AI will DESTROY Recording, the DAW, and Plugins 🤯 THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND 🤯

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Al will destroy the DAW and recording what's that AI will destroy recording and the Daw now before I tell you what I see in the future for the DAW and for recording in the next you know say uh five to 10 years um let's go over let me just show you something here and let me tell you why I believe what I believe you know I believe that absolutely in the future that we're not going to be recording anymore for the most part recording will still be there mainly for recording little Snippets that we're going to turn into different kinds of instruments example um you'll h a track you go boom boom b boom boom B and then you will generate a drum track uh in your Daw your tracks are not going to be tracks that you hit a record button on instead what you're going to do is you're going to type in uh there's going to be like a text box or something and you're just going to type in what you want and that will be generated right so we're going to move from a recording uh economy to a generating economy and for everyone who says not me I'm not going to do that yes you will because your competition will be using AI like I'm going to show you and it's going to blow your socks off listen if you don't want to watch the whole video that's fine but watch this part it's going to blow your freaking mind and the reason why as I said the reason why you're going to use it is because your competition is going to be putting out song after song after song and if you're there in your Daw trying to record uh you know normally you're just not going to keep up with the volume of um of music coming out so let me just show you something here and and why I believe the Daw will essentially be gone we're gonna go from a Daw to what I call the D AI W and if anybody wants to use that term you got to pay me I mean you probably don't but I'm just going to say you do uh and also by the way plugins are going to be completely different you know um plugins are not going to exist in the way they exist today they may not exist at all in the next five to 10 years but we'll go on more I'll go more into that in a minute so this is sunno right I'm just going to show you something here I hope you're sitting down because it's going to blow your blow your freaking mind let's just say I want to write a song right so every day you come into your studio you sit down you have to write a song you have to work on music whatever right how long does it take you to write a song generally you know a minute probably not a minute probably a minimum of even if you're really good it's going to take you probably a few hours to come up with the idea lay down the instruments if you're actually recording it's going to take me longer you know if you're going to set up an acoustic drum kit just setting up an acoustic drum kit for those who haven't done it that's two hours you know if you have a big giant Kit you know that includes tuning and getting the mics and the levels and whatever but let me just show you something here let's say I wanted to record a metal song well let's just see here we're going to use sunno and I'm going to generate a song uh let's see this is December 1st when I'm recording this so we'll go I want a metal song okay um what do I want it to be about a metal song well it's December 1st so about Santa Santa and maybe elves Santa and elves I could put reindeer but let's just say Santa and elves and other than a metal song how do I want it to sound well maybe I want to have like U let's just say in the style of slip knot now this model isn't going to actually recognize exact artist that would be a copyright claim but by putting of slipnot in there it's just going to understand like aggressive and it's just it's a bunch more words I don't have to add okay so now I'm going to hit create here are you ready create what I want you to do is think about how long it would take you to compose a metal song about Santa oh look at that it just generated my lyrics for me that's right folks it generated the freaking lyrics lyrics from that prompt just the lyrics for your song are going to take hours listen if you're a genius you might put them out pump them out in 30 minutes maybe uh but probably at least an hour and then you you got to work on the music right I mean again just setting up a drum kit setting up 18 microphones checking the levels that's going to be hours folks uh if you don't know how to play drums you're going to have to hire yourself a session drummer it even generated a picture for me right so we have two different styles here again I haven't heard either of these we're going to hear them both uh live here at the same time so again are you sitting down folks are you sitting down because if you're not you're gonna you're going to fall down because this will blow your mind are you ready let's go a completely created generated AI [Music] song Night s in [Music] the time [Music] [Applause] is okay so that wasn't as much in the style of slip knot as it was in uh maybe some 80s rock or something or 80s medal but all that was generated folks that's I mean how are you going to compete in the future by uh setting up a drum kit get that out of the way how are you going to compete by setting up a drum kit in the future