Aircraft failure - The Italian incident

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Hi, guys welcome back to mentor yet another video podcasts it's once again great to see you all here [our] special welcome to all [you] new join us to the channel and I really need you guys to interact. That's how this channel works so if you haven't been here before if you haven't interacted before then if you have any Questions or any kind of feedback that you want to give me then go into the comment field below? Make sure that you put your comments down if you have any questions. I might be answering the questions [immediately] or I Might be using them to build a future podcast, but that's how I want this channel to work nice constructive comments and I will keep delivering these kind of videos for you for as long as you guys like me to Today I have received quite a few requests from you guys about Giving examples of what's happened to me during my career so far as you can see I'm not back in my [office] I'm sitting in a airport hotel in London because I'm doing so similar to video [-] this week I'm going to start off by saying that I'm going the [the] stories that I will tell you I will not give you specific dates or specific places or anything like that because it's not really my place to do so But I will tell you some of these stories because they do give you examples of why certain things [that] I'm talking about certain things that I'm pressing you about or as important as I think they are so this first thing [I'm] [going] [to] tell you about happened to me and And a really good first officer that I really liked to fly with back in Italy about five years ago [or] so So we were flying in on a two leg day into this Italian [airport]. It was fairly late at night, so we landed in Italy about 9 o'clock local time and we're supposed to do our standard 25 minutes turnaround. Which we did we Fill up the aircraft [wood] fuel. We loaded on the passengers on the baggage and As we were about to leave this airport is Has a stands where you don't have to be? Push the aircraft back you can self position the aircraft from the stand and then taxi out to the runway for the part So the way that we do things is that once everything is done [checklist] are complete the first officer will ask for clearance from the ground controller to start our engines and Then later on once the engine started if we're on self positioning stunts. They will ask for taxi so he did that we ask for sort of clearance which we received and When we have received [off] [starter] clearance we do something called before started flow? followed by the before start checklist and the way that we do our scan flows in the 737 is that when you do your type rating you learn these scan flows which is which switches to move By heart and then you do them the same way Every single time which means that they're really deeply embedded into the motoric memory of each boeing pilot So when we in order to give you a little bit of background to this if you're on a self positioning stand we keep our hydraulic a system engaged as if we don't switch off the order gate system but if we are on a pushback stan which we are 90 [percent] of the time then we switch off the hydraulic a System for Pushback and the reason we do this is a redundant safety feature because we don't want any hydraulic pressure to be Transferred into the [nosewheel] when we have ground personnel connecting the pushback [talk] the Pushback truck and the tow bar Now that is redundant because normally you have a bypass pin That is inserted in order to take away the hydraulic pressure from nosewheel, but if that would fail and we would have some other kind of electronic failure or something there is a possibility that if the [nosewheel] is site slightly displaced and The Hydraulic Pressure goes off and then on again it might swing back into [position] And if that's unconnected to a nice long toolbar it effectively becomes like a bat that will just kick Whoever is in front of it. So that's why when we do push backs We switch off the hydraulic a system just to be on the safe side now since we do that [90%] of the time It's really deeply embedded into the motoric memory so my first officer that is switched off And then you realize that we're on a [serf] positioning stand. We don't really need to switch it off so switch it back on again now through a system Weakness [if] you do that, too quickly if you switch off hydraulic pumps, and then switch them back on again immediately there is a electric surge that goes through the pump and in some conditions that can actually trip the circuit breaker [Forty-eight] direct electric hydraulic Compass to the A and the b system if you do it a lot systems Which is exactly what happened in this case now? This is not normally a problem because we have most of our circuit breakers located behind Either the first officer and the captain those are all those little switches that you see behind us but in the case of the hydraulic a Pumped the electric [at] work a pumps the circuit breaker is located in an area called the e and e Bay Which is not accessible from the cockpit and actually not accessible from outside if you're not an engineer Which meant that we had a problem because we needed that [a] hydraulic pump to work in order to dispatch now So what happened was that we contract contacted our maintenance control unit and [they] said all [right] good will [descend] well Sorry about that guys. We'll send some engineers from our closest maintenance base. Which is about two hours away by car So you can just embark the passengers because this is going to take two two and a half hours to do Which is what we did I made a pa to the passengers. This is really important guys If you make good [pas] if you keep the passengers informed about what's going on. They are more likely to be Accepting not happy but accepting any given situation It's only if you give them inaccurate or Faulty or no Information that [you] will get really pissed off passengers, okay, so I gave them I told them of what's happening we had a minor Technical issue that needed to be sorted out before we could go and we had called for engineers It's Gonna be a delay [of] about three hours And I was given a little bit longer than a than what's expected because some people will Perceive that it's going quicker Which is much better than [than] being disappointed so we disembarked the passengers disembarked crew one had a cup of coffee lovely Italian coffee and then about half an hour before I expected the engineers to arrive we Went back to the crew [on] to the aircraft was set the aircraft up again for departure So that when the engineers came they could just reset the circuit breaker, and we could just go to minimize the delay Which is what happened almost all the passengers on board when engineers arrived the engineers came up? They popped the circuit breaker back in again they verified that it worked and then they put themselves in the car because remember this is about half past 11:00 at night now and To go back home to the home base So I waited until all the passengers on board