After Effects Tutorial - Dynamic Transitions

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the way in which two video shots are joined together is called a transition transitions are very important everyone from camera operator to the editor must have a good understanding of how to make a clean and effective translation so in this tutorial we will learn how to create a dynamic and clean looking shape year transition in After Effects I'm the kill from the emotions and without any further ado let's get started alright so here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition I'm gonna call it actually keep it 1920 by 1080 and call it in main as this is gonna be our main composition capital M is very important for me and for the FPS or the framerate I'm gonna go with 60fps 10 seconds should be good hit OK let's create one more composition which is gonna be our box shape composition and for this one I'm gonna go with 3000 by 3,000 pixels and let's rename is to shape underscore or 1 hit OK and then I can hit control Y to create a new solid I'm gonna keep it white for now just hit OK go into the main composition and double click on this rectangle tool so it's gonna create a rectangle just like that go into rectangle path 1 and hold alt and click on this link icon the two times so double click on this link icon so it's gonna create a perfect square really quick tip right there and for the size I'll set this to 1000 pixels something like that and this is gonna be our guide layer for creating the transition so I'll just rename this to guide and also I'll bring down the opacity a bit just to be a bit more precise now what I can do is turn on the title action shape and hit ctrl R to bring up the rulers to be even more precise I can just bring up the guides there we go make sure the guides are locked and now I can drag in the shape one composition that we created before hit s and bring down the scale property to 16.5 there we go and turn on the snapping I'm gonna snap it right over here it doesn't seem to be snapping not really sure why but it yep now it is there we go let's actually see if it's properly snapped yep that looks good hit ctrl D to duplicate it hold shift and drag it and it should snap just like that hit control D again shift hold shift and drag it like that make sure it snaps call it is very important for the transition to look very clean hit control D again and this is the last square zoom in and snap it just like that okay now what I can do is create a new null object I'm going to call this our ot for rotation and for now I'm just gonna leave it so I'm gonna hide this for now and let's go to one second and 30 frames select all the shape layers that we have hit P for the position clear keyframe go back in time at the very beginning and now I can just drag it and snap it at the corner of the rectangle or the path that we have as a reference so same right here just need to zoom in a bit so it snaps in and there we go I don't know why this is not snapping oh yeah there we go so now you have a pretty simple animation let's go to three seconds and copy the keyframes hit ctrl-c ctrl-v to copy paste the same keyframes alright now I can go right here at one second and 30 frames select the rotation first of all we need to parent all the shapes to this rotation null so I'm gonna go and add a parent option select all the shape layers and parent them to the null I can select the null layer and hit R to bring down the rotation properties create a keyframe go back and set this to maybe minus 45 and then I'll go right here and set this to plus 45 alright so we have a pretty simple animation as you can see now I can scale this up so hit s and scale this up just like that and also I can move it wherever that I want so let's say I'll turn off the snapping for now and now I can move it wherever I want I wanted to P maybe somewhere around there and scale this up a bit so hit s again ctrl shift H to hide all the layers and now we should have something like this not snaps in and then goes away so that is looking pretty good maybe I'll just move it a bit to the right just like that and then we can delete the guy layer we don't need it anymore so now you can see we have all the keyframes right here now make now let's make the animation of bit more smooth so let's select all the keyframes and hit f9 to easy ease the keyframes go into the graph editor and if your graph editor is not looking like this then make sure to right-click and select edit speed graph I'll select this point and dry the handle holding shift just like that select this one drag the handle to the right holding shift and now we should have a pretty cool animation as you can see looks very interesting okay so that is looking pretty good now what I'm gonna do is let's color this up so have I have a color palette right here I'll provide the color palette in the free project file you can download the project file from the description it is absolutely free so I'll add a fill on the shape layer or the composition that we have and then I can select any color that I want to use for this one I'll go with a nice yellow select the fill hit ctrl C and paste it on this one control we for this one I'll go with a nice blue color so that this one control we for this one I'll go with a nice pink control actually I'm gonna hit control V and for this one I'll go with a nice purple now right here I don't want the square to be very like you know into proper position so what I can do is hit R and rotate it a bit more so what we can do is actually select the rotation and let's say this 245 okay so we have something like that let's go right here and then set this to 90 so now we have a bit more interesting look as you can see that is looking much better alright so now let's hit a and hit you to close them up I'm gonna select them and hit control D duplicated bring this layers below and then give them a different color so that we can see them more properly select the top four layer and displace them or move forward move them forward in time of it and now you don't see anything because we need to change the color so I can go right here and select a different color as you can see for this one I'll select the red this one also the pop and for the purple I'll select the yellow so now you can see we have a bit more interesting look very very cool I can do that again so I can select this hit control D again bring them below change the color and then I can select this eight layers and displays them then I can select this one go with a different maybe popular color for this one I'll select a yellow color of this one I'll select a blue color and for this one I'll select a red color so now you can see we have this very interesting look and bam there we go they we have how very interesting-looking transition so it's pretty simple and easy to create now to add a text it is very simple all I need to do is select the text tool and I can type in any text that I want I'll hide the color palette so just type in dynamic and bring that on the top I'm using the chunk 5a font you can of course use any font that you want increase the size a bit place this right over here maybe and then I can select the purple layer so this is the popul layer and parent the text to the shape layers now we have something like that very simple and easy to do I can also add one more text so it ctrl D I'll call this transition there we go let's make this a bit smaller and place it right here and there you go there we have our nice dynamic translation shape transitions which you can use with some amazing motion graphic animation to give it a very cool look and feel so yeah that was a pretty short and simple tutorial I hope this helps you also make sure to follow me on Instagram add dogtrot motions and I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget to stay wrong stay creative Pisa [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 45,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Effects Tutorial - Dynamic Transitions in After Effects, Dynamic Transitions in After Effects, After Effects Tutorial, transition in after effects, how to make transitions, dynamic transition after effects, motion graphics transition after effects, shape layer transitions, create transition in after effects, clean transitions, seamless transitions, zoom transition, ae transition, dope motions, video transition, make video transition after effects, simple transition
Id: hEvp85FhHoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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