AI in Education

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay hello and welcome to this webinar on AI in education my name is William O'Gorman and I will be moderating this webinar today uh greetings from uh Blue Sky sunny and slightly cold Helsinki but I hope that the information that we have today will warm your intellectual Hearts as well we're very privileged to have an array of speakers as part of the USS Alliance and what we would really like is that if any of our participants have any questions please don't hesitate to ask questions in the YouTube chat uh directed towards the speakers and I will then take those questions and and our speakers can can answer them for you it would be great if we could somehow maybe generate a conversation on this topic I think it's a very a very Hot Topic at the moment so all questions and comments are greatly appreciated um so I'm going to kick off by showing a presentation just to give a background about about the webinar and also about Ulysses and the compass approached as well so I'm just going to share my screen okay um okay so um I'd like to welcome you all once more to uh our Ai and education webinar and this webinar is hosted by heart Elia and it's yeah I will moderator my name is William Mormon uh AI Innovation Health officer so just two seconds sorry [Music] okay uh and this webinar is hosted as part of the compass project um so this round table is part of the calendar of activities uh Compass leading unit cells to become a European University model of Excellence through research and Innovation and Compass is a horizon 2020 project of Ulysses and the flagship for its research and Innovation agenda and strategy Ulysses is a unique unit it consists of six Innovation hubs which will tackled six research and Innovation challenges creating one ecosystem Innovation ecosystem up north we have hagahelia and we are dealing with artificial intelligence in Slovakia in kosiche our Hub was dealing with a digitalization in the Technical University of prasiche in MCI the entrepreneurial school at linsbrook their Hub is dealing with food biotechnology and circular economy in University of Genoa they their Hub is dealing with tourism Arts and Heritage in uni university called tazur in the south of France they're dealing with aging and well-being and then in University of Sevilla in Spain they're dealing with energy transport mobility and smart cities and together these six Innovation hubs form the Ulysses Innovation ecosystem is artificial intelligence and I think it has been a topic that has grown in the time that Ulysses has existed and at the moment is extremely relevant to how our world Works to solving societal challenges and of course it's transferring revolutionary role in AI as well um a little bit about our webinar for today we're going to have three different presentations and about 20 minutes per speaker uh for each speaker there will be a time allotted of about five to ten minutes for questions directed directed to the speaker please ask your questions in YouTube or make any comments and they will be passed on to me and I will ask the questions for you and then at the end also we will hopefully have a five to ten minute open uh conversation between all of our speakers and in addition the webinar will be recorded and available on the Ulysses YouTube channel where you can also see our previously recorded webinar on human-centric AI so I think it's quite interesting for you but you're not here to listen to me today we have some excellent speakers for you we have Maria alanco turinen who is a principal lecturer here in Hague in the school of vocational teacher education she is going to give us a presentation on the topic of towards entangled sustainable higher education AI Solutions our next speaker is going to represent the xmia OU company this is passy petaya he's going to be talking about AI applications for tutoring students and providing personalized online learning and then finally we have two speakers from University of Cortez Margarita Romero full professor in University cortisol and associate professor in University Laval in Canada and Lauren Heiser associate professor inspect Denise University cortezur and their top they're going to co-host a presentation on the creative uses of AI in education so I'll stop sharing now and I will hand the floor over to Mario and if anybody has any questions then please don't hesitate to ask in YouTube and take care of it so Maria how are we doing is the sharing work yes I hope that you can see my slides and hello dear friends and let me start by asking a few questions I would like to invite you to reflect on the question of how ready are you to reinvent your role as an educator and learn about AI meaning A literacy and understanding what AI is and secondly how Lord are you ready how ready are you to learn about and teach with AI and thirdly how ready are you to learn from Human AI collaboration that means live in a world that is increasingly integrated with AI so we start with these questions and I hope that you will give this in your mind when we land the process so as William nicely told us my topic is towards entangle sustainable higher education as Solutions and I will give you some sort of an outline of the presentations how I will be going through these topics and how we will land to the concluding remarks so first of all I will position myself so where do I come from what is my take on this topic and set the scene for the presentation then I move on to a research project I have just submitted for peer review I did a scoping review which tried to reveal how AI is discussed in higher education discourse and based on that I will give you some guidelines for entangled AI pedagogic and uh from this kind of General I call it practical or this kind of experimentations that we are doing at harkahelia so how we have been using the kitelites I just mentioned in our script based chatbot experimentations and how we've used them in exam assessment and then I will take you to the concluding remarks and I'll let you with the references that I have used and I hope this is okay I can't hear any uh conflicting ideas for my presentation so I will continue with this so I position myself coming from the pedagogical background so I have been working within vocational education and Vocational teacher education over 30 years so I have found interesting to research and discuss topics like designing for learning digitalization in higher education and now as we are now talking about AI this is something that as William mentioned that so much is happening so there is time before Ai and after AI so I will not be discussing chat GP for today but I hope that others will so I I do this kind of a longer process so I'm not on on in this topical theme of chat CP but this is something that everybody's talking about we talk about AI and then I just remind you that I've been uh discussing quite a lot of competence-based Education I I and and I find a lot of kicks from digital and Graphics facilitation so just remembering that I come from the pedagogical background and I am not that tech savvy but I do use all the uh gadgets and gizmos that are available and I'm I'm curious to find out how they work so let's move on to the uh scene so if I came from that positioning so the setting the scene so I mentioned that at Target we are doing all kinds of experimentations and one uh platform for this kind of experimental editions is a tribal project that is financed by the ministry of uh education and culture and I'm I'm part of the project group and the the aim of this AI driver project is to deepen the knowledge base of Designing adopting ethical human AR interaction in education of professionals and I have bolded that because I'm working within that part my colleagues uh Ariana and others are working within the smes and how business will be you know very integrated to this process and as I mentioned that I'm working with this uh educational perspective of the project then our work package uh consists of of ideas and things that we have to understand where we're coming from so consolidating the knowledge base of how AI has been discussed and what how do you take it as a part in your design and orchestration process when you work with those education of professionals and of course you have to use AI in open education and lifelong learning as well and uh as the title of my presentation gives you an idea so I come from the idea that there you can't say that it's it's Tech that tries pedagogy or you can't say that it's pedagogy that drives Tech but you have to move on and last uh summer when I was running I was listening to Tim porn's exciting seminar via zoom and running and listening to him and found out that this way of he how he in a way put together this entanglement