Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Iain De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge - C2E2 2017

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[Applause] Elizabeth welcome you guys thanks for having us and it's dramatic music I like that ya know really cool coming out there DJs on point right Chicago is on fire you guys having a good time well there are so many people here so excited to talk to you guys you guys okay yeah we're just trying to we're trying to look really like comedies interlocked yeah yeah I mean that's cool it's kind of like this is the perfect opportunity to talk about you know your characters have been through so much together there's a lot going on right now how are you going to recover from this current situation you know without too many spoilers or you can give us spoilers right guys we're okay with that too you had to know Ian how are we gonna recover I'm not I think you should read this first time I think you said before you wanna call the question I'm not gonna I think it's you right he's if you'll call sup yes I mean family doesn't remember there's all that you know there's all these dynamics going on and I'm just wondering I mean you've spent you've spent time here and there what's going to happen how are you guys going to come back together and recover from this well there yeah you know right now they're in an alternate reality mm-hmm and it's all very strange but your character isn't your characters very much a week within that reality kind of yeah so I know how much tough it is so it's definitely a much more difficult thing for your character I would say the only thing I would say about them is that you know it seems like anything that's ever gets thrown their way you know it could still they're pretty strong together as a unit usually yeah they are she agrees but we don't know if they're gonna get through it that's the thing we don't know how any of this is going to end I mean I got with an astronaut on a planet so I get don't forget about that you know let's just all remember now even you yeah I think they'll get through it because I think there'd be a riot if Fitzsimmons did not continue on how did you guys back from the original casting of the show I mean originally it was it was going to be two British characters but then you came along and you know that's a difficult subject with Scotland and Britain but I am British Tecna so tell me about the casting process and when you guys actually first read to go together before you even began filming we read on a last last round so there were three Simmons and three-fifths and they paired us with each other but I mean that was we would it just felt like at acting class because we were in a room with Joss Whedon and all our executives and they just happened to be cameras there and he would like you know give us different scenarios of what to do in the scene and it was just so fun it felt like it's like a playdate I mean Joss Whedon telling like say hey what about this hey what about like me like okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I do it I'll do it um yeah so I met Ian on that day whilst the day of the audition and then you know didn't eat for two weeks finding out like what was happening with it they made you wait two weeks no actually I think it was better the next day yeah I think it was quick sure you did so how you know now your characters are jumping through universes for each other how do you create that bond and how did you from the beginning work on that bond not knowing each other prior I mean look a lot of a lot of the work on the show is done for you by the crew and the writers and the exact kids we have and come up with all the stories and stuff so our job you know once that so that is pretty easy but Elizabeth's really great to work with I enjoy working with her most of all wondering why me I was coming yes well and no she is so that's like I do remember when we did our screen tests together and we you know we were different when everyone was great but I remember what Elizabeth came in there was something really special about that's the nicest thing about you so just remember that it's just written otherwise anyone recording them you've added it right I'm gonna get that tattooed dawn honestly five years it's the nicest thing I would do it we're doing like another language you know some people would say it's a carrot like yeah yeah and and so yeah so what we were worried I'm talking about hallabong where you're going to jump through universes for each other I think this this script obviously always starts with the script but then you know we neither of us had ever done anything like this before and all of a sudden we kind of thrust into this dream job that comes with you know Comic Cons and we went to San Diego that first year and I just remember when Joss Whedon walked out and we were all backstage before our panel he walked out and I have never heard a crowd so loud and it was with one of those life-changing moments of my god this is happening and and so I think that brought us all together as a cast really because oh my god we need to hang onto each other in this ride because it was so huge I mean you know you've experienced that kind of thing and well these guys are here because they love you and I mean the show t love you guys thank you I mean the show just grows stronger and you guys are doing such phenomenal work I mean it's really you guys are just really super fun to watch because it's just it's phenomenal do you guys have questions for them yeah if you do line up in the aisles and we'll try to get through as many as we can and while we're doing that in framework Fitz is a lot darker than unsetting and well write those two really sure and how has it been through my hair the hair I mean there's a lot we could talk about you should probably go ahead but oh you can answer well we'll get back when you talk about it from an actor's point of view do you approach that as two separate characters or how has it been to explore the dark side yeah now that's a good point