Airplane Annual Inspection Cessna 310 | Pilot Perspective

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the annual inspection process is something  that most airplane owners do not look forward   to ever wonder what really happens on an  airplane annual inspection stick around   we're about to get really deep into our annual  inspection on this episode from the fire pilot welcome back i'm the fire pilot where we make  videos about aviation that nobody watches and are   generally boring as an aircraft owner there are  expenses that you can plan for and then there are   those that are unplanned one of the biggest yearly  expenses that an aircraft owner can expect is   sometimes the dreaded annual inspection an annual  inspection is just what it says an inspection   of your aircraft every year to ensure safety and  function of its systems it's required not optional   for general aviation the faa has regulations that  pertain to the annual inspection they're called   fars afar is a federal administrative regulation  that sets the rules for all federal agencies   for aviation most everything we're concerned about  falls under title 14 kind of like a chapter going   over those i'll leave to a separate video but for  the annual inspection process we're concerned with   two specific fars part 91.409 and part 43 appendix  d now without speaking all lawyers and losing the   three of you that'll probably watch this video and  stop halfway the first part 91 says that an annual   must be done the second part 43 appendix d says  what must be done on an annual now for all those   aviation experts who may come across this video  and comment about oh you're wrong and you're a   terrible pilot yeah you're right i am but there's  way more to it than that i try to break things   down so that people can relate and understand it  feel free comment away for a pilot owner this is   a pretty scary time you're leaving your airplane  in the hands of somebody who has the sole ability   to determine whether your aircraft will ever  fly again they could ground it you have to   find somebody who is trustworthy and you have  to find somebody who knows the fine details of   your airplane enough to make it safe but has  enough common sense and experience to know   what's important and what's not now don't take  that the wrong way the attitude that you should   have towards your aircraft is that if it's wrong  you should fix it trust me you won't care what it   costs when you have something that goes wrong when  you're flying if it is not right make it right   we dropped off our plane at tas aviation in  defiance ohio a worldwide leader in twin cessna   maintenance you can see the history and the  reasons why we did that in our previous video   check that out if you haven't seen that video  now we aren't sponsored by tas but we did work   out a plan for them to document as much of our  annual inspection as possible so let me turn   it over to tas several of their mechanics are  going to explain the steps that it takes to get   our airplane initially prepped for the inspection  now let me warn you it gets deep really deep and   technical here but we wanted to show how involved  and intimate this process gets here you go   all right so we're going to go ahead and get  started um opening up 38 yankees inspection panels   um we're just going to pull everything off the  spinners the fuel uh the bowls and everything   um all the panels on the wings we're going  to pull the cabin out so you can get to the   flight controls um just so that our inspectors  can get in there and look everything over and   start writing up squawks so we're going  to go ahead and get started on this today   should be pretty fun so here we go all right so something like this that we find  um during opening crew this panel is missing a   cam lock right here so we're gonna go ahead and  note that um and we'll have that written up for   uh when we start working squawks all right so got the engines opened up um i'm  gonna leave the wings to some other guys so right   now what we're gonna do is start to pull the cabin  out um right below us is your gear motor all your   flight control cables um your flat motors all that  stuff that we need to get to and inspect um to   make sure that the plane is going to run properly  so um i'm going to run the footage and uh let you   guys see me tear it apart here looks a little more  barren here without all the panels so we've got   all this opened up we can get to the flat motor  which is right in front of me there our gear motor   and all of our flight controls which are all  of these cables going down into the hell hole   so that's what we're going to be doing  during our flight controls portion hello it's me back again  there are donuts in the shop donuts are what make mechanics go round   in the gut and also keep us fueled for another  day of fixing your airplanes bring us donuts now as you can tell the amount of labor that  goes into simply the inspection of the airplane   is immense every inspection plate the cowlings  around the engine