CELEBRATION CAKE Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass it On S2 E23 | Sorted Food

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(upbeat music) - I don't know what to do. (upbeat music) - That's annoying! - It looks terrible. - [Mike] We're hiding these, ow! - What is going on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious. - [Janice] Oh dear oh dear. - Hello everyone, welcome to Sorted. Today's a very special day, but also a sad day, because our mate and chef James has gone and got himself an actual chefs job. - Yeah, this is a real job, but I'm going to another real job 'cause I feel like it's time for some self development and learning. - He wants to go and better himself. How bloody dare you! - Selfish! - Well I know this is gonna be a bit of a shock to you. It's a bit of a shock to Baz as well, because this is the first he's heard of it. - Brilliant. (laughing) - But this is gonna be one of James' final videos for a while. - But I would like to come back sometimes and judge bad gadgets. - The door is always open. - You're a lifer. You're never getting away really. - And actually we've done a whole extra video today which you guys can go and watch now that recaps 10 years of James' journey and perhaps answers some of the questions you guys might have. You can go and watch that now. The link is in the description or you can wait until the carnage of Pass it On first. - So without further ado, Janice, what is today's theme for James' final, for now, Pass it On? - [Janice] Today's theme is celebration cake. (Jamie laughing) - Goodness. - Why would you do that? - Janice who's celebrating? (everyone laughing) It's me, right? - [Janice] You must create a show stopping cake to celebrate everything James has contributed to Sorted Food. You have two goes of 10 minutes each and James will now pick the order. - Wait a minute. - Oh I'm more (beep) off about this than I am about your news. (everyone laughing) - I mean it's an obvious choice who goes first. We need someone who's made a wedding cake before. (everyone laughing) One two, - We have both, yeah. - Then I think me, and then Jay made a cake at the weekend so he can go fourth, and then Barry. - Yeah. - And then I'm thinking like maybe a cake making sandwich. So then Jamie and then Barry and then me and then Ebbers. (Mike screaming) (laughing) - It's a chef bakers sandwich. - I'm in the two worst positions! - We could do the most damage here being in the middle. - I didn't think about that. I thought maybe- - It's too late. - Let's do it, get out lads. - [James] Oh no I've made a terrible mistake. (upbeat music) - [Janice] The guys will have two rounds of 10 minutes each to contribute to the cake, whilst the remaining group have no idea what is happening in the kitchen until it is there turn. (alarm buzzing) - Okay, I've essentially just got to get sponges on. Preheated oven, so a good old fashioned Victoria sponge to start off with because I am confident that I can make one of those. Okay, my flour, sugar. Okay, so we're gonna go butter in and then we're gonna go sugar. Let's melt some white chocolate. Gonna get eight eggs in a bowl, scrape down the sides, and then some melted white chocolate and then slowly in with the eggs. Got some really posh vanilla here and I'm just literally going to scrape that in 'cause it tastes amazing. Oh no, I'm having a mare. I'm having a mare. I'm having a mare. I'm having a mare. (alarm buzzing) That will get left for Ebbers to come and do something with. (calm music) (alarm buzzing) - Right loads of air in this, and therefore this final kind of fold in the machine don't want to overwork it. There is a little bit of a Huttle-storm but I think that was a great start. Some lovely light batter. Don't wanna knock too much air out. Two are going in there, two in the other kitchen, back in a tick. Buttercream, super simple, butter and icing sugar. But if we did that for James' celebration cake he'd moan, 'cause he loves a sort of meringue buttercream. So that's what we're gonna go for. Just need four egg whites. 300 sugar. Over a pan of simmering water, once that is heated up and whisked so it's no longer grainy, then we can whip it and then add in cold butter or room temperature butter. So I'm hoping he'll think ganache frosting maybe with a little bit of spice. James! (dramatic music) (alarm buzzing) - I've just literally just got into the kitchen and started whisking. This is a Swiss meringue. There's cake in the oven. There's no timer. I'm gonna set a timer if I can work out how. No, oh no. Janice, could you set a timer for 20 minutes? - [Janice] Janice, Alexa, same thing. - So I have to make a meringue buttercream because no one's gonna be able to make it after me. You want the butter to be soft. I don't know how to use this microwave. Oh no, that needs to go in. Go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in. I'd like there to be more cakes. There's two more cakes in the oven. Wait, how long have we got four minutes? We're fine, we're fine. I'm