so how uh these two things they shape each other so you have a technology you have the pedagogy and you have to see Tech as multiple contextual and relational and the students the teachers and other uh infrastructure persons and policy makers they have to negotiate how they are done together and understanding that this is a very complex uh process where you need configuration skills you need design skills you need orchestration skills and all kinds of practices where they are working together and as in in the slide the aspirational is that there is this kind of understanding that this uh calls for uncertainty embracement imperfection opens the honesty understanding that this is something that you have to lean on and understand that it's not only Educators it's students and Educators together working to understand what kind of future do we have in AI so that gives me the you know by the this kind of theoretical background so how I see technology and pedagogy intertwine entangled and based on that I wanted to ask a question in my scoping review that how do different reviews as there are lots of them in scientific journals how do they see AI Solutions in higher education pedagogy generally and then uh propose some future research themes in particular so understanding where do we come from what is the history so where then we can move on understanding what has happened so far and what will be the next steps to be taken and as I mentioned it is a scoping review and it's inspired by certain scoping review [Music] researchers and based on what they have told us that how you do a proper scoping review I of course identified research question questions that I just mentioned and the relevant Concepts were defined and then I moved into the databases so I used the the databases hakahelia has the filter and I looked for articles review articles from 2017 to 2022 and I used certain keywords artificial intelligence higher education pedagogy meta-analysis review and then I found out over 400 articles and then I had to include and exclude some of them so in a way I had to decide that they are peer reviewed and they they have this these topics that I find interesting in them so they have a bigger picture so it's not just in healthcare but they have to be in in a higher education better part of sugar on the general level so I included then 15 articles to my uh uh process which I then analyze and summarize and try to find out uh answers to my questions and part of an interesting part of this kind of scoping review is that you have to do a consultation exercise where you invite those who are stakeholders in your process to in a way check out what you have done and based on that then finalize the article so these were the Articles that I uh chose for my analysis so a lot of things happening there with different kinds of review processes there might be systematic reviews meta-analysis bibliometric studies and and reviews done by AI so lots of things happening and lots of Articles to be analyzed but I did a meta on meta so what did I found out and I suppose these things are interesting to you too so what did they reveal the about the higher education discourse so uh these uh articles that a lot of categories of course because they did the uh analysis of who are the major uh Playmakers there in the AI field where do you do most of the research and where where what are the most important Publications and what kind of themes are topical at that particular moment and based on that I just in a way used as the last case and register's idea that this uh AI applications and solutions could be put into two major categories so supporting institutional and administrative level and then the ones that we are really interesting is how they support teaching and learning and I the the four categories that could be found well profiling and prediction so how you in a way profile the students and how the admissions are organized the course scheduling and so on and then the ones that I'm now quite interested in intelligent tutoring systems so how you innovate facilitate processes of learning how you create learning materials and so forth and and the third one was also very important and something that I'm now looking into the assessment evaluation so how you do automated grading feedback how you give how you understand how the student has understood and so forth and then the ones that in a way everybody is talking if they talk about AI in education the personalization that you've got in a way make uh the content personalized for the student and support for example students learning design process so these were the topics that were discussed quite lengthy in these articles and all kinds of uh categories were found and and how the AI machine learning approaches and other approaches were used in these categorizations but then as I mentioned the general question was what what has been discussed so far would have been the main topics then I moved on to the last part of the Articles and try to find out that where are the gaps where are the research Endeavors that should be in a way uh started now based on their uh suggestions and what these articles in a way based on my pragmatic analysis was they said that there is a need for more sharpening the pedagogical perspective of those AI experimentations so uh usually they are quite a lot uh ICT persons that have been making these studies so the pedagogical theoretical ideas have been missing there and the understanding what it's learning and what is teaching is missing still there but I think now they they are integrated in the articles based on these suggestions remembering that how long is a peer review process and how these articles when they were made and published and what has happened prior to their publication but one thing what's important what I found out was the methodological choices of those um uh Pros uh projects and research projects that have been taken was the uh that they were very quantitative and now they ask for qualitative processes and the research groups would should they other people accept those who have been the ones that have done the algorithm and so and so forth and the critical reflective of course is always asked because of the privacy issues and the ethics and of course these articles looked for more technological research teams of AI So based on these ideas that I found out I presented them to my colleagues and uh they in a way discuss them in our Workshop so the the sixth phase of coping review was this consultation exercise and we discussed the themes together and found out that what we need to do now is perhaps start working with chatbots that will uh support the final thesis process at Harker Helia or how we take the ethical management and of students that are more into consideration and the community building enabled by AI these were the teams that are now in hanging in the air that but the Chatsworth thing is something that we are now really working with and based on those themes that I found out I made some sort of a uh clarification to myself that if we work with AI lots of questions need to be asked and here are some examples of the questions so what kind of pedagogical Frameworks and models support the AI in higher education context why do we use these applications uh why now and how do they support learning and competence development and how does this AI fit to the learning culture of the university and how do we develop the aaai literature of teachers and students when we do these developing processes at the same time and what are the agencies of teachers and students when we do this kind of change processes and kind of AI application are selected who makes the selections how how they align with the pedagogical thinking and the selected infrastructure the higher education already has and then the questions of privacy and ethics of these applications need to be considered the ethical responsibility and what I found out also this methodological emphasis is also important that what kind of research teams do we have when we have this kind of Project funding and how do we use this kind of participatory and flexible research projects as well as as quantitative processes and what you have heard me saying is the idea that teachers to judicator students data scientists and application designers they all have to be involved in the process that we get what we want to get out of these projects so what has happened so far based on these guidelines that in a way I uh crystallized from my scope and review that now what we are doing in AI driver experimentation project is that we are now trying to have a group of members from different backgrounds writing chatbots they are still this kind of a script based chatbots and the role of them is to support students reflective processes their transversal