the carpet the floor   everything must be exposed in the airplane so  you can inspect its condition and function as   they go along a list of problems began to  be tallied this is referred to as a squawk   list these are the things that make you a very  very poor person they get expensive really fast   as the inspection is going on i get a preliminary  phone call from marla listen to this that we   found something really screwed up in your flap  system now things clearly aren't going as well   as i had hoped i never noticed a flap issue  before my flaps actually worked but that was   because of the limit switches flat motors are 2  500 bucks this could be a bad sign a couple of   days later after i process that one i get the  rest of the story and boy is it a long story   the next phone call was a meeting between marla  who you've met in the previous video as well   as brent they found everything that has ever  been touched on this airplane or in some cases   never been touched this is a list of nearly 150  squawks on the airplane 32 pages to be fair some   of these were simply notes for my own information  it wasn't actually things that needed to be   corrected or fixed i was a bit overwhelmed  here are the big issues let's go through   first on my left propeller it needed resealed it  was throwing grease the left alternator needed   replaced it was throwing oil aft all out of the  exhaust at the bottom i needed new alternator   clutches for both left and right engines the  right vacuum pump had sheared its shaft and it   needed replaced we needed a new flap motor  based on what we talked about before we needed   a new nose gear tire we had some fuel leaks that  really needed to be replaced we were losing fuel   maybe the biggest that could have caused some  major issues down the road our right and left   nose gear trunnion supports were cracked  this could have led to the dreaded nose gear   collapse on one of my hard landings i seem to  frequently get and if that happened potentially   both of my engines would be shot one of the great  things about having a good shop though is that   they can recommend what must be fixed now what you  should fix now and what you could probably defer   to a later maintenance date let me show you  some of that process now this is where it gets   to be really technical and i want you to know  that they're going to go through a lot of things   i'll show you what we fixed and how we did it and  the whole deal you're going to get to know this   airplane really well just like i did let's take  a look hey guys it's matt from cassie aviation   we're starting the annual on this aircraft  today and one of the first things we'll be   looking at is the alternators we're checking  to see if they have the rubber clutches   okay so we're back we got the alternator  off we got all our wiring labeled i got a   rag inside the engine so when i'm cleaning off  this gasket around here uh none of the gasket   falls into the engine case i'll pull this out  so you can see inside the gearing and whatnot but it has the metal clutch hey guys i'm back  today i got this metal clutch pulled off this   alternator and i got the new rubber style clutch  installed this gets torqued down to 300 to 450   inch pounds got my new gasket over here i'm gonna  get thrown on and then put the alternator back on   okay we got the vacuum pump right here you can  tell the shaft is broken off it's sitting right   here on my toolbox so we need a new vacuum pump  and we're also replacing a leaking garlock seal   which i don't know if you can  see on camera it's hard to tell   you try to get it there you can see the oil  on the bottom there that's how you can tell   your garlock seals leaking so we're gonna drill  into that seal and pull it out and replace it   okay guys i got the old garlic seal  out you can kind of tell i had to drill   two number 30 drill bit size holes through  each side and i took my pick and pulled it   out with the pick got the new seal right here  i'll put some 515 flange sealant on there   for when we put it back in we got this nice little  tool that goes around the outside of it and you   hit it with a hammer to get it into place so  i got the new seal set up in there as you can   kind of see i'm just going to take this and get  it on the outside and just lightly tap it in this you can i don't know if you  can tell on camera but it's flush   right now and i need to keep going so i  slightly feel it start to find up you can   see it's recessed in there just a little bit i'm  gonna wipe some of that excess sealant out of   there and then clean up the old gasket and put  the new vacuum pump on here you can see we got   our new vacuum pump in compared to the old one we  got our new fittings put on and now we're gonna   install it on the aircraft and you gotta line the  teeth up on the pump with the teeth in there so   kind of some trial and error  for the first couple tries to   kind of get some hardware started to hold  the pump on there so it doesn't fall off   and hook up my vacuum lines for the d.a  system and