Akai Force Review - my Top 5 WORST features right now (3.0.6 update)

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hey it's pink boot and welcome back to another episode of force fridays if you missed the other ones in the series you can click up here to get caught up and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on the next one so last week i did a video top five things that i love about the force i also did the top five things that i don't like but it was too long so i thought i'd chop it up and make it its own video so here it is okay let's talk about the cons the things that i would love for kai to work on number five relates to the ableton integration now if you don't use ableton this is not going to be a big deal to you so you can just skip ahead to the next one but while i love the fact that you have this integration with ableton i mentioned it as a runner up to my top five and in particular now that you can use this section down here to control clips these are two clips in my ableton session that i have open as i move this around it scrolls through it the same way that a launch pad does or the push does but what is sorely missing is the ability to have those pads that you can play i don't even care if they have the split screen if you were seeing them both at the same time that would be wonderful if you could do that with ableton through the force but at least just to be able to use this as a way of playing the drum tracks i mean i have a chi mpd that i can pull out to do that but i i'd love to just do it on the force that's really the one thing that keeps me from having this setup and using it in ableton all the time is that that lack of being able to play the drum racks number four feature that i really don't like about the force is that you can't rearrange the order of the effects that you have in each track maybe there's just some sort of problem with being able to click on that and move them around to change the order it would seem like this page would be a great one that you could do that either by pushing on the screen and moving it around maybe that's too much to ask of it from a programming standpoint but maybe at least a click here with an arrow button that you can move up and down but it's a it's a really big limitation because it requires you to think too far ahead and when you're creating music you're not always thinking that far ahead you're really in the moment and so i am constantly trying to leave space in between some of these plugins when i insert them because for example the mother decker the side chain compression do i want that to be at the end of the chain well maybe sometimes at the end the change i want there to be a maximizer a limiter in the whole thing and so that needs to be at the end versus somewhere in the middle but if i put reverb on having it before or after the side chain compression makes a huge difference in the way this sounds problem is once you make a decision to insert that on the track that's where it stays you have to then delete it move the other one around that is just way more programming than is necessary so kai please fix this and in a similar vein that brings me to number three thing that i don't like about the force is you can't do the same thing with the track order once you put it in track that's where it will stay there's a kind of a work around related to it but it's just such a pain in the butt and that you could copy this one let's say number two here to number five so it duplicates that track i could come into number two and delete that everything scoots over and i could kind of play this like leapfrog game where i'm like copying a track deleting them and it feels like one of those games where it's like the chicken and the fox that's crossing the river in a boat and you've got to figure out which one's going to sit in there with you and what order it's going to go in and make sure they don't eat each other anybody heard this at all anyways okay apparently i can't count or follow my notes very well when i'm making a video because i left out number two so here it is well i am super happy that these newer updates have made the force into a kind of midi hub and that you can hook up an external keyboard or controller like this and assign these pads let's say to a particular track no matter what you're doing on the forces surface or if you have another keyboard or if you have other synth devices all that's amazing but there's one element that's missing that is so disappointing is that you can't do any cc automation from like knobs like this or sliders to be able to use these knobs here to affect macros or other cc controls would be so amazing and i just don't understand why it's missing it's not like this is new technology i mean many many devices do external cc control so oh so disappointing and number one thing that i really am upset about with regard to the force especially because they gave us this wonderful gift of the macros and the fact that you can have these project knobs making all these types of controls they made it look like false advertising that when you're recording your performance and you got everything just right that it's all going to be saved in the range view and that is mostly true if it's about effects on specific tracks but if you have any sort of macro level which you know macros macro level on the master track like maybe a filter or an xy pad those types of things that you want affecting every single sound in your session or for certain busses maybe as well it will not record this automation into the range view and there is a sort of workaround in that you can just put all those effects on the individual tracks and then use the macros and the knobs to map to all those parameters and then it would record those things for you so for example if you wanted one knob to turn a filter on the whole session and to record that into the range view you'd have to put a filter wasting space on each one of your tracks on each one of them map that knob to the filter on each one of those tracks all this taking time then when you turn the knob it's going to record that on automation onto each track the problem is you're going to do all that work you could save it as a template but it's very hard to pull up with any other track you might do that kind of like high level effects manipulation through knobs and whatnot is something you want as a template on the master track or buses so no matter what song you're doing you always have that at your disposal sure you could build that from scratch for every single piece that you're doing and if there were effects racks you had for macros that would be great but there's not so it kind of makes the range view sort of useless to me because i really use some effects that go over all the tracks either on buses or on the master track that's that's a big way of how i organize myself in the force and in ableton and that's this is like standard music production stuff so it feels like a very blaring oversight that akai didn't think about the need to automate that maybe they it's coming so i want to jump the gun if that's on a future update we'd be very happy with that but all right so let's talk do you agree with me about these top five things or would you have replaced it with something different let me know in the comments below and we'll see you next week
Channel: Pink Buddha Academy
Views: 9,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai force, force tutorial, akai force tutorial features, akai pro, akai professional, akai, akai pro products, force, akai professional products, akai tutorial, akai producer, akai mpc, akai force tutorial, akai force review, akai force update, akai force beat, akai force music, akai force beat making, akai force new features, force 3.0.6, force 3.0.5, force update, akai update, force review, akai force demo, akai force review and demo, matthew stratton, pros and cons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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