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I have spent more than 1,000 hours talking to ChatGPT since its launch in November last year. During this process, I have compiled my experience into payroll content. I have received more than $5,000 in passive passive marketing without marketing. Income Now I have sorted out the essence of this $5,000 worth of AI tutorials . As long as you watch this video, you will avoid a lot of detours, which is equivalent to more than half a year of progress compared to others. My experience with ChatGPT is this . It can be divided into two parts. At this stage, when I was still working in a major Internet company, I was an expert in user growth for a product with hundreds of millions of monthly users. I asked ChatGPT to help me analyze data, output marketing plan brainstorming , and even provide marketing ideas and campaign slogans. Then I also had Using it is to help me generate text messages or push copywriting for pulling new users and recalling users. The process of using ChatGPT has greatly improved my work efficiency and achieved better performance and results than before . After the Internet giant left, I used ChatGPT to write a book and sold it on Amazon. I used ChatGPT to help me design and develop three plug-in products. They are AI reading assistant for improving reading efficiency, flomoAI for improving writing efficiency and shopping efficiency. ChatGPT for Amazon even made a website with it , and in the process of self-media, ChatGPT has provided me with great help in data collection, research, writing articles and video scripts , so now I will put these rich Use the experience during the journey to make this video and teach them all to you . Using these skills well will give you more than 4 hours of relaxed and comfortable fishing time every day. Promotion and salary increase are no problem . Yes, an hour Tip Although I will use ChatGPT as an example for the following techniques , in fact, the mainstream large language models now use similar architectures, so this technique is universal , whether you use Claude Wenxinyiyan, Tongyiqianqian or You can try to use these skills on Xunfei Spark. Next, in the first part, I will first introduce you to some general types of skills that you can use when you complete various tasks. Tip 1: Let ChatGPT play the role of an expert ChatGPT is the most The main training corpus comes from the Internet, which allows ChatGPT to have almost all the knowledge that humans have published on the Internet . Because the ChatGPT training process is to predict the next possible word , in most cases ChatGPT will tend to generate it for you. Ordinary, mediocre, and similar to most of the information you can find on the Internet. This is because ChatGPT does not want to be successful and does not want to be professional. Because professional content does not meet the characteristics of most texts , it is not what most people want. But you can always ask success to ask for more specialized knowledge. One way you can try at this time is to let ChatGPT play the role of expert. For example, when you are discussing marketing issues, you can ask ChatGPT to play a world with 20 years of experience. Top 500 Marketing Consultant Tip #2 Tell ChatGPT your identity Identity here does not refer to your demographic attributes In most cases how old you are male or female where you were born is not important for ChatGPT to generate answers but it is you Experience on the topic discussed with ChatGPT What is your level of knowledge? For example, when you and ChatGPT are discussing code issues, tell ChatGPT that you are a beginner who is learning Python and has no other coding experience. This will make ChatGPT There's a lot of variation in the choice of programming language and the level of detail in the question explanations , and if you're asking about science in a subject you've never understood, telling ChatGPT you're a primary school student will also keep you updated Hands-friendly and easier to understand Skill 3: Limit the length of ChatGPT’s answers. Normally, the length of ChatGPT’s answers will be between 100-200 characters. But for some questions, you will want ChatGPT to tell you the answer without being too long-winded. For some questions, you want ChatGPT to be more detailed . The analysis and answers , or you want ChatGPT to generate articles of a specific length, these are all no problem, you just need to tell ChatGPT the length of the answer you expect , sometimes his technical ability may be weak and the length may not be accurate , but you can always Tip 4 for him to regenerate content : Let ChatGPT think step by step ChatGPT is always predicting the next word and every time he predicts, he will refer to the prompt you provided and the content he has already generated , so he generates more each time A word is actually equivalent to one more thinking time , so in some logical or quantitative problems, ChatGPT will be more inclined to guess and actually better than letting ChatGPT directly generate results for you. The method will be to let ChatGPT think step by step, which will allow the model to expose its internal thinking process to you , and it will also allow the model to spend more time on each thinking step , which will help you obtain more accurate answering skills Five: Be clear about your requirements and purpose. Do not let ChatGPT guess