competencies and the outlining of the final thesis paper as I mentioned so they have been called Europe yours truly and Reddit so this has a certain meaning as well as well and as participate I will discuss later the essay assessment is something that is done now via AI but we truly hope that the next steps next Autumn when we move on in our project these chatbots will have an integrated chat GPT on an AI integrated into them so now we are learning in this kind of incremental way the process so now with the last few minutes I have I want to land my presentation but in a way going back to the questions that I started with the question of how ready you are to learn about AI so using something that you're very familiar the bloomstack cinema and I know I found this from uh article which was also a systemic uh analysis and review of how the AAA literacy should be developed so where I'm now so I have been trying to understand where we're coming from and now going to apply my knowledge in nice AI application so moving on to the top trying to find out how we can work together and be able to justify why is it now that we have to use AI what is the value added when we use the AI and how we take the big societal questions into consideration as well so this is the first question and the second question I ask you how ready are you to learn and teach with AI we need a Frameworks so giving frames and this is one of that I found out the title of the article was designed for learning in an AI World there you have to in a way make yourself very clear what is we're trying to achieve how are the infrastructures the algorithms how they are in a way evident and uh transparent when we talk about our better cortical philosophy how this entangled pedagogy understanding that they work together and move on our processes is taking into consideration and how do we plan the paragraph logical tactics when the students have their epistemic elements the tasks how they are working together in social groups how do they are supported by chats and Bots and what are the artifacts and tools that we are using in order to make affordances for the students to start to learn something new for the future so this was my contribution to the discussion and all the materials of the Articles can be from from the references thank you thank you very much Mary that was a great a great beginning to our to our webinar quite an in-depth uh presentation for us today so um if it's okay I do have a question for you if you're yes please so it was it was quite interesting how you were talking about the ethical management and how you're going to use chat Bots and and one thing I'd like maybe to ask you is how do you see the role of of course the ethics of AI in educational context how do you see that um you know starting from from now how do you see that for the future right so my computer is giving me time let's see take your time take your time yes I just wonder why it's doing this kind of thing for me now now it decided to stop so the ethical side so uh a concrete example now as we are working with the chatbots there's lots of uh questions for students they have to in a way we have to make very very clear for them that how we are going to use the data how they will be in a way uh anonymized and how in a way much more carefully that that students understand that they are really talking with the chatbot so it's not a person they are talking with and this kind of things are now taking into consideration and all the uh European um unions ideas are also uh taken into consideration so it makes us very uh transparent and clear that what we are doing so lots of things have to be taken into consideration before we submit something to our students and of course teachers as well yeah and how how do you see the role of because you just mentioned there briefly and I think it's going to be maybe a question that might come up how do you see the role of managing the students data and and and and and when when dealing with the chatbots and when dealing with AI because I know that students data and how it's been managed is also an issue how do you see that going forward I suppose this calls for uh this kind of collaboration with those data scientists and the administration and the infrastructure so I as a pedagogical person I have to in a way understand that process so and that's why we need these persons who have this kind of understanding of that how how do you in a restore the information that it's it's in a way in a way uh stored that it will not uh have any how do you say you will understand some precautions what is the word I'm looking for it doesn't hurt the student in the long run yes excellent and uh I'm gonna ask you one more question because I I could ask you more it's fascinating how how do you see it uh in the short term in the extreme short term when it comes to AI being used by teachers in in higher education how do you see the role of of teacher education in the even in the next couple of years yes in the use of AI how would you summarize that that is not a very uh easy question you're asking me but particular in this particular moment we are in a way uh revising our curriculum or our developmental program so understanding that this should be included everywhere so where AI is it should be discussed and this AI literacy has to be taken into considerations as well so you you can't you know avoid that at all so now I suppose that this as I mentioned it's time before Ai and after AI although those who have been reading their scientific articles notice that it's 1980s 1990s where Ai and education the discussion has started so this is not that new but at the particular this moment they are topical in news and everywhere so because the general public is now involved in the process yeah I think that's a that's an excellent point and and your talk on thank you very much and thank you for taking the time to put the presentation together and for answering the questions as well I really appreciate it so thank you that was nice I think a nice a nice um platform for us to continue with our webinar today so thank you very much Maria and up next um we're going to maybe get a bit more I would say practical maybe um input into the role of of AI in students and I'd like to uh welcome passy petia who is the CEO of ximia and he's going to give us a talk about AI applications for tutoring students and providing personalized online learning and once again um if you have any questions please just put them in the in the YouTube chat and I will direct them to passy so passy if you could please share your screen and then you can you can crack on thank you very much okay I think so yeah no you got it I have it now all right okay if I'm making this a bit bigger is this good everybody can see this now that's perfect passing thank you very much all right and uh welcome as well as well from my my side and actually my tutor tutorial side as well and um a couple of things before we go I'm telling few words about myself and um our company and those kind of things then it's good to understand why have we have done certain things what we have done and uh the basic is uh eczema or U it's the gram Prem course company we started 2000. and uh uh started this this company in our kitchen with my wife and a third person and uh after it has started 2000 I uh I stayed away because you know informally someone has to be in the real work so why was didn't work and uh and uh company started well and um until came 2016. but I'm telling that more what happened then a couple of words about me and my background as I said I have been somewhere else I have been work in other projects than in this company until 2016. so basically um I started my career in in Germany in 1990 somewhere there and then I came to Finland and made my first biotech company and uh setting up to five six years I sold sold the rest shares I had that time and then I have been working in Industry The Experience uh from the consultancy business and uh poor business and biotech business and then a little by little uh we came to situation we had to call uh consultancy a company elsewhere behind everything this eczema and this and 2016 we came to position that the Xmas shares shares all the shares where uh transacted to our family but and and and now we are now uh focusing mostly eczema tutor and basically in technically it is xmi Technologies spin-off of the XML and this penual spin-off is making the business uh abroad and uh home and domestic business is still making the next email but our goal is is to help students and uh as well teach us to optimize their work in Daily work and make that easier as easy as possible now and Future and uh uh let's go and see what are the next next things then and yeah we are content uh we are concentrating on on text essays