After Effects Tutorial - Shape Transition in After Effects

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[Music] in this after face tutorial we will create a very cool and interesting transition using just shape layers inside of After Effects now this tutorial is highly inspired from the toko graphics pack I'll mention the link into the description if you don't know about it I highly highly recommend you guys to go ahead and check it out it's an absolutely great pack with more than nine thousand plus sales so the link will be in the description so make sure to check it out and without wasting any more time let's actually jump into After Effects and let's get started with the tutorial alright so here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition I'm gonna call this main comp 1920 by 1080 30 fps and 5 seconds long here ok let's create one more composition which is going to be a lines composition where we can create our lines for the transition so let's rename this two lines and hit OK select the pen tool and I'm going to set the stroke at around 10 pixels and make them white so you can see them make sure your fill is set to none so you can simply click on this icon to set it to none and hit OK so let's randomly start building up some lines so I'm gonna just click and hold shift and click right over here to create a straight line then I'll go into the properties going to add and add a trim path not trim part should be at the bottom so you can add that and now we can easily animate the lines using the end and the start property of the trim path so I'll go to run one second set this to hundred create a keyframe on the end property go back and set this to zero then I can go a few frames forward maybe 10 frames forward in time let's create a keyframe on the start property go again and maybe around one second and ten frames and set the start property to 100 so now we have a very simple align animation so let let's make it look a bit more cool so what we can do is select all the keyframes and hit f9 to easy ease those keyframes go into the graph editor right click and make sure you're working in the Edit speed graph so let's zoom in a bit and I'll place my time indicator right over here in the center of this curve and let's try to create a nice peak so I can select this point hold shift and let's drag them we'll just like that then select this point and drag the handle just like so so we get a nice steep curve and now you can see a line animation looks a bit more snappy so we are good to go with this let's go back now we can simply select this hit ctrl D to duplicate it and I can place it somewhere around there I'm going to do this very randomly let's select the layer head you 2 times to reveal the properties slick the path I can select this point and maybe drag this out to create a bit more variation let's hit ctrl D again to duplicate it maybe I'll place this one right over here you can select the layer hit you 2 times again select the path and then you can adjust length of the path just like so so using the same process I'm going to create few more copies so hit control D that let's put this somewhere here select the layer hit you 2 times select the path and let's place a maybe somewhere around there hit control D again let's place this one right over here and make it a bit more longer select hit control D a place one right over here and create a bit more shorter part like that I think I'll adjust this one a bit because it's kind of aligning with the other part as well so you can you know do it very randomly and the more random you keep the move cool it's gonna look so selected hit ctrl D let me keep a path right over your son like that ctrl D I'll keep one right here also I'll hit ctrl D again and keep on right here so we get a bit more variation into the pattern or something like that so now we have our nice lines now we can go ahead and displace them a bit just to give it a bit more variation so what I can do is let's pretty randomly I'm gonna try to displace them just like so so let's see what we get so we get this really cool animation as you can see looks pretty nice so there we have our lines now let's go ahead and build up the complex shapes which are very simple and easy to create so let's create a new composition call this shapes head okay let's go into the lines comp and let's copy a path so hit ctrl C to copy the shape layer hit ctrl V to paste that up let's place this right over here select this hit you so you can see all the properties we do so now we don't want any of this keyframes here so I'll go right over here and get rid of all the keyframe let's set the end property 200 and start property to zero and now we can just animate the end property so I'll go at the very beginning let's set this to zero create a keyframe go to around one second and set this to hundred again I'm gonna select that here f9 go into the graph editor and let's create a peek into the center so now we get a bit more snappy animation as you can see now let's select this layer actually and increase the size to around 80 pixels also I'm going to select the layer hit u two times select the path and let's place this right over here and this one right yeah something like that also I can change the position so I'll place it somewhere around there maybe bring down the size bit let's select the layer hit ctrl D to duplicate it pull this below hit u two times to reveal the properties select the path let's actually make it a bit longer increase the stroke size as well to create a bit more variation select this layer hit ctrl D to duplicate it pull this below let's hit u2 times sake the path and the same exact process select this one hit ctrl D let's pull this right over here at you again two times and the same kind of process you can go pretty random with the pattern you don't need to exactly follow the way I'm doing it I'm doing it very randomly so you can just take your time and try to find a really cool pattern and try to make it as complex as possible well please this may be something like that so now we have a pretty simple animation as you can see but now let's go into the lines composition let's select all the layers hit ctrl C to copy them go back into the shapes and hit control V to paste them up so now we have the lines as well as the bigger strokes as well now let's go back into our main comp drag and drop in the lines composition so we have our lines and then also I'm going to drag and drop in my shapes composition let's hide the lines for now and just focus on our shapes so we have this