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it's no secret that everyone loves Oscar Eisen he was a superb villain that constantly kept us glued to the screen as we were fascinated by his manipulative words and unpredictable actions next to urahara he is one of the smartest characters in the series someone who rarely ever loses his composure and enjoys playing mind games with others I compare his behavior to that of a lion that's playing with its prey after it has been caught you know Eisen is incredibly powerful but he prefers to prolong his encounters with his opponents in order to instill feelings of Despair and doubt he thoroughly enjoys manipulating others and causing them emotional distress despite being very dangerously manipulative many fans like myself fell in love with eisen's charming and well-spoken demeanor no matter the situation you can rest assured knowing that Eisen had it planned all along he was always 10 steps ahead of everyone resulting in the infamous all according to keikakumim after Eisen Was Defeated he was sentenced to 20 000 years of imprisonment within the lowest level of these Soul society's underground prison muken it was safe to assume that this was the last that we were ever going to see of the Sinister fan favorite manipulator however during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc the Shinigami were left with no choice but to ask for his help and so he had made his unexpected return within the story in this video I want to thoroughly explore the role of Eisen during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc what made you hobok interested in wanting to recruit Eisen why did he end up helping the soul society and was there any possibility of Eisen actually agreeing to work with the Quincy and joining guerbach's army of stanriters this is definitely going to be an interesting topic to dive into so definitely make sure you stick around till the end of this video for some theories on eisen's actions during bleach's final Arc before the video begins only 20 of the people who actually watch my content are subscribed to the channel if you enjoyed these videos then subscribe and stick around for more content just like this now let's get back to the topic of the video during the Quincy's first invasion of the Soul Society yuhobach had visited Eisen within muken and had offered to him a position within his army as one of his five Great War Powers this was because of his incredibly high amount of riyatsu that he had acquired after fusing with the hokyoku and attaining Transcendence sadly this exchange between them occurs off-screen but we learn in chapter 510 that he had rejected his offer even during the course of this very short meeting Eisen was able to distort eurobach's perception of time proving that he has not lost his ways after 17 months of imprisonment Eisen then doesn't appear within the story until another 100 chapters have passed when they knew had Captain chance revisits muken in order to ask for eisen's help after the soul King had been killed he speaks with him as he comments upon the soul Society shaking so much that even Eisen should be able to feel it within muken stating that the end of the Soul Society is near Eisen hears him but does not respond shinsui states that he is aware that Eisen can hear his voice as he calls him out by his name he then goes on to say that he was given permission to only use three keys to remove three of the many seals that have been placed on Eisen he first removes the seal placed on eisen's mouth allowing him to respond with his voice instead of his spiritual pressure shinsuke comments on how any ordinary person would struggle to speak after having their mouth sealed for two years but this doesn't seem to be the case with Eisen as we see him verbally agree with shunsui but strangely enough he is now walking towards him he is shocked to see that Eisen was able to remove the other seals on his body just by having the seal over his mouth removed menacingly he questioned shunsui about still having two further keys that he can use to remove an additional two seals he then proceeds to remove the seal placed over his left eye and his ankle as shunsui asks if he wants to get out of muken but Eisen states that he doesn't recall having asked to be let out but shunsui states that his desire to remove a further two seals is proved enough that he wants to leave prison Eisen then notices that shinsui has the key to leave muken within his body as a Fail-Safe we learned that he was only given permission to remove three of eisen's seals if he was to bury the key to leave muken within his heart survey shinsui is killed by him then there will be no way to ever leave the prison Eisen curses the central 46 would foreseen that he would have tried to kill shunsri just to get the key to leave he offers Eisen to sit and be restrained to a chair as they go up to the surface he tempts him with the offer of fresh air that he will be able to breathe within the soul society as one of the Gods accompanying shunsui attempts to restrain him but he quickly has his hands severed with eisen's ryatsu he warns them not to touch him as their restraints will not eliminate his way out to but it would only keep it near to him he then asks shunsri what makes him think that he would want to help the soul Society he tells him that they are not asking for him to fight for them but rather they have a shared interest because neither the soul Society or Eisen want to be ruled over and controlled by yuhobach this leaves Eisen with a predicament as he wonders if he wants to breed the air of the Soul Society that is about to be crushed by you hobok I can still remember when I was reading these chapters for the first time and understandably feeling like Eisen cannot be trusted and how shins we may have made a huge mistake by freeing him if Eisen doesn't comply then the Shinigami have two big bad villains to fight against these concerns were further reinforced when the gote 13 