because I really wanted to make a pa apologizing for the delay and Telling them what was going on and making sure that everyone really heard the pa so once everyone was on board [I] took up the Pa Mike and I started talking and very quickly I realized that no one could hear anything in the back there was not a single word coming out through the speaker system So I Tried my audio control panel you can use both the hand mic which is located on the back of the center Pedestal But you can also use your headsets to make pas try that Nothing worked [as] the first officer to try his side. He tried nothing worked [hmM] now I started to have a Feeling that something wasn't really the way He was supposed to know this failure in itself the fact that the pa [isn't] work had nothing to do with [a] hydraulic system But it didn't really feel like Something [than] what it felt like something wasn't breeded way It was supposed to be so I tried different things that make noises down the back like the attendant call button which is a button on the Overhead panel that you press in order to get the cabin crews attention to an aural signal and also a visual signal Saying the flight crew wants something [compress] the button nothing completely quiet then I Contact a cabin crew And we started talking and we realized that there was no way for me [in] flight with a lock cockpit door to make them Aware of any issues in the front and that is real problem So [I] called our maintenance control tell them again that now we have a completely different Unassociated problem, but we can't this is what we have. It doesn't work, [so] it's [alright] I'm going to tell the engineers to turn back to you guys again, but remember this is an Italian Motorway They're on it might take them half an hour going in the wrong direction Before they can find an exit that then come back in again So that's a fair enough So be it But I also realized that now I'd taken another half an hour from where all the passengers [had] boarded the aircraft and passengers Who had already Gotten 3 hour delay or to know of our delay had now a 3-hour delay? And they started to mumble in the back, so I realised I have to tell the passengers. What's going on. I? Remember [I] didn't have a pa because the pa system was down So I had to suit up Full uniform go back stand in front of the passengers and give a pa just like I'm talking to you now Loud voice clear Concise tell them what's going on and then of course that couldn't be are towards the end of the flight of the Aircraft because the 737 is bigger than you think [so] [I] had to go down midship stand over the old wing exit and give exactly the same pa from there So that everyone could hear me now if you're in front of the passengers and the passengers can see you They will also have a chance to interact so some passengers there will always be one Spoke up to say how how can we [how] can trust that this aircraft is now safe to fly because? We've had one one problem, and now we have another problem And I told [in] the way it is which is I will be sitting in [front] In the top-end of this aircraft ok I will not move one inch away Unless I am perfectly satisfied that this aircraft is serviceable for flight So the engineers will come they will look at this failure if it's a unsafe failure. We will not be flying today If it is fixable, they will fix it, and we will be on the way, but that's why we're waiting for engineers. Which is good They completely when I gave them that explanation everyone bought it And it was actually a fairly good Experience to be able to speak to the passengers face to face we very rarely do [that] so on this occasion when the Engineers came they poke their head up Indian ebay and [they] realized that the circuit board that was controlling all of the audio input had Had got a some kind of malfunction in it a short In it so it wasn't usable we couldn't fly with that so we had to disembark the passengers put them into hotels Me and the crew had to go to hotels as well Which is [very] very rare because these aircraft are really reliable. [it's] very rare to [have] one technical problem even rare to have two problems and but they were probably related as in that electrical surge that happen when When the first system was switched off and on again was probably the reason for the short circuit But that's just me speculating the point. I want to make with this is that I? Was in my full uniform And I could speak to the passengers straight to them looking the part I I could Produce the image that I wanted for both me for my crew and for my airline And this was on the circumstances were fairly hard as in the passengers had now been on board for over [an] hour they had been delayed for four hours at this point, and it's one o'clock at night and There's people with families with children on board, so if I would not be looking report is much much More likely that I would have ended up with a not an out of control situation but a much harder situation with my passengers but since I had my full uniform on and I could kind of project a picture of safety of professionalism Then they [listened] to me And it worked which is why I'm keep pressing in all my videos for you guys when you get your first airline job make sure that you do keep your Uniform on you with you that you look the part as you look and act professional in front of the passenger And that's that's really the point of this story I'm gonna make more pai sorry. I'm going to make more Podcast about how to make proper [pas] what to tell the passengers and so on later on but because pas are also crucial information bit You know yourself if you're sitting in a cabin, and you are certain to be delayed And no one tells you anything you will start to look at your neighbor. [you'll] start to talk and there's going to be anxious feelings building up in the Cabin But if you have information if your cabin crew or if your pilot comes in and tells you sorry about the delay It's due to this and this and that it's much more likely [that] you can take extended times of delay without Getting anxious without these bad feelings building up in the cabin so [making] proper pas even if you have nothing to say is Really really important [okay]? so That's it for today. I hope you enjoyed [it] let me know make sure that you subscribe if you haven't already make sure that you put your comments into the comment section and Like it if you liked the video. It's great to see and I will see you [next] time. Thank you
Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 366,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aircraft (Type Of Fictional Setting), Aviation Safety (Literature Subject), Airline (Industry), Flight Training (Literature Subject), Future pilot, Flight schools, Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Video Game), Aircraft problems, Pilot, Pilot (Profession), Pilot In Command (Job Title), First officer, Atpl, Commercial Aviation (Airport Type), Flying, Plane, Aviation (Industry), Airplane, air crash, Crash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2015
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