Airline: Too DRUNK To Board - Top 5 Moments | A&E

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at Baltimore Washington International Carroll is helping a grandmother who has been taken off a flight to Raleigh what happened was the Ops agent had already boarded her the first officer took the wheelchair down and observed that maybe she appeared under the influence of something when he got in her seat she fell over so I went down I said you know how are you feeling today and she was like okay but her speech was slurred I could smell alcohol I said were you on any kind of medication she named a couple medications and I said well have you had any alcohol and she said yeah I've had alcohol too so I said well we're actually probably going to have to come off the plane and take a later flight it looks like maybe you're under the influence of alcohol and we can't have you travel like that at that point she smacked me you gotta be idiots you know damn please please don't hit me again okay well at this point you're not going to be able to fly on this aircraft why because it appears as if you're intoxicated do anything I have three kids I have four kids okay well right so what we're going to do is get you on right but what we're going to do is get you on this next flight in order to travel on that one um we're gonna have to you know make sure that you don't have anything else as far as alcohol yeah they are stupid you know what I came in here going to my vacation Gary [Music] secure and I love Southwest and all of a sudden because I've had a few drinks can't well I'm getting ready to show ideas how to do this I gotta do it you know what guys go out and get the bag guys not me you know what she definitely appears to be intoxicated she now is very upset because I get to thinking in that she's not getting on this flight believe me I've had a few drinks I can't say that Mary you have your ID that I could see for a moment please okay and that's fine we do want you to be able to get on this next flight which leaves at 705 so that's why we'd like to get you some water or some coffee or something oh really has a couple of drinks and that's it Brenda right here would like to take you to get something if you've let her hey Miranda I asked Brenda just to intervene just because it didn't seem like we were clicking at all sometimes it's best to bring somebody else in and a friend that seemed like she had that motherly way about her she'd be able to quit with herself we're hoping we can get her some coffee and get her on the 705 flight things have become worse for Grandma Mary Mary apparently took a fall over here attempting to get out of her wheelchair we just kind of sat over here with her coffee I was keeping an eye on her um and when she went to get up apparently she fell I don't know if her foot got caught but she hit her nose her nose started bleeding it looks like maybe she Twisted her ankle so we have paramedics coming despite her fall Mary's determined to be back on her feet Carol has tracked Mary down to the ladies restroom composed myself and then I'm going to get married and we're going to go back down to the cave I just needed a moment I have uh Mary if you're looking for her Brenda have her with me let's watch the cane I don't want you to hit anybody with it here we're going to get you down to your chair Mary still needs to sober up to board the next flight to Raleigh um it's delayed about an hour which is probably good news because technically she would be leaving in 50 minutes and probably that hour is going to be good for her she's definitely doing better than she was in another hour I think she'll be good an hour later Mary is cleared for travel and heads to Raleigh I am on that flight because I'm getting married and I'm on that flight get that on display I'm sorry there's another Bride on the brink upstairs Leah Banker is getting married tomorrow morning in Cleveland or is she okay apparently you didn't make your flight you took me off oh that's nice I'm getting married well Leah it appears as though you may have been maybe have had something to drink that is a Miller Pub but unfortunately we can't allow you to travel while you're in this condition I'm not in any condition I want to be there I can continue to drink there will not be an opportunity for you to travel tonight at all what we can do is we can look at some flights later this evening and give you a chance to maybe yeah that's why I suppose you guys gonna give him a free phone call it's gonna be okay Leah don't cry it's gonna be okay in Cleveland okay I don't want you to be upset the last flight of the night gives you some time to kind of get yourself together no more drinking it don't really matter don't matter I'm gonna be different than I am now that well done it's none I met him here in this Airport I might be good you want me to help you across the hall no okay do you need help alrighty okay unless Leah sobers up she'll miss her own wedding [Music] with Airline I am I am back in Chicago looks like Leah Banker is going to be late to her own wedding you want to know I'm not recommend Southwest Airlines at all never ever yeah I'm supposed to be going to see Tim I'm married too I can't get a hold of him because he's at the airport looking for me always gonna kill him I guess I go smoke a joint since I can't smoke a cigarette I go get stoned the the wrong thing somebody could have possibly done to me for the year 