then we'll be done with this job   and on to the next clock all right so what  we're looking at right now is a leaky drain   on the bottom of this tip tank right here kind of  see up on there it's leaking so these two screws   right next to the drain we're gonna have to get in  and replace the parker seals around those as well   but in order to do that we're gonna have to  actually get inside the fuel tank itself so   i'm gonna take this tip tank off real quick um  replace the drain get in there so i've already   pulled the landing light out of the tip tank  we're gonna get under there and get it done all right now that we got the tip tank  off of here you can kind of see it up   inside um the back here so  this is your chipper pump   we're going to take all of these screws out um so  that we can get up inside of there get our hand in   and be able to get the nuts on the back  of these screws for the drain right there   all right so we got the chipper pump off you  can look in here inside of the fuel tank so   right down there is our drain in question so i'm  going to get a wrench on that so we can get those   screws out and drain your place all right so  we got the drain off and one of the screws and   one thing i did notice is that on the  screws they just have regular washers   which i think is going to be part of your leakage  issue they should be parker seals kind of like   this uh while we've got this all apart we're  also going to be kind of cleaning up this area   around here double checking for corrosion pinholes  um we've gotten some of these before where you can   just stick a pic straight up through there um  it corroded all the way through so it doesn't   look like that's the case on this one but  we're going to clean it up just to make sure   all right so i mentioned earlier about how  sometimes on these we get some corrosion pinholes   in here and that can be why they're leaking even  when we replace the drain so i was scratching away   a little bit of paint and you can see right there  i don't know how well the camera's picking it up   but that is corroded through so that is the source  of your leak so we're gonna have to patch that um   and get that fixed it's a good thing that it's  right here and not like on the weld or anything   um that could be bad but we're going to drain the  fuel out of this and look um see what the extent   of it is we're going to peel the rest of this away  to make sure there's not more than one spot right   there but that is the source of your leak yeah  that's not a loose drain that's just corrosion all right so i've got a light on this  corrosion pinhole so you can look right here   i've got a light inside the tank just  so you can see a little bit better but   right there is the hole so you can see through  that light that's obviously not supposed to   be a hole right there so um we're gonna give  that a patch and we're gonna get it all fixed up all right here's the patch installed um  it's just a piece of 63 000 sheet metal   with some holes drilled in it so we can still  put our screws and our drain itself and we put   some prc around here just to keep it from  leaking um we're gonna let this set up for   a day or two and then put some fuel in here just  to double check that it doesn't leak before we put   it all back together so guys we got done with  the landing gear inspection we're gonna start   on some of the squawks that we found and one  of the big ones that i want to start with   is the nose trunnions are cracked i'm going to  give you guys an idea of what that looks like up in the nose here these panels are your  trunnions i don't know if you can try to   get a decent can you see that crack through  that rivet right there it's like that on both   sides of the landing gear so what we have to do  is we have to take out the whole nose mechanism   and disconnect your drag brace i'm working  on getting the steering cables out of there   disconnecting everything and there's four bolts  that hold the trunnion on okay guys this is the   nose assembly when it's removed from the aircraft  right here so what i gotta do next is come in here   and drill out this piece and all these rivets that  go around on both sides so i can get the inner   piece inside the nose out which i'll show you when  i get there and i'll show you the patch that we   uh fabricate to fit in there and make  everything back to factory you can see   right there that's the crack and that's what  we're that's what we're replacing the part all right so one of the bigger squawks we have on  this thing is replacing this heater plenum hose   which is this big guy that connects to your heater  down here we're in the nose obviously right now so   this is all getting replaced it's a bit uh  wet and crunchy so all right so i just got   done making the inside of the plenum hose  so this is just uh some of this tubing   perhaps an insulation and duct tape because that's  you know duct tape works for everything and here's   a new heater plenum hose all nice and done  definitely looks a lot better than the old one   