20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Clone Wars Animated Series

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with seven seasons overflowing with wonderful adventures and unexpected twists and turns eventually dropping on the likes of Cartoon Network Netflix and Disney plus over the years it was only natural for a few of the less obvious but no less brilliant Clone Wars details to slip under the radar even after multiple rewatches of the Fantastic animated War drama but those days of overlooking everything from intriguing eyes to subtle connections to Star Wars icons and other legendary franchise is in This Magnificent series will be over once you reach the end of this Mighty list because I am Gareth this is what culture Star Wars and here are 20 things you somehow missed in Star Wars the Clone Wars number 20 Count Dooku's brief Sith eyes unlike the majority of the other Sith Lords found blasting Jedi with lightning and trying to slice them in two with their bleeding red lightsaber Count Dooku's eyes don't actually ever turn yellow during his appearances in episode attack of the Clones or episode 3 Revenge of the Sith for those unaware the reason of siths eyes change color to that Sinister yellowy and red is down to the fact that eyes are the window to the soul in Star Wars with that eye change being a result of a person's uncontrollable rage burning within them with Dooku being a largely composed individual and a person who largely just wanted to bring an end to the corruption he saw within the galactic Senate throughout the films then and seemingly not being entirely consumed by anger and hate like a Darth Maul for example it made sense that his eyes didn't go through that same change in the movies at least there were actually a few moments there in the Clone Wars where they did highlighting how Dooku wasn't always an entirely calm and collected Dark Side user Dooku's fight with Anakin on tne during the Clone Wars movie in 2008 and the scene showing him training Mo's brother saaj o press in season 3's witches of the Mist episode both contain a yelloweyed Dooku during a few blinking you'll miss it moments and while on the subject of eyes number 19 Anakin's eyes invader's helmet jumping all the way to the final ever scene of Star Wars the Clone Wars now and to the visual of a fallen Anakin Skywalker discovering his old Padawan Ahsoka Tano's lightsaber a few years on from the conclusion of the titula battles it's a properly moving beat to bring the incredibly impactful series to its end with Darth Vader also taking in the tribunal Star Destroyer which crashed on this snowy move as Order 66 started to alter the Galaxy all whilst wondering whether his Padawan was still among those who survived the purge but look closely at the masked icon's face as he raises his head to look at something hovering above him in the sky which we'll get to don't worry and after a quick pause of the action you'll actually be able to spot a quite interesting detail you likely missed during a first watch instead of burning yellow and red with anger as they often were during this period in his life here the Sith Lord's eyes behind the red lens appear more like the ones seen on a preall Anakin Skywalker this was likely because the one time Jedi Knight was thinking about an Ahsoka he once cared deeply about in this moment with that thought and this visual highlighting how the good man buried deep within still wasn't entirely lost here and while we're talking about Sith Lords I want to know right now who is your favorite Sith of all time is it Vader is it Maul is it Dooku you let me know who is in the comment section below number 18 an important bird is present throughout as promised that final scene in season 7's Victory and death episode also contained another detail some may not have fully understood the significance of during a first watch when Vader does look up to the sky after hearing a squawk from above the former Anakin Skywalker sees a bird circling him this is actually morai a bird who would show up in everything from Rebels to the Mandalorian to a SOA over the years this convo was said to be spiritually connected to the daughter one of the mortise gods that an Obi-Wan and Ahsoka interact with during the Clone Wars mortis Arc and following on from the daughter's eventual death in those episodes sacrificing herself to bring Tano back to life morai would begin showing up alongside Ahsoka far from being a random occurrence then it seems this bird which some even think is the manifestation of the daughter someone who evidently represented the light side in a different form was perhaps trying to guide Anakin back towards the light in this moment number 17 a big Labowski nard Dave filon George Lucas and the rest of the gang clearly had a ball sneaking in a number of cheeky references to some of Pop culture's biggest movies throughout this s season Clone Wars journey and one of the many legendary films you possibly didn't realize were hinted at during the show came in the form of the brilliant Coen brothers comedy crime picture the big La Bowski these tributes occur in season three of the show firstly you have a quite familiar statement uttered by Maverick Jedi Master quinland B with that Legend replying to Obi-Wan's comments on timekeeping in the hunt for zero Episode by calmly stating well that's your opinion man the dude would be proud then you have the Tran Bounty Hunter who first pops up in Padawan lost an alien who boasts not just the same soek name used by John Goodman's Walter soek but also some tinted eyewear and shorts inspired by the ones Goodman's character would typically wear to the bowling alley these references really tied the room together you know number 16 cat used a tried and tested Star Wars disguise tactic speaking of costume details that are easy to overlook in this sprawling animated spin-off the coolest bounty hunter in the Galaxy CAD Bane actually added his name to one of the most star studded lists in