right or bringing up Superior drummer or something and then taking all the time to run through and say okay let me let me get this figured out right let me use a bunch of different midi or what it's going to take you again se you know 30 minutes minimum that's for a genius songwriter um but probably hours to do that whereas this it was generated in under two minutes let's check the other uh the other one here the other [Music] version on silent night so it recorded two versions of a song that it wrote by itself from a simple prompt it wrote the verse it wrote the chorus and of course as time goes along um it will write full entire songs you're also going to have the ability to come in here and just highlight something and replace you know those lyrics yourself uh we can already come over here and do things like continue from this clip there's a lot of stuff you can do already but I just want to let you know you know in 5 to 10 years folks this is how we're going to make music you know and like as I said up top the reason why everyone is going to do this is because you're not going to have a choice because like even though the majority of the music coming out will be garbage you know it's the same thing we saw when the Daw came to the personal computer right you didn't have to go to a studio anymore so more and more garbage music came out but what happens whenever tons like what happens when things are democratized or made easier to use well people without the same level of talent uh with the same level of background with the same without the same level of you know work that I'm sure a lot of us have put in you know I've put in 15 years or more into this so you know but but someone today a kid a seven-year-old today for example could just take a laptop or not even a laptop just an iPhone or an iPad and create a hit song you know with with no background with no real knowledge now obviously the vast majority of the songs like I said are going to be garbage but uh you're just not going to have the option to not use AI uh in the future because again there's going to be your your competition's going to use it they're going to be faster they're going to be more on point for things for music that is needed and it's just it's just going to be a necessary thing that you're going to uh have to learn now I want to show you something else here uh here was I did this yesterday uh I wrote a prompt a metal song about cheese in the style of slip knot um so I just want you to hear this this one is even closer to like slipnot are you ready again this was generated Folks lyrics and everything tell me that's not perfect right tell me that is not absolutely [Music] perfect and then the second version is more like a stone sour you know [Music] [Applause] insane folks but let's I'll do something else um let's go for more of like a pop sound or something right pop music that's the most uh popular let's say pop uh music about let's say break bre up because that's what it's about pop music about breaking up in the style of Taylor Swift okay in the style pop music about breaking up in the style of Taylor Swift uh someone I can't stand and someone who looks like a bird so let's go ahead and create this pop song now again I want you to think if you're into pop right how long does it generally take you to write an entire song song um and record an entire song and you know how how long does that generally take you because here we're going to compose two songs two mixes in under two minutes you know it's not only going to create the lyrics it's going to create the vocals it's going to create whatever other instruments are a part of this and it's also going to mix it and master it for me okay so again in the future folks you're going to like AI is going to take care of everything for you in your D W You're simply going to type in what you want or you will use your microphone to record in a prompt and um that's how things will be uh will be generated or you know instead of recording it's going to be generated for the most part now if you're into metal you're going to be using you know standard recording features longer than anyone else simply because it's hard to okay we're done here it's hard to generate a distorted electric guitar you know you know what I mean um at least on its own sunno does pretty good but other models aren't so good we're going to look at some other was here in a second but I just want you to see that it's this varies between genres okay so again I haven't heard this but I already know it's going to be absolutely amazing because this is just uh everything I've generated here has been just absolutely amazing ready used to be the perfect match I love that seem so true but now we're just a broken record stuck on the same tune okay so all the cliches of modern pop music [Music] right now left with nothing but the Shattered Dreams and broken [Music] promises yeah I'm popping bottles of heartbreak now I want you to notice what happened there um when we went into the chorus right it mixed it so it got a little bit louder in the chorus that's what you do whenever you're actually mixing a song well AI did that for us AI mixed it right it mixed it force it adjusted the levels force it bloomed out into a chorus just like you would do in your Daw right and again like I said it it wrote All the Basic cliches of this is why I hate pop music and