Albus Dumbledore & Gellert Grindelwald Origin/Relationship Explained

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Albus Dumbledore is one of the greatest wizards of all time if not the greatest His wit is far superior to anyone and as it is pure skill and brilliance He is the embodiment of the wise old mentor more powerful than any well many people don't know it's a strong affection for Gellert Grindelwald as a young man Rowling said to the public in 2007 that Dumbledore is gay And that his feelings for Grindelwald were more than just friendship when a fan said in a tweet that they couldn't see Dumbledore being gay Rowling responded saying maybe because gay people just look like people in this video I'm going to tell you the entire story and relationship of Dumbledore the muggle-borns greatest champion and Grindelwald the second most powerful wizarding tyrant next to Voldemort himself Let's start with Dumbledore. He lived with his parents Kendra and Percival along with his younger brother Aberforth and his younger sister, Ariana Ariana was the youngest and at the age of six she was doing magic in the backyard Three muggle boys saw her doing this and they approached her when she couldn't show them the trick the boys got carried away and attacked Her the incident scarred her for the rest of her life and Aberforth described the incident as this it Destroyed her what they did she was never right again. She wouldn't use Magic, but she couldn't get rid of it It turned inwards and drove her mad it exploded out of her which he couldn't control it Now that we have fantastic beasts they introduced us to the obscurus it is likely this is what Ariana was an obscurial before Wizards went underground when we were still being hunted by muggles Young wizards and witches sometimes tried to suppress their magic to avoid persecution so instead of getting to harness so to control their powers and they developped what was called an obscurius Rowling stated an obscurux is developed under very specific conditions Trauma associated with the use of Magic Internalised hatred of one's own magic and a conscious attempt to suppress it. this is probably the case of Ariana, who Suppresses her magic ability due to the trauma of being attacked anyway Dumbledore's father - Percival, went after the three boys who did this to his daughter the family moved there after his father killed those three muggles, it was quite the scandal. The ministry locked him up in Azkaban for the rest of his life And he never explained why he attacked them because he knew of the ministry and known what Ariana was She would have been locked up in St. Mungo's the Wizarding hospital for good because she was a threat to the international statute of secrecy because Ariana was so unstable now He had to keep her safe and quiet in the family from then on would tell everyone that Ariana was ill Her mother Kendra would spend the rest of her life trying to keep ariana calm and happy in their house So she wouldn't have any more exploding Outburst or obscures incidents Unfortunately when Ariana was 14, She had one of her rages, Kendra was killed in a tragic accident Albus the oldest of the three was 18 at the time and was fresh out of hogwarts with what looked like a great future ahead Of him with too many accomplishments to count including awards and honours He was about to take a grand tour with his friend Alphias Dodge his dim-witted But devoted sidekick he had picked up at hogwarts The two we're at the leaky Cauldron preparing to head to greece the following morning. We got news his mother was dead Dumbledore had to return to Godric's hollow to care for Aberforth and Mariana as Doge went on three adventures with dumbledore were supposed to accompany him on leaving albus behind Dumbledore was not happy and later he stated to harry: "I resented it, Harry. I was gifted. I was brilliant I wanted to escape. I wanted to shine I wanted Glory" He said he loved his family, but he was selfish he returned to his village in anger and bitterness And felt trapped and wasted however his view on being home completely changed when his neighbor Bathilda Bagshot's nephew - Gellert Grindelwald came to visit her. He went to durmstrang a wizarding school known for the tolerance of the dark arts. He was just as brilliant as dumbledore Rather than doing what dumbledore did to go after awards he pursued other things At the age of 16 he was expelled from durmstrang for his twisted experiments and near-fatal attack from students He travelled abroad for some months after he was expelled until he decided to visit his great aunt in Godric's Hollow Matilda recommended that albus and gellert meet each other and they headed off immediately Matilda said the boys took to each other at once they got on like a cauldron on fire The two boys would spend all day together and even after spending all that time together They would send letters to each other in the middle of the night one letter Dumbledore said he wasn't complaining the grindelwald got thrown out of hogwarts if you had never been expelled we would never have met But what made them get so close so fast it was the deathly hallows It was a thing above all the drew them together - Clever Arrogant boys with a shared Obsession the deathly hallows come from the ancient story about three brothers that received three things from death themselves the elder wand the most powerful wand ever made the Resurrection stone a stone that could bring people back from the dead and an invisibility cloak a very same one that harry would later own together they make one the master of death Grindelwald's original reason for coming to Godric's hollow was to see where the last of the three brothers Ignotus Peverell had died Dumbledore and Grindelwald plotted out a plan to make a world for the greater good Grindelwald pushed many ideas onto Dumbledore such as wizards dominance being for the Muggles own good One letter that dumbledore wrote to grindelwald discussing this went as follows. Yes, we have been given power And yes that power gives us the right to rule But it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled we must stress this point it will be the foundation stone upon Which we build we seize control for the greater good obviously this isn't the dumbledore that we all know he was a Champion of muggle borns, the fighter to keep muggles safe the fighter to keep the statute of secrecy intact But in this letter he completely goes against all of that the point that he actually wants to expose wizards to muggles and Rule over them he convinced himself it would all be for the greater good and any harm done would be repaid a hundredfold in benefits