actually they are kind of separate but they're all you know think their thing about the free more because everyone's had a their the path that they went on in the real world has been changed altered somehow was something you know big a big regret has meant to be taken away in pets this case he had his father about he was someone who taught them you know it all was stand up straight never show emotion and so his morals are just different he still had the same kind of intensity as FETs of of feeling I think and emotion it's just those have been projected in a different direction I think not the best well describe it maybe and Elizabeth sounds like you prefer the darker Elizabeth does I don't know Simmons stuff well I know service doesn't it's just fun to see all these people you know I've we've spent so many hours together over the last four years and it's just so fun to see other stuff that people can do as well that he can create this whole other character that has enough similarities I mean they look very similar but enough similarities of like mannerisms that you know that it's the same but there's something so different behind the eyes I mean it's really it's very impressive and and the same with Clark and Ming and everyone it's very it's just been cool for us to see our friends play these really different roles it's definitely a benefit of working on a genre show for sure yeah yeah alright let's open it up hi we'll start over here cool cool it's great you may need to take off the map for us to understand you know pretty much a gence of shield has always like thrown bad gendered norms on the floor like there's a lot of powerful women on the show even I think in season three there's a comment where Jemma says I'm the only one on the base that can't kill a man with her bare hands and I was wondering if since like Fitz is sorted in the same situation but he's really intelligent but like smaller non-combative person that how was that affected the Fitzsimmons bond being around all these super spies and them being scientists rather than like these hardcore espionage people how was the bond been a factor I think that I think that's a really good question really good point I think yeah they definitely come from when they first joined the team they were I think there were two kind of people that sat down in a lab all day and didn't really see the outside world as much and suddenly they were thrown out and to the into the field and it was petrifying for them you know so I think we've got better at it at dealing with those situations but they're not as yeah there were definitely not as cool under pressure as MIT agent mayor or Daisy so yeah definitely Bond's them they're similar not they're both scared they're both petrified together thank you that's a great question thank you hi hi Chris from Chicago I was actually just wondering you guys have one of my favorite shows every week and one of my biggest fears is kind of the fact that we haven't heard about the renewal and I don't want the show to end on a cliffhanger like you guys you guys heard anything about how they if it doesn't get pulled through or if it is getting pulled through I know that like some TV sites are saying no some are saying yes and I want it to be yes I'll pass your words Elizabeth's for this one what we don't know yet we all hope so and I think you know we've shown in this season that we have so many more stories to tell and this finale is and just conclude some stuff that also has a lot of big question marks over it in terms of what could be next so we don't know we hope so we they they haven't told us yet thank you thank you thank you hi hi I'm Miranda from Green Bay Wisconsin and we all know gemma is obviously a Whovian and fitz got called the doctor and the framework so my question is if Fitzsimmons was stranded on a desert island and the tar disappeared what doctor companion would show up to rescue them which companion is coming for you guys we'd have to choose Karen Karen Gillan picture thank you love the crossover hi hi Spencer from Wisconsin my question is ADA is the newest and a long line of really awesome villains that the show has had I guess I'm curious if you could pick sort of your favorite villain or the Vilnius affected Fitzsimmons the most over the past four seasons could it be the villain that's affected you guys the most well there was obviously there was a grab wars most handsome man alive what starts in my life and it's hard to be angry I'm and then I buy a wreck and probably this season with the ADA and stuffs been pretty yeah I think it'd be ADA yeah um hi Draya wait so we those Madeline isn't madam' what she meant to say sounds fantasy are you feeling feel like if you fancy it but I'm like yeah yeah kind of nice and that I don't know what is your question MoDOT yeah yeah sure thank you which witch villain do you think which what's your perspective probably ADA or Skye's dad was pretty fantastic or I'm sorry Daisy's dad my bad thank you thanks hi hi I'm male from Chicago I just want to say Elizabeth first thank you for bringing to life such a complicated woman with vulnerabilities and being a scientist and Ian I Oh fantastic - you're fantastic - but my question is for Elizabeth Elizabeth when your character woke up in the framework I don't want to spoil it but your character was in a very weakened state and it really showed in your voice did you create that perspective or was that the director's I was just like a little worried right now her voice is very weak so where did that come from um I was very thick I told her to just say she's method I was very sick and I lost my voice at different points and just I mean I am sure there's a car there's a scene with me in a car with another girl and for sure I just like she was she had to have been sick after that day because when we were trapped in like this airtight via collage like nice to me away so sorry I'm about to ruin your week so yeah I would say the fun the fun bit was we have to do ADR after which is where we go in and kind of read dub lines in case there was traffic noise or something