Against All The Odds Will He Win?! | TABS

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if you lose to them I'm not only am I firing you I am killing your whole family he's eating your butt total accurate battle simulator so we beat the introduction and let's go to the inventure a collection of fun and interesting levels okay let's go tree tribe we might experiment with the sandbox after we beat this campaign they have all these people on trees so I can just get anyone from anywhere I can add more I need I need less options I'm confused I don't know what I'm looking at Medieval Archer Shield Bearer head butter uh-huh what's a long ship okay that looks to terrible what is a Jarl that does not look useful this situation I think I want to go I need someone with distance so let's we have a Zeus we have Pirates like I don't know nothing about these Pirates a Zeus and a cannon let's see what happens oh I forgot how to navigate I forgot how to navigate this game okay we kind of Canon kind of doing it though Canon kind this might be good enough look at how sexy Zeus is Canon what are you what are you okay Canon over here he's doing oh this is white too easy actually that was that was simple okay okay so we're on hey Pitchfork we're going to since they're pitch forkers and they look like they're Farmers let's farmer it up let's try to keep it fair they look like they don't got range so let's put the Scarecrow in the back and while we have the Scarecrow in the back we'll try to poison them up at the front just to drive them confused so the Scarecrow can Blick them and and then and then and then we'll put in some Farmers cuz we need some slaves to sacrifice just for fun just be Wilding we don't even need him you feel what I'm saying Oh wrong button wrong button sorry for getting the controls here for getting the controls here I don't I don't even need to control either you know if things start getting a little risky I I'll I'll start controlling okay what what is the unit that moans like y'all hear the who is doing that wait wait how do I take control yeah let me let me let me let me take control real quick uh let's just stay back right here just just in case I don't what buttons oh oh oh oh oh hey hey chill chill chill chill hey hey they doing damage okay okay so slaves not might not be good Fighters how about we just get real disrespectful and we just say F them right what if we just say F them we get this and we don't even need anything else to be honest let's throw in let's throw in two bone Mages three let's just say F them you feel me I was I was going to play by the rolles but I don't want to no more so let's just in fact let's take control and let's just show them how it's done look at him go bro look at him go he's too overpowered I'm not using the mammoth again I can't do it I can't do it I'm not I'm not using the mammoth again cuz it's too easy it really it really is too easy we're we're going to go back to sticking with like the the the people on these levels okay we got the farmers over here people say you can get secret units how do you do that like what would I have to do to get a secret unit like if I put the Harvester on the pumpkins and they they get the harvesting like we're going to be looking we're going to see if we can find some but let's throw a scarecrow here just for fun we're just doing this for fun cuz I think we honestly easily got this and then we're going to send some slaves in the front just for fun like sometimes you just want to see them get get pain y'all telling me like I could never take these seriously cuz I can literally send a mammoth and Blick Blick all of them okay let's look around for the map to see if we can find any secrets let's see if we can find any secrets I don't I don't see I don't see nothing I am I stuck am I stuck oh look at the Harvester he's forming over here man look at him this is a easy easy claps easy claps easy claps can I get him I want him what do you mean by that what do y'all even have where are y'all troops at is this all you have whatever bro we we'll we'll we'll take you out ungard oh they only have two and I can only get one ungard then and are they really just sending two normal people what are y'all where are y'all what what are you doing are we really is killing civilians I know you're not about to lose to him I I know you're not about to lose to him I know you're not about to I you're you're fired you're fired if you lose to them I'm not only am I firing you I am killing your whole family he's eating your butt okay so let's get this straight I got a squire and not only could he not kill one of them they were playing and fiddling with his buns he oh he no he has a fist in there before he could kill one of them okay okay I only have a $100 like all I can get is the Squire let's see if a bar can do any better like what if what if I oh wait what if I instead if I put the Squire up here maybe I just put him in a bad position what if he's up here instead maybe I just put him in the wrong position why do you not swing yes that's what I wanted just one more see why didn't you do that the last time the other one must have just been the other one might have just tickled their fancy they might have been a masochist right they they might they might have been a masochist they saw oh I can get my butt touched and and and hit really hard I like that I'mma sign up that might have been what happened cuz that that's that should have happened the first time oh we're back on the farmers okay let's get let's get let's get Fair we're back with the farmers you know let's just throw in let's just throw in a wheelbarrow okay I'm just just looking around to see if I can find anything no find anything no there's nothing no nothing no okay Under the Bridge wait under this bridge there's nothing here I know I don't I know I don't need to check on y'all I know y'all going to win y'all just beat already it's only in sandbox I'm about I'm about to see that there we're going to this map in sandbox just so I can see was they throwing Tomatoes who what did you just call