Star Wars history during the Clone Wars you see as the presumed dead Duro Sharpshooter looks to sneak off a republic Star Destroyer in season 2's Children of the Force episode he does so whilst under the disguise of a clone trooper and the plan ultimately works even if he was very nearly stopped thanks to his distinctly green blood being discovered just before he could escape this definitely wasn't the first time a Star Wars character had opted to pretend to be an enemy Trooper to complete a mission though with the likes of Han Solo Luke Skywalker Ezra Bridger and Kanan jarus all donning similar Trooper disguises at various points in the timeline it just want to be a Star Wars project without someone going undercover to sneak past An Enemy Number 15 a number of Indiana Jones references returning to those salutes towards some of the greatest movies ever made another project under the Lucas film Banner receives some love in a few different Clone Wars epodes 2 the whip cracking Adventures of none other than Indiana Jones himself are alluded to time and time again in the show Raiders of the Lost Arc staff of raah has a similar head to the one seen on top of Senator car's in season 1's the gungan general episode then you have the titula arc itself making something of a cameo appearance in the background as Twilight's Crum valuables onto Amir wat tambor's ship in the liberty of rof episode in season 1 elsewhere that bounty hunting badass again CAD Bane nearly threw on a fedora similar to Indies during season 4's friends and enemies episode as he looked through Pablo's porn shop and there was that time Mace Windu almost lost his lightsaber as a door was closing on him in season 2's Children of the fource chapter with that visual of the Jedi Master forc grabbing his weapon just in the nick of time mirroring the iconic Indie hack grab but simply there were a hell of a lot of Jones tributes in this galaxy far far away number 14 a monument paying tribute to the very beginning a very different kind of tribute shows up in the galaxy far far away for the first time during the Clone Wars Fifth Season where a Sook catano attempts to flee some incoming clone troopers after being framed for a number of murders and the bombing of the Jedi Temple the pwan is seen sprinting across the top of a large Monument on cisson if you take a second to pause and examine in this giant slab of rock though you'll notice a ton of markings etched into it said ores inscriptions are actually the designations of each and every clone who fell during the first battle of the Clone Wars and The Rock they were marked onto was actually taken from the planet that fight went down on Geonosis the same Monument would also show up later down the road in the bad batch season 2 episode The solitary clone serving as a reminder of the price these clones had to pay when fighting the Republic's battles for them number 13 one passcode is somewhat familiar in what was little more than a way of throwing out a wink at the project which started it all season 7's penultimate an incredibly devastating episode shattered contained a quite cool Easter egg most weren't quick to catch first time around after ahsokatano is forced to fight off a collection of Clone Troopers should once called friends and allies the former Jedi begins to search through files on Clone Trooper fives via R7 A7 and the Republic Central computer after Rex had just told her to find him however right when Tano tried to access a grievance report logged by Rex following F's discovery about the inhibitor chips within each and every clone one which showed him talking about them possibly having a purpose they didn't fully understand at the time the commander was denied access to get around this obstacle Tano simply used her one-time Master Anakin Skywalker's passcode this wasn't just a thrown together collection of numbers though that code of 8108 was actually the date the Clone Wars movie which kicked off the series premiered with that feature first arriving on August 10th 2008 a long time ago indeed number 12 a na to the son of damir comic one of the biggest Revelations to fall out of this animated collection of Star Wars Tales was the fact that the Sith Lord known as Maul hadn't actually perished on the boo during the events of episode one The Phantom Menace this tortured damiran Soul would then spend Seasons trying to both get his revenge on old F obiwan Kenobi and his one- time Master Darth cidus forming formidable alliances with his brother savaj o press and the Death Watch along the way but Maul's post episode one story would also be told elsewhere with a comic book by the name of son of damir being adapted from the scripts that weren't ultimately used for the Clone Wars series in this tale Maul eventually finds himself being imprisoned by his former master and his new Apprentice Count Dooku following the former's duel with Maul and his brother on Mandalore in in the show in the end though Rook cast and G Saxon managed to free their leader in the comic and this was actually briefly mentioned during mul's speech to his Mandalorian Warriors in season 7's The Phantom Apprentice episode but without knowledge of that son of damir Arc even being a thing it's rather easy to overlook this vital part of the Sith Lord story away from the series being referenced as he inspires his super Commandos number 11 Dryden Voss and Caleb Doom's hologram appearances keeping with that specific scene involving Mo thanking his Mandalorian Pals for saving him and letting them know that the Galaxy was very much on the verge of being remade the sequence kicks off with the Sith Lord giving out orders to the rest of his shadow Collective via hologram and among said members was the pike syndicates Mark Crim black Sun ziton Moos and none other than solo of Star Wars stories DED and boss the face of crimson Dawn Voss wasn't the only familiar face to make a blink in your miss it Hollow cameo in the Clone Wars though during the old friends not forgotten