AI's Impact on Hollywood

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so we're sitting here in the middle of Hollywood I can see the beautiful Hollywood Hills the Hollywood signs around here someplace just over there okay um and uh the news today is Screen Actors Guild everyone's gone on strike uh there is great uh fear pain concern and you know you called it when we spoke uh six months ago uh what's going on how do you view it and where's it going so I think the advances in media artificial intelligence have been huge you've now got the Drake AI song or my favorite ice ice Matrix where the Matrix characters sing by size baby yes um you've got real-time rigging you have real-time special effects you've got high definition creation of anything what does that mean it means that the whole industry is about to be disrupted because the cost of production reduces it was reducing in some ways anyway and we've seen this move where the cost of consumption went to zero with Napster and Spotify and then the cost of creation started to go into zero with Snapchat and tick tock and now we have a question of what are the defaults going to be now and consumers only have one limited uh currency and that's their attention I think so but consumers are willing to pay for attention they want to pay for Quality well either premium Media or you know otherwise because video games for example started as a 70 billion industry 10 years ago the average score went from 69 to 74 on Metacritic over that period and now there are 180 billion dollars movies I pay for some of that with my 12 year olds yeah movies went from 40 billion to 50 billion but the average IMDb movie rating of the last 10 years has been 6.4 it has not changed so you're not producing more and so they're not consuming more so there's a question will this technology enable an increase in quality because it raises the bar for everyone yes there are more Movie Makers so they're more excellent Movie Makers and the best movie makers become even more excellent and we've democratized the tools on from an iPhone to uh you know the the tools on your on your Mac and of course YouTube has disrupted was the first major disruption of the it was something like Mr Beast has a much bigger audience in CNN now yeah but that comes down to what is the key Point here distribution you can make good stories but if no one hears them right and that's what's that's what Disney has as its uh benefited distribution to its theme parks to its uh to its products to its channels it creates a shelling point but then if we all have our own individualized AIS that can find us what we need and sift through the crap maybe whole of distribution flips on its head in five years as well so I can't imagine you know I keep thinking that the future of of movie consumption is me speaking to my version of Jarvis and saying you know I'd like a comedy I'd like it starring me and three's three friends of mine and somebody else and for 90 minutes and set it in you know some setting and go and have it auto-generate a compelling story that that is either because I'm involved in it I'm enraptured in it or because my favorite stars are all together in unlikely place how far are we from that kind of future I'd say probably three to five years so in that in that case it's not going to be cheap but it'll be there and then it'll get cheaper and cheaper in that case there is no distribution needed a person calls up whatever they want I think there is distribution needed but in a different way music we have a variety of different music sites but how do musicians make their money now it's not Spotify a million views gets you a few thousand shirts t-shirts merchandising Global stories because there is that future of the Wally type of fat guy sitting with his VR headset yeah it's kind of depressing just like you know the Apple Vision Pro adverts I found kind of depressing when these kids are right there and just puts them on yeah I love it dystopian to me um I think it's more a case of there are certain stories that everyone wants to talk about like here in Hollywood what do we have this week we have Oppenheimer and Bobby oh my God I'm looking for an Oppenheimer I will not watch Barbie sorry would you watch Barbie Heimer only no I will go there well I mean we can take it we can put the scripts into Claude and see what it comes up that would be hilarious yeah hilarious kind of Barbie home but again like people are talking about the Barbie movie because it's you know not uh she comes to the real world and she has challenges it'll be a hit people talk about Oppenheimer because again it will be a hit and these are produced hits these are produced hits yeah just like I saw BTS with my daughter Eternal BTS sir black pink oh God she'll kill me um in Hyde Park a few weeks ago the biggest K-pop band out of Korea right um completely manufactured but lots of fun so on the one hand what you have is what you described your personalized things that's kind of like McDonald's what's the job to be done the job is Comfort the job isn't to listen to someone else's story and expand from there it isn't a produced Michelin star meal or just a nice restaurant one that you can talk about to others like you can cook ingredients yourself at home as well sure but humans do like these bigger stories but then the nature of funding of musicians changed it was about merchandise it was about kind of a lot of this um other stuff around tours and so I think the nature of movement the business model has changed I mean that's the most interesting thing about experiential technology is is it's changing the business models and I keep on you know advising my entrepreneurs it's reinvent your business models more than anything else you have to always look across the landscape where is the value Peaks and then you're sitting there and you're intermediating something and you're offering service value you know like there was that great quote who is it from the CEO of Netscape um all values created by aggregation or disaggregation bundling or unbundling yeah and you think about how the landscape is going to change now as intelligence has moved to the edge what was once in the hands of the studios and the high Priests of media suddenly gets pushed to the edge whereas value then it changes it flips it so let's go let's go to what's going on right now so the stream Screen Actors Guild is on strike because of why screen I mean it's better wages in general standard stuff but now there's this rapidly emerging fear of artificial intelligence so one of the proposals that came in um from the other side was that basically all the extras all the actors they sign away their rights so they could be used in AI so they get a day of wage to get scanned and then they can be used for the rest of that Studio's life in producing background actors and they were looking at this like oh my God wait you can do that yeah people don't even realized you can do that you know script writers are saying no AI generated scripts which again is a bit weird when they're all using grammarly and things like that which was AI how are you ever going to tell you know where do you draw the line where do you draw the line because this is a technology that's coming so fast and is so good that it's almost not like technology at all it's just very natural the way it emerges and so you will get to some sort of agreement because the big actors are kind of there but the defaults that are set now reverberate so I think that's an important point that you just made uh the decisions the policies that we create today are gonna take us down One path or another for the decades to come yeah it will affect the whole of Hollywood what's decided In This Moment here because there won't be another renegotiation for a while and so again how does an actor create value a top actor