me are you what who is this guy in the afro throwing potatoes oh that's my guy that's the wheelbarrow oh what are y'all doing what was [Applause] that I know y'all are not I know y'all aren't playing like that in the battlefield bro I don't I don't have time for this nonsense get get these guys out of here come on are We Are we just immobile in the water can I [Music] not don't don't to nothing bro over here put tur in my face can you hit your shots get them out of here what language are they speaking caveman excuse me what does Mater have to do with this bro come on just stand up and throw thank you oh my god let's take a look let's take a look at sandbox real quick I guess we might as well just make our own fight real quick though okay what if we go we what if we go we're just going to go team scarecrow over here team scarecrow $8,400 let's try to match that let's try to match that with everything else oh yeah yeah yeah yeah how let's see let's see y'all prove y'all worth let's see y'all prove y'all Worth close enough let's see y'all prove y'all worth oh they got range oh they actually oh they got range oh they actually no way no way y'all walk up no way you walk hey y'all just need to hit two more shots and y'all good y'all just need to hit one more oh no there no there's the fact that it came down to a one onone is ridiculous that was supposed to be a joke we're going to look this up cuz I'm not about to investigate every single map map I'm I I don't have enough time for all that nonsense okay so there are locations of all 54 secret un units and three secret maps okay there's one on tribal one so we're going to go we're going to go to tribal one so press F here oh okay I didn't know you could do that let's see we can find let's see I think we're looking for a pal pom I don't think we're actually looking for a character I think we're looking for a pom pom so we're looking for a tree stump with a pom pom on it I don't know why turning is so slow in this mode am I seeing are we seeing any pom poms here we seeing any pom pom if y'all didn't know I was actually one of the world's worst hide and seek players cuz I can't I I can't see okay when it comes to sping um oh found it oh I just look at it man I'm just I'm just the best player to ever do it okay where's the cheerleader okay boom let's cheerleader it up uh how do I how do I fix this screen again I don't want the screen to be up like this oh okay we're we're good we we want the secrets okay boom here we go let's let's see them in action let's see them in a uh uh we're going to put those we're going to put those against a mammoth this is only fair this looks only fair right we put we get we get we get the secret girl we put them against the mammoth what are you wait y y' y y'all don't do anything anything Y what did you die from are y'all even B y'all are not even bad are y'all men can I you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't they're cheerleaders I shouldn't expect I shouldn't have expected like damage from cheerleaders maybe that was my fault we're going to go back to the campaign okay what what map is this like what Warriors are these what are those is this medeval or is this Viking what are y'all what oh they're bars okay okay I can just use get this over with like what what are they doing back here this is they ran what what they they [Music] ran okay what are y'all what what are y'all are y'all sword fighting over here are y'all touching tips can y'all get to action can y'all get to what what are y'all are literally sword fighting right now what are y'all looking at me for there's I'm not controlling y'all y'all going to do this y'all going to y'all going to find a way to get to him we're going to I don't care if it takes all day y'all going to find a way what is this I have to restart huh so why couldn't you why couldn't you do like you saw what I just did so why how did you do we don't deserve this one we don't deserve it we don't deserve it nope nope we don't deserve it no I'm not I I'm not happy with that let's get archers instead maybe archers are more competent there we go there we go just just just stab him with the just stab him with the arrow what are y'all doing he's literally offering his butt you missed [Music] point he was so disgusted from y for that he killed himself oh but we're back on tribal okay let's just let's just line these up we're just going to let them cook we're going to put some guy in the a stoner in the back so we can have someone you know just having fun lighting some up back there you know what I'm saying not everything has to be serious in war sometimes you just have to get back and smoke you a little something ain't that right ain't that right you have eyes the stoner you have the you have man oh those are bone Mages oh oh those Oh Oh I thought they were normal oh oh oh I made a miscalculation I made oh okay my fault okay I I knew I should have I knew I should have used the better unit I I'm so sorry this should be a lot better y'all cannot tell me they don't look like they're ready for action look at them everyone has a packing a big bulge easy claps throw your rocks yep easy claps easy claps Chuck them yep yep easy easy [Music] D okay maybe I Mis maybe I miscalculate a little bit maybe I let's see if spear thers can do it I'm just trying to give someone else a chance cuz there a like there's an easy way to do this it's very easy but I want to give someone else a chance y'all know what I'm saying oh look at that okay okay we catching bodies okay okay this should go this should be B oh they got their oh I I just thought of it I just thought I just thought of the wave I just thought the wave I just thought of it watch watch this there's no way we don't win there's no way we don't win there's no way we don't win yo yeah you got it y yo come on woo yeah throw them [Music] rocks yeah the I'm tired of y'all let's see what happens let's see it let's see it let's see it let's see that's what I like that's what I like that's why I like Manny that's why I like Manny that's why I like Manny I'm going start