had challenged shunsui about the Reckless decision that he had made in chapter 621 we see that Eisen has been brought up to the soul Society while being restrained to his chair the other Shinigami immediately sends his reutsu which crushes the black creatures that begin pouring down upon the cerate he criticizes the Shinigami for trying to get rid of them with their zombuck though when they could easily crush them with arayatsu like how he is doing he greets rookia and ranji after seeing their shocked Expressions he comments on how it has been a long time as he congratulates Rukia for being promoted to a lieutenant stating that he is glad that her efforts are finally being recognized of course nobody is too pleased to see Eisen and I love how calm and smuggy remains despite him being stuck to a chair with limited Mobility after leaving Lucan it seems as though he is back to his usual self remaining calm and collected after the members of the gote 13 argue with their new head captain about his decision to free Eisen he pushes his luck by asking if shunsui would mind removing their strengths from his arms to which he refuses he states that he was only allowed to remove three seals Eisen then goes on to complain about how he is expected to defeat these black creatures while sitting down but shouldn't be rightfully states that he should have no problem doing so because he doesn't expect him to sit there and do nothing while the creatures begin to bite away at his body the Shinigami run into the safety of the lab as they leave Eisen out in the open against the creatures this is pretty funny how shinsui doesn't tolerate his smart ass attitude he even pushes Eisen to admit to himself that he is difficult to deal with he then activates his signature harder number 98 kurohitsugi as he proves once again that he has an unlimited supply of riyatsu at his disposal despite the fact that he has many seals still placed on his body it is evident from urahara and ranji's remarks that Eisen has in fact gotten stronger while being detained within Lucan but Eisen on the other hand is more surprised about the fact that the chair had remained intact despite being directly in the center of his kurohitsugi he then offers to shoot down the Royal Palace for the Shinigami as he continues to defy any form of orders proving to be very unpredictable and difficult to work with while he charges up his spiritual pressure to fire it up into the sky it dissipates as we learn that the chair that he has sat on is keeping his riyatsu near to him and not letting him unleash it Miri states that the chair was created by Him and there is no other technology quite like it it was made with the purpose of controlling prisoners who cannot be killed he can control the level of Royale too Eisen can unleash with the device that he is holding Eisen then challenges him to dial it up and see if his technical expertise at any match against his power but they are interrupted when the stanwitter nanana attacks Eisen but the Quincy is surprised to see that Eisen has not passed out from the attack in chapter 624 we see him speaking with shunsui who asks him to wait in the soul society as they open the gate to the Royal Palace he comments on the Quincy and Shinigami now working together in order to protect the soul Society after Busby and the other quincies who had felt betrayed joined forces with the gote 13. he is frustrated that his enemies will be reaching the Royal Palace before him paying particular attention to how Ichigo is currently there as he calls him insufferable after they leave for the Royal Palace we next see Eisen in chapter 654 within the cerate watching as fragments of Lil fall down around him he wonders what on Earth is going on up there much later on in chapter 682 after yuhobach arrives at the serote Eisen goes on to welcome him to his soul society as yuha immediately proceeds to destroy the chair that Eisen was sitting on now that he is free to move he challenges him but yuha finds it funny that he is choosing to fight for the soul Society but Eisen clarifies that he will fight anyone who tries to control him and his reality Eisen at this point activates his kyokasugitsu to make yuhobach believe that Ichigo and renji are attacking him from behind when he attacks Ichigo Eisen disguises himself as renji trying to attack him but to not Avail as his left arm ends up being seven he then makes it appear as though he is protecting ranji as he uses the powerful Hardo 99 godhutan Matsu which breaks apart the ground beneath him summoning a large demon made up of reishi he then rushes towards you about who tells him that his kyokasugatsu is already broken pushing him back with a blast of energy Eisen then returns once more but disguised as Ichigo appearing behind johobak as he shatters the tensa zangatsu blade commenting on how ichigo's efforts are fighting alongside kyokasu Getsu of futile he then blows a hole through ichigo's body as it is then revealed that johabakh had been under the influence of kyokosu Getsu this entire time and he had made himself appear as Ichigo and renji to him thanks to his powers the real Ichigo then arrives onto the battlefield and impales you back from behind while firing a getsuka tencho through his body yuha then appears to dissolve into the ground as Eisen complements Ichigo and reacting to his kyokasu Getsu he explains how he was able to successfully use his power against the almighty going on to admit that he did not assume that conceding his shikai release from each girl would come in handy like this but suddenly Eisen is then consumed by your box Darkness as this brings to an end eisen's involvement within the Thousand-Year blood War Arc we see him again after you hobox defeat when he is back within muken commenting on yuhobach's goal as he gives his iconic speech on Courage some people had assumed that Eisen was stupid to have refused yearbooks offered to join his army during the first Invasion now admittedly this would have led to Eisen