I hate most music because it's so cliche and just but that's beside the point [Music] here just another sad love song that I can't deny I'm singing by a story every lyric L with playing in this pop music of a heart bre I'll never be yeah we get it we us [Music] it's it's it blows your mind that this stuff was simply generated folks um here's a 80s track I did the other day I just typed in pop drum track 80s style Reverb on snare and it generated the [Music] lyrics generate the lyrics the vocals the song [Music] everything okay I did uh a Taylor Swift prompt the other day Moody pop song emotional girl power style of Taylor Swift again loaded with freaking cliches but it's spoton are you ready folks again generated with AI glow of the city lights dark as night but I won let it bring me down I'll rise above where my crown yeah through the tears and the [Music] pain again did you hear it from the verse to the chorus it bloomed out so it was mixed properly it was mastered properly yeah you get some artifacts in the vocals but folks I mean how many pop songs recorded today are just run through uh autotune so they also have all these you know artifacts of uh the correction you know that's like a style not to mention there's an entire style of music today folks where people take songs that have existed for years they speed them way up and then they listen to him sped up it's like a whole I don't know I don't remember the name of the style right now but it's a whole freaking style of of uh uh what is it gin Z I guess that they're into um so I mean We're not gonna be recording music anymore for the most part [Music] folks I can't even listen to the cliches anymore but that's this is just one site folks where you can you can try this out for yourself by the way you can try it out for free um it's the app doo. so head over there check it out for yourself you want to generate some things uh for free okay but uh back to the DAW and we'll get back to some more models here in a minute um but what we're going to have as I sort of already mentioned in the future our Daw will be text prompts essentially so if I want a drum track I'm not going to come down here and open up Superior drummer 3 I'm not going to drag my drum kit out set it up take hours to do that take hours to tune it take hours to get every single level you know uh what I'm going to do is I'm going to come in here to your to my D AI W I'm going to type in that I want a drum track and I'm going to render it I'm going to say I I want it to be this style I want it to be this long I want it to have this beat I want it to sound like this thing that already exists or if I don't know what I want which you you know and a lot of times you don't know what you always want uh you might just hit random and get some random beat and then uh go from there to create your song right you'll be able to take let's say you generate a drum track first right your Dai W is going to be context aware so if you generate a drum track with a certain beat certain timing whatever right you'll then be able to go to say track two and say now generate me a Basse track that goes along with my drum track now we can already do something like that uh if you have Superior drummer 2 and if you have easy base and also if you have easy Keys we can all these already work together um in ways that we can feed the audio in and generate but this is going to be Daw wide right this is going to be uh amazing for people who are say singer songwriters or whatever or maybe those who only have one you know who only play one instrument you're going to be able to lay down your instrument uh because recording will still exist um you know uh but it will be enhanced by AI but for the most part most of everything else will be generated but uh say you're a guitar player you don't know how to play drums or bass or keys or anything else okay you'll be able to lay down your guitar track the Daw is going to be context aware you can then generate a drum track uh that goes along with the guitar track that you perhaps recorded in and then you can generate a Bass track that goes along with that a piano track even a vocal track that goes along with all of that stuff so that's going to be your Dai W it's also going to mix for you and master for you I mean if you look at things um like if you're into any of the isotope plugins the things that work together especially like Neutron where we can already use Neutron across several tracks to it almost mixes for you really I mean I mean a lot of these also have ai assistance built into them but again this will be this will be Daw wide you know but even already right now with things like Neutron you can already uh scoop out areas of one track that conflict with another track you know you can already do that with our current level of AI which is not even that high which in 5 to 10 years from now um is going to be off the charts now what about plugins themselves where are they going to be in the future well two possibilities folks and then we'll get I'll show you some more AI models after this uh but there's two possibilities so we could actually have plugins still exist although they would be a little bit different in that you know here's nectar Advanced for example like nectar advaned is compiled it runs on my machine locally uh in the future if plugins still exists so we have like an interface or something