Akai Force Sampler Overview (Recording Vinyl)

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in this video I'm going to cover the functions of the sampler and go ahead and show you how to plug your turntable into your Chi fours so you could sample records check it out what's up everybody my name is Matthew Stratton and I do videos to go ahead and help you create music one of the ways I help you create music is by making videos covering items I covered the Akai force I covered the MPC live so if you're new here consider subscribing so you can get the updates on the new videos so in this particular video I'm going to cover all the functions at the sampler and what I am sampling is actually vinyl okay so I have right here if you look the Audio Technica ATL LP 60 so the ATL LP 60s automatic turntable has different speed options here and has different size options here and basically you just push start and it puts the needle on a record for you very simple to use and it is possible to use this model with the line inputs on the Akai professional force and I'll show you how I do that okay so on the back of this unit there's a switch for line so if you switch the turntable to line it gives you a nice input on the signal this way you could plug the turntable right into your Akai force and get a nice strong signal alright and if you want more information about this turntable look in the description I'll go ahead and put a link for it so you could go ahead and check out this turntable and get more information about it so if you look right here on the back of the Akai force maybe I'll put a picture I can't really show you know too much detail there are two inputs on the back right here it's going to give you input 1 and 2 so basically one is generally left 2 is right there are volume knobs for each of the inputs and there's a switch for line or instrument for each of the inputs ok and there's also a switch here for microphone ok so you could keep your phantom power off for this and you could put these two switches online you'll see here I have right here I have RCA cables ok but I'm using these adapters to make them quarter-inch this way I could plug them right into the Akai force okay and then I have the input signals turned down on the force I'm gonna put right here I want to put the white one on one and I want to put the red one on number 2 and that gets going to give me my stereo input right into the force alright so you can already see the forces powered on and everything what I want to do is just go to an empty project okay so this way we actually have access to the sampler so I'm going to go to menu and you can see right here there's a mode for sampler tap into that so once we're in the sampler here you can see there's a few options alright so I'm going to go over each one of these options this way you have an idea but basically what the sampler can do alright so at the top here the first thing we have is input so right here I have input 1 and 2 selected but you can see I could select input 1 individually or input 2 individually underneath input 2 you'll see re sample so I have resample left resampled right resample left and right so it's actually possible to resample whatever's going on in the Akai force so if you had a scene that you wanted to record in here you could resample it and assign it to a clip and you can have that whole scene on one clip that way for now I'm just going to put input 1 and 2 alright you can see under the input we got an output so I had the output on stereo or you could pick mono so if you put it on mono is just gonna convert the input 1 & 2 into one signal okay I'm going to keep it on stereo underneath there we have inserts so these effects actually go right on to whatever you're sampling so if I insert a reverb it's gonna put a reverb on whatever I have sampled if I insert distortion it's going to have distortion etc alright and that can have up to four different effects I could add the effects right here so I'll give an example of this as we go let me go ahead and click out of that for now right here threshold this correlates with the arm so if I have the threshold on infinity basically when I hit arm is going to start recording all right let me discard that but if I put the threshold up you know anywhere say negative 20 when I arm it you can see it didn't start recording right away okay and then you have the option to go ahead and hit record manually or when the audio signal comes in once it goes beyond that threshold it's going to start recording so I'll give you an example of that in a minute all right just to the left and under threshold we have monitor so if I turn that on I can monitor the signal and that's going to give me the monitor of all the insert effects as well so therefore the monitor signal will have a little bit of latency because it has to go through all of those effects I'll give you an example of that in a minute I'm going to keep it off for now so the next section over here is sampled length now we can see we got minutes seconds milliseconds so basically whenever you start the recording is going to count and tell you how long the recording is and there is a maximum record of 15 minutes you can see right there I cannot go past 15 minutes now I could put it down to like a minute or you know 20 seconds what-have-you I'm just gonna keep it on 15 minutes because I can start and stop the recording as I want to okay so you can see right here this is the arm button so when I arm it it's going to arm it for recording it's there for once it gives a signal and the signal goes past a threshold it's going to start recording and again if I have the threshold all the way down it'll start recording and then you can see here if I wanted to start recording I could start recording at any time I could stop it at any time let me discard that so there's one other thing I want to show you on the screen if I push arm and start recording I can add slices here so if I add slices those slices are actually going to show up in the sample editor and this way I can go ahead and adjust those slices as I want or it can assign those slices into a drum program to the right of arm is the auto sampler so I'll cover the auto sampler in a different video that needs a video all to itself I just