the information that can be clearly stated. For example, many people will send an article or an online error reminder to ChatGPT. They hope that in the former case, ChatGPT can summarize that article. In the latter case, ChatGPT can tell itself what the error means and how to deal with it. This method may sometimes be effective, but sometimes it is not the case. For example, in the former case, ChatGPT may go to Help you continue to write that article , so the best way is that you clearly tell ChatGPT how you want him to answer or how to process the materials you give . ChatGPT is not a roundworm in your mind. Don’t let ChatGPT guess. Tip 6: Provide Sufficient background information Zhang Yiming, who is popular in ByteDance, said that a very important management concept is context not to control, which means that the background of your affairs should be fully provided in the communication between the upper and lower levels and cooperation matters within the enterprise. Information instead of power means to control what an employee does so that people can spend and exert his subjective initiative. This point of view is also valid in the use of ChatGPT. When you let ChatGPT When going to help you complete a certain job, provide sufficient context and background information and tell him why you are doing this and why you are doing this. What is the realistic background you are facing and what is the problem? This will allow ChatGPT to include all this information in its upcoming In the thinking process of the generated text, this can make the result more in line with your needs. For example, when you ask ChatGPT to help you generate a weight loss plan, you'd better tell him your physical condition, what is your current diet intake and exercise situation like ? It will be very helpful for him to generate better results Tip 7: Always think structuredly Your prompt ChatGPT prompt words can be deconstructed by rules, including four parts of content instruction words context input content and output requirements Be sure to use this structure to write in such a dogmatic way every time you have a conversation . For example, sometimes you may only need to write a command word, such as asking ChatGPT to write an article about the Mid-Autumn Festival for you. But what you get The results may not meet your requirements , so when you find that the results you get from ChatGPT are not satisfactory Are there some requirements that you should have told ChatGPT ? You didn’t tell him the background you need to tell him. You didn’t tell him. Use this kind of structured method to practice deliberately on yourself, and you will soon get how to write a prompt This kind of concept to get better somatosensory skills for conversations with ChatGPT Eight: Systematically design your custom instructions, that is, custom instruction In July, ChatGPT launched the function of custom system-level instructions. This ability can be Let you write your own identity and the type of ChatGPT answer you like in the settings , so that ChatGPT will know the corresponding information every time you open a conversation , so that you can omit a lot of this complicated operation . That is to say, you can Systematically tell him the type of dialogue you may have with ChatGPT, and tell him the role you want ChatGPT to play or the characteristics of deep answers in each type of dialogue . This kind of system-level ability is connected to this API. What the shell application can't do, and ChatGPT hopes that through this ability, you can have a more concise conversation with him on the mobile terminal and on the APP, and at the same time let yourself win the competition with other shell applications. Advantages So don’t forget to use this function to bring you a huge improvement in usage efficiency . If you are interested in how to set up this custom command , you can also refer to it on my homepage. The video is dedicated to the teaching of custom instructions. Next, let’s look at some skills related to improving work efficiency. Tip 9: Let ChatGPT help you generate a personalized resume. Many people like to use a set in the process of job hunting. It's actually a very bad strategy to send resumes to all positions. In fact, many positions have already clearly written what kind of people they are looking for in the JD (job description). If you don't make good use of it, you can't blame the recruiter. Ignore your resume , so a better strategy for seeking knowledge is to combine JD to adjust your resume so that the work experience related to the position in your resume can be more prominent . This is a troublesome burden for many people , but For AI, it’s not that this matter is easy for him, so one way you can try is to send your original resume content and job JD information to ChatGPT whenever you want to post a job Let ChatGPT help you reorganize the corresponding resume at any time . Tip 10: Let ChatGPT help you write a weekly report. I think almost all jobs may be required to write a weekly report. This is a very general corporate course . This top-down management method , but the writing of weekly reports is also very painful for many people , but you can also hand over this painful matter to AI . In fact, there are many shelling tools that actually provide weekly reports. This kind of function , but because most companies have different requirements for the format and