AKAI MPC Beats Free DAW! How To Make Your First Beat!

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akai has a free daw now [Music] a sequence what is going on guys up this morning and found out that there is a mpc beats it's a free daw for both windows and mac and you can pull up your vst plugins and you can use a multitude of different controllers so i want to test it out in this video show you some of the things that i can do with it and hopefully you can learn something from that and i'll show you how to install and stuff like that and where to get it from so the link will be in the description box and at the top right of the screen if i miss anything there will be an overview video by akai so you can check it out and i definitely want to hear from you guys let's go ahead and do this so once you click on the link in the description it will take you to the website and it says npc beats and that's the name of the software itself it does work as a vst guys i just found out by reading on music radar and you'll see how it looks like a course and it's dope trust me when i say this because i have the mpc software and i'm going to do more videos on that but the npc beats is free you'll have this download link right over here or this download button click on that download button and then all you have to do is fill out this information you know your first last name doesn't really necessarily gotta be your real name or whatever it could be your stage name uh your email address gotta be legit of course and then whatever country you're in and you know what music genre you prefer do you own any hardware of course i do guys and then you can select if you are a beginner intermediate or whatever and then make sure that you're not a robot and then click on get the download link so i'm going to go ahead and fill that out real quick and then we'll get to that so now that i filled that out i was greeted with this screen right here it says npcb again it's the same thing but now it just shows you the beat academy so that way you'll see you know if you want to learn some more stuff and i think that's actually pretty dope and it says request submitted it might take a little second here i just checked my email i'm going to check it again so fast forward so now i'm in my email here it was in my promo tab i thought it was going to be in my normal inbox that's okay but yeah it says welcome dj av you know and it tells me do i want to download it for mac or pc so i'm going to download it for pc that make sure it's downloading okay it's downloading and then download these kits dang they're like about two gigs a piece uh that's a lot of content and you know the demo templates and then the f9 instruments i highly recommend you download this you'll be surprised so now it's on my desktop here i moved all the files for my download folder uh you're gonna just have to right click and extract there it's already extracted on mine it is a zip file and then the original file over here or the file that you need is the setup execution file uh just click on it [Music] then you're going to click on accept the agreement because you have to accept the euler to be able to install it create a desktop shortcut and then click install and then we're going to pick up from there after this finish installing so this is mpc beats right here and as you can see you have all of the templates over here and you can start from r b hip hop house trap template but i'm going to go ahead and start from an empty project and i'm going to show you something real quick because you might have noticed that i didn't have a setup wizard of any kind uh what you can do is hit these three little lines over here and go to help and then do the startup wizard just in case you're a beginner and you don't know what you're doing or even me uh so i have a controller over here it's the micro lab from materia i'm going to hope that there are drivers in there for it or a midi map or something like that it says start by plugging in a midi device so we got that covered uh you could check out the different templates they have they have the ableton push if you could use the ableton push in here i tried it beforehand and it didn't work unfortunately so you have many different akai templates and stuff like that for your midi mapping and all this stuff but it will work just fine if you can't i'm just going to go ahead and just get past that so you can select simple or advanced so this is for the beginners over here simple and advanced is for the advanced people i'm going to go ahead and select advanced show you what that's about and i'm going to start making beats so now we have the software open you have an open help window over here just in case you want to find some stuff out they'll pull up the manual but i want to go ahead and show you some other stuff here in the files and we're going to look for our preferences over here it's over here and edit so we're going to preface this over here you can select your ico drivers if you're on windows of course you have your core drivers over there for the mac heads or whatnot so you know i'm going to select fl studio azio because the drivers for my ituria fuse will clash and we wouldn't have no sound so it might be different for you uh but you can go over here to your plugins you can select your different plugins over here so you know per say i want to select my vst plugins that i have on my system i will go and navigate over here select the folder select my c drive you know i'm going to say vst plugins open and then you would hit scan new and then you will scan all your stuff in there make sure it's checked of course and you know so sorry i have that done i'm not going to go ahead and do that but i want to show you that other things that i want to show you over here is this and overhead the bottom right side