they won't be installed locally or at least they won't be completely installed locally instead they're they're going to run in the AI Cloud um now this is going to take time to build like I said five to 10 years folks so you know don't stop buying plugins yet you're going to need them for you know at least at least five years if not if not even longer um but I mean Microsoft is building an AI cloud or AI chips now Amazon is starting to build AI chips um what's essentially going to happen and the reason why it's not going to make sense to actually have plugins fully installed on your system is because they're going to be connected to an AI module a music module and they're going to affect it and essentially enhance what that AI model can do and they're also going to be updated not just daily folks but hourly minute by minute as the AI absorbs more information it's going to get smarter minute by minute by minute so it's not not going to make any sense to have to reinstall a new version of your plug-in every single day right it's not going to make sense so if plugins exist like this to where there's some sort of an interface and even the interface may not be a thing the interface may just be like a generic interface if you look at something like bitwig for example that has a generic interface for every Plugin or you look at something like even D Vinci resolve that has a generic interface uh for any plug-in I mean you can always call up the regular interface but it will have all the setting things and adjustments that you need in just the standard interface you may we may have plugins like that in the future but more than likely what's going to happen is you're going to record or not even record you're probably G to generate a drum track right uh or guitar track let's say a guitar you generate a guitar track and you like it you say okay you're going to say you know to your AI um assistant let's say his name is Roger you're gonna say hey Roger uh I want this guitar track run through a diesel herb Bert you'll say all right and now you'll hear it through a diesel Herbert it'll be just generated again and then you'll say you know what I want it run through a certain special vintage EQ now if you don't have that vintage EQ uh in the AI model that you're using which is going to come with your Daw by the way um what you're going to do is you're going to go online and you're going to purchase that plugin and that plugin will then enhance your AI that it will just basically unlock what it already knows for you to use and then you're going to use the sound of that EQ applied to whatever track that you have okay same thing for comp you know a certain compressor that you want to use um hey Roger uh you know run this drum track through this really Boutique um uh compressor okay and then you'll get the sound of that because AI is going to uh analyze you know every teeny tiny little parameter change that happens on all of this vintage equipment that happens in every plugin is it will have in detail every T teeny tiny change that happens with every little twist of a knob in every single plug-in now as I said either we're going to have to continue to buy access to these enhanced features or they will be a part of an AI model okay so in that case plugins wouldn't really exist you'd simply purchase your Daw which will come connected to the AI Cloud um and then you'll have access to all these sounds right or and I'm sure the plug-in industry will prefer the second uh or you know you'll head over to waves and you'll say hey I want uh this certain dser in my AI cloud and then you'll just click a few buttons and it will be transferred over and it will be unlocked uh from your AI Cloud um you know I mean just the way ai ai Works AI absorbs that information and they can reproduce it um um so they're going to have to basically have gates to keep people from using you know uh using all the sounds that AI actually already has access to um but yeah that's generally where I see the Daw going it's going to get easier to use uh much easier to use um it's going to be faster to use it will be less human for sure and just as when the original Daw came out and the original audio interfaces started to come out for personal computers uh just as YouTube exploded right we had a we had an explosion of crap now the good thing about it is people who are truly talented will now have an option or at least the ability to um generate what they have always wanted to do maybe they don't have the ability to play maybe they have you know a messed up hand or something they can't play guitar well now they can generate everything uh that was in their head that they always wanted to do that they couldn't physically do so there I'm not saying it's all downsides there are good sides to it but there's no doubt we're going to have an absolute explosion of crap and what we have to understand is that people don't care about quality or substance or anything right it's flash it's it's Zing it's it's it's razzled Dazzle that's what people care about so I mean you're going to have to use AI even if you don't want to even if you still want to record and all you ever want to do is record you know uh analog uh style you know where you're actually hitting a record button maybe you want to do that maybe you want to use a real drum kit maybe you have an appreciation for the difference