Alarming Coin Tower in a coin pusher! Tricky Stacks! Giveaway! Ep 105

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[Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] hey everyone it's we play youtube cheri and john here and today we have three little kittens someone is called a fireman to come and rescue them from a tree but guess what these little kittens don't want to be saved they want to keep living the wild cure-free life so we need to get them into the prize shoe before the firefighter gets there that's right here we go sherry's playing her hand oh that tree is jiggling you know how kittens are they love to climb a tree and they don't always like coming back down well these kittens are just playing possums they're finding dandy and somebody saw these kittens up a tree and called the fire department we can see the firefighter moving up i'm gonna this doesn't fall down really hard [Music] jiggle not real for that it's a falling tower tree all right what we call around the woods now in front of the tree between the tree and the price you is mystery bag tell us about the mystery bag john hey folks mystery bags are in every video because we create every coin pusher game that we create and we give them away on our sunday live streams to enter answer our mystery bag question in a comment on youtube within the first day the video is posted and you'll be entered in our giveaway or get all the gory details that's right oh that tower started walking again i know it's not a walking tower but it is walking a little bit it has its own idea it's like growing in the wind so have you ever rescued the cat from a tree [Music] i had a springer's painting [Music] about as high as a man's shoulder that's cool rubik's cube down pushing oh they both i was hoping one of them might end up behind the tree i'll move it a little bit it did not work out all right i'm sure after the left side rubik's cube now i have seen cats that seem to be stuck in a tree they're just up there meowing meowing meowing they'll eventually come down they eventually will come down on their own most of the time but they'll sometimes if they've been up for there for days because cats can be pretty stubborn then maybe it is time to intervene distracted me over there carrying a dog around the room oh my goodness oh it's not a dog yes you're the dog will help get those kittens out of the street okay you better play the right because the left is definitely ahead all right we want to get we need to get this tree down and get these kittens out of the tree before the firefighter shows up and rescues kids kittens are totally capable of climbing up out of the tree they get scared i think they get out there they're not paying attention how high they're getting they're just focused on getting up higher they get up there and they turn around look down they're like oh no well rumor has it that you used to be quite the tree climber yourself climb trees i'd like to be in trees one of my younger brothers was the tree climber holy moly and he became a arborist because he really liked climbing trees he can climb even palm trees i was a minimal tree climber well we had one tree that had a nice crook in it that you could sit in there and leave that was a nice place to be [Music] we had a couple trees that were climbable when i was growing up we've had a couple of them were pine trees and pine trees are not the most fun trees to find covered in sap they're quite quite the sticky mess and uh i don't recommend climbing pine trees that is quite the chong twister no and then the other climbable tree was a black walnut tree and those are also not the most fun trees climb to climb they're sticky trying to climb these trees oh you're gonna gain an advantage like spiderman just adhere to the trees we didn't really have a whole lot of options right we had a bunch of uh russian olive trees which you don't want to find yeah you don't you don't find those we had tiny a tiny maple tree that died and then we had a giant locust tree but it was like 20 feet up before the branches started so that wasn't [Music] that's pretty cool and the fire fighter is quickly approaching i think the firefighter is going to take the oh help get those kittens down yeah we're going to have to push the firefighter ahead yeah you know maybe maybe just i was you know it may just come down to uh the sound of the siren from the firefighter just kind of scare those kids out he's a bit misguided in this one there's a die [Music] that tree does not want to go anywhere okay and that mystery bag is plum center [Music] i wonder if there's any relation between the word plum oh plums and trees i hope there are no trolls in there because i'm seeing a few straight troll hairs oh you think there's trolls in this coin picture tonight you never know oh you know what i drew the spiderman wearing all red because i've traditionally actually seen you in my lifetime what are you doing what trying to hand me something and i thought it was a tool but it wasn't there's nothing in his hand eyebrows have you uh i have seen firefighter helmets in red yes but have you seen a firefighter all wearing already not usually they're usually in any kind of tan color right now they've been like really really old school days because traditionally you see firefighters wearing red but now you see them in like black and tan you know right the most protective gear they can get [Music] oh bitcoin down look at the firefighter he's on the left don't play left i'm not i'm playing right oh i think we now officially have to go after that [Music] and he's been advancing your turn [Music] that's terrible now too okay i was using asthma inhalers all weekend that's true oh you do a pretty good talk like a cat i've heard that before [Music] yes the best cat