gonna try and set a timer on this oven. I've never heard that timer go off, so it might go off, it might not go off. So somebody is making ganache, I'm assuming it's Ben because Mike will have spent the entire time making a cake batter, which is perfectly acceptable. If this stuff hadn't been started from me already what I would have quite liked to do is make some kind of compote or jam. And I still think there's like an option for Jay or Barry to contribute like that so that we've got chocolate, we've got something fresh and kind of a little bit more fruity and acidic, and then we've got that merengue buttercream which is gonna be super sweet and super rich. All the ideas are here, we just need to carry them on. (alarm buzzing) I'm out, I'm done. Jamie! (calm music) - Okay, okay, we have cakes! Right, check the cakes. This is wet, this is wet. It's not clean, it's not clean. It's going back in. What else have we got? Chocolate, chocolate cream, hot cream, very hot cream. Ganache, what's that? It looks like meringue. Is that meringue? Cool, so it feels like we're in a good place. I can hear a timer! Ah, what's the timer for and where is it coming from? Timer, Mike's phone. Mike went first. It's for the cakes. Yes, right, but they weren't done a minute ago, so I'm gonna leave them another couple of minutes. So I'm going to make the ganache and I want to get a really nice smooth chocolate. Oh, this is beautiful. What can I do? Does the butter go in there? I don't know. That's still really, really hot. So I'm just gonna leave that. We don't have anything fruity. We've got cakes, cakes! I said I was gonna leave it a couple of minutes! Right, the one that was on the bottom is a) burnt, but also b) not cooked. So we'll pop that one back in and I will take that out before I leave. Fruit, fruit, raspberries and chocolate go really really well together. So let's make like a Raspberry jam. Is that how you make jam? I don't know, right, 20 seconds. Let's get this cake out, and we gotta get them cooling, surely. Cooling racks. (alarm buzzing) Janice, cakes! Barry. (alarm buzzing) - Okay, right, why is there an alarm going off? Nothing in the oven. Nothing in the fridge. Where's that alarm coming from? (shushing) Is that an alarm? Why's there an alarm? Oh my god, there are more cakes! Were they meant for me, or were they meant for Jamie? Oh no that's boiling, turn that down. Ah, what's going on? This is a, oh no. I need to get these out of, what is that? What is that Jamie? I've just realised that's not a cooling rack? All right, let's let these cool down. Can I look at one of our books? How do you make a butter meringue? - [Janice] I think he means meringue buttercream. - Whisk until cool and stiff, continue to whisk and add the butter a few cubes at a time. Until it's incorporated into the whites and then mix it very smooth. I've got 10 seconds left. All I've done is taken some sponges out of the oven to let them cool and I might be destroying this (alarm buzzing) butter meringue, Jamie, Jamie. (calm music) - Right, it's only been ten minutes. Where were there more, were there more cakes? There were more cakes? Let's put the butter into here, which has now cooled down, perfect. Fruit and sugar, is that compote? Cause it's almost like a jam except there's no pectin in it. Lad, look at that, pectin. - [Janice] I think he's more dad than lad. - I mean, it looks all right. It's, you know, it's combining and stuff. I'm trying to think what's coming up. I'm the first of the second go round, right? What's gotta happen in those 40 minutes. Those cakes have got to cool. Everything has got to cool. I've also had a thought. If it's a celebration of James, then it's gotta be red. - [Janice] But you're colour blind. - So. - [Janice] You don't know what red is. - I am gonna make so many people angry. That is red right? Yeah, that's that going. That's going all right. That's going all right. It's a bit pink, go a bit harder. Can you over beat this? That's surely got to come off of and cool as well but it's not gonna set up because it doesn't have any gelatine. Gelatine, I could put gelatine in it. We have gelatine? Gelatine. Yes, here we go, here we go. I don't have a little bowl of water so I'm just gonna bloom it in here. That's all right, that's all right, that's all right. Right, I feel like everything's got to cool, 'cause if it doesn't cool, we are screwed. 