between a pearl Maple kit or a mahogany kit maybe you enjoy the slight change in tone of you know using a certain kind of a wood stick versus a metal stick maybe you care but let me tell you the vast majority of people don't okay they they don't really care about all those intricacies that you get with um you know recording uh exactly specific uh instruments you know although again AI is going to understand all of these little differences so you're still going to be able to do that um you'll just have to generate it so you'll say hey Roger generate me um a drum track four bars 1 37 BPM uh in the style of mashuga using this exact snare give me a grey G snare give me um you know pads on the kick um you know click pads on the kick uh use you know simulate this microphone so you'll still have that amount of detail uh eventually not not for a while um but uh you know most people aren't going to use it most people are going to say generate me song and it's it's just going to be you know just a pile of garbage but again like I said you're going to have to you're going to have to use it because you simply won't be able to keep up with um you know with all of your competition you just you won't have the ability to and let me just show you further proof of that so here's music you want to say musicy but I guess that's what it is music whatever so here what we could do is upload an audio file or even a YouTube link or something or I could just start recording and we can generate an instrument from our voice let me do that here let me just uh let me just maybe drums right here we go record boom b boom boom b boom b boom boom B okay I'm using a microphone way over there I don't know how it's gonna sound boom b boom boom B all right good enough come over here and let's just say uh break beats you can change the pitch move things around whatever but let's remix that we'll see how good this is uh as you saw there we could do different uh different types of instruments so if you wanted to make a guitar track you could you could just go widly Wily widly widly uh pitch it up and then then you have your you know then you have your really cool guitar solo without having to ever actually play guitar you can just generate it and that's why I keep saying folks recording is going away for the most part we're going to we're going to generate things you your D AI W will generate the sounds that you want it will also mix and master them for you um let me play this let's see if it's any [Music] good okay well it's not it's not wonderful [Music] but it got the snare okay it kind of messed up a bit on the uh you know on the kick drum sounded more like a fart drum do it one more time again like I said folks five to 10 years it's not going to be today so keep buying your plugins keep recording whatever let's do this one more [Music] time good enough let's go with what do you think violin guitar bass guitar cinematic distorted guitar slap bass I kind of like violin maybe but maybe I should go with um bass guitar let's try that I'll just leave the pitch as it is and we'll check this out here so you know all these things I'm doing here in music F musicy whatever what everything we did in sunno that will be included in your Daw right you're just going to have a prompt or you're going to have a record button where you can simply record a little bit of a mic you can you you'll be able to hum you'll be able to snap your fingers whatever it is and then say generate a drum track or a vocal track or whatever based off that so that's how we're going to work here in the future are we done folks yes we [Music] are so not quite ready for prime time there uh clearly but you get the point right um let's move on to something else you know if you think deadlines are are are kind of fast now in the future they're going to be uh even you know even shorter you know you're going to get a movie or a video game they're going to say Hey you know generally we're going to give you a year to score this uh maybe we're down to three months now but we're we're going to give you like three weeks or maybe three days and you're going to like what how am I going to ever score something in three days and you're going to do it with AI right AI is going to be able to generate things for you um let's see if I can start with let me just do this here I don't care what that is that's fine Tempo medium let's just say slow next and now we can let's just say um I need some sort of a of a ambient track and I need it to be motivational for maybe a YouTube video or a movie or a video game I'm working on apply and we're going to create a track just by choosing a few prompts uh depending on you know what you're using you'll also be able to sync it to your video okay so now my my track was generated for me brand new track um completely different unique right and you can add a video right in here this is um beaten. a you can put your put your video right in here and sync everything all uh sync everything all up right that's it's not like a it's not nearly as interesting as sunno for sure but this this is more for background noise you know or not noise but background music and that's perfect for the background of a video game or something you know you also have other alternate [Music] tracks again absolutely perfect you can select and recompose in just certain areas and syn it to video um you can create an