content structure of the weekly report , the content written by many tools is not easy to read. The way I recommend is that you use few-shot examples to prompt To complete the training of your own weekly report robot , you can send him the content of the weekly report that you think you have written better in the past few weeks , and then simply write a summary of your work related to this week, and then let ChatGPT generate it with you Isn't the content of this week's weekly report similar to the style of the previous few weeks ? Tip 11: Let ChatGPT provide you with some thinking directions as a helper for your brainstorming. In many processes, you often need to correct some You may have no direction to express your opinion or face a difficult problem , especially when the problem you are facing is some kind of work that requires creativity. Let ChatGPT brainstorm to provide you with ideas and directions . These ideas may not be there in the end. Will take it straight away but it inspires you and it greatly simplifies one of the hardest things in many jobs is starting a job Tip 12: Make certain roles fit into your workflow Let's say you're at work Integrating the role of product manager and writing PRD into the flow is actually a very common situation for some small companies to hold multiple positions in one post. But if you are an independent developer or a self-employed self-media, then you need Some very broad skills , but you may not necessarily need to be very professional in this very broad function . In this case, let ChatGPT play a role in the workflow of large enterprises and integrate it into your work. It is actually a very A good way is, for example, you are a programmer and now you want to start developing your own product independently but you have no experience as a product manager. At this time, you can ask ChatGPT to help you assume the role of product manager and write the corresponding PRD for you . In this process , you can more accurately identify and analyze the needs of users, and you can also think more clearly about the various modules that may be involved in your product Skill Thirteen This is actually somewhat similar to Twelve. This means that you can integrate the working methods of top companies into your workflow. For example, Amazon is actually a company that is particularly good at inventing methodologies , and they fully implement their own methods to the end. Among them is a very famous methodology called PRFAQ , which is the product development and management tool pioneered by Amazon. This method requires that your team should write a hypothetical question at the beginning of the development of a new project or product. This kind of press release is used to describe the main features , advantages and target users of the project or product. At the same time, the team also needs to organize a FAQ, which is the FAQ, to pre-solve the questions that potential users and internal teams may raise . The core of this method is to start from the needs of users to ensure that the developed tools or products can meet the actual needs of the market and users. Then if you are a product or operation, you can do it when a certain product function or marketing activity is still in your mind. Just try to use this method to let ChatGPT generate a PRFAQ with corresponding functions for you . This method is actually equivalent to introducing external ideas to help you judge what value your product functions are most likely to provide to users and what users What kind of questions he may have when faced with the functions you provide ? Then the Amazon PRFAQ we mentioned here is actually just a very simple example . PEST, SWOT , or all kinds of messy methodologies can actually be incorporated into your work process. The problem you encountered before may be that you can’t understand those models well, and it’s hard for you to spend a lot of effort. To think about your plan based on these models , but with ChatGPT, you can very easily let ChatGPT help you practice these methods, so that you can get more fully this kind of other external thinking skills in the process of your project 14 you You can ask ChatGPT to help you write Xiaohongshu or create other such graphic content. What we mentioned above are some ways to use ChatGPT in routine work . Of course, many people now have their own side jobs , especially if you do For the self-media direction, you can use ChatGPT to help you generate Xiaohongshu notes, but what you need to pay attention to is that just telling ChatGPT to help you write a Xiaohongshu hot style note may not directly meet your requirements. You'd better deconstruct what you think is a good Xiaohongshu note based on your own experience and your account positioning , and then make corresponding requests to ChatGPT Tip 15: Let ChatGPT help you write video scripts , except for graphics and text In addition, you can also integrate ChatGPT into the creative process of your Youtuber or Bilibili or Douyin and other video platforms to let ChatGPT write corresponding video scripts according to your requirements , but the same is that there is no set of scripts The prompt word is that ChatGPT can help you improve your efficiency , but it cannot replace the thinking in your head and the experience you have accumulated for a long time that is difficult to express in words, so you have two ways. One is you