After Thousands Of Years, Scientists STILL Can't Explain How These Strange Structures Were Built.

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we have managed to study science and figure out how the world works around us what is amazing is that this has all come from thousands of years of trial and error however there's so much left to learn that we don't yet know about keep watching until the end to find out which world mysteries may never get solved before we begin please take a moment to subscribe to the riches to give this video a like and join our awesome notification squad and if you're aching for a group of like-minded people check out our community tab as well now here are 10 structures around the world that cannot be explained underwater stone monument what if there really was a lost city of Atlantis how else would you explain this first odd discovery in 2003 a large stone monument was discovered submerged in the Sea of Galilee in Israel the discovery ended up puzzling researchers because they didn't even know how old the structure was shaped like a cone the structure stones are made from boulders and basalt cobbles the monument is believed to weigh about 60,000 tons and is about 32 feet high the stones were placed on top of each other and similar structures like this found around the world usually indicates some sort of burial researchers examined the structure and concluded that it was something that no natural phenomenon could accomplish so it was man-made but the big question is why was it put underwater and how in the world did those stones get there considering how the stones are stacked on top of each other someone would have had to have been really careful when dropping the stones into the water perhaps the Sea of Galilee wasn't even there in the first place it's hard to know for sure thus the mystery of this monument Nan Madol you could say that the nan Madol ruins are so mysterious that they even inspire fiction the ruins are located off the coast of a remote Micronesian Island the ruins sit upon a bunch of artificial islets and they're believed to have existed during the subtler dynasty it's thought to have been where the elite and upper-class lived as well as being a political and ceremonial seat of power the area looks like it could have hosts about 1,000 people in its heyday what is truly bizarre about this place is that nan Madol wasn't at all an ideal place to have a city for instance there was no fresh water in the area so growing food was out of the question this means that its citizens would have had to have brought food in from an outside source most of the eyelid served as residential areas but there were eyelets for specific things too like making meals clothes and more a mortuary alone took up about 58 eyelids local chieftains also had to leave their villages to go live in that module so that their activities could be closely monitored legend says that the stones used to create the city were flown to the location through the use of black magic the ruins also inspired HP Lovecraft to create a fictitious city based off of it in one of his books Stonehenge we can't talk about unexplainable structures without mentioning Stonehenge it is one of the most famous prehistoric structures in the world it is believed that the stone circle was erected between 3,000 and 2500 BC but it is also one of the most compelling mysteries on the planet how did the stones get to where they are today historians and researchers believe that Stonehenge was a much bigger structure and what we are seeing today is what survived the timespan of thousands of years but that doesn't solve the mystery of the stones which weigh over 24 tons prehistoric technology as we all know was nowhere advanced enough to move stones around like that there are some theories but the origin of the stones aren't related to their current location that means that the stones had to be transported some legends say that Merlin built Stonehenge archeological digs in the area indicated at Stonehenge may have started out as a cemetery of course all of the conspiracy theorists believe that aliens might have had something to do with Stonehenge or there might have even been some time-travel involved in its creation while we may never solve the mystery Stonehenge is a testament to mankind's accomplishments thousands of years ago the cott shebib the koch aviv is a 93 mile long ancient wall in jordan that has managed to create confusion within the history world the wall was first discovered in 1948 by Sir Alec Kirkbride he noticed the wall while serving as a diplomat in Jordan he was in an airplane when he saw the walls strange pattern what has historians so confused is the fact that the wall doesn't have an obvious purpose in fact historians are actually unsure when the wall was even built at this point the identity of who built the wall comes into question - but these massive holes in its history it's hard to tell how old the wall is and why it was built in the first place when the wall was finally mapped out it seemed to lead to nowhere the walls are believed to have been only about 3.3 feet high in its original state which is far too short for the wall to have been used for protection along the wall there also towers that seem to have been used for shelter something for hunters to hide in or even a watch post historians guessed that the wall might have been built sometime between 312 BC and 750 ad go sexes circle sometimes there are structures around there so puzzling they continue to make us scratch our heads go sex circle is an ancient ring structure that was discovered in Germany in 1991 it became known as the german stonehenge and nothing is known about the culture that constructed it based on the style and similarity with other structures around the world the go sex circle is believed to be some sort of solar observatory the structure is consistent with watching the rising and setting of the Sun based on the pottery found in the area it looks like the go sex circle was only used for about 200 years which is relatively short compared to other cultures data analysis also concluded that the structure was created somewhere between 4900 BC and 4700 BC because we're a society of names and labels the culture that built the go sex circle are known as stroke ornamented ware culture there is also speculation that the go sex circle is actually a shrine or some sort of ten there were headless human and bovine skeletons found in the area which indicates that sacrifices