After two years I finally caught this massive monster! Deep water docks (S7 E81)

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it's probably a ginormous hard head y'all maybe not goodness gracious what is this thing here he comes oh y'all are not going to believe this that uh where we going to put this probably just put that right there that is for live kroer we got 12 of those guys $12 for a dozen we're ready to go let's get the kayak launched nice calm day can't beat the conditions especially after just nasty nasty weather the past several trips get this motor turned on and let's hurry up and make our way over towards the fishing grounds welcome back everyone if you're new to my channel welcome to mdlr fishing we're on the upper Texas GF Coast very deep water today and uh we're going to see if there's any big fish swimming around the docks over at Moody G Gardens last year or the previous year I can't recall how long ago it was but I do know that I got taken advantage of I was using some of my smaller inshore setups just soaking some finger mullet or shrimp I don't recall what my bait was but I was using that and here let's get cruise control on so that's what I was using the uh last time that I came out to try to do this style of fishing and boy oh boy did them fish take advantage of me they uh ran into the pilings two times in a row and I just broke off but today we've got the big spinning reel right here this is something that I used to fish from the bank we brought it out with a 6 and 1/2 ft jigging rod and we got a pretty hefty leader line right there 50 lb test and 3/4 that's a 3/4 ounce Egg Sinker a 4 o sized circle hook and that's what we're going to start with going after these Spas so uh yeah welcome back to the channel thank you for clicking on today's video I hope I have a good one in store for y'all quick speed check doing around 4 and 1/2 to 5 m an hour not bad at all love this kayak into speed okay we're here we going to get the setup ready a go so in an effort to keep my bait alive as oh no bro I hate these scubber holes I hate my life all right let's try that again the first one was given up as an offering cover up my Scupper holes just like that go through both of those little Loops probably need a smaller size but anyhow this is going to help to keep our bait alive a lot longer rather than beat them up when reeling in and dropping back down okay it's approximately 18 to 20 ft deep these docks are gorgeous Sunrise oh there we go we got him look at that oh my gosh broke me off wow okay that is raw power right there I mean I've got the right setup I just oh wow I got broke off that one hurts okay let's uh let's reset again goodness gracious man okay ready to go again same exact leader um man go right there in case y'all are wondering this is wax thread it's a loop that you tie with it and uh what it's going to allow you to do is aight of keeping your bait alive a little bit longer than you usual it's going to also allow for the best possible hookup is it necessary not even you don't need to do this I just uh go the extra step and like that first fish we got a hookup immediately again not needed but uh it does help go right through the top of the eyes inside that cavity oh no okay we got to get that back I Dro My hook go through both of those loops and then start twisting to take up that slack once you take up all that slack go down I don't know if y'all can see this but you just basically go down and then right through there get your guy inside the water and he's ready to go all right let's find our bait needle definitely almost lost that oh look at that there we go that is a big trout good night hit it hard but it wasn't the drag puller that we had earlier today nonetheless this is a really good catch man that is a big old healthy trout I did not bring the fish bag today I could string this fella along I just don't think that I want to though that was some really good eating good hook set right there with the circle what I'm going to do is uh check the size on this fella 15 to 20 is the legal limit I didn't intend on keeping anything which is why I didn't bring the bag and I didn't oh 19 and 3/4 look at that that is a gorgeous keeper speckle trout Let Her Go fight another day man oh all we needed to do was keep the bait alive I mean that I think that's going to be the ticket there we go all right let's get away from the dock he's pulling pretty hard I got that drag cinch down though I didn't get to see it but oh yeah it's a red that's a nice size dony right there look at that guy oh nice okay let's get away from the dock again these guys have got some muscle this is hitting the kayak oh man that feels so good so so good don't know that he's going to fit inside my net we'll try yeah barely fits oh man oh man that is a spectacular catch number two just slowly dragging these Bait fish probably if I had to guess 7 ft down somewhere around there oh look at that gorgeous red fish boy that is a nice upper slot oh yeah he's a bull by all accounts 28 and 3/4 of an inch state of Texas says a bull red is uh 28 in so little little baby they get a lot bigger than this right here all right get ourselves another another little lanyard oh my gosh bro get that back inside the boat winds are pretty high wow so in the past what I was