go Think about it, what is a good video script? You organize it into this kind of very standardized prompt words to tell ChatGPT. Another way is that you can find some video scripts that you think are very good as few-shot That is, there are fewer sample prompts to input to ChatGPT, so that when ChatGPT outputs content later, it can generate corresponding results for you according to the script style you input to it Tip 16: Let ChatGPT realize your ideas into products Many people Maybe they don’t realize that ChatGPT can actually allow them to do things that they couldn’t do in the past . For example, writing a book is a very huge systematic project for me . I can’t write code, and I don’t know how to do it. Develop your own products , but with the help of ChatGPT, it is actually very easy to do these things . You can use natural language to program. All you need to do is to turn your ideas into an executable product. After all of this, you only need to start with a very simple prompt , which is to enter the thoughts in your heart and then tell ChatGPT how to do it step by step , and then you can take ChatGPT to walk through the rest of the path. Halfway through the good process , let's talk about some ways to improve learning efficiency through ChatGPT Tip 17: You can directly let ChatGPT help you summarize the content of a book. As we mentioned before, ChatGPT learned during the pre-training process A large amount of corpus. In addition to Internet content, these corpora also have a very large proportion of high-quality corpus such as books. As long as a book is published before September 2021, it will have a high probability of being learned by ChatGPT. You only need Just ask the relevant book content knowledge directly . This is also the basic logic used behind the product AI reading assistant I developed. In fact, this very complicated system structure is not needed at all . It is just to force out the knowledge of ChatGPT through prompt words . Tip 18: Based on Your goal is to let ChatGPT help you with selective reading . In fact, many times, you don’t need to read a book in its entirety. Books are used as a tool to meet your certain purpose . Purpose When you want to read a book, you can express your purpose and let ChatGPT tell you which content in a book is related to your goal. You can selectively read this to greatly improve your reading materials and your purpose. This correlation between Skill 19: The learning process Let ChatGPT help you explain concepts Provide more examples ChatGPT It can be used as your very personal and customized assistant If you find that you are not familiar with some concepts or common sense during your reading process If you understand too much, you can ask ChatGPT to tell you the corresponding explanation. Of course , you think that Baidu can also do it , but it is completely different . ChatGPT’s explanation can be completely customized. It is to show you how relevant concepts in the field you care about can help you, so that you can learn something through examples that you can understand and can be related. Tip 20: Let ChatGPT examine your learning outcomes and sometimes just read A book will bring you the illusion of knowledge that you seem to have learned. There are several ways to investigate and confirm whether you really understand a knowledge. One way is to use Feynman learning method. Use your own language to organize the content you have learned and tell it to those who do not have the corresponding knowledge. If you can express these content better, it usually means that you have learned to have a real understanding and mastery , and then there is another one. The way is just like what the teacher did to you in school, it is to do the questions and take the test to see how many points you can get to judge whether you understand or not. Fortunately, with AI, these two We can all do it in a very convenient way. You can explain your understanding of a concept to ChatGPT and let him evaluate whether your understanding is accurate. In this way, you can use your natural language or it is simpler. The most important thing is that you can ask ChatGPT to ask you a few questions in a certain field to see if you can do it right. Skill 21: To organize notes and write book reviews After reading a book, there is another way to improve your accuracy. To master the content of a book is to work with ChatGPT to complete the writing of notes and book reviews. In fact, of course, you can also hand over the work of writing reading notes to ChatGPT , but this process of lacking your own cognitive participation is actually not possible . What's the value is that it's not your own thing , even if you write it, you can't remember it at all, and there is another way that you can record it by yourself, but the work of organizing the content will be a very labor-intensive thing, so there is a The compromise method is that you can cooperate with ChatGPT, you can record any interesting content you pay attention to during the process of reading a book , interspersed with some of your own thinking and understanding , but after reading the entire book, you You can let ChatGPT help you sort out the materials. In this way, you can not only save time, but also ensure that your mind is actually involved in the processing of the very important content in the process, and you can remember it yourself. Yes , but some laborious manual work is done by ChatGPT. Next, we will enter the fourth part of the sharing about how to use ChatGPT to improve your writing efficiency . Tip 22: Let ChatGPT help you reply emails ChatGPT its text The generative ability is actually very amazing. You must make good use of this ability , but you also need to know the limitations of ChatGPT so that you can know under what circumstances it is appropriate to use ChatGPT. Currently, ChatGPT needs to write impressive essays . This kind of great literary work is still somewhat difficult , but he is very good at that kind of official document writing , for example, writing an application letter or writing a reply email is a very convenient skill. 