of your screen you might be puzzled of what you could do i can close this over here i can close a lot of stuff this information and make this screen bigger and then it also tells you if you hover over a parameter you know what it does or what not says project info you know you could do the project info but what you want to do is probably your media browser that's what we was looking at but now we also have another browser too as well like file browser because you might want to go and select your different sounds like your different one shot someone and then i'm going to go down over here to like a drum kit of some sort so i'm just going to select one at random traps deezy and go into the 808 folder so i can audition that for you make sure that you hit this right here so you can hear auto play and then i can select sound you'll play and you know i can start from there and build a different program so what i want to do though is this i'm going to go over here to this option which is the media browser and from the media browser i'm gonna select you know some sounds so i have some sounds i have more expansions than uh what is given to you but you get some of the same sounds so i'm going to use the same sounds here so what we have and this is where i want to talk about the track over here and just bring myself back up so we have a sequence so you know you can have multiple sequences but you're going to go ahead and start with a normal sequence i'm going to go ahead and make this a 4 bar sequence i'm going to go ahead and enter 4 bar press enter and now i'm going to go to this track over here this track says it's unused and it is unused for now and you have different things that you can select like drums uh key group plug-in midi and clip and cv so what we're gonna do is keep it simple we're gonna start with a drum track because we need some drums now let's go over here to the expansion and i'm going to type in i'm going to go to programs then i'm going to type in trap let's type in traps so now i see different trap drums and you should see those two [Music] so it will demo those songs if you have the demo to allow to be played you can take auto play off of course what you're going to do is drag and drop that into your project so now that you have that you can test them out on your midi controller [Music] and everything is working so far so good right so how do we record so one thing i want to show you guys which is really simple is that you could start off by uh turning down the bpm you could double tap and then type in a number of some source i'm going to type in 68 bpm we're going to keep it nice and slow and single time and then you have tc over here which is set to 16 which is 1 16 and that will automatically quantize whatever i play in so how do i record well i just press r it's gonna arm itself and then hit spacebar [Applause] [Music] perfect so as you heard i was offbeat and now i don't know what i'm gonna do i can't i have to delete something so you have this over here you have these different tools you have selection tool you have pencil tool and then you have eraser tool so i'm going to select the eraser tool and erase that mistake in the beginning of my sequence and now that it's gone it's gone but now i need some high hats now there are two different ways you could do this you can actually draw the hi-hats in if you are you stay at workflow so you would just draw them in [Music] and you would make sure that you're drawing them in the right place and that will work out fine but what i'm going to do here is use another tool which is control z which will get rid of that stuff or you can do undo over here and we're going to use a function called note repeat and note repeat is over here you would select note repeat if you want faster notes you would go over here into tc i'm going to show you that a little later uh what we're going to do is press shift r and that's going to select overdub because we want to overdub this track we don't want to redo this whole entire track so count in [Music] look at that one but [Music] i won't let that record in there [Music] loop again [Music] and we're good to go [Music] now shifting r again to turn off over down and you can press the space bar if you want to stop that now there are other things that you can do you can turn on and off and raise the volume of your metronome over here you can also add swing if you really want swing in your track but i don't want any swing right now and that's fine but i just want to make sure that you know that as well so from here we're going to have to learn something else how do we get some audio in this thing or how do we use anything that has sound so we can get a melody or some chord progressions going so now what you want to do here is this right here go into track over here and then select unused to now you again remember you can choose either a drum program a key group a plug-in midi and all that stuff so what we're going to do is go over here back into the expansion i'm going to use the f9 expansion that you get with this free software and i'm going to make sure that i'm in the program make sure that you're in your program and i'm going to put in the word pad because i want a pad sound of some sort and now let's go ahead and lay out some stuff here so i like the warm pad sound [Music] okay so i like those chords that i'm playing but i don't like the sound so i can still get another sound i can just go over here back over into the search and go and select piano over here [Music] i'm feeling that real piano here [Music] so now the pianos are there but i still had the pad go over here to your programs make sure that you go over to the programs here and then select your sound [Music] what we're gonna do is something else here so perhaps i want some 808s or something like that but maybe i don't want