all right so we're going to go ahead and get  started replacing the push tube seals on this   engine which are under here and leaking this is  a pretty typical repair that we have to do on   these that's going to be taking the rocker box  off kind of moving this baffling out of the way   we'll take the actual rocker arms out um  move the push take the push tubes out the   push rods and everything so i'll just go ahead  and show you leakage you can kind of see that   down there next to the spring so that's what  we're trying to fix by replacing those seals all right so what i've just hooked up is called  a valve wizard um and essentially what it does is   allows us to compress the rings here um so that  we can get the rocker arms out without any issue   um these rods in here the rocker pins  will be able to slide those out of there   with less play from the actual rock around since  we don't have a prop on the airplane right now   this helps us to be able to do that even  though we can't spin things around so all right so there's one rocker arm so we'll  take a look at some of the wear inside of there   and just keep track of this one thing  i noticed as i'm taking this apart   is that this washer that's right here this is  supposed to help be a spacer for the rock arm   was missing on this side and you can see that  is the case here as well here's your one washer   and we're missing one right here so  that can cause wear you can kind of   see up on there it's not that big of  a deal but we just want to note that okay all right we are raking the gear we're gonna  start off with this uh right main and what we're   trying to do is bring the total travel of  the gear down a little bit from the top   as you can see it is striking the tire is striking  up against the top of the gear well that is   not supposed to happen uh to prevent to adjust  this we're adjusting this workflow um in a bit   we're going to go in half turn increments and  that should bring our travel down a little bit   we are also clipping this drive rod  because this rivet was facing down before   uh causing this divot um the squawk i'm pursuing  right now is the elevator cable tensions which   were written up as being 19 when the spec is  32 plus or minus five these two cables here   are your rudder cables so that means this cable  and this one down here are your elevator cables   before we do any adjustments we always like  to double check that the numbers that we get   are correct from rigging so you can see  that's about 31.32 and this one will take right at about 30 if you can see that okay one  other thing we did while we're in the cabin   um this flat motor ended up getting replaced real   hard times so we stopped it right  away and just replaced the flat motor   since we didn't want to damage any of the  cables or the flaps or anything like that so   customer requested a quick drain installed on both  sides of the aircraft what this allows you to do   is drain the oil from the engine much easier than  undoing the drain plug and re-safety wiring it   they're really neat to have and they help  do oil changes much quicker and cleaner not going on right now all right so right  now we are working down these uh prop nuts all right we just got done with our  annual we just did a test flight came back   we checked everything gave her a quick bath  and we are getting ready to send it back to   the fire pilot so this is a fun animal to work  on and we're looking forward to having it back a 10 000 hour airframe and the fact that the  airplane had not flown much in recent years   means that it needed a little extra attention  an annual inspection isn't the only time of the   year you should pay attention to the maintenance  on your airplane but it's the time of the year   well you have to have it already in the shop with  all hands on deck approach to getting it put back   right like i said earlier you will wish you had  spent the time and money to fix it on the ground   when something goes bad in the air  i hope you found this video helpful   thank you we put a tremendous amount of work  into our youtube channel for you to enjoy   will you click the subscribe button  it's one of the only ways to tell   youtube that other people enjoy this video as  well thanks to our patreons for our financial   support if you'd like to do the same and get some  perks along with it it's thefirepilot   from all of us here at the fire pilot thanks  for your support and we'll see you next time
Channel: The Fire Pilot
Views: 7,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 310, 310 pilot, air traffic control, airbus, aircraft, airplane, airplane landing, airplane videos, airport, aopa, atc, aviation, baron pilot, boeing, cessna, cessna 310, cessna 310 flight review, cessna 310 for sale, cessna 310 landing, cessna 310 pilot, cessna 310 takeoff, eaa, faa, flying, general aviation, maintenance, pilot, plane, steveo1kinevo, tas aviation, twin, twin cessna, twin cessna flyer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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