so trying to recreate that was really interesting like oh this looks cool how do I do that now my voice is better but it worked out it was kind of crazy how much it worked out I mean I felt terrible and my makeup was there to make me look dead so I mean that was pretty much done and then I found a terrible on it I really like you should get Ella more off it was a great performance female thank you well thank you for pulling through then both of your characters have changed so much since you know you're sort of innocent introduction what do you think the biggest changes have been I think they've got just more street smart and I think the Simmons she's got more accepting of anything that's a bit different or that she doesn't understand she would at first be very dismissive and fearful and I think now she's learning to be more accepting of all that mm-hmm yeah I think and as well like just appearance-wise you simmered as a real fashionista a real trend fare and I stopped wearing cardigans a while ago that was a big step the big step for a big change hi hi I'm Stephanie from Chicago and my question is when Bret and Chloe were here just about a month ago I asked about the back flaps that were happening between warden Fitz early in season one and they both answered that that was you Ian it wasn't scripted when wardens Fitz kept hitting each other on the back so my question is is there other stuff that you could share with us there was from the developing friendships that made it onto our screens I mean the blooper reel probably has more than bucks laps on it between me and Brett but there's an X as an X rated for real like ad-libs and stuff that actually made it in there yeah ad-libs nipples whatever I mean yes probably I can't remember what they are now I know in the last episode there was one where mace comes up to Simmons and calls her miss Simmons and it for what I was like oh I don't like that so I said it's doctor and that was an ad-lib that they like we hands up all the time like we're friends and I mean any kissing scene there's usually something horrendous going between they don't have revise kissing scenes though no we go Chloe does [Laughter] thank you thank you and that's I mean that speaks a lot to the shows respect for you guys as actors because that's not standard for network television being allowed to improvise or add things yeah we was it was yeah and it's always like it's usually more jokey bets and stuff for that and you know suppose four seasons time everyone kind of has a nuclear they don't cares anymore than like whatever yeah take your chances off whatever it but I don't know why I'm talking about that but but most of the stuff in there's like already you know written for you is already like there's nothing you need to change anyway mm-hmm hi hi Abby from Twin Lakes Wisconsin my question for you guys is in season one everyone kind of Fitzsimmons was a total hair you know they were completely inseparable and as the seasons have progressed you guys have flourished and evolved into your own individual characters how did you guys go about doing that preparing for that in the show great question yeah the evolution of the characters and arguably they're you know it's this is the strongest season in my opinion now so you know how did you take them from the innocence of season one to where they are I think we just say what's written on the page I mean really it's the we have the betel right thing like 88 hours of television you know it's a long time yeah okay no I just meant like we had them but we had a lot of which other well I've had a lot trying to do it sorry yeah that wasn't I just got totally killed the mid in the river sorry sorry thank you hi hi I'm just from Chicago um I was asking I'm wow we're dependent on I really like the framework specifically Ian fits his relationship with ADA or Ophelia or mattified whatever calling her this week and I was wondering if you could tell me more about that especially for some dress I was not a Hydra I know it's a cool costume huh oh sorry um wait what was the question Oh how much Fitz and Madame Hydra fancy each other yes yes yes whole iced tea me you know it's just half your posture yeah there's a lot sweat as a log you know there's just no it's she I mean I don't know it's like GE he he there's a sense where he loves her the cemetery then the real world he loves Jemma Simmons right or wrong and yeah and she's she's she's manipulative fit her in her narrative really and that's one of the things that she wanted it's good though because it is different like it's a dark the darker love like there's an intensity that but you don't look at me like that but it's good it's good you guys it's five because it makes sense for those characters well you know sometimes I get upset when you don't put the toilet seat back down you know the sort of thing I'm gonna get into this right now it happened thank you thank you yes hi I'm Jack bear from Lafayette Indiana and my question is if you guys were in the MCU of movies during civil war what side do you think you would have been we did this like we should get this out now and we'd be on the same one no like I think Tony Stark the cars as the sciency technology in that so I think him but feel like we as people would be Oh Captain America like real life people so basically every side we just want world peace hi hi I'm Jen and I'm from Chicago so in past episodes we've gotten bits of their histories like mama fits and how Gemma had surgery for her scoliosis so I was wondering what sort of personal character development that you guys have come up with for your characters that us is an audience that we don't know that's interesting sometimes actors create large backstories sometimes that's not the process what's your process for creating the characters I mean I started doing that and then let go oh no you mum is you know you have two months and your dad died and singer oh okay I just change all that then so I think I just sort of do episode by episode just then you're a bit more open to them saying you had scoliosis okay right