23: Let ChatGPT be an editor to help you polish the article . Need to let ChatGPT help you write an article from scratch. In the case of polishing and correction, ChatGPT's ability is actually more applicable. The reason is that ChatGPT has enough of your original text as input to carry out a certain direction in it. For example, if you feel that the content you wrote may not be fluent , or you are worried about some typos , or you want your content to be edited to be more literary, you can take these tasks Give it to ChatGPT , it can easily make your text better Skill 24: Let ChatGPT sort out the outline before writing Before we start this topic, we need to review the two characteristics of ChatGPT first , it is a constant guessing What kind of tool is a word , so ChatGPT will not have such an overall plan for its own content. The second is that ChatGPT’s dialogue has contextual TOKEN restrictions , that is, when the content of your dialogue or the text it has generated exceeds After a certain length, ChatGPT no longer remembers what he has written, so he may have repeated or contradictory content. Under these two constraints, it will make writing long articles , novels or papers very difficult , but you can handle it. One way is to let ChatGPT generate an outline for the topic you want to write. You can use the outline as a plan for the long-term content of ChatGPT and then re-feed it to him so that he can generate it corresponding to a certain part of the outline structure. The content is fine. I also rely on this technique to write my own first book. Tip 25 Let ChatGPT write in the tone of a specific writer. Many times the content generated by ChatGPT may not satisfy you but textual stuff It’s just that the evaluation is too subjective, and you often can’t express it. It’s what you want, what kind of text you want. At this time, you really can’t blame ChatGPT, Party B’s ability is more weak, or it’s us as Party A. It’s hard to express your needs clearly , but for textual content, if you don’t know what kind of content you want , you should know who your favorite writer is and what kind of style it is, so there is One technique is to let ChatGPT use the language of this writer to regenerate the content you want. You will have a huge surprise if you try it. Technique 26: Translate with the tone of a specific writer. In my concept, translation is most likely to be replaced by ChatGPT In fact, translation has always been under impact in the history of AI development. In the past few years, when AI was only artificially retarded, Google Translate Deepl has already done a very good job in translation because of the text Sentences have grammar, and there are relatively standardized correspondence between some words and words in different languages. For example, Banana corresponds to bananas , so it is actually easier to be processed by computers. But the previous The competition of translation ability has always been on how to convey the original meaning more accurately, while ChatGPT has fundamentally changed the rules of the game. It is very easy to achieve the accuracy of translation from different paths. You can use any writer’s language style to translate your favorite works. After you try it, you will find that this is a very imaginative link , and the translation may really no longer be needed. Finally, I will provide you with two bonuses . You should learn from people with practical experience, such as me Tip 27: Visit to get prompts for dozens of occupations In order to help you better communicate with ChatGPT and improve work and study efficiency, I am still with the help of ChatGPT I created a website called On this website, you can learn more skills about using ChatGPT and other AI tools. At the same time, I also prepared for you product managers, product operations, data analysts, engineers, and other dozens of occupations. Prompt allows you to get more practical inspiration skills 28: Subscribing to the ChatGPT Advanced Guide is that I am still updating my column content. In this column, I will share in more detail how I actually use ChatGPT to write books and make products , Experience in self-media If you are interested in these practical experiences and want to support me, you are very welcome to subscribe OK If you have already seen this, don’t forget to like and subscribe or pay attention to this, I will continue to make videos provide great power
Channel: AI进化论-花生
Views: 212,746
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Id: -zEhptQjnik
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Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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