and math assignments and exams in this hour assessment technology and uh the story is quite complicated to tell that's why I am more or less concentrating what have we what we have done but before that uh there has been there has been a certain very keen on lines and and bigger issues in in previous presentation was was questioned about this this uh uh um how what it was by the way it was anyway it comes later but uh yeah uh let's let's go now and and concentrate on this ABC this is now telling and showing us to construct how we have done the things and first of all we have this this a as associations it means there are our clients and consumers uh uh who are mostly related to LMS Learning Management learning manufacturer systems there are several of those in the world uh we all know Moodle and and canvas and everything goes and many times schools and uh and uh education organizations they have already already one of these are they perhaps using using couple of these kind of element systems and and the total world is changing perhaps as well in Finland and we don't know yet peanut is Moodle world but it is as well said or estimated that someday canvas will as well coming to Finnish Market we don't know yet we will see that but where we started right actually it is the C part and the C part is is consumers and couple of things behind you know we have done this our gram courses for 20 years and we have sold these courses to to our clients are consumers uh in in high school level and and while they are making their matriculation examination and then we have had in Finland pass exempt University so we are we our role is there to help help young students to get to University and as well we have an agency business and we are we are sending you know to Young students to other universities abroad but uh this is telling uh one of our strategical things that why we have started to make uh make this kind of a consumer uh Department can I say so all the ideas to offer consumer products there is technical reasons as well B is business Corporation world uh I'm coming from that consultancy and I'm understanding quite a lot certain things what is there in business and as well ecsemia at uh additional Gram Gram course organizer we have been quite big adult adult education adult education organizer an adult education centers where very big clients of us past five years for example and then we have this a learning platforms and how this everything is working we have our own uh program this this real program and user interface it is in AWS Cloud so Cloud somewhere and then we have additional it's remote remote version of that is the assessment so where happens every every intellectual actions and there is the connection connection between uh ximia tutor and assessment server and Technical it is what we have done it is that while we are offering LMS it is that we are we are made we have made the integration and integration is under this gdpr and we are not uh sending any you know uh identification information there so it's very uh can I say save in that sense and uh yeah and and now these are the same way uh same same time these are the products we have consumer products it's our own on school and uh because we uh we where we have been uh for years as well the Publishing Company once you start to make these kind of Technology you have to make it in real world okay we had Publications uh and Publications and uh we had material so we started to make the school and we met High School virtual high school so to students can can make make a uh their studies and repeat there and get get immediate feedback of these studies but let's go now more what has happened during the last years and uh this is telling quite a lot of things so 2016's company main company per company was was in a very bad but uh cash flow prices and of course then usually company are sold and we bought a family 50 percent so we are owning uh to up to 2016 we are owning or company and what happened in uh the route management a bit of that but as well we made new strategy I saw that time that okay we finished we had in education we have very good reputation reputation and and uh our technological understanding was so high that okay why do why don't we combinate this and let's make something new and we started to make and then we had very much idea what to do and we we didn't know we didn't know it's in in firsthand what we uh start to do and we tested quite a lot of things we use is we use a different kind of uh coupons from the business Finland uh fundraiser in Finland and uh yeah a little by little we understood that because we make these from courses that uh every night you know there had uh and our teachers we they had some you know 250 you know the exams to to make the other assessment it was a really big big job for them and they were starting annoying us and uh it wasn't nice and in the end of the day they asked more salary more money money and everything it was up for us it was a pain and pain in US somehow and uh then in these discussions we decided why we don't make assessment service for ourselves so get rid of this problem and get the immediate results and feedback to students and that was the first idea to start with and we started to make that in in math and same time same times somewhere there 2018 we had project missed but who is nowadays in in our company CDO and he brought technology and we compact this with mathematics to this text essay assessment technology he had done for years nowadays he has done more than 30 years in University Helsinki in top top research groups and Academy of Finland top Priestess groups these kind of Innovations and research so we have combined our forces together uh for for years now and now we have done the latest version what we have have now but before that we started to make these two tool for make the assessment but wait we realized we have this material we have everything this okay why don't we make the courses because same time there is the legislation change in Finland and people everyone had to go through the past exam to get to University but uh then it changed 2009 to 2018 50 of the people got inside the university uh with uh uh a scores of the of the uh matriculation examination so fifty percent half of the potential Market were collapsed from us and and the point was uh was moving then that time more to high school so we started to make then High School product and the spiritual school and uh we made all courses more than 60 nowadays we have more than hundreds of of courses there in in high school in Finland and uh it was a big big thing and but we wanted to be part of that and our background is in consumer business so we started to make that and then 2000 after this this legislation changed 2020 Corona game and we had then that time the idea that because we understand that language is in our technology we had the idea to make make this to First in Swedish and and English and uh we had already contracts with with teachers um instructors all around the world to make the content content for us but everything collapsed then we started to think about what what we do next it was somewhere there spring 20 and during the next summer we decided what the hell we don't make why we wouldn't make ourselves a program to make the translation of the courses finish courses Finnish language courses to other languages it is that easy for what it sounds once you have a course there are there are texts there are pictures there are all kind of stuff other stuff and the text is is never very poor it's it's dirty it's there is modeling forms and everything that the idea to make this kind of program was actually work to make how to clean the code and after we have done that that code cleaning program so take everything away there was the cortex html text and then that translation was quite easy and we made this translation project protect them by ourselves in in technical way and then um it was somehow it was very nice because we got easily you know the our level uh as as raw translation to 70 80 percent comparing to how ready it was then we hired hired new teachers and new instructions to make a proofreading pack checking and editing and last thing was that we had to model it to British and then to Swedish syllabus so we had to adjust a bit you know the content and and and everything for example which kind of uh uh uh assignments we have and everything that and they had for example mathematics we needed to add some algebra and those things because in the UK it's more algebra finally we came to situation that uh in in March 22 we launched Alberta Version and White third of the Mars because we laid we were late our idea was to turn off 21. and uh then we started to call up collect you know the users and uh then in after the summer we had more than