just adding random cheerleader so to something W I can't add no okay what is this medieval this is really a oneon-one oh that's a clubber they're just giving us random units I'm going just keep using the same things from like these this area era of time just to make it easy for my brain to like comp to choose units cuz I'm not about to go through this all these people that's ridiculous oh go God oh he died from falling 10 ft he died from falling 10t he died from falling 10 ft oh my God I have to I actually have to use a different I can't use I [Music] onard what are y'all what what are y'all doing bro just why is the caveman so tall oh wait he's a halfling that's why grab him by his nuts I like the way you fight oh he dodged that I know y'all saw that thank you that was a that was a that was a satama type punch bro get some licks in bro halfling there you go there you go I don't oh you hit him in the nuts I saw that nut Shot For the Win love that out of you okay we're back on a farming level where's everyone else at there's they definitely hid in the ha Bells y'all not about to y'all not about to play me bro in fact we about to come and get all y'all hay bellers we liting this side up where else y'all hiding at we lighting this side up too I see y'all I see y'all really thought y'all could hide from me I have eyes of a hwk and just because y'all want to be that y'all want to hide as hay bales here's a scarecrow how about that here's a scarecrow in fact here's a scarecrow over here too oh they were hiding in there oh these are just normal halflings oh oh These are oh he getting jump oh oh oh strengthen numbers so please don't lose the Scarecrow got packed oh no oh I had a couple of miscalculations [Music] scarecrow we will see you in the afterlife we will we will see you we okay we're going to make them come out to us so we're not going to put that many people down up front we're putting all our people in the back right they're going to have to start this confrontation Point Blank period I'm not having it yeah we going to see y'all on the open then we going to see how y'all really cook we're going to see y'all in the open and we're going to see how y'all really get down yeah Blick them come on come on throw throw some more at them come on come on throw some more poison throw some more they're lining up for you they're literally lining up for you this should be easy claps I can I'm I'm I can I already know I'm going to win this with my eyes closed I'm staying right here eyes closed I don't need to I don't need I don't need to see it we winning aren't we I'm hearing the sounds of Victory right right now I'm about to open my eyes now oh look at that what is that I feel like a kirat torama bro I'm an absolute utter genius someone said there's a secret unit on this map we're going to go to this map and sandbox and find it easy claps someone tell me when the fight is over I need help I don't even need the headph phones to know I don't need the headphones I'm going put them back on in 10 seconds and it's going to say Victory 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 huh okay so they're they're on some BS you know what it is it's because there's a secret thing on this map that I don't have that's what it is what is the name of this map again bread and butter oh I'm about to I'm about to butter their biscuits let's try to let's try to find I don't even know what type of thing looking for on this map oh I didn't even have to look it up is there any discussion on if I'm a genius or not anymore is there any discussion like honestly this so ridiculous I'm so dang smart man I mean I found I found one without looking it up I feel like that gives me a pass to look the other one up I'm not going to lie to you oh I didn't have to search this one up either I didn't have to search it up either oh my God Jester just my type of man I love a man that can tell jokes there's another one Jesus this map is loaded let's see where else where else would it be where else would it be where else would it be where else would it be already found one how was I supposed to figure out that one tree out of all these other trees I guess it is the smallest individual one but I would have never I would have never assumed it's this tree that was pure your [Music] luck a giant how did they know I like my men over 65 going back to campaign we're about to we're about to go to the Venture we're going to we're going to teach them what's up how much do these cost uh we have the Executioner we have the jester where's the tree giant at oh my God 4K I guess we have to wait we have to wait for another time we're going to go executioner on them two executioners we're going to go a cheerleader and then a Jester boom this is this is the lineup this is it this is it yeah yeah do I need to can I just close my eyes again look at him look at the go oh no go you can do it is y'all y'all are supposed to be special units from this map and y'all are telling me y'all can't take out like three people this is not even competition for real you can't go against a club okay okay okay I honestly think we should go a couple of archers for some for some uh damage and distance I think we should throw in a Jester just because I want to see what they do and then let's go back to Medieval let's throw in no let's throw in let's throw in the Executioner just to see what they do what what hello are you good are you good gang hey I'm coming I'mma get you I feel like we're on a I didn't even get to see us win cuz I was too busy concerned with the opposition oh God I just had such a caring heart oh my goodness I just care so much okay we already got the secret off of this map so we're going to put her down by default boom cheerleader by default uh honestly it's so it's so easy to win this map but we're we're not going to we're going to I'm curious I'm curious I'm very curious one bone Mage let's just throw in a spear thrower just a couple of those just for fun let's see what they do with the D Mage he even he didn't even get to okay yeah they're not even attack okay so this is