woman ever ever ever that's firefighter got me thinking about batman's who was the best batman adam west barnard absolutely and hey he lived in idaho oh bitcoin's down you said this was not a walking tower the legs on the bottom are completely deformed it's not showing on the camera but it's they're really really nice this is the walking tower i see here tonight now where did he even put the pillow i don't remember where he lived well adam was kind of semi-retired in idaho and if you looked in the phone book under batman um he would give you the correct information if you look him up it would say [Music] one he is these kids are gonna be in custody they're gonna get split up and adapt it out man they're gonna get sent off to the humane society yeah that firefighter he really wants to do his job very well he does he's obviously a very motivated dedicated very serious firefighter that's right and that tower is just walking slowly and does not want to go down i'm impressed with this build this is quite the impressive tower build it's been standing for almost 24 hours and every time someone walked across the room it threatened to fall so and look at her walk oh the left leg just kind of took a dive oh rubik's cube landed on top of the firefighter slow him down a little bit i don't know i think he's going to speed up why are you playing left i'm not i'm playing in the middle they're rolling where they want to go oh man they're rolling left hey you're in charge of machine leveling it's not my fault your turn hey this machine is almost level now this machine is level this machine is as level as it can go you put a level on it we're trying to play we should post a video oh okay cards down and what in the world what in the world that tower folks you have no idea how are you oh my gosh they want to fall every time that you breathe at it then you play [Music] moving and moving there's no stopping him he is doing his job very well if you're not a subscriber really really you want to hit that subscribe button and click that little notification doohickey because uh when we have a game like this where potentially the tower doesn't go down guess what you don't get to see it but we'll do a little behind the scenes live stream and the subscribers get to see that tower fall give us advice on how to knock it down yeah oh there's one leg on that tower oh that firefighter's gonna go for it yeah but that leg on the tower it's not actually holding up i don't know how it's standing there's a whole leg missing that left leg is just standing it's not on there anymore i don't know what's going on don't make that fire right i am playing right so much i'm playing right i am too this is getting nerve-wracking [Music] no don't go left stop going left oh no wow we've got one two three out of there i even said clearing out the loot cam all right and that's it to my turn sherry your turn that firefighter is got a plan and he really wants to rescue these cats he's almost to the scene firefighters tend to be self-starter kind of guys you don't wait for anybody to fill them something and he is going for it okay there is a deck of cards that wants to help us knock this tree down it's sliding out of the right-hand side of it man oh this is tough [Music] come on big push big push oh it's pushing the firefighter okay full trouble giving john a like for this video because this is a frustrating video this card is so strange he is one quarter of the way oh no no no one just rolled left i just got to roll i can't believe it either we're gonna have to go on a stream and knock it down has this thing been shaking every time someone plays too hard i don't understand i've built so many scriptures and it seems to be the same story all the time they don't want to stay [Music] john it's your turn dear oh man [Music] one firefighter has rescued our errant kittens well thank you mr fire department i appreciate everything that you do folks mystery bag question it's not about kittens it's not about firefighters who's your favorite batman who's your favorite batman talks about batman i gave mine adam west is the best as well there's a lot of batman's you can choose from chime in let us know who's your batman and if you couldn't care less about batman that's okay too thanks for watching we are gonna hop on to a live live stream and see who wants to knock this down on a sunday night yeah have a good time remember to subscribe maybe we'll tack it on to the end of this video you never know all right everyone stay safe stay healthy we'll see you next time what do you guys think should we play left we're playing left let me get out a bit more so you can actually see what's going on there we go that's a better shot all right left hand side going through oh you're kidding me you didn't go you're kidding me did not go oh hop sink okay all right hey doris yeah we're confident we can knock it down we're just waiting for this darn thing to drop it's dropped that's walking this is not one of our walking tower designs no this is a fall down easy but this i think we're gonna have to revisit this again because this this is a very solid setup no it isn't every time we walked across the room anyone breathed too hard this thing was jiggling like yeah but look how it's walking in here irene you're right those uh those bitcoins are unfortunately floating on the corners so they're not really they're not moving they're not they're not going to be working well i could yeah it did move let's give it a little bit here we'll trade out here i'll take it i'll do a hand this time [Music] nothing's happening all right i'm going to keep playing left and try to walk the left-hand side out a little bit i don't know why it was walking because this is a really really janky tower oh the right side moves yeah there