has a following but up and comers how did they break through what was the apprenticeship to what does a movie look like in five years even if you agree as Hollywood not to have any AI let's just say you have this kind of Dune style but Larry and Jihad and say no AI you know and someone will make a movie about no AI in Hollywood what do you do when the Chinese film studios start releasing product start raising products faster than anything you can make 500 in every language out there literally every language we have technology now again maybe this is part of what what is possible now we can translate Peter's voice into just about any language with his voice so it's not a voice match for my lips and movements exactly match your lips and movements exactly I'm sure the podcast will be in every language by next year yeah you know and again it will be in our voices we can make our voices sound more confident we can take his mannerisms right now and Transplant them onto my mannerism so we match so we can reshoot scenes with style yeah we can turn them into a robot in a few minutes and in fact maybe we'll do that on the post and so we'll have a little scene of him becoming a robot um these are all technologies that are here now and it transforms fundamentally the nature of filmmaking because you only need one shot but don't the film actors who are uh you know standing up for their rights to not have them basically demonetized and digitized the other option is for Hollywood to just create complete artificial characters that they fully own yeah and you've seen this already with some of the kind of vloggers and you know others that have emerged out of Asia in particular fully AI generated characters yeah and you can have entire Mythos around them and you can say make it the most attractive Italian guy I've ever seen that's Broody and this and that how are you gonna tell it from a human yeah I mean like these characters can be completely and it's far more profitable for the studio to use that digital actor um so there is a disruption coming at every every level because the research to revenue pipeline has become so tight and it sets of a race condition whereby you could only produce two movies a year suddenly you can produce 20. um and then you can actually uh like we do a b testing in in subject headlines you could create 30 variants of the movie and see which one actually is the best yeah and I mean again you can say make it more make that speech raw and more emotional it will adjust the voice to make it more and more emotional right and because you're using such large data sets you know and we so we made all our data sets open and then we allowed opt out we're the only company in the world to allow opt-out because we thought it was the right thing to do so we had 169 million images option out of our image data sets for music because it's different copyright laws we have one of the first commercially licensed music models coming out so respect for that but if I'm an artist and I go to the Louvre to be inspired and then go back and paint um and I've been inspired by Da Vinci and I start painting in a style like da Vinci um where's the difference there where's the difference and this is the reality even though we've done that by next year probably by the end of the year you will have models that have zero scrape data or human art they will all be synthetic yeah and you'll be able to bring your art to it so there's something Google just released called style drop there's hyper dream there's hyper networks that's a hyper dream Booth you can take one picture of yourself and the entire model trains to be able to put you into anything even if you're not in the model it used to take minutes hours now it's just one picture you know similarly you can bring any style and it will just mimic and imitate that style and so all of a sudden the models themselves it doesn't matter what they're trained on because there's no human endeavor in those models and then things like compensation for artists and others as you said become a bit mute because all of a sudden you have these amazing stories told by really convincing amazing actors who may or may not exist and how are you ever going to tell the difference so what's your advice let's parse it here on one side what's your advice for Hollywood uh and for actors um and on the other side I want to ask your advice for artists all right because I want to this is about mindset you know this is coming at us at extraordinary speed there's no stopping it right there's no it's you know there's no slowing it down and so you've got to deal with reality you know until the reality again it's inevitable even if again Hollywood says no AI the AI is coming from around the world so what do you do you think oh well my audience suddenly became the whole world yeah that's a big deal you're like what am I actually known for it's my acting skills well I will still get these things you're an up and coming actor you say I need to build community I need to kind of show off something more than that because again my acting skills in some areas can be transplanted but what about real life shows you know what about these things it does throw up the entire thing and adjust it but then musicians have had to have that adjustment they used to be able to make money on their LPS and then all of a sudden they had the Naps to Spotify moments yes there is more protection in music as well because you basically according to the Robin Thicke versus Marvin Gaye case um there is an element of style protection in there that doesn't exist in visual media yeah and probably won't because the other part of this is if you're expecting governments to regulate how can they when there is a global competition going on they will lose competitiveness to other countries and you'll have regulatory Arbitrage yes and uh that is something across every industry it's going to be happening yeah I think you know the concept of you know United Artists it was originally a collective of all the artists that makes a lot of sense now I think you have to think about an element of collectivism to share the excess profits because what's going to happen is movies will get cheaper profits will go up you need to support each other as a community here and think again as a community what is our story for the next one three five ten years because all of this is going to happen quicker than it takes to make the new Avengers movie and quicker than Regulators are able to regulate and again The Regulators almost certainly won't regulate because they will start falling behind their competitor countries I mean if we look at the internet itself as it you know the media industry never expected the internet to have the disruptive impact it had and had it known it probably would have tried to get Regulators to have slowed it down or blocked it yeah the speed is too much but then also again I gave the example earlier the video game industry has gone from 70 billion to 180 billion over the next so it's possibility is can we increase quality interactivity okay yeah because games are and games are media as well the media industry has increased in size the way that value is gone has been redistributed value will be redistributed again now and again it's like what is an AI enhanced actor if you're an actor what's an AI enhanced photographer filmmaker think about your jobs the tasks that you do and what can be augmented if you had a bunch of really talented youngsters working for you right you could do more you could be more but then it means the bar is just going to keep on raising
Channel: Peter H. Diamandis
Views: 19,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peter diamandis, longevity, xprize, abundance
Id: GLL4eyd1xUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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