of mask exactly what they've gone through or whatnot and then they go back home get normal jobs and then keep kind of posting on social media periodically but yeah it's kind of like it's it's happening a lot right now because there's no brand deals being floated around because of the whole recession or whatnot so you're seeing a lot of it right now so people don't have a career kind of solidified already it's really really really really really tough right now for a lot of people who were at the part of the blow up but didn't make a lasting impression I guess is your priority your health right now to be a dad yeah and be a combination of the best parts people to your parents and be what your parents can never be yeah I think the thing is like it's so easy like it's cancer runs in my family but also it's so easy to kind of take advantage of your life that is kind of like I don't I don't want to be dying like I don't want to know I'm dying and then have a kid I don't want to put them through what I went through I want to give like I've been so dedicated to being able to give my kids the life that I didn't get to have like that's been my goal since day one I've made sure to do all the dumb [ __ ] and get it out of my system now like I would have a helicopter land on our driveway and do all these cool things like for the Vlogs and stuff and I don't really care about doing that anymore it's like I've gotten the kid out of me I kind of a lot of people say I'm really mature for a 22 year old and I don't know I just want to make music I want to hang out with my dogs I want to hang out with my wife and I want to just hang out like I don't care about anything else well listen to Alex Warren's music so he can just hang out uh there's a link in the description below make tick tocks actually so that can do nothing you make tick tocks it's making tick tocks of this looks I'm dumb as [ __ ] when it comes to tick tock I post on ours but I know nothing about it is that important to getting a successful song is having people make tick tocks to it tick tock is like 99 of what you see on the charts like that's the thing like I feel like it there's the one percent that like from sinks like lizzo blew up from sinks which is really cool but like no one's really sinking right now so it's like I feel like it is but also no one [ __ ] knows like that's the thing labels will tell you that they know what blows up a song no one knows they're they're constantly guessing labels are great from getting a song from 40 million streams to 100 but they suck at getting zero to 40. are you still at Atlantic yeah I love Atlantic they're really great I think the best people I think I could have ever signed with I agree I like them a lot they're good they just left like I don't know it's I work really hard and I'm a huge fan of if people work as hard as me then it's like you're unstoppable and they work really hard Julie Greenwald does dude it's really scary yeah she's so sick she's cool I remember I first met her I was like damn this girl's a badass yeah Dan posner's a great guy they're all great you have a great team yeah they're amazing Pete Gambar is my a r which is Boom nuts yeah I'll be okay listen to Alex Warren's music on Amazon music Link in the description below I really appreciate you being here thanks for having me this is sick it's a dream come true I literally texted you do that I was like this is a dream ah well I hope we didn't let you down no I'm very happy with it I appreciate you very much thanks for giving us your honesty and your energy and sharing your art today so thanks thanks Alex warning everybody [Music]
Channel: Zach Sang Show
Views: 43,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zachsang, zach, sang, interview, zach sang interview, celebrity, amazonmusic, music, ariana, grande, zach sang and the gang, dan zolot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 51sec (3711 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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