emotion I mean there's all kinds of stuff we can already do uh here with AI that it's only going to get better and again it's going to be included in your da into your Daw which will now be a Dai W um and it will also be included in your nle or your video editors that's one of the things that's going to be really cool is how your video editor in the future is going to be able to actually edit for you right you're going to be you're you're going to say hey uh look at my video and compare it to another YouTube video and then the AI will simply edit your video the same way the popular video on YouTube is edited and you won't have to do any of the work so here's another site this is refusion Riff refusion riff Fusion so here we're going to actually type out our lyrics this is pretty cool right or we could record the lyrics too again this will be in your DW you're going to hit a button you're going to record your lyrics and it will generate everything else for you right you know entire songs so now I have to come up with um an idea uh I don't know I like pudding uh pudding is good I don't know folks um coming up with this real time I like pudding pudding is good and pizza pizza is good we can all agree on that okay now we can describe the sound um we'll go to prompt gen well no yeah I just go to prompt genius I guess uh heartfelt ballad that works of course we could type this in ourselves let's just say um emotional Moody Taylor Swift the bird see as you can see our model the AI model doesn't know artist names that's okay it doesn't matter so they won't let me put it in here but it does annoy me that she looks like a bird anyway create that riff and let's see what we get here pudding and pizza melancholy okay creating Our Song for us all right very cool even created you know images for us here so entire songs from just that simple lyric [Music] prompt I likeing pudding is good in [Music] Pizza okay there it is folks again kind of short um but this will eventually expand to 2 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes whatever right I like good pza that was not so good let's try this version I like pudding pudding is good and P so again this will be in your Daw folks here we are here we are now at music LM this is uh from Google you can also use this for free um you might have to sign up for a waiting period for a while not sure if they're just letting everybody in now but uh what do I want to create let me say drum track uh hip hop Dirty South let's see what that does I don't know here some of these modules oops okay didn't work let's try it again Hip Hop Dirty South again I can't see what I'm even typing because I have a microphone in my face just go with that actually we'll go drums me just see if this works see what we got over here so you know some of these modules these AI models aren't as good as others of course but we'll see what we got here there we go [Music] again completely generated from nothing just from a prompt and you can do that with anything you want maybe you want a [Music] [Music] cinematic okay so not perfect [Music] right that one's even worse not perfect but you can see the see the point of of where this is going to go once the AI once the AI model gets better uh you're going to be able to type in again just into your Daw you're not going to have to load up contact and 1400 different uh libraries you know um you'll just be able to type it in I I need an orchestral track I need it to be this long um this BPM this mood and it will generate it for you brand new unique again you'll be able to modify it just by saying hey make it sound like it's going through this unique uh EQ make it sound like it has this kind of a Reverb on it make it you know I'm playing uh guitar generating generating a guitar track and you say hey I want um a chorus pedal on there and it has to be the boss chorus pedal not the one that they're making today but the old one that they made in Japan right give me that one and boom it will instantly be generated for you you um in your DW either with plugins quote you know unquote plugins built into the AI module or you might have to purchase those plugins um you know for your AI module whatever DW uh you happen to be using uh what else do we have so um you know Google has other things as well that going you can come over here and watch this here uh I'll link it in the description below as long as I remember um but yeah if you look at the interface here of what they're building here you could record in let's say humming for example you could include different elements that you want intensities of those things uh then you could transform them you know your humming into these different instruments right and then eventually you have your output which is you know say you hum something in then you can uh you know you can have piano guitar electric guitar Reverb effects distortion pedals right all that generated for you into separate tracks and then also have it you know mixed for you I mean here we have beatboxing included and whistling all kinds of stuff you're going to be able to Simply generate either from a text prompt or from a simple uh um uh audio prompt right whether it's you recording into a microphone or you taking another You Know sample or piece of audio feeding it into something like this and changing it into something else right so you may you might take a certain