A.I. MIDIs is all you need!

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hey no buddies how is going if you are interested in creating music using artificial intelligence you have two options the first is to work with raw audio such as jukebox or harmonize or the Google Music LM platform and because these Network are trained with raw audio can take up tons of space in your memory to train them you'll need a beefy computer with some serious muscle the second which happens to be my personal favorite is the symbolic approach which involves working with MIDI files midis don't hog up too much space in your memory that means training AI networks with them is a breeze since we're all about being on the go this video is all about creating some sweet Tunes with the help of artificial intelligence and midis so let's get grooving welcome to this midi does not exist foreign midi is short for musical instrument digital interface or as I like to call it the secret code that makes your sense and computers talk to each other back in the 80s there was a problem everyone was making digital music gear but they all spoke different languages it was like a bad game of musical chairs but instead of chairs it was incompatible Hardware so the big brains of the music tech World got together and came up with a solution midi it was a lofty goal to create a language that could communicate all the features of a musical performance digitally but these Tech Wizards were up for the challenge even if it meant defining all kinds of complex musical behavior in a way that 1980s technology could handle it was like trying to teach your grandma how to text in Chinese but despite the challenges they did it in 1982 the midi standard was born and the music world would never be the same and now we can thank the gods of Music Tech ikutaro kakahashi and Dave Smith for their Brilliance and develop developing MIDI they even got technical Grammy Awards in 2013 for their efforts it's about time guys some years later the 90s arrive oh the good old 90s back then every website was chock full of animated gifs and midis and boy was it a wild time but you know what's even Wilder the fact that we can still find some of those midi eyes online today just a few clicks away and here's the kicker midis are super lightweight so you can store thousands of them on even the tiniest storage device but wait midi's midis sound awful hold your horses partner you might think midi sounds like a cat stuck in a blender but let me set the record straight midi is not actually sound it's a language the midi specification simply tells your synthesizer what instrument to use What notes to play how long to hold them and other cool stuff like Tempo and lyrics and you know what AI models are pretty darn good at learning languages let's take a look at some exciting tools that allow us to incorporate midi into our AI projects the first tool I'd like to introduce is basic pitch a free audio to MIDI converter developed by Spotify that can detect pitch bends it's a powerful tool for converting raw audio to MIDI for instance let's assume we have an audio recording of a John Coltrane gig that features only an upright bass and a piano yeah we have a loop and it is beautiful we can effortlessly convert this audio into midi by simply uploading the file to basic pitch and voila it will be converted to MIDI in no time beautiful Road sound guys we press the download button and we have a midi file to play yeah but what do I do with that file well you have to use a Daw a digital audio workstation there are many on the market my favorite is Ableton Live we simply load the file on a midi track assign an instrument to it and it will play it and the good thing is that it can be any instrument but let me show you another tool to work with midis and AI mucinet it's a super smart neural network that can whip up four minute music tracks using 10 different instruments and mix and match styles from country to Mozart to The Beatles mucinet was definitely a cool tool but sadly it's not working anymore who knows maybe the folks at open AI are tinkering with it or it's just been deprecated but fret not we've got another great option for you magenta Studio is a collection of Music plugins built on magenta's open source tools and models they use cutting-edge machine learning techniques for music generation continue uses AI to create new music that follows your original melody or drum beat it can add up to 32 measures of new material making it perfect for spicing up your tracks to use it just upload your file and click generate easy peasy generate creates a four bar Melody without any input from you simply select your output folder choose the number of variations in temperature and hit generate it's perfect for getting past creative blocks or sparking new ideas generate use as a trained vae to produce unique combinations of Melodies and rhythms no input file needed just sit back and let the AI do the work interpolate lets you blend two drum beats or Melodies together to create up to 16 new files it uses a vae to map MIDI files to a compressed space where similar patterns are a group together interpolate draws a line between your two input files and generates new files along that line just make sure your input files are less than four measures and the same length perfect for merging ideas or creating smooth transitions Groove adds a realistic human feel to your drum patterns by adjusting timing and velocity unlike other plugins that use humanize functions groov uses a neural network trained on 15 hours of real drummer performances the network predicts unquantized beats similar to Google's language translation but for drum patterns to use Groove just upload your drum beat midi file and let the AI do the rest it creates a new file with a natural human feel drumify creates grooves based on the rhythm of any input whether you have a Melody baseline or drum pattern drumify can generate a drum accompaniment to match it's trained on a data set of real drum performances and maps from Rhythm to Performance extracting timing details and creating a Groove how about we turn our coltrane's midi file into a hot groovy beat that'll make your head Bop and your feet move we add the midi to drumify and boom we have a drum midi add to your DAW and assign some sick drum sounds to really bring it to life oh my gosh nice but a little robotic isn't it why don't we add the drum midi to groove and make it more human like a real drummer [Music] wowza check it out this funky fresh beat was made entirely with the power of AI how cool is that are you as blown away as I am and Google magenta has other projects like the music Transformer which used to have a really fun Google collab notebook but like open ai's mucinet it's also not working what's going on with these awesome midi projects of artificial intelligence why aren't they getting more attention but guess what you can totally listen to some sick Midas created by magenta's music Transformer on this dope website and if you dig one of them you can download it and use it in your own tracks seriously check out how fire this one is [Music] oh my gosh have you heard this song it's so beautiful [Music] and now check out the latest project in this video guys it's called Los Angeles music composer and it's seriously mind-blowing I provide you with all the information in the description of this video all you gotta do is run the cells of this collab notebook cell by cell then upload the Coltrane midi or the midi you want to continue add the path here and boom these crazy powerful neural networks take over and generate a whole new continuation of our music that we can jam and groove to Forever it's pure musical Wizardry my friends wowza what a day my Amigos we had an absolute blast if you guys know of any other tools that can generate midi with AI hit me up in the comments below I can't wait to show you more fun stuff that AI can do adios amigos foreign foreign
Channel: Nobody & The Computer
Views: 284,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wmMa8AsIlZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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