Akai Pro MPK Mini MK3 | Hardware Setup & Control Mapping in MPC Beats

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Hi there! This is Riley from inMusic. This video will teach you how to setup and customize your AKAI MPK Mini mk3's control mapping with MPC Beats. Before we get started, make sure your MPK Mini is properly connected to your computer via its provided USB cable. Its LED display and button backlights will illuminate when power is supplied. This is also a good time to select the correct program for using your MPK Mini with MPC Beats. The unit's LED display will show you which program is currently active. The default program setting is Program 1, which is called MPC, and this is the one you'll need to select for linking with MPC Beats. If MPC isn't the current program, press and hold the PROG SELECT button and tap PAD 1 to load it. So now let's go ahead and open MPC Beats. Just to keep things simple for this video, I'm going to select the Hip Hop template. I really like the drum kits in this one. Before you start to play or record anything, open the MPC Beats Preferences menu and go to the MIDI / Sync tab. At the top, under Input Ports, make sure both TRACK and CONTROL are selected. TRACK should be enabled by default, so leave that on, and CONTROL is the setting you'll need to enable before changing any MIDI mappings later on. And under Sync Send, set the Sync Output to MIDI Clock. This is important for later when we start using the Arpeggiator and Note Repeat functions. So now that's good to go! So I'm going to go into the project and shift to Program Edit mode so we can view our pads right here on screen. Now, if I start tapping the pads on the MPK Mini, we'll see the lower eight pads, A01-A08, respond in MPC Beats. To access the sounds mapped to the upper eight pads, just tap the BANK A/B button on your MPK Mini, which will light up green when you're using Bank B, and now your eight pads will correspond to pads A09-16 in MPC Beats. What we're seeing here is the default MPC Beats MIDI control setting for the MPK Mini mk3. Nearly every built-in drumkit you'll load in MPC Beats will assign a kick on PAD 1, a snare on PAD 2, usually a closed and open hi-hat pair on pads 3 & 4, and more kit-specific percussion, synth hits, and sound effects on the remaining pads. So that's all well and good. But what if you'd rather use your own custom MIDI setup? Maybe having your core drum sounds on pads 1-4 doesn't make sense for you, and you want to rearrange them. MPC Beats makes this really easy. In the bottom right corner, click on the MIDI Learn icon, then next to the dropdown menu that shows the name of your device, click this little menu and click New MIDI Map. Now you have a fresh slate to assign your pads however you like. So at the top, click ENABLE and LEARN. Now I'll select Pad 1 in MPC Beats, which means whatever pad I hit on the MPK Mini will now be assigned to that pad in MPC Beats. I want to keep my kick on Pad 1, so I'm going to tap PAD 1 on my MPK Mini, and boom! Now the MPK Mini's first pad is assigned to Pad 1 in MPC Beats. So now here, I don't like my snare being on PAD 2; I'd rather have that on PAD 5 and that bass boom percussion sound on PAD 2 instead. So I'm going to click on Pad 2 in MPC Beats, then tap PAD 5 on the MPK Mini. And conversely, I'll click on Pad 5, then tap PAD 2 to load that bass boom on PAD 2. So now if unselect LEARN and try my newly assigned pads, I can hear that my new layout is now active. Now, of course, the pads aren't the only parameter on your MPK Mini that you can customize. If you click the VIEW dropdown menu, you can see that every knob, button, and pad on your device can be assigned to whichever parameter in MPC Beats you want to control. This allows you to customize your MPK Mini's layout from front to back and create a setup that's completely tailored to your creative process. Now, of course, if you don't want to start from scratch and just want to change a few aspects of the default MPK Mini MIDI mapping, you can do that, too! Click on the MIDI map dropdown, and go to Factory > Akai > AKAI MPK mini 3, and then open this little menu again and click Duplicate. Then in the dropdown, open User > AKAI MPK mini 3 Copy. You can see I have a lot of copies made here, so just pick the most recent one in your software. To change a default mapping, right click it and click Clear MIDI Mapping. Now that parameter is free to be assigned however you wish. Now let's set up your MPK Mini's Arpeggiator and Note Repeat functions in MPC Beats. The Arpeggiator causes any played keyboard notes to repeat multiple times in a sequence, which is really useful for creating colorful, expressive synth sequences. It's important to link the Arpeggiator with your MPC Beats project so its tempo is synced with your project tempo. Otherwise, your sequences will sound out-of-time with the rest of your project. Before doing this, make sure that in the MPC Beats MIDI / Sync tab, the Sync Output is set to MIDI Clock, like we covered earlier. Next, after turning it on, press and hold the Arpeggiator's ON/OFF button and turn knob K6 to the right so the LED display changes the BPM setting to EXT. Now your Arpeggiator is synced to your project tempo. Remember that in order to hear your keyboard notes playing through the Arpeggiator, your project in MPC Beats must be actively playing. If your project is paused or stopped, you won't hear any notes play as long as the Arpeggiator is turned on. As for Note Repeat, it functions similarly to the Arpeggiator, but instead of sequencing your keyboard notes, it causes your pads to repeat samples at a specified interval while holding a pad. This is great for playing beat sequences that would otherwise be too quick to finger drum manually. Press the NOTE REPEAT button to turn it on, then, just like with the Arpeggiator, press and hold this button and turn knob K6 to the right to set its BPM to EXT mode. With Note Repeat, you'll also need something playing back in your project in order to hear samples being sequenced. For a more in-depth explanation of these two functions, check out our video about using the onboard features of the MPK Mini and MPK Mini Play; the timestamped link is in the description. You'll also find more resources and technical support for your MPK Mini mk3 below, as well as the link to MPC Beats Academy, which is a fantastic resource for learning how to fully flex your creativity while composing music with MPC Beats. Feel free to drop a comment on this video if you have any questions. Thanks so much for watching, and have fun with your new MPK Mini mk3!
Channel: inMusic Brands Support
Views: 146,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MPK, MPK Mini, Akai, Akai Pro, Akai MPK Mini, MPK Mini Play, MPK Mini mk3, mk3, keyboard, MIDI, MIDI keyboard, MPC Beats, VST, plugin, plugins, VST plugins, DAW, music production, beats, beat production, beat producer, MIDI controller, synthesizer, MIDI synthesizer, synth, MIDI synth, virtual instruments, inMusic, MIDI mapping, control mapping, MIDI clock, MIDI sync
Id: Zg07s3IoSQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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