episode that went down just before the aformentioned one in season 7 a couple of Jedi seene during the opening Montage along with master plun and AA Sakura being sent out to assist the Clones fighting the apparent good fights a hologram meeting within the Jedi Temple contains an appearance from Jedi Master DEA bapa and her Padawan Caleb Doom you know the same Caleb Doom who would eventually go by the name of Kanan jarus after surviving order 66 and train Ezra Bridger in the ways of the fce cheers for checking out this list today folks and if you're enjoying what you're watching then hit that subscribe button down below number 10 the Mandalorian gica painting as previously mentioned Maul and his brother savaj o press would eventually clash with DAR cidus on Mandalore during season 6's the Lawless chapter and while the former Apprentice of Pala te made it out of that lightsaber Showdown alive the same could not be said for his Hench sibling it's in the wake of that fatal double-bladed stabbing though that a quite intriguing detail shows up in the background as Maul goes to check on his Fallen Apprentice with much of the attention being on a devastated mall and dying elpress here many didn't catch the massive mural behind them depicting a battle between mandalorians and the Jedi there's also another one of these murals visible in preiser's meeting room earlier in the show's run with Dave filon later noting how these cubis paintings were actually based on Picasso's gica and Salk creation both of the pieces look absolutely stunning it must be said and you can only imagine how much work went into these incredibly detailed paintings that were only really visible for a few fascinating Clone Wars moments all that work eh lovely number nine the Lucas papanoa family return you're likely well aware at this point of George Lucas's brilliantly silly Cameo appearance in episode three Revenge of the Sith as Baron not lski papanoida but that wasn't the last we'd see of this pantoran figure of of course with the Clone Wars bringing the carrots back for the sphere of influence episode in season 3 what you may not have realized when the first watching that particular episode involving papano's daughters being kidnapped though is the fact that said Offspring were actually based on Lucas's own real life kids on top of chi eay and Chi am manway being based on Katie who was also the writer of the episode and Amanda Lucas iron papanoida was also inspired by Lucas's son jet these animated cameos aren't the first time the rest of the Lucas Clan have shown up in the galaxy far far away either with all three making appearance in the prequel trilogy 2 number eight Anakin's dark Deeds returns hopping back to one of the most emotional sequences in Star Wars History season 7 shattered episode depicts those early moments which followed Order 66 being given that weren't seen in the prequels and one of the most underrated and likely overlooked elements of that heartbreaking scene involving ahoka Tano having to turn her lightsabers on the Clones is the affecting theme which accompanies the violence but why does this particular music hit a nerve I hear you ask well it's likely because this theme was actually the same one which could be heard as her master continued his fall to the dark side in episode three with John Williams Anakin's dark Deeds playing out as the former Jedi slices through separatist on Mustafa and Obi-Wan speaks with Padme about his fall it's yet another powerful tune from the iconic composer and one that neatly ties together the events of episode 3 and the closing stages of the Clone War series and once you remember exactly why this music rings a bell it's impossible for your mind not to be cast back to some of the prequels most heart-rending moments number seven Captain Rex's Harrison 4 connection when it comes to the iconic names who have brought various Star Wars characters to life over the decades they don't come much bigger than the bloke who played Han Solo himself Harrison Ford so on top of those already noted tips of the Fedora to Indiana Jones throughout the series the creators of the Clone Wars added in another easily Miss salute towards that Legend with this one showing up on AGA the most memorable clone of the bunch Captain Rex not only survived the titular battles was able to get rid of the aformentioned inhibitor chip and eventually Aid the Rebellion he also boasted a facial marking just like Ford has in real life that unmistakable chin scar is just about visible whenever Rex isn't hiding it under his recognizable mask or glorious white beard in Rebels and acts as a cool connection to another beloved Star Wars figure number six there's always a bigger fish mobile the same Children of the Four Season 2 Episode which sees Mace Windu pull off an Indiana Joneses lightsaber save and CAD Bane pretending to be a clone also contained a pretty fun episode one Easter egg you know with said Bounty Hunter collecting children showing Force potential for Darth cyas in this Clone Wars Chapter his disturbing Mission brings him to janga City on Nebo and another gungan city on the planet a fight then ensues as Bane's plans to capture a young gungan kid are foiled by Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker and it's all that chaos which probably distracted the average viewer away from the mobile scene hanging above the gungan child's crib all three of the deadly monsters found chasing Qui-Gon Jinn Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jaja Binks in that first prequel are actually all present here with the opy SE killer Colo claw fish and sandoo aqua monster all helping this little one get off to sleep how cool and a bit traumatizing number five the Pirates of the Caribbean connection the last of the many famous movie connections present in this captivating animated Saga that will be mentioned here Star Wars numerous pirate personalities on show in the Clone Wars inevitably led to one rather comical tribute showing up in