a thousand users in ximatudor and same time we started started to think about that what how we gonna make the business in the future and 22 summer was to aim to make the strategy uh eczema has behind it it has certain uh font and Bank our bank was was saying that they they need to get that punch back and uh so we were some difficulties then and then we realized okay we don't have to make anything else we're just starting to sell 22 or two and then we will our clients we were in contact to hagahelia University and we started to make them cooperation now we have have done the first project and everything has gone quite easily with alcohol many thanks thanks for you guys there and now we are going to AQA and AP into us as a stem sub subjects we are offering then via our own shop and this actually application and uh we are looking for new partners International Partners high schools uh universities organizations education organizations and Brokers as well and then I had idea to show show shortly how this works what do you say guys do I have a time to show it takes one minute yeah I think I think that would be that would be useful to see a practical example okay okay you have uh I hear about let's say five five minutes or so we also have a question for you as well so we'll try and balance those things and you're muted oh we can't hear you okay are you back we got you okay okay this is from our own Unity program for example this is the one we have we have done in cooperation there's a question about uh uh AI technology and the idea idea ideas there and um which are the according to certain art article which are the technology tribals and certain things and then the thing is that I'm selecting this and uh question and then I'm answering okay now it was 80s days I wrote this could be all right I'm taking this first way like this okay the student has answered now the question and uh he is sending sending the this and now we got okay one one thing all event correctly and uh now these things were were missing and now I take take this this hang on copy and I make this again um and now there is everything inside okay it gives immediately now to appear back to you and you understand what you what you mean you were missing firstly and you can repeat that and read that from Material or somewhere else but this is the basic basically what happens there and uh I think so our time is now ending and if you have any questions and you want to be in contact somehow later on I'm ready to ready to answer and uh yeah that was it and thank you my time yeah thanks Pastor you can you can stop sharing because okay sorry about that multiple times no no no problem so um I have I have one question for you and it's it's um it's basically so what do you think are the next steps uh in developing AI based assessment systems it's a good question we uh we have our test test platform as a stable telling there Mary was telling people that uh okay gbd chat is interesting but instead of chili pizza there's many you know design based things what GDP chat is using and our CEO is very very uh you know a focus on tones and we will start perhaps take these these things to use as well so we are more we can tell the things to students then and everybody else more exactly that's to perhaps one thing but then we have to realize that the big thing is where is the border or the line between you know the certain syllables and pre-open data what is there in a general web and nowadays quite many uh education is uh it's framed by the syllabus so they have to now make the decision will they given out this syllabus somehow or are they trying universities and and the schools are they trying to keep them inside and this is the content they are trying to use or will they give out I I don't know what happens but there certainly will come to some talks and and what is the way certain universities have already said we can use the gbd chat but yeah it's it's very very very I don't know I don't know what happens used to we have as well this you know our platform but um we have one couple of ideas about that but you understand perhaps I don't want to talk about those yeah I understand thank you for the answer and I it's kind of I want to ask a question that's a little bit related to what I asked Mary as well um of course you're dealing with students and student data so uh what's what's your what's your kind of methods or or how do you see the handling of student data when it comes to um assessments and evaluations using AI this is good question one of the uh original ideas was that uh once we have gathered the data uh it's very it's very interesting and uh the idea was to tell you about the students that once you have made this studies in a certain level and now if you make a one small step to upwards you know the uh upgrade your knowledge you will get perhaps this uh this you will scores in in matriculation Examination for example this this better score and what it means to your you know the opportunities to get you know these certain certain uh for example in medical Sciences or or theoretical studies or you have better better chances so it is some kind of estimation and of course we cannot guarantee nothing but it is some kind of you know the advice and some kind of broken nose and give the idea for the students and motivate them to make the studies as hard as they can okay thank you passy um thank you very much for taking the time to to talk to us about about xmia Oh and about your evaluation software um and if you don't mind sticking around we might have some some further questions at the end of the presentation so thank you very much passy thank you thank you I would like to move on then to our final two speakers for today so we are going to have I just let me get it up here so we're going to have Margarita Romero from a university called dezor and Lauren Heiser also from University called tazor and together you're both going to co-host and co-present a talk on Creative uses of AI in education and once again I will say to our audience that if you have any questions please let me know and I will ask Margarita on Lauren directly and also there are some questions that I will ask at the end of the presentations as more of a general overview questions as well but otherwise please Margarita and Lauren um share your screens and take it away thank you very much yeah thank you everyone for the invitation Romero full professor at the university called Desu I'm a kind of Pastor then working on the learning science but also with um a foot on the computer science um working and collaborating with colleagues also in different disciplinary approaches and very happy also to co-host this presentation with Lohan yeezer thank you for inviting me and I'm glad to be with you today to co-host this presentation then uh will introduce firstly the what what are we considering these creative uses of AI in education and this is really going into the continuation of also maybe a presentation uh because this entangled pedagogy approach uh considering the emergent way we can design activities and we need to consider technology from a perspective in which the different actors needs to understand learn and to identify new ways of of integrating these opportunities is something that we fully agree on and we want to thanks also passy for the presentation on this very interesting tool and we will look also at the possibilities of supporting creative pedagogies throughout this type of tools then we we have a very good news um during the last past two years we have been working with more than 20 actors in three different countries and uh mostly colleagues in research labs and associations and Outreach activities in France but also in Belgium and also in Quebec Canada and after these two years of intensive work we have now published a white book on artificial intelligence and education then it's an opportunity to learn French isn't it because the the this white book is published in France but we hope we will have the opportunity to share the Decay insights in English and maybe other languages in the future and you can have the link on this um on these um the white book on the chat and we are sharing here for everyone and maybe uh William in case you you want to share on the on the YouTube channel this is also super welcome This Is An Open Access book that has been developed within this uh working group that was supported by the Ministry of Education in France so the digital transformation unit uh of the ministry then what we have learned from that is that there's a high diversity of uses of AI in education and then um what we consider is that maybe all of these uses are the engaging in the same creative way the students and the Learners at different levels from primary education to even higher education and vocational