AI Learns to Escape (deep reinforcement learning)

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This is Albert. He's an artificial intelligence that learns. He can move, turn and jump, and he has 10 seconds to escape this room His movements start off 'random' But when he does something good... he is rewarded and when he messes up he is punished. This is Room 1 of 5. Albert, let's see if you can escape them. You figured out how to open the door but you can't do much else... What about now? Yes! Now it's time for Room 2. There are 2 pressure plates So, Albert, you need to jump over the wall. That's not how you do that... Still not right... Perfect! That was too easy though. Let's see if you can escape Room 3. This one is much harder. You need to learn to differentiate between platforms you jump on, and walls you jump over ... not even close... You hit the pressure plate, good job! Again! But getting off is going to be tricky... Walking off won't work, you need to jump. Good! Now you just need to find the door... it's not over here... Here we go Why did you jump?!? There we go! There we go! (sorta) This is Room 4 Now you need to learn to jump to different platforms I'll give you 15 seconds to do this one. It's going to be really difficult. The tall platform will be especially tricky to get come on, Albert, you got this Nice!! but it took way too long to get there... You did it again! Uhh... there's still more you need to do... ... Let's try that one again, Albert. Nice! but you ran out of time... Really? You got them all! But just barely ran out of time... Finally! This is the final challenge, Room 5. You need to jump around platforms to hit 6 pressure plates then get down from the highest one Good luck! Room 3 taught you to jump on the first platform but I think the wall's confusing you... Why don't you try that again. Okay, the walls are really messing you up. You learned to jump away from the wall, that's a start but you jumped into this dead end... There's 2 pressure plates! 3! (sorta) What about now? You're starting to get it!! No, Albert, that's the wrong way... You need to get the other one first... for now though, 4 pressure plates isn't bad but you're trapped... Yes! You're back on track! no... You've had hundreds of thousands of attempts now please, do something good. Here we go! nevermind... So close! Yes! Congratulations, Albert! But you didn't actually think you'd be able to escape, right? No, I have a lot more planned for you :)
Channel: AI Warehouse
Views: 6,600,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Evolution, Reinforcement Learning, Simulation, Neural Network, Neural Net, AIHouse, Simulate, AI Learning, AI Learns, Machine Learning, Machine-Learning, Robot Learning, Deep Learning, Deep-Learning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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