yes it yes you know I'm the exact same I just think I have done it anyway back story I think I was quite treat to find out if there was any stuff to do with his kind of his father or his mother and stuff and what and the scene where they show my mom that's my real mum real life in that nice so happy I'm going to try and get a part in the show as well yeah you mean the picture no the picture gonna say J I miss her see ya the pic yeah well I mention you blink when you mess up but it's still big no I I really know thank you thank you and kind of building on that how far in advance are you let in on the storylines or the characters trajectory and have you ever been really shocked by any of the story elements yeah they tell us at the last second literally the last second sometimes we get new pages halfway through a scene although that happen when season 1 I feel like us and happen for a while right we get like red pages there you go you thought the scene was this and you learnt your lines but this is what's happening actually yeah that was when that was when I was for the reveal of yeah would award yeah we got scrapped and then they called us into like a room in there anyway we've got some new pages for you guys so we read through and at the end of slate board shoots someone in the headers yeah Victoria had shoots from the head and I cried true story yes hi my name is Rachel and I'm from st. Louis I guess my question is for both of you and it's what has been the most gratifying moment for you of this whole experience like through all four seasons of agents of Fiat shield making the field anyway you know comic-con this just all of it what's been your most gratifying moment honestly I've been fight this where you get to come and meet people and actually have conversations and and you know hear people's theories or what opinions and it's aside of acting that I never really thought about when I dreamed of doing it and it's just a really cool thing that we get to do and kind of share experience this with you guys's yeah I agree totally and sometimes you know you're in you're in a bit of a bubble when you're so when the show and you forget that you know some people actually watch it and enjoy it and so it's not that so it's really nice to meet people you know have have watched it and they and they like the characters and the storylines and stuff so definitely I agree thank you thank you hi hi I'm Mika from Chicago my questions for Elizabeth so this frameworks been a lot but for me one good thing to come out of it was seeing Gemma and sky slash spaces together again working as a seam how great is it for you to get to work with Chloe again like skins and things like that I know when Givens was back for real because it was Skye and Simmons well they called no one is deviating it's like scaizi some sort of infection yeah we don't dig it so we keep it as skimmings but now it's like true yeah it was brilliant we actually just because Jed Whedon wrote the last episode and directed it the one before we went into the framework when everybody went world it would ask for too much but we had just been talking to him the week before saying we want seams together I had no scenes with heard really in this season and he was like I think you're gonna be literally coming up yeah and then since that episode it's been all the time it's brilliant she's I mean she's great on so many levels and it's always nice to mix it up with different people in scenes and I mean I would say I had like slight separation anxiety from Iain and then I watched what he was doing in the frame working with Mike dissipated thermo I was all about the girl power thing to you and it does seem like the whole cast just genuinely enjoys being around each other and and gets along really well is that a fair assessment yeah yeah solutely we're very lucky I think you know we have the best people at the top who are just so lovely and supportive and clocks that is done on the first day and said we're in this together look you know if anyone has issues we just talk to each other and yeah it's created just a nice nice family and we're all yeah it's a bit sick we're all obsessed with each other but in a good way in a good healthy where India some comment be intimated I'm not sure but generally I just like to keep your hair sometimes I'm making I'm making something I'll show you what it is when I finish it nothing wrong with that hi hi I'm Nina from Rochester Minnesota my question is for both of you guys since you guys from rap filming the earlier this week what was your favorite Fitzsimmons sing from this season to film with each other mine hasn't ad yet I think okay so mom like standing over your body and I have the knife but it's like I hate you know I actually really enjoy that scene there was reception yeah when will you stop me and stuff where was I was a robot remember yeah I just was good brother it was like we it was weird and it was a bit traumatic but it was kind of it was kind of good fun but yeah like weirdly fun yes didn't really get to do that stuff usually no what are you everyday life no yes come on they are tight no Yalie yeah okay weird fun is good fun right thank you thank you hi hi I'm Claire from Missouri and so speaking of episode 15 we had a very interesting conversation between Ellen B Fitz and Simmons about marriage and I was wondering we might see some more of that hopefully fingers crossed she's crossing her fingers I'm sorry I think just remember he was a he was an LMP at that point you know it's like no he was but that jokes Jenna cuz us it was heads kind of it was still a head has kind of brain and wants and desires in his head so yeah definitely we'll see who else is crossing their fingers for that anyway it's a good point thank you hi hi I'm Meredith from so and what has been one of the funniest moments on set or something that stood out that you always remember and laugh about do it what about a funny bit I think you called alar x-rated that time does it language what we can say and there you haven't I mean we mean usually is a big source of physical comedy