AKAI MPC LIVE II How To Use One Shots and 808 Wavs(Keygroups Explained Sound Design)

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on this episode of the sequence i'll show you how to use key groups [Music] the sequence what is going on guys dj app here new setting and i think you guys will enjoy it but i'm definitely want to break down how to use key groups it's a question that's asked a whole bunch on this channel and i do want to make sure that you know that i have a playlist for both the mpc live 2 and the mpc one so with that being said what is a key group well a key group program is a way that you load up one sample like for example if you load up a c5808 it will spread it amongst the pitches of the key group it's very simple so for example if you have a c5 base sample or 808 then it will decline to a b and a and so forth and incline to a c sharp to a d to a d sharp and etc amongst the octaves so is it really difficult for you to understand well let me break it down using the demonstration let's begin so step number one just make sure that you update the firmware so that it's up to date with the firmware that's used in this video it's version 2.9 so in the link in the description box i have a playlist for the mpc live and the one so make sure that you update your mpc live x01 to the latest firmware update and you can use that video and go step by step there's no time stamps in it for a reason so don't complain watch it all the way through so let's go ahead and hear the example track which uses an expansion called pure platinum by snipe young so hey the link will be in the description box for that is really good and that's where all these sounds are coming from and now the first thing you need to do before we even get into it is you need to select a key group so let's select the key group from the drum program to the key group program and then the next thing we're going to do is press shift and browse on npc live or to live too or you can just hit the browse button on the x and the one and now you can navigate to whatever folder that you want so that you can grab the 808 that you want so i want to navigate to my 808 pack that i made myself it's called how 808s are born i will have a link in the description box for that all made from using a plugin called sublab and yes i will have a video on how to make aways using just the mpc live xl1 with drum synth okay so let's scroll on down i'm going to scroll down to that pack and then i'll let you hear some of the ways and stuff like that but i've already selected them but alright so here we are down and now let's hear the sounds make sure that the sounds are on nice and chunky ones and then you will just hit the data wheel to select the sample of your choice whatever the sample you're using and yeah so i'm going to use big text and you can see if you are already loaded to sample it'll say sample as this replace i just hit cancel just hit cancel if that's the case or if you want to replace it just hit replace boom so now that we have that i can hit menu on the npc live to or live and then hit this pad on the one in the x you have a program edit button so you will be greeted with the screen right here which is a very important screen to what you're going to do for this reason right here since this is an 808 we know we want the polyphony to be at mono because we wanted to play one voice because a bass is usually not in like any different notes or chord progressions or anything like that unless you're like jocko or somebody but uh other than that you have that feature right there so the next thing we're gonna do is go ahead and load up an 808 sample so you can load up a 808 sample right here i accidentally loaded up uh the 95 south 808 i'm gonna load up the big tex 808 so you just select the sample right here so make sure that you touch the screen to get to the sample and then click on the data wheel and then scroll and see which 808 you want so i got the big text one right here and we're not going to talk about this screen yet because i just want to get you started where you need to be so now that we have that i'm going to go ahead and because the track was muted addition and you'll notice if i press and hold this pad or any pad that it plays the whole 808 well what if you just want to tap the pad well if you go to this area right here the screen called sample play you can turn it into a one shot and if you tap the pad no matter how hard it's off it'll play all the way through and that's i find that to be very good it's a great utility to have now on this master screen here uh you can control a lot of things but we're gonna again we're gonna do that again uh in another part of the video so now uh i have data weight here and it's playing chromatically and it's not overlapping anything's playing one at a time so how does that eighth way sound like in the beat so yeah it's a nice tough 808 that's the way i like it but now i noticed a couple of things that i could add so there's another key group that i want to show you another way of using a key group that is and what i want to do is this right here i want to add another key group on this track number six which isn't name i just name it like pad or something like that let's go ahead and name the pad boop and here we are and now we can progress with this lesson so let's hit menu program edit and now let's talk about the master section here so the master section it includes different features right here which is polyphony and you can control the semitone and you can use the q links here by the way to get to the different uh parts of this tab so you know if i want to make it like all the way up to 32 because that's the maximum i can do that so that's the main thing that i want to show you guys uh you can also control the semitones of that whole entire program and that