wanted to show you that so the following explanation is going to be based on my experience all right so I got input one into you in the output stereo and I don't have any effects now I have the inputs turned all the way down I need to turn those up but before I do I'm going to go ahead and start my turntable all right so now that the needle is landed you can see I get an input and yeah everything's turned down so let me go ahead and turn up boom you can see right there I'm getting a signal all right so you don't want that signal to go past zero so you know sometimes I'll just put it I like negative three just in case it gets louder somewhere around there all right and I'll go ahead and turn off the signal on the other input here now you can see right there let me show you it you see how it's peeking you don't really want it peeking like that you want to keep it down or else it's going to distort it all right unless you're trying to achieve some kind of distortion effects let me go back to where I'm actually gonna record the sample because I want to set the level according to that piece of work I'm actually going to sample all right you can see I'm around negative three so I'm good with that let me go ahead and stop it now I am actually recording the outputs of the youkai force and you can hear that we couldn't hear anything and I have all the default settings that's just the way it is okay but if we did want to hear that if we push the monitor we can hear the signal okay so let me go ahead and push start again now the needle is gonna drop on the record and when it does we're gonna be able to hear that signal alright you can already hear so if I take monitor off you don't hear it okay so this is how it functions as a three point zero point one all right all right let me stop that and then I'll restart it again at the beginning because I just want to sample the beginning of this record okay so I'm gonna push start again and turn monitor on I'm going to go into my insert effects just so we can hear that alright so say I wanted a delay or something like that I just want to pick something that's obvious that's one want to pick delay [Music] if I turn it off you don't hear it if I turn it on you hear I I just wanted to show you that now you can actually record these effects right into the sample so anything you have here on the insert is going to get recorded right into your sample so that could be beneficial okay so I'm give you an example of that just so you can actually see it all right so I want to put I want to put a phaser on there okay let me put it like something really obvious again busy eighth that's probably gonna be obvious all right so I'm going to start it now you can hear the phase I'm gonna start recording it now I want to turn the phase are off no phase phase by phase what have you let me go ahead and stop that okay I want to stop the recording so whenever you stop the recording you get this screen here we could keep our discarded sample okay and we can rename it we can select what track we want it on I'm gonna push play you can see right here we could push play discard keep all right so let's go ahead and listen to this sample now you can already hear the phaser very strong in that sample even here I was changing settings to so it recorded all the different little changes I made all right I'm gonna discard that for the moment so last thing I want to show you is when you're recording your sample you can add slices so I want to go ahead and show you that and show you how those slices show up in your sample editor so I'm gonna arm it push start it's gonna drop the needle okay and you can see right here positive slices so I'm gonna wait for it to get in [Music] all right stop stop the record there all right so I can rename this year so I could put sample one if I wanted do it I can assign it to a track you have to actually have a drum track loaded up in here first to be able to sign it to that track and if you did want that okay you could pick whatever drum track you want and then right here you'd be able to assign it to a pad but I didn't load that up so I'm just going to keep it okay so once I press keep it I'm going to go to my menu and sample edit right there you can see how it shows up you can see there's slices so I'm on slice one and it's on trim I could trim it if I want I'm just going to go over to chop alright now we can see all our chops I could still trim it if I want to bring this in alright and if I hit this right here at the top little speaker icon and I could zoom in right here with these I can audition the samples with that speaker or if I wanted to I could go ahead and push shift convert new drum track using slices do it alright so if I go ahead and select that new drum track you can see right there now I have options to go ahead and adjust the pads right there within the sample editor in the sample editor deserves its own video so I'll go ahead and cover that in a different video but that's what I want to cover in this video alright so I'm gonna put these videos in a new playlist so I'm gonna make a playlist covering the different modes within the Akai force so go ahead and click right there that's going to take you to the new playlist and therefore you could go ahead and check out the videos about the different modes alright so if you found value in the video give it a thumbs up below and if you're new to the channel go ahead and consider subscribing click the bell icon that way you get notified whenever I come out with the new videos my name is matthew continue to create music and we'll talk soon peace you
Channel: Matthew Stratton
Views: 11,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MatthewStratton, matthew stratton, akai force sampling vinyl, akai force sampler, akai force overview, akai force sampling, akai force, MatthewCreating, akai force ableton, akai force demo, akai force drums, akai force review, akai force standalone, akai force standalone sampler, akai force tutorial, akai mpc force, akai pro, akai pro force, akai professional force, akai professional force standalone sampler, akai sequencer, akai tutorial, force tutorial, akai professional
Id: Ws7OQ2_ynMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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