After Effects: Audio Spectrum Tutorial (Blinds & Gradient)

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Thank you. I'm a music producer, new to After Effects.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Platinum_XYZ 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] waking [Music] is [Music] is [Music] so just like always we're going to go to new composition in here we're going to set it to 1920 by 1080 keep it unlocked have it on square pixels and then put the frame rate on 30 or 60 fps have the resolution on quarter change the duration to how long your music is and you can leave the background color on its default color go ahead and press ok and you pretty much want to get yourself the background with the music we're going to highlight them both and then drag them into the timeline once you've imported both of them we're going to left click off of them we're going to left click on the photo press s for scale and then set this to 40. left click off of it go back onto it and then press t for the opacity and set this to 12. you can minimize this one and to create the actual audio spectrum it's really simple all you have to do is right click in the empty area go to new solid in here we're going to call it audio and then spec you can leave the rest of the settings on normal so make sure they are the same as the project go ahead and press ok next up we need to search for the actual effect and to do that we're going to go to the effects and presets which is right here now if you don't see yours open you can go to window and you'll see the effects and presets which is right here in there you just want to type in audio and then once you found the audio spectrum you want to drag yourself this one into the new solid layer that you've just created and to link up the music with the visualizer all you have to do is go to the audio layer and where it says number one you set this one to number three or where your music is for the starting point we're going to change the position to 186 you can leave the second one on normal go to the end point set this one to 17 24 left click off of it and leave this one on normal you can leave the start frequency on 20 the end frequency is going to be 500 number of bands is going to be 30 put the maximum height on 4000 leave the audio duration on 90 put the thickness to five the softness to zero change the inner color to a pure white color go ahead and press okay same as the outer color a pure white go ahead and press okay and then finally you want to scroll to the bottom and where it says side options set this to side a only next up we need to get ourselves some other effects so the next one that we need to get is called mini and then you'll see something called minimax you want to drag this into the same layer and this will basically allow us to make these lines much thicker so you want to set the radius to 15 and then the channel to alpha and color we need to close this one down and we need to move on to the next one which is the blinds so if you're searching blinds you want to get yourself this one right at the bottom and then same again into the same solid we're going to set this one on 30 90 degrees for the angle and then the width to 30. so now we have the blinds we're going to move on to the next one which is the gradient and to create that you type in four and you'll see something called four color gradient get yourself this and drag it into the same layer for this one we have four colors which we have to pick they are right here and we need to change the position so starting off with the first color we're going to set this to ff00 go ahead and press ok go on the first location and set this one to 285.8 for the second one we're going to leave this on 108 moving on to the next color you want to set this one to zero zero ffffc press okay go into the first position pray to 1627.3 the second one is going to be 174. color number three is going to be ff00ff press okay go on to the position set it to 240.6 for the last one is going to be 913. and the very last color you want to click on this one and set it to 0 0 0 0 ff go ahead and press ok go on to the position 17 14.1 go into the second color and set it to 937.3 left click off of it and the very last thing that we can do the nice little touch get yourself the stylized glow and then drag it into the solid layer go all the way to the bottom to the effect and we're going to focus on the threshold so leave that on 60 for the radius you want to set this to 162 the intensity to 1.4 make sure it's on behind and then change the glow operation to litten we've now got the audio spectrum so if we have a look at this you can see it starts to move at the moment it's a little bit too high so what we can do is we can go into the audio spectrum layer press p for position and then on the end one we're going to change this one to 653 next up some of the waves will be a bit too high and if you want to limit the amount it reaches you can click on here choose the tilt slash action safety once you've got this open we're going to go to the shape tool click on here make sure you select in this layer right here and then you want to drag yourself a mask onto here like so you can then go back onto the first tool and then left click off of it we can minimize this one we can close this one down if you want to you can take this off so you can get rid of it and then finally if you want to add some text you can go over to the music layer right click on this one click on rename press ctrl and c to copy the name of it left click off of it get yourself the text tool left click and drag this out and then press ctrl and v we can get rid of the end bit because we don't really need that bit the font that i'm using is called revolution and i've set it to 77 for the size we can then drag these back in now that i've done that we're going to go on to the first tool go on to the anchor point you can move the anchor point onto the bottom left corner right here now they've done that we're going to press peep position on the text layer for the first one we're going to set this to 168.5 and then the second one to 750.4 and there we go if you wanted to you can move it a little bit more underneath or keep it right about there and there we go you are pretty much done you now have your audio spectrum and if we just quickly preview this you can see it moves nicely to the beat of the music now one thing i've noticed is this corner bit right here because we've created that mask it's made a little bit more transparent so to fix that we're going to open this up go into the mask make sure this one's selected go into the first tool hold shift click on the left side so you deselect these sides and then drag the side a little bit more out like my so [Music] is [Music] the sun is about to go down so what you tonight is everything i can't think
Channel: VerticDesigns
Views: 13,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects audio spectrum tutorial, tutorial, how to, after effects audio spectrum, audio spectrum tutorial after effects, VerticDesigns, after effects tutorial, after effects music visualization, glow effect, gradient effect, after effects tutorial 2020, venetian blinds, after effects music visualization tutorial, how to create audio spectrum in after effects, 4-colour gradient, after effects audio visualizer, no plugins, music reactor after effects, adobe after effects, 2020
Id: XXVktc5ySrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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