would be very relevant for what i'm going to do a little later because we're going to layer some sounds and you can control you know the kick selection to keep tracking so if you don't want the track per pitch you can deactivate it and you can control the overall volume in the pitch too right on the master program and you also if you go right over here to note range you can dictate how low you want it and how high you want it so it can be as low as c2 and as high as g8 or whatever you want and again you can control the semitone and the fine tune which will come in handy later you also have this bottom part here which i talked about the sample play which is note on which that's what i want for this layer and you can choose to either uh do velocity or cycle through uh some of the sounds or even do random layers where it'll play one layer at a time which we'll demonstrate that a little later as well we have mute groups you can change the mute groups and do like a mute group one two and three and four uh but that's not really handy for what i want to do here uh and you can change the the polyphony per key group so let's go now now that we have that i'm going to go into my browser real quick and i'm going to select some more sound so what i want to do is select some more one shots and i have some sounds that i bought from loop masters not too long ago so i'm going to go to my loop masters folder boom loop master packs and i'm going to choose rv lo-fi keys go over here to multi-samples and i'm going to choose flute here's very low-fi and that's the way i like it so i want to choose a c because c will tune everything because it's going to drop into uh it chromatically so if you have if you put an a in here it's gonna play that from an a and above and below the pitch so make sure that you know that so let's go ahead and grab that flute all right and let's create some cool stuff so now i have that flute here i'm going to grab some other stuff and then continue so now we're on the layers here again this is where i want to deep dive into the key group and i want to show you a couple of things here so the main thing i want to show you is this right here you can load the sample of course so we're going to load in that flute boom the flute is there and now we have the flute now you can stretch and shrink this so that you could do a few things that will be very helpful in this next part uh you can choose to start an endpoint right here uh you can use the q links to navigate that by the way and you can do the starting endpoints there so let's go into nope i don't want to do that but you can also use the data wheel to select whatever sound you want just in case the flute or whatever doesn't uh fit your cup of tea you can adjust the starting endpoints again from right here on the touch screen and that's going to be very important to when you want to do this so the biggest question that people ask me is how do you loop samples well you just go to this loop area right here and then you dictate where it is and now it does do the start point so you got to be very tactful of how you do your your key group so that it makes sense because if i activate this option right here which is the pad loop then hold on i gotta um mute and then go back in there [Music] you'll hear that it's just cycling through and it won't make any sense so what would probably make sense in this regard is that choose the endpoint to be something else and then you hear a little pop so make sure when you are going to loop something and i'll show you another attack tactic for that as well that you select the endpoint so it's not popping like you have to really dive in here and get it to the zero point of that sound so so just adjust it [Music] so it's not crazy and then you might have to go to the start point and see if you can get that going and i have boop there we go scroll through now it is a little tedious it indeed but if you really want that detail to work for you then you won't mind that that sound design for you baby is is a pretty and ugly thing at the same dog on time so we'll fast forward until we get to a certain point so now [Music] so so now that i have the popping down to a minimal i can go through the different pad loop features here so i have this so let's talk about the other pad loop features now that i had popping to a minimum and we'll talk about the round trip one and we have the reverse then you can hear that it's not it's kind of playing backwards it's playing this direction so you can also do reverse two so let's do reverse all right so let's go ahead and do the other layers i'm just going to add sounds in and then i will kind of dictate where they go from here because this is what i want to do so [Music] so i'm going to add another sound i'm going to adjust them accordingly [Music] next layer added sound in here [Music] and don't forget that you can control the semitone too of each and every layer so make good use of that [Music] so what else can you do to help this sound well the main thing i like to do is go to this next tab over here on the samples and then we're going to do some stuff over here you can do semitone fine tune and you can do levels so there's a certain sounds that might be a little too loud so i give it a little bit less velocity features so let's do that so we're just mixing it down and then you can go to the next tab on samples and then you can choose the offset where it basically starts so you can make it start really fast you can make it start really slow when you set up the offsets so let's go ahead and make the flute come in a little later let's make it go a little later and maybe this sound a little later too as well and just maybe this one and here there you have it so the next thing we're going to do is go into pan velocity so you can actually change the panning