might have to be another little earthquake here right now i'm hoping we can we can avoid an earthquake oh okay we're on the glass we hit the glass forget the glass yeah you guys see you can't believe it okay the tower is up right here it's the glass there's a glass yeah so let me let me demonstrate now what's going on up here because it's kind of dark you can see right here are deforming because it's pressed against the window that's the top of the machine there we go they're cleared up so yeah that's what's going on you can see it has hit the glass right there so what you'll see is the top will start to push out as the legs continue to walk okay let's see what we can do all right consider watching we're gonna tack this on to the end of the game video top sync and folks that are watching that game video are gonna see this and say hey i missed the live stream it's jiggling mel says hopefully now it's touching if you push out the bottom it will go yeah we're going to work on the left hand side and the top might go it's possible the other layers won't but we'll find out here in a minute hey elsa good morning walking why is it walking i don't know it keeps walking throwing up the loop here it is still oh there it goes it's pushing out a little bit more i designed this tower to fall this was built for destruction yeah and folks if you're just joining as sheri said earlier this is uh this is a bonus live stream we had a structure that didn't fall in our video so we're playing it out on live stream it's just more fun come on that's right mel so it's not today dudes oh all right let me take a snack at it hey lyle good evening oh let's knock this thing down come on those kittens need to get rescued no they don't walk off with the firefighters do not need rescuing they they do i mean look at them they don't know how many 10 a.m elsa oh that left-hand side pivoted okay it's getting closer it's continuing to move into the glass should we still stop it's still walking though yeah it's still walking a little bit more hey lyle yeah we actually we do have skill stop um but early on in our videos everybody got mad a lot of comments to stop using the skill stop tell that guy stop using his skill stuff quite a bit so he was an abuser of the skill spot i i may have used it too much oh that is really pushing out i'm sorry you've got insomnia elsa hopefully we can help a little bit boring hurt us all right another push all right so let's go take a look at what's going on again so here we go here's been the uh you can see the glass action that angle it's all at there that's quite hey don't worry about lyle you don't know man but yeah so just there's there's our skill stop button yeah he's a skill stop junkie well he can use a skill stop and he just he wants to use it every turn he drops in a quarter he still stops he's got a reporter when you're dealing with structures still stops are actually a really valuable tool to knock them down quickly yeah but it breaks the rhythm of the video it does it does and we're still walking though we are still got movement okay and i'll push i'll take a stab with this here just for a second and it's just so interesting that that that front left leg on the tower is still completely even on top where they're that badly deformed even the top of it's not falling it is the thing is not wanting to go down this is a really really weak tower intentionally that's the interesting thing about the glass when you push into it you're not actually guaranteed to knock the structure down but sometimes you knock the top off and the cat is now on the move but it's been buried by a hundred thousand dollars here okay yeah lyle will come down really quick when it goes they don't go oh another push the black cat we got a black cat right here it's still on there and uh the gray cat that was on top is off behind the machine hidden under 100 000 ship i think yeah the chip that it had been on top of is now on top of it that's right that'd be a fun one to watch him you know when oh another push if you could do it tonight so we could slow mo it if you really could yeah we might be able to do a slow mo on it oh come on aussie coin pusher thinks it's going to fold in half we'll find out it does anything before sherry freaks out and shakes machines it's moving well it's interesting those top two chips are starting to split on top give you guys another angle going what's going on here all right sherry go for it okay this might be a little bit more interesting to watch what's going on it's more like you're actually at the machine can see what's happening keeps creeping up it's pushing the mystery bag oh it walked again oh more coins are coming off the top there that could weaken it with less force pushing absolutely down and another flush let me put this back on me on the stand here i should stop the wobbling there lyle i was holding it by hand oh ah i thought this was gonna be we're just gonna tie these folks up five minutes it doesn't want to go it doesn't hey gina glad you found us we're uh we have a structure that didn't want to go down again so stubborn structure situation sss good hey laurence oh yes it has gone down yes hard oh man look at that that's fine you know what the mystery bag came out too and none of it went on the sidewalls that's right [Music] you
Channel: We Play You Win
Views: 19,263
Rating: 4.5249043 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, game, money, arcade game, prizes, coins, pusher, no limit, high limit, high stakes, coin pusher machine, jackpot, coin pusher hack, coin pusher money, coin pusher real money, tower, coin pusher tower, treasure, bartley, hales, clawd00d, claw machine, 4k
Id: AGpxWrc1p8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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