or executions may have taken place there caves some of the best discoveries happen by accident in Chu zu China in the village of Long youth the long nu caves were found after draining a local pond in 1992 several ponds in the area were drained and the villagers were shocked to discover that there were massive caves underground in total there were about 24 hand-carved caves discovered while there all their own separate caves they are divided by very thin walls the caves go about as deep as 100 feet and they're covered with carved lines and symbols dating back to about 200 BC the symbols and carvings are written in a foreign method which means that they have yet to be deciphered no tools used to carve out the caves were ever found in the area what makes the caves even more mysterious is that they seem to have eluded history itself there's no historical record that the caves were ever made which makes this discovery all the more incredible perhaps it is possible that there was a civilization so protected and guarded from the outside world that they eluded everyone who living around them Lalibela churches what if some of these structures came about to bring in a new chapter of religious history Ethiopia claims to be one of the oldest Christian countries in the world before you try to debate that the existence of the Lalibela churches seem to confirm this claim they have been Christians since 330 ad and the rock hewn churches of Lalibela date back to the mid evil times each Church goes 131 to 164 metres down into the earth there are 11 structures total and they continue to perplex the world to this day each interior is hollowed out and there's a cross chiseled into the opening to bring in sunlight these structures are complex and not easy to construct again we find ourselves in a similar situation as the other structures we don't know who built the churches but there are theories that the Knights Templar may have been involved somehow there are also theories that King Lully order to have the churches built after he visited Jerusalem before it fell to the Muslim culture the King wanted to make Ethiopia the New Jerusalem and the churches may have been built to welcome others works of old men throughout the Middle East there are these mysterious structures that are known as none other than the works of the old men they were first discovered in the 1920s by Royal Air Force pilot Percy Maitland he would be responsible for revealing the existence of these structures to Western culture the works consist of stone structures built in geometric patterns that are hundreds of feet across these structures are so big that you can only see their designs from up in the air they have been compared to the Nazca lines but the biggest difference between the works and Nazca is that the works don't actually make any recognizable patterns the works have been identified with patterns like wheels pendants kites and walls but there's not much more than that there's virtually no other information available some of the shapes have a progression while other patterns don't have any consistency based on charcoal found in the area the works could very well be 9,000 years old speculation about the kite design include the possibility of it having been used for animal farming and migration Teotihuacan some of the structures we talked about have been smaller in scale so it might make sense for them to disappear into obscurity but what happens when you have a large massive city how can something so large have little to no information about where it came from Teotihuacan which translates to the place where gods are created is a mysterious ancient city in Mexico that has origins of unknown circumstances it's believed that the city was completely built by hand before the 1400s it was the largest city in the Western Hemisphere it had a population of about 100,000 people and spanned about eight square miles one of the most obvious trademarks of Teotihuacan are the Egyptian like pyramid who knows how much contact the ancient Egyptians had with the people of Teotihuacan overall the city's origins are but there was recently the discovery of an underground tunnel that may start the journey of unraveling the mystery of the city inside the massive temple the remains of animals and humans were found indicating it was used to sacrifice animals and people to please the deities Derinkuyu have you ever wanted to live in an underground city well you can do it in Turkey located in Cappadocia in the central Anatolia region of Turkey is a city known as Derinkuyu it is one of the deepest excavated underground cities in the world there are tons of secret tunnels passageways cave dwellings and eroded caverns that really make one wonder if they've been transported to a different world the city can be found about two hundred and fifty feet deep and it hosted a population of about 20,000 people the caverns were able to host community meetings and schools essentially there was no need for people to go outside there are also 18 different levels to this city but today only eight of those levels are accessible the age of the structure is unknown but it's speculated to have been constructed about 1600 to 1200 BC there's little to no information available as to who created this city why it was constructed and how long it was used for given that researchers don't even know who built the city in the first place this place sure is a mystery it is also believed that the city might have been used by Christians trying to avoid religious persecutions and decimation by the Mongolians what do you think of these 10 structures around the world that can't be explained can you solve their mystery tell us your thoughts in the comments below don't forget to subscribe for more incredible videos and thank you so much for watching
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 941,498
Rating: 4.4094272 out of 5
Keywords: mysterious, paranormal, unexplainable, structures, aliens, Merlin, underground city, Stonehenge, Nan Madol, Longyou Caves, Derinkuyu, The Khatt Shebib, Goseck Circle, unexplained, the richest, therichest, cannot be explained, around the world, unsolved, mysteries, solved, science, scientists, can't be explained, underground, natural phenomena, discoveries, scientists can't explain, you won't believe, man made, strangest, unsolved cases, unexplained mysteries, nobody can explain, secrets
Id: co_rGe9Sx9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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