and i'm going to change the painting a little bit to give it a little more dynamic range i'm just going to go ahead and just do a little bit of random stuff and use the q link to navigate to different things like the velocity start velocity and in the root note so i'm good with that tab i can go over here to the tab that really matters the most in my opinion and that is the filter envelope tab so with the filter tab you can choose between different filters so use your q link to get to the very top of the filters over here and you can do different things here like choosing different low pass high pass you can hear it it's a preview [Music] so we're going to use a low pass i want to get get rid of some of those harmonics in the higher frequencies so let's mess with the cutoff and yes you can automate these parameters so you might want to do that uh and you can add resonance which will and you can assign it to an envelope for further further tinkering so let's go to uh one part of it which is the filter envelope let's mess with the attack [Music] the decay and a sustain just lower the sustain of it and you can hear the sound react to that so now there's another part that i want to go to which is modulation source which is q link number three you can choose between the keyboard to the filter which or velocity and attack but i like to do velocity and filter so the harder i hit on the pad the more it would apply the filter to it [Music] let's go ahead and do that and it gives your sound more dynamic so you know that's the main thing i like about it so what i want to do next is this which is the most important so what if you want that sound or those particular sounds to sound like a i don't know a pad well since you're in the amplitude envelope you can adjust the attack and have it come in slower like a pad would and adjust the release and have it have more more release and you got to be a little bit more exaggerative of that but still well what if i don't want to do that it's not my vibe and i want to get rid of the sustain and have it be more or less like a pluck so i'm going to get rid of some of the attack and add decay to it and there you go you have a pluck and maybe you know i don't want it to sound like a pad but i want it to sound like a lead i just go over here and adjust it to make it more like a lead and i could just get rid of the release there you go there you go and you know you can also go back to your master here and then choose if you like your leads to be mono of course you could select mono so let's go back over here into filters i want this to be a little less of a lead and more like a pad so when i play [Music] yeah so when i play like that you know i get a little bit more release and then you have the lfo which is important i think that's a very important one right there to have uh and the lfo modulation you can assign you know velocity sensitivity so let's go into pitch or something like that mess with that and that gives your sound more of analog vibe to it uh not my cup of tea but you know you might be yours let's mess with the attack on the velocity sensitivity let's mess with amplitude and then last but not least pan so if i turn it up you have lfos where you can apply you know different waveforms so you can go from sign triangle saw and so forth so let's just keep it assigned and then you can sync it to the bpm of course and yeah you can do all kinds of stuff here or or not choose it to sync it to the bpm you can turn it off and have that you can choose the destination i think that's important when you want to do something so let's choose the destination here and you can mess with uh pitch you can have it applied to the pitch [Music] i think i want to make a beat like that but anyway so you have a filter you can do it to the filter i'm telling you guys y'all y'all sleeping on key groups and it's only going amplitude and so forth and by the way if you want to turn off this little thing right here you just press and hold the q link and it will turn off that so it doesn't block anything uh then you have controller modulation so yeah it gets a little deeper but last but not least let's add an effect i'm just going to go and grab an effect i'm going to grab a reverb here because i just wanted to be wet so um [Music] and there you go you can just add more effects uh accordingly uh to that remember you you're just adding that to the key group it can get deeper than that as far as your effects go so you know i can go over here and add effects to and let's just go ahead and hear what it would sound like [Music] yeah so it's sounding good so nothing to about to do it huh let's go ahead and uh play with it a little bit that's what she said let's go [Music] so tell me how you feel about this video do you like the new vive that i have here um i definitely wanted to give guys a different outlook on this video but hopefully you understand key groups again the link will be in the description box to the mpc help support this channel because if you use that affiliate link it will help support this channel other than that just let me know in the comments of what you want next and i will cover it and make sure that you check out the playlist in the description box [Music] crabted fish
Channel: Ave Mcree
Views: 8,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avemcree, ave mcree, akai, akai mpc, akai mpc live ii, akai mpc live, mpc, mpc live, mpc live ii, mpc live 2, akai mpc ii how to use one shots and 808 wavs keygroups explained sound design, mpc sound design, akai mpc sound design, mpc one shot, mpc 808 sound design, akai mpc keygroups, keygroups explained, mpc keygroups, 808 wavs, how to use 808s, how to, how to akai mpc, how to mpc
Id: 5xO4WX4Lfew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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