to use your typical 808s or anything like in the key groups or stuff like that well there's a key group for the 808s by the way uh i all you have to do is go over here and type in 808s and your f9 expansion and then you have your 808s so what i'm going to go ahead and do is pull up another track here i'm going to go to unused track and use track then i'm going to slide this over here boom and now the oasis is there and i could just lay out my iterates let's go how you pull up your plug in so it's going to be pretty easy to do all you have to do is repeat the process that you've been doing add an unused track here and then we're going to go over here into the plugin and now we have different plugins that we can pull up so from here i'm just going to go over here to my vst plugin of choice here i'm going to uh pull up on the old electro i guess now i can pop out the plug-in right here by using that sign right there i see we have electro x right there so i'm going to go and select some of the sounds [Music] oh now that i had that sound from my super trap tendo pack over here i'm just gonna go ahead and record something in here so let's go ahead and select r or hit r to record so let's do that hey [Music] uh i didn't set my tc so let me go ahead and correct that let me go over here and uh select 16 to my trap my previous track over here which was basically name you can name it too you can rename it so you don't get confused i'm typing base real quick boom say for instance you want to you can't play the keys or anything like that well there is a pad performance mode if you go over here to your pads and you select pad performance now you can have what you heard here [Music] in the pad performance this is where if you have a midi controller from a kite this is where it will shine because you'll be able to use the pad performance and you'll be able to play chords uh what i was using in particular was some chords uh from like a i think what a dorian scale uh let's see here it's music theory not my best thing in the world so i'm just gonna go over here to dorian and see go and uh drop it down into a d as you can see if i press on here it works but it doesn't work on the keyboard it would have to be locked into something and i don't know why it would be like that in the software it'd be cool if you could do that in the software but unfortunately you cannot or at least i'm overlooking that on the splash screen i'm just going to show you real quick of which controllers are compatible just in case you're interested in using pad performance mode because i am i want to cheat so with that i'm going to show you over here that you have ableton push too i tried that obviously and it didn't work for me and then many different akai midi controllers work obviously and then you know you have material stuff it's not very big amounts like the kai stuff so i would check out some of the kai controllers because they are at a pretty decent price there so yeah and that's the reason why they had this beat software tell me how you feel about this guys i mean 20 years ago you could not get a daw for free not one as decent as this and it's crazy because you know 20 years ago i picked up fl studio and asset pro and you know i was really hoping for this kind of thing to happen you know especially the kai npc workflow and software that would have been so cool back then but now that you guys have this and you can get it for free and they have a gang of different controls that work for it and that's why i want to start with my first con i tried to use the ableton push 2 and i already knew it wasn't going to work perfectly maybe that might be a bug i'll just report that to akai or something like that but it didn't work for me uh perhaps i had to plug it up outside of the usb hub like directly to the computer to get it to work i'm that was something i didn't try but yeah they have an assortment of midi controllers that i can try i just go ahead and buy one for another video but that'd be pretty cool um i know one of the things that people were talking about on twitter was that akai should add a couple of things into the mpc software the obvious one would be a way to glide 808s which would be something like this lasindo or portamento mode or legato mode those type of options would be great as what people were talking about on twitter and yeah i agree with that i think they should be a way where you can do gliding 80 weights very well or just the fact that you have a note on mode where you can press the key and then release the key within your program and it can stop depending on what you select of course yeah that would be great if you can also extend that as well like you can highlight all of the midi notes and extend it across the piano roll however long you set your piano roll and that would be very convenient especially for 808s again or anything like chord progressions or something like that or samples but yeah but overall though the mpc software i think is really good but this is the mpc beats software and i'm really glad that they dropped it for free i mean what the hell i mean i don't know if you can complain or not about that and then obviously you can use expansion so you can pull this up inside of your daw of choice ableton live fl studio etc etc and get that mpc workflow and use a controller that you really like do i give this the stamp of approval bruh it's a free daw try it [Music] oh
Channel: Ave Mcree
Views: 188,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avemcree, ave mcree, akai, akai mpc, akai mpc beats, free daw, mpc beats, akai mpc how to make your first beat, akai mpc beats free daw, free download, free beat daw, daw, mpc daw, akai daw, how to make your first beat
Id: CFMliS0BQz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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