for Wizards there are two factors that made him go down this path in my Opinion and while the rest of the video is factual straight from the books and Rowling herself these are my own thoughts I think he was blinded by love his love for grindelwald made him go after things that he would not normally have He states the harry did I know in my heart of hearts? What gellert grindelwald was I think I did, but I closed my eyes and in another line He says grindelwald lost control that was I had always sensed in him though I pretended not to now sprang into a terrible being clearly he knew grindelwald was not a good person But love blinded him to that fact and he chose to ignore it The second Factor is a bit more factual because Dumbledore stayed to himself I believe his weakness for craving power was the second thing that sent him down his dark path with Grindelwald Dumbledore said that power was his weakness and his temptation And he actually refused the job to be minister for magic multiple times because he had learned that he should not be trusting with power He thought he would be safer at hogwarts Anyway back to the facts the two plan to go abroad and give speeches to build up a following And at the heart of their plans was the deathly hallows the elder wand the weapon that would lead them to power the resurrection stone for grindelwald and meant an army of INfra ride But dumbledore said he pretended not to know this another example of love blinding him the stone for Dumbledore meant the return of his parents and the lifting of all responsibilities of watching his siblings and the cloak Dumbledore admitted that they never really discussed that much because both could conceal themselves without a cloak but dumbledore did think that the cloak would Be a good way to hide Arianna But the main interest in the cloak for the two, was they completed a Trio of the deathly hallows That which would make them the masters of death while making all these plans with Grindelwald He was just ignoring his siblings still resentful toward them for holding him back before Aberforth went back to hogwarts at the end of the summer He confronted albus and said he couldn't take Arianna with them on this quest to build up a following Because she was not in a fit state this angered grindelwald and told Aberforth He was a stupid little boy who was getting in the way of him and Albus' greatness things got out of hand Both Aberforth and grindelwald drew their wands Grindelwald used the cruciatus curse Or the torture curse on Aberforth. Albus was trying to stop them and then all three of them were dueling with set ariane off Aberforth said that she wanted to help, but she didn't know what she was doing Chaos erupted spells are flying everywhere Dumbledore shot a spell grindelwald shot a spell Aberforth shot a spell Ariana was in the corner trying to help she didn't know what she was doing and then They don't know which of the three did it but Ariana lay there Dead Grindelwald went back to his aunt Bathilda's house, and she said he looked distressed He told her he wanted to leave the next morning. So she prepared a portkey that she would never see her nephew again He vanished with his plans for seizing power his schemes for muggle torture and his dreams for the deathly hallows Dreams in which Dumbledore had encouraged and helped him make while dumbledore was left to bury his sister Dumbledore would forever carry the guilt that he might have been the one to perform the curse that killed his little sister he had to learn to live with his guilt and Terrible Grief the price of his shame her death scarred him for the rest of his life this is quite clear in a conversation between harry and Aberforth many years later and Albus was free wasn't he free of the burden of his sister free to become the greatest wizard of the he was never free never The night that your brother died he drank a potion that drove him out of his mind. He started screaming Meeting with someone who wasn't there don't hurt them please hurt me instead he thought he was back there with you and Grindelwald I know he did it was torture to him if you had seen him then wouldn't said he is free Grindelwald Quest for power he used Dumbledore slogan of "for the greater Good" as his own He eventually came into possession of the elder wand one of the deathly hallows the key and Dumbledore had always dreamed of and he was Raising an army people always said that he feared dumbledore when dumbledore said Grindelwald feared Dumbledore, less and Dumbledore feared him he feared not what he could do magically But he feared the truth to grindelwald health Grindelwald became at the time the most powerful magical tyrant of all time the only person that would Outdo him would be Voldemort a decade later He never extended his campaign to britain possibly because he feared what dumbledore would do their pleas from the wizarding world for dumbledore to face Grindelwald he delayed for some five years of Turmoil fatalities and Disappearances Dumbledore desperate to not have to face the man he once loved, as Rita Skeeters faded was it lingering affection for the man Dumbledore delayed meeting him until it would have been too shameful to resist any longer Rita Skeeter described it they finally had that legendary duel and so many it was the greatest wizarding duel of all time Dumbledore are finally defeated grindelwald and brought him to his knees. He was now the owner of the elder wand He said he took it not for gain But to save others from it grindelwald was locked away in the prison he created himself for his own opponents in a place called Nurmengard many years passed and Voldemort came to grindelwald seeking the elder wand grindelwald refused to tell him anything and Voldemort killed him on the spot Grindelwald tried to stop Voldemort going after the wand he lied you know pretended He never had it dumbledore nodded looking down at his lap tears glittering on his crooked nose They say he showed remorse from the later years alone in his cell in Nurmengard. I hope that is true I would like to think he did feel the horror and shame of what he had done Perhaps that lie to voldemort was his attempt to make amends to prevent Voldemort from taking the hallow or maybe from breaking into your tomb and dumbledore dabbed his eyes Dumbledore Remembers his friend his lover the man who gave his life protecting Dumbledore and his final act of redemption
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 6,305,489
Rating: 4.8941822 out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games
Id: XV905Hxw_D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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