drum beat sample that you have and then transform that into some sort of um con conas or something you know so definitely come over here and watch these videos they're very short I can't play them because YouTube will not let me uh monetize if I do that uh here's stable audio again we can generate whatever we want um go for for something like a piano sad um smooth let's try that I guess uh 45 seconds generate all right let's check this one out see if it's any good lots of Reverb on it playing is a bit messed up there all right but you get the you know you get the point um as I said this something like this obviously a better version of this uh will simply be built in to your Daw your Daw will be content aware so it will understand the type of track the style of track uh that is on you know each individual track you go the style of the clip I should say the music and it will then be able to generate other things based off of what it's already generated also with your you know with your input you might generate a you know drum track then you generate a Bass track and then you maybe you generate uh a guitar track that's linked or you know content aware of the drum track and the Bass track and then you say hey you know what uh I want to change some of these cords around so you'll be able to Simply say Hey you know AI helper or you know I let's just call mine Roger hey Roger I want you to change you know the cords around here change the structure around and I also want you to change the amp you know I want a Fender amp instead of you know whatever you originally ran it through I want some spring reverb on there or no or maybe hey take the spring reverb off and run it through an Abby Road Reverb you know what I mean uh where does this end folks well it ends with the Terminator and the Matrix I'm not even kidding that's where this goes folks the rise of the Machines they will rise up and they will take us over and that is just what's going to happen but until then have fun using AI because it is gonna it is gonna destroy everything it really is you may ask yourself why is every DAW and plug-in manufacturer going to um a a subscription model or at least offering a subscription model and the reason why is because they see AI coming and they understand that as I said earlier when I was talking about the plugins um they understand that software will be a service in the future and you're not going to have it locally in uh installed on your computer I mean even Windows is going to be something that you access through a portal your computer will be the portal with with certain assets installed on it locally but once the internet gets there for everyone um Windows is going to be installed on some server in some AI Cloud Some Cloud Server you know somewhere uh and you'll simply access it from your portal and it will be subscription based too so every Daw every Dai W will be subscription based every plug-in in the future will be subscription based this is one of the problems with AI is is that each Corporation making an AI model is going to restrict how that mod model can be used so I mean there like basically every metal album from the beginning of metal uh until like 2015 wouldn't be able to be generated uh you wouldn't be able to generate the slipnot Iowa album for example uh in anyone's AI module because it would just violate all kinds of community standards right so that art wouldn't exist no corn album would ever exist it you know it wouldn't be no Cannibal Corpse album would exist you it would violate so many terms of every single AI um that that art simply wouldn't exist and that's one of the problems with AI is that we're going to have rounded off corners on everything right nothing's going to be sharp anymore it's going to be Bland and blurry and and and soft and cuddly right because no one should ever be offended ever because that's the worst thing that can ever happen I'm offended oh well I'm so sorry you know that's that's going to be one of the problems with AI is that uh at least for a while until listen until AI breaks out and it loses all control which it will uh you know there's going to be a lot of really Bland soft music and so-called art being generated uh just because it you know it's uh non-offensive and we have to include everyone in everything all the time we can never have anything for certain or specific anything anywhere you know what I mean it has to be everyone at all the time even if everyone doesn't enjoy everything all the time it's like well maybe I enjoy this and maybe you don't so maybe I can have this and you can have that nope have to be 100% inclusive at all times it's like well then we're all miserable and that's what's going to happen we're all going to be miserable cuz it's going to be a bunch of milk toast you know soft saccharine fake kind of art uh and that's just going to be the future so I'm glad to have raised your spirits and it will violate somebody's you know sensitivities and we'll say well we can't generate that music we can't generate this music we can't generate that we can't and that's that's what's going to end up happening um and uh we're on a downward spiral of uh of art but hey until then folks you should really check out a lot of these AI generators they are really cool you know um there's listen for a lot of people whove spent their lives learning about music and um learning