2004 a happy New Year people this is the airplane you want to live on this is the one you want to work with because they don't work with you okay I went out this airport so I can smoke a cigarette she's not been very cooperative and she made some statements in the info center that indicated she may continue to drink tonight [Music] beers so what everybody drinks in America I think I've been more than clear about what she needs to do so we'll see [Music] last flight to Cleveland but will Leah be in a fit state to board I have pictures of the man I'm going to marry he's in white and that guy there Tony met me in the airport and he said Tim that woman has no teeth the decision is down to Colleen Dylan you doing okay I'm fine I'm just tired we're gonna give it a try Leah okay we're gonna give it a try good luck tomorrow big day I'm off to get married [Music] but I do get water yeah you get water hi [Music] at Baltimore Washington International Carol has been called to deal with a report of an intoxicated passenger okay well we had a little bit of concern because I guess earlier there was some concern we know I'm sorry there was a concern that uh you may have been drinking alcohol and so some concerns were brought up earlier about that and we're a little bit concerned now just because you're demeanor you're kind of swaying back and forth are you on any kind of medication or anything I don't have my glasses on okay okay well I guess I just needed to bring to your attention that we were just a little bit concerned and just make sure that they want from any other situations yeah all right okay cool I guess initially the police have been involved just because of a possible altercation between him and I guess this female companion that's with him he does seem to be under the influence of something so just because his behavior his demeanor when he shook my hand he didn't let go of it he just kind of stood there and he was kind of holding my hand so I'm just going to kind of keep an eye on him Carol speaks with the pilot and decides to have another conversation with Louis Reed all over here Lewis is traveling to Raleigh North Carolina with his wife and Grandson for a family reunion okay my grandson well we kind of need to make a decision right now if the two of you want to travel without him today he's not going to be able to get on this flight we may allow you to travel later on today but right now we're not going to happen right and I understand that you wanted them okay that you can do in the restroom but we're not gonna be able to let them travel on this flight so you all need to make a decision whether you want to go and we'll get him on a later flight well you have to get him you have to go what I was going to do is explain that to you I just didn't want to do it in front of your grandson I'm not doing it and you're not getting on it we're going on the slings okay this is what I'm gonna do we're set in the restaurant I'm out of here we're gonna let her we're gonna we're gonna take the next flight on my side what we're going to do is going to allow her to do that ma'am if you and him want to go in the board that's you can go because your group is boarding right now and then we'll do I don't know where you live and we'll put notes in the reservation so that you know what flight he's got racism all right I'll give my lawyer can I call my lawyer please with his wife and Grandson choosing to abandon him Lewis's mood has taken a turn for the worse please sir okay [Music] they're trying to lock me up squirrel and you being stupid I could be I could be where I'm going in in 20 minutes and you'll give me a problem exactly all right cool do what you gotta do sir I'm gonna ask you to wait right here yeah we're gonna get a phone number you can go right on up front Rob we're gonna avoid these two right here as his family board the flight Carol brings in some assistance has concerns about you flying so right now what we're doing fine that they have concerns about you flying who the captain has concerns about you flying and I have concerns about you flying so right now we're telling you that you're not able to fly on this flight well yeah right the concern is I don't know that you're going to be able to travel today it depends on your behaviors because this is now the second time well unfortunately it wouldn't be good if they wouldn't be standing here I can assure you I think for right now maybe he needs to probably go back up front to the ticket counter yes the police were called just as backup just because he seems a little unstable to me they spoke to him and we've asked him just to leave The Concourse for now if he wants to try to go later he can go up to the ticket counter and try to get rebooked but we're going to put notes in his reservation I don't know that he'll be fit to travel at all today but for now he's at least been advised he needs to stay out of the bar and get himself together Lewis is Led back downstairs now he just has to stay out of trouble long enough to make a later flight okay um as they said on the next flight is at four o'clock I guess they're out to see what happens okay um you're just gonna have to hang tight until at least three o'clock while he waits Gina steps in to talk to him I gotta I gotta find out which way I'm going that's good see if you want the but you want the bus you said yeah I got the ticket for the bus you have to save the ticket for Southwest you don't