the Box episode found in season 4 a one-time pirate and now Bounty Hunter by the name of Kira Swan joins the other Killers for higher invited to compete in the tit competition and if that name feels a bit familiar it's likely because the two-time winner of the obsidian Spar Bounty Hunter competition was given it as a reference to another much loved franchise Star Wars Alum Kieran nly who played sa in episode one also brought the eventual pirate king Elizabeth Swan to life in the Pirates of the Caribbean Series so the show's creators seemingly combined the names of the actor and character to create this weay pirate tribute oh and that aforementioned obsidian SPH be competition that was also a nod to the black pear ship too so there's that number four a few special cameos and surprisingly many a Star Wars loving performer in our own Galaxy jumped at the chance to lend their voices to this animated Clone Wars spin-off and joining the superb main cast members like Matt Lancer James Arnold Taylor Ashley xein and D Bradley Baker as Anakin Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Ahsoka Tano Captain Rex and a ton of other figures in the series were some properly eye-catching names some that you probably didn't even realize were behind the characters in question first of all Luke Skywalker himself and one of the greatest voiceover performers of all time Mark Hamill could be heard playing one of the most powerful Sith Lords ever Darth Bane in season 6's sacrifice episode elsewhere there was also appearances from ROM pilman as G knacked in downfall of a Droid and Duel of the droids in season 1 Simon Peg as denar in the Bounty season 4 chapter George deai as general lock dird in the season 1 Defenders Of Peace episode and even John favro threw in his voice to play preisler throughout the show David Tenant would also first voice huy Yang eventually seen in the Ahsoka series during season five and Ray parks would return as Maul for his duel with a sooka in season 7 using motion capture to bring his physical performance to the sequence and last but not least Liam niss made a return as Quon jyn spirit in the series 2 what an ensemble baby number three the fulcrum code name throughout the Star Wars Rebels animated series set after the events of the Clone Wars but before the original trilogy ahsokatano can be seen using the code name fulcrum when aiding the likes of Harrison doua and her Rebel Pals said code name would then eventually be passed on to other rebel spies and agents with folks like defecting ISB agent callous taking on the title 2o but if you were listening closely early on in season 7's old friends not forgotten episode The expected origins of that specific code name were revealed it turns out that this was actually the name given to a Subspace Communications frequency used by Anakin Skywalker with it being noted on the show that only a number of folks were aware of it including Freedom Fighter sorera Obi-Wan Kenobi Admiral wolf yaren and you guessed it Skywalker Padawan Tano Tano would use that frequency to get in touch with her former Master as she requested help to capture mle on Mandalore with it then later being used as the INSP eration for the name of the fulcrum agents fighting against the empire number two mul's altered lightsaber one episode on from fulcrum's Origins being revealed that forced wielding Legend of sooka Tano would eventually collide with mul in one of the greatest duels ever to explode into the galaxy far far away up to this point the Doan Sith Lord had largely been using a standard single-bladed red lightsaber during his quest to gain as much power as possible and get revenge on his enemies however season seven brought with it the return of his iconic dual bladed weapon well sort of While most folks were probably just giddily squealing at the visual of maul igniting his badass lightsaber just like he did back in episode one they likely missed the fact that this blade was actually somewhat different after his original twin bladed weapon was sliced in half by Kenobi on nabo it seems Maul didn't try to find a similarl looking Hilt when forging his latest double lightsaber instead he actually used a style that looked very similar to the one eventually used by Assange Ventress for her yellow lightsaber in the dark disciple novel number one so much for shadowing of Anakin's fall though there were definitely a few unexpected twists and turns thrown in there during the seven seasons of Clone Wars animated drama everyone knew where this one was heading along with the Clones being forced to turn on their Jedi allies via Order 66 Anakin Skywalker's eventual fall to the dark side was inevitable of course and the show actually managed to foreshadow his incoming heel turn in quite a few subtle disturbing and impactful ways following on from violently cutting down some tuskin Raiders after they murdered his mom in episode 2 the Clone War showed a pissed off Anakin Force choking Pogle the Lesser in season 2 losing his control when dealing with slavers in season 4 horrifically beating the crap out of Clovis after watching him trying to make a move on Padme in season 6 and even confessing to his Padawan that he understood wanting to walk away from the order in season 5 and while you probably caught many of those more obvious chunks of ominous foreshadowing there were a few more easily Miss details present too like a sound similar to Vader's breathing being heard when Anakin was put on a ventilator in season one and Skywalker's armor throughout the series looking very much like the chest plat he'd later wear Asda all of these moments and details big and small pointed to what we all knew was sadly on the horizon this Skywalker taking a terrifying and catastrophic walk on the dark side
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
Views: 52,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cp9TiGFb9hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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