Aider + Claude 3.5: Develop a Full-stack App Without Writing ANY Code!

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I think this is probably the best way to generate fully functional applications with the help of AI today I'm going to be utilizing a familiar framework that we have used many times on this channel before this is where I would like to introduce ader this is a framework that is an AI pair programmer assistant that it can be basically integrated into your terminal I will be pairing the framework with Claude 3.5 Sonet as this is the best large language model for coding based task you can see on this evaluation sheet that under the code human eval test it was something that surpassed all of these other models such as CLA 3 Opus gb4 Omni Gemini 1.5 Pro llama 400b and you can see all of these models underperform against the clae 3.5 sonnet model which is just quite impressive to Showcase Claude sonnets amazing capabilities in the coding category look at this example which will showcase how you can execute python code and render different types of react components on the fly in this demo you can see that a react component is fully coded out with animations by a single prompt now you may be wondering why even use AER when clot Sonic 3.5 can easily execute these tasks within its own chatbot well the reason is because Adar is going to enhance stability for code related tasks it has been configured to execute these tasks way better than a large langage model would now to prove this AER actually scored an 18.9% on the main sway bench Benchmark which is something that evaluates how well a model or a framework is completing real world coding based tasks now this is something that we're going to be showcasing throughout today's video as I showcase how you can pair Sonic 3.5 with AER which is the perfect pair programmer that can fully generate applications with a single prompt so with that thought guys stay tuned and let's get straight into the video now before we get started I'd like to introduce world of AI Solutions this is a really big update that has been launched for my channel and this is where I have compiled a team of software Engineers we have machine learning experts AI consultants and this is basically a team where we're going to be providing AI solutions for businesses as well as personal use cases where AI Solutions can be implemented to automate certain things or to help business operations now if you're interested take a look at the ti form Link in the description below I definitely recommend that you take a look at the patreon page so that you can access the new subscriptions that will be releasing this week if you would like to book a consultant call with me you can do so with the link in the description below as well so let's get started there's a couple prerequisites that need to be fulfilled beforehand and that's where you need to make sure that you have your own ID in this case I'm going to be utilizing Visual Studio code as my ID and I'm going to be interacting with the ad pair programmer within vs code now you also need to have p install so download it with the following commands you can easily install it so make sure you get that by installing it with the docs which I'll leave a link to in the description below and lastly make sure you have python installed as your programming language so I want you guys to open up vs code and I want you guys to open up a new file this is by just simply opening up a new window within vs code and then you want to head over to terminal and click new terminal now once you are here you want to change this to another terminal style which is going to be bash so change it to get bash once you have done that we can then proceed forward next you want to basically copy the PIP install a chat you want to just copy this go back into vs code and install this onto your computer you just want to click enter and then it's going to start installing AER chat onto your computer next we need to generate an anthropic API key to access the cloud 3.5 Sonet model so just create your key and then we can move forward next you want to basically copy this next command so that you can basically work with Cloud 3.5 son it on your repository so go back into vs code once you do you can then paste this in and you want to just get rid of this end command over here and then paste in your key over here next you want to create a new folder for the AER program and to do so you just write in MK dear and then you want to click new once you have done that you can get into this new folder and then you just need to Simply initialize this to do so you just simply type in get in it and then you want to put a space and then a period and you want to click and enter so now that we have it initialized we can get started and guys to start up AER you just need to Simply type in AER space-- Sonet and I actually went along and did this cuz it's a little bit faster for me to do so to Showcase this in the video but basically I requested to create a snake game and you can see that it's working on creating the code for me and it actually will be able to export this in a file so I'm going to actually test this out to Showcase how functional this game is so let's test this out I'm going to play this and let's see the game and there we go we have our game fully functional and you can see that this is a really nice and simple snake game that was created it has a score counter and you can see that the game is functional whenever I leave the box and this was our first test to Showcase how well it's going to be able to generate these applications next I'm going to have it generate a very cool Sleek website for my YouTube channel and I'm going to basically have the HTML code and I'm going to basically showcase how it looks afterwards and it had now generated the HTML code for my website this is a website that has animations and functional buttons you can scroll down and you can see that there's also a pricing plan and you can even customize this even further with the help of the AER as well as Cloud sonit 3.5 so now that we understand understand the capabilities of Aer there's a couple features I want to mention before we go forward you can run AER with files you want to actually edit you can actually have it so that it could be deployed within a codebase so that you can make changes and edits throughout your overall codebase and the great thing about AER is that you can actually interact with it as you're generating and debugging certain things for example when I'm chatting with AER it will ask questions back to me to state that is this actually correct should I interact with it differently or is there other things that I should do to edit it these are some of the questions that may be asked towards you with the help of being integrated in your terminal you can ask for changes such as adding new features or test cases you can describe a bug paste in an error message or a GitHub issue URL this is actually a really cool feature that I definitely recommend that you try out if you're basically building projects or you're interacting with other people's code you can also utilize the refractor code up upate docs and you can even basically edit your files to complete your quest it can automatically do G commits changes with sensible commit messages it can work with the most popular languages such as python JavaScript you have typescript PHP HTML CSS as well as many others it works quite well with claw 3.5 Sonic as well as gb34 Omni now definitely recommend that you try it out cuz most of these LMS are great at these different coding BAS tasks but sometimes you might get better generation with a specific model which is why I tend to always test out multiple different models for different types of tasks that I'm utilizing and that way I get a better feel as to how the model is basically generating code for my specific like I would say my project so it's best that you test out multiple LMS so that you know what type of generation is best for you now another thing that it can do is that it can edit multiple files at once and this is for complex requests you can map out your entire git repo you can edit files in your editor you can even add images to the chat this is where you can utilize the multimodal capabilities of these models and you can even add URLs to the chat code with your voice and these are things that can be extended forward with this Pro programmer and that's about it for today's video this is the capability of having air integrated with the Sonic 3.5 model you're going to be able to fully generate full on applications with single prompts as well as code out code bases with this capability of Aer and Sonic 3.5 so I'll leave a link to all these different links that I used in today's video in the description below make sure you follow me on the patreon so that you can access different subscriptions completely for free make sure you follow me on Twitter this is a great way for you to access different types of AI news completely for free and lastly make sure you guys subscribe turn on notification Bell like this video and check out our previous videos so you can stay up to date with the latest AI news but with that thought guys have an amazing day spread positivity and I'll see you guys fairly shortly peace out fellas
Channel: WorldofAI
Views: 8,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: claude 3.5 sonnet, text to application, text to frontend, artificial intelligence, ai coding, claude 3.5, ai coding assistant, aider, copilot alternative, maestro, deepseek-coder-v2, deepseek copilot, deepseek agents, create software, create software with ai, create apps with ai, claude 3.5 sonnet agents, text to ui, sonnet 3.5, web ui development, ai-powered coding, app development, ai task orchestration, claude sonnet model, google mespo framework, software development
Id: dzOWn8TI738
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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