education then one of um of the axis of uh one of the perspective we have uh being taking for for considering these creative uses of Technologies is the creative engagement then in front of Technologies you can be just passive then are going through Netflix things and uh other type of tools that are proposing things and even maybe you are not aware about the algorithms and what happens on the other side as murder was explaining that you need to be aware about these aspects but this is not always the case in other context there's an interaction and a distraction uh behaves in an Adaptive way and that helps to uh to um to adapt to the to the Learners needs the to personalize the system to provide the specific hints or specific feedback but what interests us the most is how teachers and Learners and educational stakeholders can consider these Technologies in order to be creative in the way they are creating new teaching activities but also new activities for learning either at the individual level level three or at the content co-creation level or the third level the participatory co-creation perspective then this is the the red the red line and the common point of of the work we have to have during the last then not only I initially we have to go through stem education then science technology engineering Arts mathematics education but also on Creative problem solving with educational robotics and now assigns these last past three years on the creative uses of of AI then just a snapshot on on how this relates to AI this is also passive consuming approach on AI systems in education it's just about considering the learner as a passive consumer and then the system will facilitate things for the teacher or for the learner but they are not aware about how it works and they cannot be um adapt these systems or uses in a way that um in a specific way this system is it's just um being used um in in the way that has been designed but the the the end user is not engaged in any kind of interaction uh but there's also this interactive consuming approach uh and we are strong on on using the terms consuming but this is this is what the persons are engaging in these systems even if these systems also brings value to the to certain tasks and context and these systems are especially uh adaptive systems in which depending on the learner model the task model and the different types of models that are integrating there's more or less um help um and better adaptations that are being integrated but what is really interesting on the the context of uh the the teachers training and the training of the smart attack students as an ethnic professionals and uh and researchers also in the area of Technology enhanced learning is how we can consider understand acculturate as a two AI systems in order to have a basic understanding of what these systems do and then use these systems in order to solve more complex problems or to create new things it's about this AI human AI collaboration in order to go further in our personal group or societal objectives and um this is um this is really doing equal also on Military media presentation on these approaches and this is an element on how we do that from a research perspective is also about having um we need for for going through this data intensive approaches and a large purpose of datas and interdisciplinary collaboration and this is something we are really proud of because when for focusing on a specific learning task and creative from Southern tasks we have the possibility to engage A diversity of college from different epistemological methodological perspective and be able to collaborate together in advancing research on Creative problem solving then the last aspects before giving the the mic to too long and then currently we are now a big purpose of data uh that is um developed with this joint collaboration with the computer scientists and the learning scientists and um our big objective is to to be able to uh to um to succeed in this interdisciplinary collaboration uh in which a learning scientists are also considering computer computational approaches but also computational approaches are not just Reinventing how people learn but taking consideration and the models and the Frameworks that already exist on on the learning science this is not an easy way but this is a very interesting way and we are having a now different results and on on this project and we we are really happy about this perspective uh that are on our side super important for for advancing on the integration of AI in education then up then I give the mic to my colleague Lauren thank you Margarita and let me let me also thank the organizers uh today it's uh it's it's a big pleasure to be with you today so um well I'm going to carry on with uh what Margarita has tried to describe from a theoretical uh background point of view by insisting on on some feedbacks from our pre-service teachers uh courses here at the pre-service teacher Institute in nice and as you can see here uh I think it's important but uh it's been it's been mentioned uh so far to make a distinction between teaching with AI and learning AI but uh I I would like to to to say that uh even if those two dimensions are very different it's important to combine them within uh the the the the training of our pre-service teachers indeed uh we we do believe that the more teachers will understand uh how AI works and the more they will accept to use it in class with their students to expand uh the students creativity so uh therefore I think this is uh one one result from our research group is to say that uh explicability is at the center of our proposal of pedagogical creative uses that will benefit the future pedagogy of our pre-service teachers so explicability is very important if you want to find out more about the the the the material that we use with our pre-service teachers there is there is a link that I'm going to share with uh William now and if you want to have a look at our material feel free to to to give it a go and uh it will be with pleasure that we can give you more feedbacks on this type of material we're going to move on to the to the next slide please and um uh well we have decided to show you uh thanks to uh this example uh the way we uh we train our pre-service teachers with with AI here as you can see here this is practically the first time they are aware that they use an AI is when they use a chat GPT so what did we ask them to do uh here we we uh our pre-service teachers have to ask chat GPT to provide them with a lesson plan uh otherwise to to get this uh this work done by an AI as you can see their question on on the left side of of the slide is very specific long long enough so that chat GPT will propose an example of a lesson plan on the right side of your screen which is very similar to a preparation sheet uh which they will then have to examine to use a didactical control for example they will control all the proposals for example the timing that is proposed the type of activity that is proposed the assessment that is proposed to keep and then they will use their didactical control which means they are professional glands to improve uh the the proposals of chat GPT and then be aware that they can use AI to uh as a sort of of a benchmark than to expand creativity in class I think I we think that this is a good exercise to uh to to start with with pre-service teachers for too many reasons the first reason is that proposals are not Magic and it depends on the ability to provide good prompts to the machine the second reason is that they understand that the proposals are not accurate enough to let a machine replace teachers so there are many examples in our in my in the padlet that has that has just been shared with you so if you want to find out more of course the padlet is yours let's move on to the to the to the next slide Margarita thank you very much for handling uh this so in this slide we are going to share you with another uh relevant example of how we train pre-service teachers to understand some of the technical issues and probably more than that uh as regards to to AI in this example uh uh pre-service teachers were asked to ask a Converses a conversational agent usually Siri Cortana or Alexa to draw an object they usually start by asking the conversational agent a questions such as can you help me draw a tree for example or can you help me draw a rectangle or something like that the answers that that are provided by uh Siri Alexa or Cortana are often disappointing so the best thing that Siri or or Alexa can do is to answer like a search engine on the internet and then as you can see here the reaction of our pre-service teachers is very important it annoys me it bypasses everything he has been snubbing me for a while he doesn't understand anything