in terms of she just falls over all the time trips over and it's usually after like a really strong stance and she's gonna go and fly the Quinn Jersey fur or something and then she like March it out and just falls on a heel or something we tried to put spicing Brett sandwich that time and it didn't end it do you remember yeah we put Tabasco on his sandwich yeah I like a la and he didn't react not one bit he did he dedicates me he was doing this scene and he was kind of like licking his fingers he can oh yes a professional where as we clearly Oh No thank you yeah hi hi Theresa from Michigan my question for you is I guess I'll lean up to it you guys have done a lot with the show in terms of superheroes getting more you know powers with the Inhumans and you know Coulson got a fake hands and stuff like that so my question is if Fitz and Simmons had gotten some sort of super power what would you have picked super power for Fitzsimmons for like it one for them to have collectively together you could do a collective or individually or collectively I could see a Wonder Twins that kind of thing going on why not yeah that's a difficult one I don't know what would you do well I mean I could like just I always say this but if I could just like at the click of a fingers just morph and I've got Bret dolmens body it's great you know it can do stuff around the house it's great some cheese in his abs or you know if I got to do some stuff like fight bodies whatever and also she might enjoy that as well you know when went for everyone really thoughtful what do you what do you think would be the appropriate superpowers I feel like you know they're both so smart and they're so you know scientifically minded I feel like some telekinesis would be really cool I like that yeah also maybe just a little translator that was just subtitle because sometimes I feel like other characters struggle to understand us and just other actors so that would be helpful right I leave that with you maybe you'll see that in the next season you never know thank you thank you hi hi my name is Alyssa I'm from Chicago I was wondering is to talk about the agents of shield agent Carter lip-sync battle and if you think you'll be bringing that back lip-sync battle I don't know I mean we were just like that takes us up really we were mere pawns any tasks Chloe and Clark I think they were the real mastermind fighting I got a bit serious for a while they were like I did it has been seven but you know we've been waiting to like learn your lines we'd be on set like waiting for Clark and coining it aside like yeah yeah sorry breathe it okay thank you anyway thank you thank you hi we have time for questions one over here one over there okay I'm Ella from Mohammed Illinois and my question is if you were in the framework and someone told you that it wasn't real Howard to react if you're in the framework and you were told it was not real it's like someone saying to you now your life isn't real I mean it depends how good my life was if I had a terrible life is like oh my god I knew it take me yeah you wouldn't you wouldn't really believe it it feels so real like you you know that's a good question I torch the matrix again Thank You Elizabeth Gemma had to take down fit as a LMD what was going through your mind that was such a amazing scene what was going through you know your mind in that moment I mean I get very emotionally attached to Fitz and Simmons than any any scene that I read like I'll stop crying as I'm reading it just because even if it's not a sad scene because sometimes I just think pasta just come so far like think of everything they've been through so I'm like it it's not a safe reaction to really and so I was just I'm just so sad I was so sad that she had to do that and and bit traumatized and that whole I went straight from that scene on a plane to England to surprise my mom for her birthday so I was on the plane like I don't know what I just starts what I'm going through and like I still had bits of blood on me I mean they were everybody gave me a very wide but I mean I got you know the road to myself and things like that so that was nice but yeah I get very emotionally like attached so that I mean it was traumatic really of course because you know I feel looking at him ya know and and so it's it was a great scene are you kind of enjoyed as Odin you oh yeah a little okay last question hi I'm Julianne from South Bend Indiana and I've been watching the show since season one but I was wondering Fitzsimmons had been through a lot together from being basically just really good friends in season 1 to an amazing couple in season 4 and you guys always do a really amazing job of just portraying the emotion and I was wondering if you've ever received any really like amazing acting advice or if there's something you draw from to help you do that I learned a lot from Elizabeth during the show kind of on and off screen she's very good she's very very very professional again are we recording this somebody that's really nice oh that's it I'm gonna change tack now no she's not learn what not to do she's absolutely average no no I do I don't but everyone on this Shore Clark and what I've learned I've learned a lot of Elizabeth and in terms of you say like emotional scenes Elizabeth someone that it doesn't it's not like everyone else it's not an easy thing for her but she's she's she's I've never seen anyone like her they can quite do that can I tap into that kind of thing it's pretty impressive all right that's enough but she's also an apart from well that's a nice loving moment to end on don't you guys think hope you guys enjoyed yourselves please one more big round of applause for ED and Elizabeth [Applause]
Channel: One Day
Views: 64,385
Rating: 4.9829206 out of 5
Keywords: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Iain De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge, C2E2 2017, C2E2, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s
Id: wA1Cvd3tyD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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