55 seconds left. How long has this had? This has had a minute or two hasn't it? Where's it gone? Oh, it's right at the bottom. Squeeze it out. Bosh it in. That should now go nice and jammy. Cleaned out my cake tin. Let's pop that in there, get that in the fridge to cool down. (alarm buzzing) Let's be confident. It's James' last go. We've done a really great job. This is gonna be brilliant. Nine out of 10, Baz! (upbeat music) - I'm back too soon. I'm back too soon. Where's everything gone, fridge? What happened? What is that? And why are we making James a pink cake? I am going to chop these cakes in half. (upbeat music) Right, okay, find the middle. So you cut around the edge to give yourself a guideline. Okay, right, we're now going in boys, so long motions. That's the key to this. (upbeat music) Practice one. This will allow the cakes cool quicker. Also, maybe get more jam, ganache, cream between each layer perhaps. It's a good, good looking cake It is missing as little something something that a chef can bring. Well, that's also cool, that could work. So I feel like we need to up the ante a little bit and make this something that James will be proud of. So it needs a little bit of like these roses thrown at it to go with a pink icing that's now there. And there's 10 seconds, so I can't do anything. All I can do is hint towards the direction. (alarm buzzing) I haven't brought anything new to the table. So therefore I'm gonna give myself a three. I think it has to be quite fair, three. James! (dramatic music) (alarm buzzing) - We've got very well sliced cakes. They look great. What else have we got, mess. Okay, so I see my job right now as preparing for Ben and Mike to assemble this cake. So I'm gonna try and find all the elements. Why is it pink? There's not too much of this. That tastes pretty good. I'm pleased. People wanna do rose. I like rose, it's going in the jam. Somebody's done a really good job with this. It's like a really nice jam. I might chop some fresh fruit through it, 'cause I don't think that's enough for all of those layers. I like the rose and pistachio idea, and it goes with the raspberries. What's really nice is cooked jam mixed with fresh fruit. I think that's cool. I don't think I've ruined that. I think I've not made it better but just increased the quantity. Ah the rose comes through really nicely. I'm gonna put a tiny, tiny, tiny bit more in. Oh you know what, do you know what I saw on the table? Where is it, where is it? Glamour and sparkle. What I wanna do is chop the pistachios and mix it with the glamour and sparkles, so that Ebbers doesn't have a choice. So we have our first sponge. Cool, that's it. I'm quite happy with what I've done. I'm gonna turn the hob off, whoever's last. Think it was Barry. I'm happy. I carried on some stuff. I've made it look nice. I don't know, like seven and a half out of ten, I think is a reasonable final Pass it On score. I think Ebbers is gonna be ecstatic with this. If he's not, then I may as well leave. No, no, no, no. We can't do that, Ben! (calm music) (alarm buzzing) - Here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go. 50 minutes have passed since I left, 20 to go. We seem to have everything ready. Right, I'm just gonna go for it. I'm gonna go generous amounts of buttercream. These are great sponges. And then maybe jam on the next one. Maybe five layers is enough. Ample jam, ample sponge, ample buttercream. This is good. Oh no, cake first, there we go. I got so excited there. I think that's getting good, 'cause I think much more than that and we start to squeeze the weight of it down and start to squish the bottom. And nobody wants a squished bottom. I'm in shock. Okay, we got three layers of buttercream, two layers of jam. I don't think we need that. So I'm going to commit to removing those two. This is so tidy, I can't get over it. We're gonna have to do something on the outside but I'm gonna leave the top relatively clean. Cause that can be for the ganache, which can then dribble down the sides. Scratchy, scratchy, scratch. I don't mind if a little bit of sponge shines through. That's kind of the point. Oh God. Right, one thing we can learn. If you can't clean it, cover it. I don't think that's bad at all. All Mike has to do is ganache and throw flowers at it. I'm going to go seven out of 10. Mike, don't mess it up. (dramatic music) - Here we go. We've got a cake Dawning realisation that I can only (beep) this up. I guess ganache on top. It looks like the right consistency, so I just want, oh please do this little runny thing. I mean otherwise... cor... it will be so disappointing if it didn't do the runny thing, wouldn't it? No, do the runny thing. Come on, let's just get this on there. I didn't wanna go overboard, but hey, it's not really doing much, so come on. Oh no it's not doing the dribble guys. Get down, there we go. It's just gonna be a bit thick. Okay, whatever. Oh, it's (laughing). No, no this is going to be so disappointing for people. Come on gravity, help me out. It's not dribbling. It's not the right consistency, everyone. I've just given it hair. Oh no! - [Janice] Even our camera operators are losing it. - Guys, I just, I had one job. Oh no, oh no Oh dear, this is it. This started so well. Okay, what do I do? Do I just go for chocolate all over? I've got some decisions to make because that looks appalling. So we might be going for a coated marble cake. It's awful. Can I make a new cake in three minutes? So, okay, it's just going everywhere. If anyone asks it's a marble cake. Look at that, lovely. It looks so good. It looks so Pass it On. Well I covered it and I'm quite literally going to coat it