after several tries they finally solve the problem by treating the AI differently that is to say like by treating the AI like The Limited intelligence which can do something very specific so the answer is give me your number between 0 and 3 and pre and and and they have to prepare all the possible answers in in advance the machine will answer at random for example pick a number between zero and three they know in advance that the the the the number three matches with a specific color and this is the most funny part of the activity another example uh uh Margarita which is going to be uh my our next slide we're going to uh to uh to concentrate on another game uh which was uh adapted from America and before that I forgot of course to to give you uh the the feedbacks from our pre-service teachers after they have used the the the the the previous game we must do everything in its place you have to get around it we have to create a recipe or a legend he can't have the skills to answer us so it's very important I think those uh quotes are very important to to let you to let to let you uh to to share with you the fact that after one or two hours using uh those creative uh scenarios they they uh they have the idea that the AI is not magic and that there are two types of intelligent human on the one side technical on the other side so Margarita we're going to move on to another another experiment here at the uh in our pre-service teacher School in nice is uh a game that was adapted from a mariju flow and it's called play the neuron uh it's also aimed like the the other games to to make our pre-service teacher infer that an AI is a moral so how do we achieve that first we have to control the activity and add add to it a research uh device so the research is based on this you have to equip all the participants with camera glasses which is going to be our next slide margarita okay so every participant is equipped with camera glasses and then they have to be tied to one another with ropes okay they also have a a role card so for example they identified the limitations of their role um or the limitations of their brain for example I only react if I see this or that shape or I only react uh if I see this or that color for example I only react when I am standing on for example the middle layer of the the neural network I only react if I receive two information from another neuron or another participants at the end the last student uh has to say snap okay because he has received two uh similar information so what we have tried to do because the students were equipped with camera glasses is that they were filming their own experience playing the neuron and then we had um we had uh an interview with them okay so in this uh interview uh which is uh stimulated recall interview technique okay they have to describe the experiment that they had when they had to play this experiment in this slide we asked one of the participants the last one the the last neuron we had to say snap okay to describe the conditions she was in during the experiment and uh I I I'm glad to share with you some of the things she said during this interview for example she said I realized that I said snap even if I couldn't understand how the other urines reacted another very relevant thing to show you that it's important before teaching with AI it's important to learn Ai and to make a a specific a very important distinction between human intelligence and Technical intelligence after a while I was aware that the sensors or the captures were detecting shapes or colors but at first I didn't understand anything okay in other words she was reacting she was saying snap but she didn't understand why she had to say snap and at first I was afraid I would fail but when I realized that there was nothing difficult about this task I forgot my fear so I would like to uh now to sum to uh the conclusion and I'm going to read it slowly with you which I think are uh very uh important ideas nobody is indifferent to AI so it's important I think we think that it's important to train our relationships to those technical devices the way we reflect to AI gives way to its potential as well as its limitations we are pretty much convinced through this research group scolia that our well-being depends on the quality of our awareness to AI even if in a world that is dominated by acceleration to quote ahmud Rosa 2022 therefore the music that our inner music must be trained and it's certainly not enough because there are many uh other aspects such as political Stakes for example but we try to concentrate on what we can do with pre-service teachers to encourage them to create creative pedagogical uses that are going to train the awareness of their own pupils in class so what we have seen is that AI is in education can definitely expand creativity the example of chat GPT uh is is is is relevant and the examples I show you is relevant about this okay meaning emancipation versus alienations somehow but this idea also requires to look at digital education through educational Stakes so thank you very much for your attention thank you very much Margarita and Lauren for that that talk um I think you covered quite a lot there so um thank you very much we got a few questions in the in the chat as well which I think I will get to in a second uh they're kind of broad questions and then but I think specifically for margarita and Lauren I'd like to ask and this is maybe more towards Margarita um regarding the adoption of AI levels that you presented what is your opinion do digital natives so young adults have some special skill or Advantage related to the use of AI compared to older people yeah this is um they see this is a a recent question that has imposed uh several years ago we started exploring this question with our colleagues at Concordia University because there was a specific topic on how older persons relate to technology and then uh good news diversity is on in all ages then uh it's not because persons are younger that they are have more interest with technology and the other thing is the type of uses of technology is not because you are a Serial Liker in a in um in social media that you have computational thinking skills uh then this is a very important aspect and understanding how a computer works uh how uh text editing is known how data is processed all these aspects that was required for using a computer uh decades ago are no longer required using Technologies today then this is a new there are new challenges for for younger um for younger Generations first is to be a word that they probably don't know all they need to know to understand technology despite they are heavy users of this technology and this requires our Educational Systems to start very early in helping both Learners and and teachers that are also on the Young Generation or personal service teachers are very young our smartest students are also very young and they need to be aware about what is missing on their current uses of technology and also there's a societal and citizenship aspect that is important very important on that is about we need to make sure we understand things in order to regulate them and to uh and to decide uh especially at the parent and teacher level what is okay and what is not okay to share and how to help the kids on that then I will say challenges are super important now and we cannot assume that the digital natives the term has even been very controversial in research and require also to to to learn about the AI and other Technologies thank you that was a that was an excellent answer I think it's it's a quite a difficult complicated challenging situation to think that I think you can't answer too quickly but I think there's more research needed for that one and I have a question for Lauren and I thought it was quite interesting how you were you kind of you can see AI from from both sides from from the teaching and the learning and then um one question on that actually from passy um do you think are are the students and the teachers ready to accept AI based Solutions mm-hmm well I think it's a very good question but uh I didn't show you an examples of how we can use AI for for example for improving uh uh for example uh French spelling because I speak from the French system or to improve mathematics but we do believe that the more explicability they will get from AI the more aware they will be about how a neural network functions uh the the more the more for example uh uh probably uh clever they will be with the new uh software that were implemented so far that we know that if we run out of this explicability uh the the public spendings on uh software will be undermined by a teacher saying that well we don't need that okay uh I've been doing that for so many years why are they insisting so much on those new softwares