have a ticket for a bus no I'm going to North Carolina okay I might get on the bus I'm in the plane oh the plane yeah the plane when you go to North Carolina and get off in Raleigh and they're gonna pick me up y'all soon what's happening I don't know the police are afraid that he's gonna go to the security checkpoint but they just told him that he didn't have a boarding pass he won't get through the checkpoint he just has that ticket but I mean if he doesn't chill out and sober up they'll they'll arrest him right away hopefully he just stays out of trouble so he can get home tonight it's a confusing situation for Lewis number one I don't know what's happening uh evidently of I don't I don't even know that's all I know I don't even know man I I don't even know man I don't even know and and so true when I get out of this airport I ain't coming back to it that's all I got Lewis managed to stay on the right side of the police and arrived in Raleigh four hours later at Chicago Midway the crew of the last flight to Providence have noticed some strange Behavior by two of their passengers Teresa are they denying them boarding because they're about to board no they're not going I mean yeah I will lose my job I'm sorry no you're not I'm sorry we won't be able to fly you out to be I'm not saying that you are but I'm just saying he lost his job because my mother passed away and he came and saw her folks I'm sorry I am sorry he must write his job because he came with me okay I'm sorry but right now your only option is to rebook for tomorrow he's not drunk and I'm not drunk I'm sorry him go because I will lose my job I'm sorry I can't lose him we can't take a chance of you being upset 30 000 feet in the air in 30. I just want to get on to my daughter I'm sorry I have a little daughter at home I'm sorry I'm sorry we're not ever going Southwest ever again okay oh my God my daughter's at home by herself what the hell yeah they were observed in The Concourse getting into an altercation with each other um they do appear to have been drinking I'm not sure how long or how much I really can't challenge the circumstances that they're sharing with me but I have no choice I have to consider the comfort and safety of everybody on that flight I'll lose my job now yeah because your mouth buddy performs his own sobriety test I mean I'm fine nothing wrong with me stay confident Danny's Carpenter state would find me fine on this one airport on these stupid airports they should at least pay for my daughter is going to be at the airport's problems because I don't want to talk about it but I will sue this Airline it's not right I'm sure it's ridiculous can't date see how the people are saying no she's upset she just lost her mother and he's because they think she's drunk she's just upset she's just throw it they won't let us on a damn plane we had one drink over here they're saying we're too drunk to board the plane I understand what he's upset [Music] I know I'm going on the a-lines because you people suck okay well here's your face give me a refund out of there I want to catch it I want my money I want my money when I booked the plot you want my money okay right now I want my money okay all right here's your ticket go in the cash flow give me my money no I won't be doing that sir you won't we just want a ticket kiss my um if they keep coming up to the podium we'll call the police buddy and Paula may not be on the Providence flight but their bags are I'll have to have an expedited mixer you'll have it started back can I have your backpack I'll ask the bag from where ma'am from Providence you have everything okay I'm not going to take the bag off the aircraft the aircraft is ready to leave okay now you're going overboard now you're going overboard sir I'm going to ask you to stop I'm going to ask you to stop now man I'm asking you to stop screaming and swearing where the hell is your sympathy here sir I'm very sympathetic to your situation but you keep screaming at me and you keep calling me names and I scream but I'm very upset because we have to do that but I'm not I'm not calling you names and I'm not screaming at you and I'm doing the best I can to help you but something vital to Paula's Health is on that Providence flight my blood pressure medicine and my heart medicine I have a very bad heart I have a bad ticker and if I start coughing and if I get upset and I don't have my medicine because my medicine's in that bag I don't know what I'm gonna do it took me too damn long to find her I don't do it if I lost her I will know now if I ever fly never to act like I'm sad my wife needs medications Mr Madison is it in your bag yes medication was in the bags thing right now we can do for the medication is if you guys need to purchase emergency medication we need a prescription we need to call Rhode Island with the doctor to close right now okay so Chinese is medication I understand but if you if something happened to my wife she went she died and everyone else here this whole damn place apart and I will sue this place I will always is there anything else we could do for you right now absolutely you've got enough trust me thank you you've been you've been helpful you got the Russians buddy and Paula bed down for the first flight in the morning she baby pulled up my aunt did my pants lifted up my shirt just harassment oh yeah after 12 hours stuck in the airport Paula and Buddy finally head home at Baltimore