in glitter. One's down. Ah, no! (upbeat music) (alarm buzzing) Well, I think I deserve a zero, because I might've made the sponges but I destroyed the overall cake. (upbeat music) Okay, take a deep breath. Everyone feeling good? - Yeah. - Everyone feeling relaxed? (popping) - [Jamie And Barry] (beep) (laughing) - Okay boys. - Oh that was good, that was so good. - If you thought that was a surprise, lift your blind folds in three, two, one. - Oh my God, that looks cool. - Whoa. - [Ben] That's pretty good going. Quite a jump from where are left it. - [James] That is something. - [Jamie] Wow. - [Mike] For James Currie. - [Jamie] James Currie. - Standing on the shoulders of (beep). - [Everyone] Cheers. - [James] Thanks guys. - Let's see what's inside of it. I have no idea what's in this cake. - It definitely says celebration. - [Everyone] Yeah. - [Mike] I think so. - [James] Nailed that brief. - Ah James, there you go. - [Jamie] Wow. - [Ben] I think that's not a bad little cross section, for what? An hour and 40? - I mean it's a bit of a wreck, but it's a fun wreck. - [Jamie] It is a hot mess. - [Ben] It's a hot mess. - Cheers boys. - [Everyone] Cheers. (upbeat music) - That's really rosy. - [Mike] Rose? - Whoever put the rose water - It's really rosy. - In the jam, that was a nice touch. - I wasn't expecting it to taste like that. I was expecting it to be so sweet. - Much more floral, not a bad sponge. Pretty damn good meringue buttercream, shiny ganache, gorgeous jam. I'm a bit lost for words. - The thing I sometimes hate about celebration cakes is they're overly sweet. We chucked a lot of sugar in this. But it doesn't feel ridiculous, it feels fairly well balanced. - Yeah, I love it. I think it's great. I feel like it could do a tiny tiny bit of, a little bit of salt. - [Mike] In the sponge? - And maybe the buttercream. Just like the tiniest tiniest bit. - [Barry] You're so right. - I'm looking forward to the story behind the pink buttercream. - It's not interesting enough just as meringue buttercream on its own. Let's make it red. So I got some red food colouring, but in the course of my time I did not have enough time to put enough food colouring in to turn it actual red, which is why its ended up pink. - What's the correlation between James and red? That's orange! - Close, it's in the spectrum. - But it's not pink. - For a colorblind guy. - We left a colorblind man to colour our frosting. - We didn't, we didn't. (Jamie laughing) Coloured frosting was a good idea. - What did we score ourselves? - I scored myself a zero, 'cause I really thought I took all of your work and farted all over it. - Not all, you made the sponge. - Yeah I thought all the good work that I did with the sponge was completely undone with what I did on the sponge. (laughing) - I scored myself a three, 'cause I didn't feel like I added anything special to it. I just did what I was told and it really hurt, so three. - I did 7.5. - Fair. - I scored myself a nine. - Whoa! - I dropped a mark because the colour didn't come out exactly how I wanted it to. - Right. - I gave myself a seven. Well, I don't think it's up for us to decide. What do you reckon, James? Pass or fail? - Pass. - [Mike] Yes, well done. (everyone clapping) - [Barry] Fantastic. - Well that was a video. Look, as soon as James has settled into his real job, I'm sure you'll be coming back and we'll throw some rubbish gadge at you and chuck you into a Pass it On. - Whenever you invite me. - Go check out our video with James where we look back fondly over all of our past memories. That's live now, link is in the description. - And as always, if you enjoyed the end result or the process of Pass it On, give us a like and comment down below, how'd we get on. - And we're not done with James quite yet. We've got one more challenge in us yet. Next Sunday, tune in, you don't wanna miss it. Have you said your goodbyes to Janice yet as well, 'cause this is the last time you're ever gonna speak to her. - Janice knows how I feel. Just leave it there. - [Janice] Yeah, not that fussed really. - You could always seal the deal with a slice of cake. (beeping) - I wanna leave James with a good impression of me. You know, when he goes and he's in his new job in the professional kitchen I want him to go, Jamie would fit in here. (laughing) Maybe I'm asking a bit much.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 980,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pass it on sortedfood, pass it on, recipe relay, sorted food, sortedfood, pass it on challenge, recipe challenge, pass it on sorted, sortedfood pass it on, cooking fail, cooking challenge, pass it on s2, sortedfood challenge, recipe fail, food challenge, recipe video fail, sorted food recipe relay, sortedfood battle, cake, celebration cake, sortedfood cake, sortedfood baking, pass it on baking, sortedfood James, sorted food james, james currie sorted, pass it on james
Id: fqvQ5j9V32Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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