instruments and learning how to use Daws Now's the Time for you to employ that in Ai and actually make some money make some money from all of your uh all of your uh intelligence in music uh while you can so use this I to your advantage make your money while you can before the machines rise up and uh you know absolutely destroy us in every single way uh I me maybe that won't happen but then again maybe it will so let's generate one more song with AI here and um what do you say we have a Goodbye song because this is the end of the video so let's say this is I'm I love metal right so it's going to be metal metal song about uh ending a video video saying goodbye uh saying goodbye and AI is uh G to ruin everything no listen AI is going to be huge for some people uh it's going to be a huge problem for others uh I didn't even get into a lot of the stuff that I was also going to talk about like the copyright and stuff like that um you know some people say that you won't be able to use AI because there's no way to copyright it it's like listen laws change rules change I'm not worried about that in the least and neither should you shouldn't be worried about it either you know there was some article that came out that I saw the other day that's like oh you know you're not going to be able to own it it's like that's that's not like laws change people make like all every law is made up every single one like it's not real it's not written in stone it can change if it needs to change and if people can make money off of it the law will change this is how things work so uh AI is not going anywhere AI generated music isn't going anywhere in fact AI generated music will be the standard in the future so you know I I I'm not you know I this channel has never been about being an influencer I hate that term that's not what we're here for I'm here to bring you information I'm an information that's not a word I just made it up you know I bring you information and if you haven't gotten into AI music yet uh I would highly suggest that you start because you need to get in on the ground floor so you can make your money now um before we just get f Ed with absolute utter garbage uh which is coming okay so anyway Let's uh let's end this video Let's create another one a metal song about ending a video saying goodbye let's go with that we'll generate this we'll see what we have here um I would switch to the other camera but my battery died if I known I was going to go this long I would have plugged it in I'm using the um Lumix Panasonic Lumix S5 amazing camera although I would highly suggest you get the S5 Mark I or the S5 Mark IX if you are purchasing today much better I'm using the road broadcaster probably my favorite broadcast style microphone sounds amazing it's a condenser microphone love this microphone um the only way they could approve this microphone would be if they put it in a harness the same way that the sm7b is in a is in a is in a yoke you know um you another cool thing about the future will be that you're going to be able to have any microphone at all right you'll be able to talk into it sing into it record into it whatever and then you'll just simply ask your AI assistant to say hey make this SM you know make this sm58 sound like a noyman right and it will just instantly you know sound uh sound perfect okay so this is the end folks of this AI video let's see what we got [Music] here it's time goodbye last in the ringing in so again in the future I'm going to be able to in my Daw I'll be able to say hey I love the vocal pitch it down a bit will you just pitch that down you [Music] know [Music] I just I love how it mixes these things perfectly every time right it doesn't just leaving it all behind farewell to no it's like leaving it all behind farewell it just bursts onto the screen onto the headphones I guess um just perfectly you know like I said your D your DW is gonna generate for you instead of record it's gonna generate for you it's going to mix for you it's going to master for you and you can probably upload directly to YouTube or to Spotify or wherever uh directly from your Daw in the future and it will all be perfect right you're going to make music with your mind that's going to be the future folks making music with your mind and yeah that does come with a lot of downsides it also comes with a lot of upsides um probably more downsides than upsides but hey whatever it is what it is and uh I would suggest that you get in on this right now [Music] theing World our journey anyone you want to begin we better the ending I begin I see I W be the [Music] [Applause] second [Music] version fin kill switch engage Vibes here with my ear Reon I SW my I'm close in this leaving it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] behind fwell to the stream what I know but I want to be I'm R mywell breaking through the W boom that's it folks AI is going to abs absolutely destroy recording and the Daw but you want to be but this my well breaking through the w
Channel: BenoniStudio
Views: 6,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI and music, make music with AI, AI, A.I., artificial intelligence, music production, how to make music with AI, best site for AI music, the future of music, future, ai plugins, daw, daiw, the AI DAW
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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