Washington International Sue is dealing with an intoxicated passenger who has been denied boarding on the last flight to Fort Lauderdale so when you reschedule me what's going to happen you'll be staying here for the evening and then you'll for the night and you can go out tomorrow morning but I would like to get home tonight I understand that sorry but I live in Fort Lauderdale you can have a drink or wine before you go on the airplane I understand that so if you can reboot me for a flight in the morning that's fine but if you can point me to a hotel that's even better but I'm going right there right American Airlines and see if I can get a flight you'd have to do that on your own you're on your own it's not the best you can do for me is give me a hotel room no I cannot give you a hotel so what can you do for me since I pay you money I can rebook you for the morning rebook me for the morning so I can go somewhere else all right so all right sir calm down fine I get a h i play for you sir I can't give you a flight till the morning that's fine do you want me to rebook you for 11 o'clock tomorrow morning or do you want me to give you a refund that's all I need to know I need to know one of the other my daddy is a lawyer in New York City all right now so no disrespect nothing like that disrespect day concern I I appreciate it for me I'm trying to get my airplane I had two drinks of wine they won't let me go to my airplane let's pay for completely paid for and I don't want to respect anybody dude I just make it home Frankie is still upset he's been denied boarding Nicholas arrives to see if he can help the situation do you understand why you weren't able to are you understanding why you were not able to fly tonight okay I'm sorry to explain to you that it is a safety hazard to yourself when you're not able to fly should an emergency right now I'm gonna get five married on Monday because I've been out of freaking seminar all week and I had a drink at the end I couldn't get on the plane but that's okay you know why that's okay because I'm in the service I know what a man's about well this has nothing to do with your manhood right now it has to do with your safeties okay so we can reschedule you for tomorrow no okay you can try and find American Airlines dude you are not the only airline in this Airport I'm sorry and I apologize at Eastern Airlines American Airlines 100 of them come on Mr Amanda grades too whoever operates I will give him my money I know Southwestern Airlines ain't the only one okay not a problem dude okay no problem we want you to get home my daddy is a crab driver okay so he's got a harder job the order you put together so how about we try and grab a cup of coffee or a cup of tea would you like something I will drink Jesus tears okay I I not want to put it like you I don't want to offend you but you want to become a coffee and you want to get me home dude that would be wonderful I don't want to hurt nobody we can get you to Fort Lauderdale tonight okay we can get to Fort Lauderdale tomorrow morning I'm trying to call American Airlines are you Jesus okay sir no you're not every Airline up in here [Music] can you can you listen to us a second please I like to listen to you because you're making sense to me okay well so it's trying to assist you and I'm sure she's making sense to you also dude okay because I have a sale tomorrow not a problem I just called American Airlines you're more than welcome to purchase a ticket on that why is that that I'm a more than one of the American Airlines but not you because tomorrow morning I think you'll be in a better condition all right 2-1-1 in my guidelines well you said you need to get that first thing tomorrow tonight the flight leaves I own the business do you not understand that so if you own the business I'm sure that you know they will understand your little data I like to go home I like to go home tonight okay you cannot go home tonight so unfortunately not so I'm gonna this is the last time we're going to speak to you you're either gonna repo give me my money back right now okay and then we'll escort you off the counter no you will not I will go to the next one yes and you'll be escorted off The Concourse I refunded your money you can go ahead American Airlines has a flight out tomorrow morning it leaves at 605 a.m you can go ahead and purchase a ticket on them if you wish dude are you gonna pay for my night no so don't even tell me okay well we can give you a slip that you can call and they can give you a distrust passenger don't take one of those out now sir you see this it's in the package Mr Mendez here you go you can give this number a call and they can go ahead and arrange a discount hotel room for you he's on his way and we'll see what happens he had quite a lot of interesting stories though I wonder how many of them are true
Channel: A&E
Views: 993,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airline compilation, best of airline, too drunk to board airline, too drunk, drunk airplane, drunk passengers, top 5 airline moments, top 5, airline, airlines, airport, airports, southwest airlines, passenger, passengers, flight, flights, flying, fly, flight attendant, air hostess, pilot, plane, travel, traveling, trip, trips, vacation, vacations, a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes
Id: CW2_pUb2GOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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