Why I switched from VSCode to Zed.

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let's be honest BS code is slow particular with larger code bases although there are many amazing extensions they can also Slow Down vs code immensely there are some alternatives to vs code and one alternative is particular interesting but can it break the Monopoly of vs code that's why this video explains why Z exists its current state future plans and why it could be a great alternative to vs code honestly it always feels like everyone at work assumes that everyone uses vs code and it's always the first thought when you mention or discuss editors right clearly there are some specific reasons for this however I don't use vs code anymore I'm a big fan of neovim and it's overall culture but I have decided to switch to zat so zat is a new open source editor that's faster than Sublime Text and vs code it has a lot of good plans and ideas on its road map and I'm going to talk about them a little bit but first let's discuss the old and clunky editors out there as many of you know vs code is one of the most popular editors currently out there it is modern customizable elegant and Powerful it is built with JavaScript or in this case typescript and electron it is also approachable for most developers and has a huge collection of extension which modify the behavior or change the theme of the editor sounds great right well the problem with electron in JavaScript and therefore the S code is that it can be slow that's why new faster and more memory friendly Alternatives exist I've also made a video by the way about why electron is actually bad and what a good alternative could be and one of the competing options to VSCO that has gained popularity recently is z now the funny thing about Z is that it is build by the creators of atom electron and Tre Setter pretty ironic isn't it so it is clear that we have real experts building a powerful and performant editor here on their website Z promises incredible speed and directly Compares itself to the most popular editors out there and I honestly have to say even when you start set it's just feels fresh and fast also I believe when comparing these two while opening larger code bases and searching for items for instance you truly experience the power of rust and zet speaking of things that make Z unique firstly it's built in Rust like I've said before and in the end we all laugh on this channel well hopefully the language rust it is also built with GPU which leverages the power of the GPU which results in great speed and reliability and also leverages multiple cores with multi-threading the GPI framework restores the entire window on the GPU and it's pretty similar how 3D games are built so it gives the Z team a good base to build upon secondly Z promotes seamless collaboration because in the end programming a software or working on a product is most likely a team effort that's why the Z team also focuses heavily on the collaboration phase of coding I think this might be especially interesting for companies looking for some good built-in collaboration possibilities but personally I'm not a big fan of it because I don't use it that much and everyone has a different preference when it comes to their favorite editor over all I think it's beneficial to have collaboration built in eliminating the need for any thirdparty extensions as in vs code for instance thirdly it has integrated artificial intelligence with buildin support for GitHub gilot go pilot thirdly it has integrated artificial intelligence with building support for GitHub co-pilot which should not be nothing new if you use co-pilot in your favorite editor as well as an integrated assistant with jet gbt now I will talk a bit more about this specific feature in a minute here lastly my personal favorite Z offers built-in Vim support with all the lovely things you are used to in newm for instance obviously Z also supports or the more obvious features you used to in editors like vs code for instance it provides language awareness through support for the language server protocol code highlighting Auto completion and code navigation unfortunately Z still does have some drawbacks it lacks some features like debugging and is currently only available on Mac devices but support for Windows and Linux is coming soon also I think adapting to a new technology or editor is really hard because in the end we are all humans but I believe zad has some good plans here in terms of future plans for that there are three individual sections adoption Ai and collaboration AI is the most interesting one because they plan to have a outof the-box support for AI without using any open AI key I can really imagine having a locally running llm here to support you while you program their end goal with the AI part is to have a super intelligent pair programmer and perhaps the collaboration aspect sets some basis for real collaboration with AI you can find more details on their road map that's it for now for today's video let me know in the comments what you think about that and whether you would consider switching from for instance vs code by the way if you want to know more about T and rust and how it affected with playes electron feel free to check out this video here thank you so much for watching have a lovely day and bye-bye
Channel: Flo Woelki
Views: 7,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zed editor, zed code editor, zed ide, vscode neovim, vscode zed, zed vscode killer, vscode vs zed, zed editor review, zed editor tutorial, zed editor golang, zed editor rust, zed editor features, zed code editor review, zed, zed code, zed code editor setup
Id: OwmC0gl26SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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