literally what happened Mr Popo's the bone Mage right so what they did right and then they just they just they hammered there was no comp whatsoever we lost to some nonsense because they got in the way so let's do this again like why can they fly like they literally look like fleas they look just like fleas let's go ah this is what I love to see ah this is just so lovely man so lovely it's this might he just might be the best he might just be the best thing in this game he might just be the best thing in the game it's not even close oh we're going to go see we're going to find something on this map though that statue looks very appetizing are you a unit please oh that would have been cool Miss opportunity right there okay fishing rod but no Fisher oh Arrow nice an AR what does that even mean you're an Archer buddy okay don't try to don't try to get all oh extra extra on me now you're an Archer as simple as that campaign boom oh we're on the the Final Destination farmer it said something about farmer so we're going to we're going to Farmer it one onone let's see what happens [Music] okay what map is this cuz I don't think I can use any of these people yet maybe this is like maybe this is where the tree Giants uh uh shines I don't remember oh no this is supposed to be for the farmer I don't think the tree Giants are Farmer they might be a farmer though trees farming that makes sense they just waving around Big Sticks of broccoli that's all that's really y'all broccoli Slingers and they be having it toed back when they throwing that G eat your vegetables eat your vegetables easy dubs oh okay now we can use that we can use that uh thing we just got I don't have enough for her that's so annoying medieval why are they on my side of the map a couple he healers like the fact that they are literally on my side is so crazy they really [Music] yeah yeah toss them yep toss them toss him all four Knights are still alive there was no competition okay I don't have enough for this says Final Destination for sorcer I don't know what a sorcer is but let's go a spear thrower here and see what happens come on come on like you're so weak bro it's a easy clap right here boom a man it's just it's just too easy kill 10 units with a giant with a single stroke he just one stroked 10 units yall said there is something on here let's go and look for it then there's not many places it can be oh right here my God I'm so good at this what oh my God I'm so good at this oh I'm so good at this farmer snow what the heck is this what the wheelbarrow Dragon oh that makes sense y let's just try out the new characters right now and then after that we're going to call it we're going to call it a quits I just want to I just want to see something real quick okay tree giant with 10 and then we're going to we're going to match it with the mammoth yeah yeah yeah okay let's see how this works I'm I'm I'm rolling with Manny at all times I'm rolling with Manny at all times I'm rolling with Manny at all times I'm rolling with Manny at all times at all times oh my God Manny get up get [Music] up oh you're not I'm not just going to let yall I'm not going to let you do Manny like that okay we about to we about to run we about to run something Fair a little bit more fair than that this is a little bit more fair this is a little bit more fair yeah yeah yeah get get Tred by two BB he one shoted both of them at the same time come on come on please [Music] please there you can't there's no way you're getting this one can't get out of this one this game should not let you get out of this one this game should not yes yes yes I like this I [Music] like what what are no no okay okay okay okay okay we get it you're just you're just a counter against them you're just a counter you're but what about but what about this they got distance are you they got range yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] yeah yeah yeah yeah come on die he's not close he's not he he's [Music] Okay no Okay okay this is this is actually please just win bro please just win I'm sick and tired of yes yes yeah what why did he fall finally it was just a little unfair but oh my God now I need I need to see what this other this other character is about aritra what you about okay oh oh oh oh you have a PowerUp shot and it didn't do it doesn't mean nothing it didn't mean nothing it literally it literally meant nothing it lit it literally didn't mean a dang thing like I know it's just because she missed a shot we're going to do that right we're going to do that and then we're going to do we're going to do something very similar over here very similar very similar yep [Laughter] what what Isen what is happening here you go girl you go okay okay okay we need to still we need to still test out a couple more people will Barrel Dragon I think that's the only one we haven't tried actually I haven't really got to seen the jester in action so let's just we're doing something a little bit just a little bit more tame okay he can fall off though he can fall off and now he throwing hands that's when you lose thank you what if you give you a couple of cheerleaders to match though how how much crazy like how much crazier can he really get you know cuz he's not going to be able to be in the distance of the cheerleader so I'mma put the I'mma put the cheerleaders a little bit closer cuz he's going to be able to move fast how much how dangerous can you really get how dangerous can you really get how oh okay okay let's put you let's put you up against some real comp though some real comp real quick hold up he survived how is he still alive he's down though he's down though they lost I don't know why I put this dude over here so we found out that the tree giant is absolutely broken like pound for pound he's the most broken which is crazy cuz he's humongous but that's what we're going to call that a g now
Channel: Wackawackamun Gaming
Views: 261,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 49M-B0FSYB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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