Albatros D-II - New Zealand - Part 1 - Kermie Cam

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hoosagoodboy 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2016 🗫︎ replies
yeah so here I am Masterton New Zealand frickin gorgeous day and jeans invited me to fly this albatross d2 pretty cool I've got a d5a but this is a little bit different one of the main things is you notice here's the the sides of the fuselage are flat we're on the d5 they're actually round like that and the other big difference is this is doesn't have a little sesqui plane on it and of course the other ones were a V Strutter so this actually has a to spar bottom wing instead of just a one spar bottom wing this ought to be a much stronger airplane and probably a little bit easier to rig at some point because you can tweak things out of course there's no brakes and this has got to originally built Mercedes engine in it this engine is actually one of the scratch-built ones that they built over time I loaned Peter three original Mercedes engines they reverse engineered them and that's going to be interesting to fly one of the the only engines I've flown have been original so far so this would be one of those scratch builds this radiator here is actually right in the center section we're on the d5 it's a little bit off to the side this doesn't how many radiator shutters it actually just cools like that and gene says it runs a little bit cool so we'll see what that does and if it's running too cool like around 60 you're supposed to add some more power maybe climb a little bit and here's the man himself Gina what else should I know about this it's just plain cool it's just plain cool okay yeah so a double spar lower wing you know it's got the wing regular struts of course there's your airspeed indicator up there pretty much you just go by what it feels like in the wind in your face for Scott if anything know much about instrument panels they put the instrument one instrument out on the wing the other instruments on there too but they're got minion yeah there's your radiator gauge that's here there's speed indicator from the cockpit out there there's your radiator gauge up there sticking out of the pipe and this leg of Milch slugging Milch ah that sounds like like a leap from milking anyway cool now this is interesting I see screws here but are these don't look like the hand-cut nails you did on the D 5 now they're on their original steel screws that's what they did back in the day as well really they had a nail that didn't grab but was proud they would put screws in its place so really when we research that airplane that said Canberra the original novel 55a we found a whole bunch of screws in it just like this I'll be done it's pretty cool this is a little bit different you saw some of the airplanes some of the d2s had this man out of metal and all the ones had wooden ones so this airplane that we've depicted this this color scheme is that's appropriate for this one which is as you must have mentioned really nope yeah this is airplane Oswald Boelcke A's airplane can these come out now pretty cool unbelievable I don't know if the rest of my squadron is going to be up there waiting for me but this will be a trip down memory lane for me all righty let me get the camera going here we are recording a stick some ear plugs in and I'll be right back later okay I got my ear plugs in and let me stick on this helmet cam I'm not sure how this is going to work we'll try it I'll put the helmet on over the top well that's not going to work what am I thinking maybe yeah that works a little bit of a hopefully that's going to hold I've broken my goggles alright here we go put some Oh huh I haven't done this part in a long time got some little getting started watering a radiator yeah I'll just go up for 25 minutes max if you engine quits I just go to emergency all right remember we got to squirt the grease into the grease spinning sure we can see how these seatbelts go together but okay I should hold me in no brakes that's the control lock here's the throttle right here in case this cable breaks there's an emergency one here that grabs and you got the throttle got the altimeter over here spark is switches off got a booster mag here for starting that's an air pump and all of these are down say again switches off switches off and spark ignited sparks and the whole switches out actually so how the grease fitting I get just like a half or a pull just till it's time just feel it slide okay you want some air pressure I don't see the gauge up there but up a little bit up here okay it's cracked I mean switch is on we're always crack switches hi give it a shot ready this hey Pavan how you man ready to swing the turn the booster yep okay so three two one and then spin the booster okay three two one for the radiator cap to warm up about 40 you you
Channel: Kermit Weeks
Views: 167,734
Rating: 4.946054 out of 5
Keywords: Kermit Weeks, Fantasy of Flight, Vintage Aviator Limited, Peter Jackson, GoPro, Kermie Cam, Cockpit camera, Cockpit footage, New Zealand, Albatros, Albatros D-II, The Vintage Aviator Ltd, Gene De Marco, Gene DeMarco
Id: whxYU1nrE-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2015
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