wearing a cool new stanwitter outfit but I think that having him join another villain's Army is an out of character thing for him to do if we recall Eisen had desired to stand at the top of the heavens as the new ruler of reality Desiring to replace the soul King he did not share your Buck's goal of wanting to merge the worlds together as one thus removing the cycle of life and death is in speech about courage at the end of bleach was also an explanation of why he had refused to side with yohobak he believes that death is necessary so that we are aware and fearful of our own mortality while at the same time facing it every day and choosing to continue moving forward courageously without concept of death people would have little reason to live aside from existing for the sake of it there would be no real value for one's own lifespan only Eisen was attained immortality can comment upon this if Eisen had joined johobak's Army then Shelby would have seen a lot more of him but I like the fact that he had rejected the offer as for seeing more of Eisen during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc I would prefer if Kubo had expanded upon eisen's battle against eurobach possibly even unveiling his bunkai in an attempt to defeat the Almighty I believe that this would have been a better way to extend eisen's role within the final Arc now because of the way that Kubo writes the story it always gives us a huge sense of hype but it leaves us wanting to see so much more as we see a glimpse of Eisen battling yuhobach but it was far from matching our expectations since he had only used his kyokasuigetsu and tricked him momentarily during their short encounter he had allowed himself to be injured so that Ichigo could land the surprise attack thus ending his role within the arc it is evident that this final battle was rushed and sadly this is the case with the finale of the Thousand Year blood War a lot of battles with the shootstaffle felt rushed and the story was quickly wrapped up with so much yet to tell after the final Arc we find out that Eisen had allowed himself to be sealed again after all he is Immortal and I assume that he is willing to wait it out and service 20 000 year sentence or that he doesn't mind waiting for the soul Society to collapse or to await their return to ask for his help again with another threat personally I loved how Eisen teamed up with Ichigo at the end of the art and even went as far as to explain why he had disagreed with yobox beliefs there was a clear distinction between both of their goals he refused to help to create a world without the fear of death because people would not have the courage to live an oppose threats like yuhobach in the world that he had wanted to create admittedly there is a lot left to be desired following eisen's appearance within the final Arc we definitely need a flashback about his past learning more about how he had come to learn about the truth of the Soul King including the change that occurs within his character which had led to him refusing to side with uh when was it that he had come to accept that eliminating death would be disastrous for the future of mankind was this after he had become Immortal whatever the case may be Eisen was the best choice to have spoken about your box goals at the end he in fact has no fear of death in his current state so only he can comment upon the consequences of getting rid of it how people wouldn't have the courage to fight for their beliefs and everything would be inconsequential as people would live because they have no choice but to living with our relatively short life spans and being reminded of our inevitable deaths is what pushes people to make the most of the time that they are given and I think that this is exactly what Eisen was speaking about when you are given only a few decades on this Earth You have no choice but to be courageous and not to worry about growing frail and eventually dying those who are aware of all of this and still decide to strive for a better future are the ones Eisen had referred to as courageous I would have loved to see more of Eisen during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc and I especially want to see his first meeting with yuhobach when he had refused the offer to join his army as well as extending the battle against your back where we can see him properly used as kyokasu gets you to trick him now what were your thoughts about his involvement did you want to see more of Eisen during this are there any moments that you want added or expanded upon within the anime definitely continue the discussion about eisen's role within the Thousand Year blood War Arc in the comments I can't wait to read all of your thoughts on this character's unexpected involvement during the finale of bleach and lastly thank you for making it to the end of this video and I can't wait to see you in my next bleach video if you enjoy my content then you can support my channel through patreon for as little as a dollar a month or even through YouTube by becoming a channel member you will gain access to exclusive Channel perks and a Discord server which I frequently use so become a member of my zero Division and be the first to know about my upcoming videos and once again thank you for sticking around till the end of the video and whatever you contribute will mean a lot to me foreign [Music]
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 135,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach anime, bleach brave souls, bleach manga, bleach hell arc, bleach 2022, bleach discussion, bleach tybw, bleach new anime, bleach tybw anime, bleach new chapter, bleach anime trailer, bleach tybw trailer, tybw anime, bleach hell chapter, dbzimran, dbzimran bleach, aizen in tybw, aizen’s role in tybw, aizen vs yhwach, aizen tybw, aizen tybw arc, aizen thousand year blood war arc, bleach thousand year blood war
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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