nice shapes and at the moment it doesn't look that complex so to make it look really cool what we can do is let's duplicate this so hit ctrl D to duplicate it go into the crack map option now if you don't see this track matte option you can hit f4 on the keyboard to make it visible so silly the bottom shape layer and go into track mat and set this to alpha inverted so we get something like that which looks absolutely weird someone and then move the top layer a bit forward in time maybe something like that so now we get this really cool shape animation as you can see maybe a bit more but now we get this kind of a you know bleeding edges so to fix that select the layer go in effects and preset and type in a simple choker double click to apply that up and set this to -2 and that should fix that out so we get this really cool look as you can see now let's select this two layers hit ctrl shift C to pre compose them I'm gonna call this big shapes underscore oh one okay hit OK then I'm gonna select this layer hit ctrl D again set the track matte to alpha invert it again and this time what we can do is actually displays them so I'm gonna select both the layers hit s to bring down the scale properties unlink this and let's adjust this so let's create kind of a you know a little bit of adjustment to the scale so now you can see this the shape is started to look really cool and complex so now you can play around with with the design and you can scale that up to create a bit more variation as you can see and it looks super cool let's select this layer hit control D duplicate it and let's let's push this back a bit so now we care this really cool animation you can see let's select the three big shape layers hit ctrl shift C to pre compose them let's call this the main shape you can of course call it whatever that you want I'm just really bad at renaming things so now we have the shape let's select the lines and the shapes and you can see we get this really cool look now let's firstly go ahead and fill some colors so I'll click the main shape go in to fix and preset and type in fill you can simply just double click to apply that up and let's make it a nice hot pink so you get this really cool look as you can see but we're not done yet let's go to around one second select both the shape layers hit s unlink this and let's scale them up horizontally just like that maybe around let's go with 170 and this one with 170 as well let's select both the layers hit P to bring down the position and I'm gonna keep it somewhere around there create a keyframe go back and pull them right over here so now we have a little bit of position movement along with the animation so let's move this around right over here let's select the keyframes head of 9 go into the graph editor and let's again create kind of a peak to create a nice snappy look there we go so let's see what we have looking pretty cool as you can see let's create one more copy of the main shape so select the main shape hit control D duplicated so the bottom one hit s to bring down the scale properties and now I can adjust the scale properties also make sure to change the color so you can see the changes and you can scale that up make it different you know between the position and there we go looking super cool maybe I can just scale this up differently in the negative property and let's see what we have as you can see this is looking a super cool now maybe I'll select these two layers hit P to bring down the position let's go right here and move them a bit forward just like so yeah that looks much better and finally I'll use a shape from the lines to add a background so let's select any shape maybe let's select this one hit ctrl C to copy it and ctrl V to paste that up let's put this at the bottom let's solo this up so we can just focus on the shape so now we have the shape let's set the stroke size to 1080 and I'll just try to position it into the center let's select the layer hit u two times select the path and let's place this one right over here and this one right over just like that and this is going to be our background layer basically so we can select that and make it a nice dark purplish color let's unsolo that up and let's see so try to align it with the other shape so I'll select this hit you so you can see just the keyframes unless I just the keyframe like that yeah maybe a bit more I'll silly this part I think this part is a bit too far so I'll hit you 2 times again select the path and let's play this one right here let's increase the distance okay so that is looking pretty good let's preview this perfect so there we go there we have our really cool and colorful and looking transition using just shape layers now you can duplicate the shapes and make a bit more complex look if you want for example if I want I can just simply duplicate the main shape so I can hit ctrl D to duplicate that let's select the bottom one and maybe make it white hit s and adjust the scaling properties to add a bit more variation maybe something like that also make sure to turn on the collapse transformation so you don't get any kind of you know blurred or anti-aliasing issues so as you can see this looks super cool you can just play around with that create a different look and make it look really interesting so I hope this really simple and easy tutorial was helpful to you guys and I hope you will be able to create your own mazing who will shape transitions using this technique a big shout-out to Toco graphics back for the inspiration he has some amazing content in this pack so make sure you check it out the link will be into the description they got some amazing typography transition and many other different things with more than 9,000 sales that is absolutely great and that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then please do subscribe comment and like and I will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay Raw stay creative peace out [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 71,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects cc, after effects tutorial, transitions in after effects, smooth transitions after effects, dynamic transitions after effects, shape transitions after effects, line transition after effects, seamless transitions after effects, transitions tutorial, dope motions, graphic transition, tutorial, shape transition, line transition in after effects, adobe after effects, adobe after effects tutorial
Id: HYjsAxKZ8r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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