so if you wanna to we want to have uh good and fair public spendings on uh new digital devices such as AI I think we uh we need to um to and to make or to have our teachers of the 21st Century make the good decisions because they know exactly uh that a particular software uh functions like this or like that okay thank you very much actually one one question just came in on that point so how do you think we can convince students about the importance of AI and maybe that question could also be opened up we have maybe five or six minutes left so that question can be taken by by anybody how do we convince the students about the importance of AI and Lauren you can take it or anybody else just just I can let another another guest to to tackle this question but I think uh it's important to have sufficient training hours during uh during the the the the the priesthood training which uh in France lasts two years with only uh 30 or 40 or 40 hours okay to uh to uh to illustrate okay uh things with teachers but I think it's important to say also that AI is not something too technical what I mean is that uh the other academic disciplines subjects can also have a role to play okay to uh with AI so it's important not to say that okay if you uh use AI as a teacher you become a science teacher or you will become a technology teacher which is not the case okay so in order to convince them to use AI I think it's important to insist on citizenships as we said on Prudence uses as we said and it's important to see it on the long term which is very important as well thank you and I would love to I would love to continue forward Lauren said about the the idea for seeing the future so if we start with educational process with the end in mind so what is the future what kind of world does the students are entering so we have to open up the horizons and and make the uncertainty something that they have to work with because we don't know to what which kinds of uh professions or there will be so that's why the educational process should have this kind of uh uncertainty aspects included into it so it's it doesn't make a world that is in a way strict and and something that is self-evident but the the idea is that as Margarita mentioned this kind of plain fullness that you play with things and if you play they make a mark you will remember those uh emotions you had and this kind of understanding May the confidence and based on confidence you have then competence when you were you know where have been working with them so that's my take on that I suppose basic has something to say yeah one thing is that uh once they play you write a test and I was at our point of view you know they are our students will get you know that uh that service to use they are trying to test how well it gives gives me gives gives them you know the good grades and how well it can can know something it's like a play it's a testing that and it doesn't go broken and then perhaps they're little by little start to realize what it understood sometimes chat gbd has we have everybody of us have got some you know the bad answers or or very peculiar answers uh what we have made not so certain questions or perhaps the thing is we need to concentrate on making the questions and we have to know the thing a little bit uh we have to be a certain kind of expertise expertise in that that uh that bronze so that's that's a good good combination then thank you very much I have we're running out of time sadly and I was hoping that we'd be able to have more time for this conversation because this is fascinating but there's one question that that came up that I would I would like to I think it's quite topical and one that maybe people are interested in which relates to what you're just talking is and it's a big one um but how can how can universities Implement a news software AI like chat GPT specifically in reality because it's it's happening now it's happening it's it's it's it's here but how can universities implement it do you think what's your opinion on that I think I think it's a it's a good thing to to say we are going to implement it instead of uh prohibiting chat GPT so the first thing is this okay so it's a very good thing if universities are starting to think of how we can implement it instead of banning chat GPT and I think well it gives us a great a great opportunity to create uh creative pedagogical uses and maybe to ask students more than before because for example you can you can ask Chad GPT so many things and then you can ask students for example to give more to check the sources the references to add more to it and I think it's a great opportunity to expect more from our students than before great I totally agree yeah yeah and there's an important thing it's that um we can universities can say oh this is complicated then let's not do not anything on that but the issue is also about availability then uh there's an equity also aspect in uh in the access of tools and a certain point if the students are using that we need to to engage and to to discuss the the uses that are okay and not okay and the ethical aspects of that but also provide these tools in a in a proactive way because otherwise some students will have it and others will not have it and there's will be even more Equity um difficulties uh on on these aspects great thank you very much um we're actually spot on time now um and sadly we have quite a few interesting questions could I ask one more question do you think or or or should we finish it up because I think this is this is a nice question to to end the discussion on what real contributions does AI offer to teaching and learning processes in your opinion and just go for it and this will be the last question of our session who wants to take that so what real contributions does AI offer to teaching and learning processes if I start I would in a way think that if it can be automated it will be automated so where will we do where do we need the human intelligence where do we need the ideas that uh make the future better so understanding that it it provides us uh tools processes that make it efficient to do certain things like Administration and things that can be used where you can use a is good but then you have to in a way decide where the human touch is the one that in a way prevails but I throw the ball to Margarita you had something on your mind oh I want to say that this is a complicated question because it will happen on the domain on the task Etc then that means that there's uh work to be done by every faculty and every person on how in my specific domain in this course with the students this school helps uh to advance certain tasks and then uh there's there's a fascinating uh Arena to a new play playground to explore but we cannot have like generic answer for all domains and all the tests and there's a need that everyone has these acculturations start also exploring at which point is interesting and how they need to be replated from our side I could say that as the assessment and to get the feedback to students as soon as possible perhaps will help them to make studies and give the motivation more motivation well as far as I'm concerned I think that uh through education we can tackle AI by helping our students to measure the consequences of using AI and in order to do that and to make our students aware of the consequences of using AI it's important that teachers use their main tool which is pedagogy and creative uses of AI I think that's a fantastic answer and a fantastic way to finish up this webinar um so I would like to thank all of our speakers today for taking the time to prepare your presentations and for coming here thank you to Maria thank you capacity and to Lauren and Margarita also thank you to the the Ulysses team and Hagar Elli in the background arielamaki and Thomas mocker for helping me um and for those of you who are watching this webinar will be uploaded on the YouTube later and there's also the possibility to look at our previous webinar on human-centric AI um so I think that's about it um thank you everybody it's been a really interesting pleasure to listen to your your research and your your answers in your presentations and um for those of you watching if you're interested in more information about USS and Compass of course you can find us on LinkedIn and so other other than that the sun is actually coming out here in Finland um for a change it's about the second time this month I've seen it so um I think we'll we'll let it go at that so thank you very much and um yeah stay in touch thank you bye-bye thank you thank you
Channel: Ulysseus European University
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Length: 94min 35sec (5675 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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