saying is I brought my inshore setups which are these guys right here little 500 series and an ultral light Rod believe it or not that setup is more than powerful enough to tackle one of those fish in the marsh because there's really no structure that I've got to worry about it's just hey set your drag right and you should be good out here you got the pilings so you just need something that is going to be able to muscle that fella away from the pilings and then you should be on Easy Street let's get us another bait on okay all right we drifted far away from the docks Let's uh get right back over there and uh see if we can get us another nice size red like that I knew they were swimming around down there they're just chilling waiting for something to come by like an unsuspecting Coker maybe a finger mullet it doesn't matter as long as you put something alive in front of them not uh shrimp now every bait shop that I stopped at this morning had shrimp but if you've ever fished here for the locals that are watching you know that there are some massive pin fish they won't go after these Coker and the finger mullet that you get from the bait shops but they will they just terrorize your shrimp they'll terrorize you and they'll maim your shrimp they'll eat your shrimp they'll just steal it left and right until the day is done when you run out of bait really fast because some of the biggest pen fish that I've ever seen out here in our Waters they live right here there we go we got him he let go wait bit three times this guy's down there chasing bait nice nice keeper going to be about 17 in well that would be one fish away from a limit if we were keeping them quick measurement in a roundabout idea 16 Ines not bad definitely want something a little bit bigger with size but that is nothing to shake a stick at cuz the biggest you can keep on those fellas is the 20 iner again so not bad how's it going any luck one hard yeah I wish I could that sucks yeah I'm coming from an Margie's over there oh okay little WS I hit all the way down probably about theway yeah and then I'm going back all right good luck to you thanks Two Jacks a school of Jack oh a school of them yeah BL up onet okay that's that's really good yeah that would be fun to catch a jack huh oh there we go it's not fighting I hope it's not a hardhead it's probably a ginormous hard head y'all maybe not on goodness gracious what is this thing there he comes oh y'all are not going to believe this I've been chasing these fellas at the jetty for a long time time and not once did they ever show up whenever I was out there I come out here oh my gosh this is yeah baby you ain't got no shot bro there we go come on come all the way up there he goes right dude boy these guys they pull like a freight train I thought I had a hard head on or a gaff top actually like a big one oh man look at this y'all see him there goes the color oh man look at that spectacular catch oh my goodness of all places off hats by you oh that is so awesome catch your breath bro catch your breath all right I'm going to push away from the bank really quick and then we'll uh unhook this fella give y'all a decent look at him allow me to get a good look as well oh wow this makes my day right here holy cow thank you to the kayaker who said that he saw a school of jacks over here I wasn't going to make the trip to fish these docks right there but when he said he saw a school of jacks I was like surely it's either got to be Jack or Lady Fish cuz I think it was ladyfish that was busting up on the bait over there okay let's see if we can do this without falling out oh my gosh look at that oh my gosh spectacular woo we'll see you later buddy oh wowzers woo what what a day of fishing gosh that one took it out of me I've got one more kroer I'm going to get him baited put on the hook and uh we'll just continue I mean maybe we get lucky and catch another one but if we don't uh I want to end this on a high note man good night it's been a long time since I fought something that pulled that much drag and I know there's donkeys that live over here off of these docks and they just hang around chilling in the shade there's really not much strong currents that come through here but there's plenty deep water and uh a ton of bait I've been seeing a massive amount of mullet uh finger mullet to the big hor sized ones I've been seeing some fish fry and yeah what an amazing catch holy cow if y'all are interested in the gear that I use the fishing reel the rod the line the leader line hooks all of that stuff is going to be linked in my video description down below so feel free to check that out and if you click on anything there that takes you to Amazon the channel does earn a small Kickback so so I do appreciate it it helps to fuel my outings such as this right here with that small little Kickback from Amazon so thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed it click that thumbs up button and until next time tight lines y'all [Music]
Channel: MDLR Fishing
Views: 18,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Old 18 Outfitters, Old Town, Autopilot 120, Minn Kota, Spotlock, iPilot, kayak, fishing, mdlr, Buggs, Texas, gulf, coast
Id: RUsXflbtsY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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