Tiny House family built a 225 sq ft home to travel the world

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hey there welcome to my channel where I take you  on tours of unique homes and showcase stories of   people living alternatively this week we're  visiting Florida to meet a wonderlust family   who built a tiny house with the intention of  taking it full-time on the road Greg and Hannah   will talk about the challenges of building  a home suitable for cross country travel   and show us their solutions for creating  a space unique to their family but before   we jump right in and take a tour make sure  that you subscribe and hit that notification   Bell so that you know every single time we  publish a new video will you join there will you make this house our tiny home hi I'm Greg i'm Hannah and  this is our daughter Taylor and   our Welsh Corgi ladybell Welcome to our tiny [Music] house well in 2015 I was a construction worker and I  hated it kind of wanted out of it so we decided   to start our own business and I was just like  you know we have our own business we're working   remotely and the home was just kind of like a  burden to us so I was like what if we sold it   and traveled the world we were looking at RVs  we wanted to do this we just didn't think it   was going to work if we designed it ourselves  we would have everything we needed we knew we   were going to be driving it around so we were  talking are we going to do wood are we going   to do like age and my dad was like no you're  not doing wood because it's going to do too   be too heavy and you're not going to do like age  because the screws are literally going to vibrate   out of the holes and things going to fall apart  so this is a welded tube steel frame MH so it's   literally a fortress if we're going to drive this  tiny house across country he wanted us to be very   safe we could go anywhere and this tiny house  would hold up very well there was a lot of pride   in being able to build this thing myself it took  about 6 months to do the frame once the frame was   completed it actually only took about 4 months  one of the cool things when you're designing   your own home is you know it's up to you like  you write your own rules and no ideas off the   table and the total build ended up being just shy  of $40,000 that was because I did probably 80% of   the labor and the work on that I'd say total  cost with materials and labor would probably   be just shy of $100,000 we've been living in this  house for 3 years 2 years stationary and one year   traveling when we took our tiny house on Wheels  traveling we knew that we wanted to head out west   we knew we wanted to go to Colorado Montana  Arizona Utah Idaho so big question is where   did we park this tiny house when we traveled cross  country almost exclusively we stayed in either hip   camp or or state parks and then here my mom's  been in the current lot that we're staying in   right now so we have water hookup power and  we're here temporarily because the housing   market isn't the best right now but we're looking  to buy property is a good kind of intermediary Point welcome to the outside of our tiny house it  is 8 ft wide by 20 ft long and 13 ft High coming   in right about at 11,000 lb so for the width and  the height we are are really maxing out the legal   requirements here in the states for sighting we  actually went with corrugated decking the reason   that we chose to do it first was cost it only  cost us a few thousand to Shell this thing in   the second is weight corrugated decking is really  light and the third is it was really easy for me   to leverage my construction experience because I  actually have experience with sheet metal and I   felt confident that I could cut it in we only pi  pitch this roof 3/4 in that means from one side   to the other side and we've actually had leaks we  chose not to pitch it extreme because I'm actually   kind of tall I'm 6' 3 but in hindsight at least  a 12in pitch down would really have been a good   idea so when it comes to your HVAC system you want  a lot of room for the air to flow putting it in   the back of the house where you have more room in  front of it is critical so ultimately we decided   on putting it there one of my favorite things  about this house is actually the sliding glass   door and the reason why we wanted to add this  feature was because we wanted the natural light so   for the back end of the house it's actually a huge  window and it really helps bring in the outside   which is something that you really want when you  have a small living space all right so let's look   at the right side of the tiny house so something  to consider here if you're actually think thinking   about building this yourself is where your hookups  are going and by hookups I mean your electrical   and your water I put them on the right side of  the tiny house that is actually opposite of what   you want to do they're supposed to go on the left  side and I found that out when I pulled into every   single RV park and had to stretch everything  underneath the tiny house in order to plug it   in so make sure you put it on the left hand side  all right so come with me and we'll go look at the   tongue when figuring out the electrical system I  realized that everything when it comes to power   demand involves heat or temperature manipulation  so we chose to go with propane the stove the   water heater all of that is propane these are  25 lb propane tanks and they last about 3 to 4   months each we also have a backup generator here  that powers the entire tiny house including the   mini split which is the air conditioning system  this is a 30 amp electrical system and the air   conditioning the mini split actually uses about  15 of those amps so there's only five amps left   over in the system which is really great because  that's why we went with the propane so there's no   load on the system and all of the lighting inside  is actually LED lighting so the demand is very low welcome to the ins side of our tiny house in  the design phase we really wanted to accomplish a   very bright and open space we knew we were going  to achieve that by having windows on both sides   and also to really just have that General feel of  that openness we really wanted to go as Max height   as possible so from the floor to the ceiling it's  actually 11 ft another way that we really wanted   to add a lot more warmth to the Space is having  our cubic mini stove this stove can heat about   200 to 230 ft of space it's great for heating the  tiny house we also have our mini split heater and   that produces more of like a consistent heat when  we just needed it dayto day but this even though   it can heat our space it's more for the ambience  and the feel the space so if we want to just   make a nice fire sit on the couch just enjoy each  other's company I mean that was the reason why we   chose this feature in our house and this is also  Greg's musthave item he was like wolf I'm going   to build this tiny house I want my fire placed  in the house so we have a picture of Greg's Dad   here and it's really symbolic to us because we  really feel that this tiny house wouldn't have   ever happened if it wasn't for Greg's dad's  contribution to the tiny house build he's a   big part of this and we feel like wherever we  go he's with us and we know that even though he   didn't see the final build we know that he would  have been incredibly proud and knew that we were   going to be really really safe on the road as you  come into the kitchen something that was really   important to us was having lots of counter space  the reason we chose Butcher Block is because it   does bring a lot of Warmness to the space now  Butcher Block is known to be a little bit heavy   you may be thinking okay well you're traveling  your tiny house isn't this going to a lot of   weight and the answer is yes but we were pretty  sure this is what we wanted so we just focused on   a thinner cubby and then did more shelves in this  area so that helped compensate for the weight of   the Butcher [Music] Block Coffee station was  really important so we wanted to give enough   space to our coffee we also have the birky we were  going through a lot of different camping spots so   having clean water all the time super important  now this is actually not a washer dryer combo   why not just get a washer we don't really need a  dryer whenever we were on the road we would hang   a line from the top bar to the top of the AC unit  and then sometimes open up the windows get a lot   of cross Breeze and when we were at places that  we could hang a line outside and it wasn't going   to be too much of an eyesore we would also dry  our clothes there we actually have an apartment   size fridge this is great for our family of three  I think you could get by with a family of four   perfect size and then we go up here and this is  a a convection oven which is perfect and it just   really just fills all our needs then we go over  to this side of the kitchen where I have just a   two burer gas stove absolutely love this thing  I only need two burners so it's just perfect my   sink was actually more important to have a very  large deep sink also because I don't have a ton   of storage for Dish wear utensils I really wanted  to get things on the wall Greg pretty much let me   have my say with the kitchen because I do all  the cooking so I want to make sure that you   the finishes were exactly what I was looking for  so as we open up here we have these three pull   out dwares and also if you're wondering you can't  see it but our tank Reservoir is actually in this   section so our water tank Reservoir is 40 gallons  on the road that tank would at least give us about   3 to 4 days of General water usage for a family  of three a must have thing for me everything else   could go but I had to have one thing and it was  a pullout pantry and I'm honestly really really   happy with how this turned out and it held up  incredibly well when we were traveling on the   road something though that I did have to do is  when we were on the road I have two latches up   here so whenever we traveled I would latch them  and then secure it and then I would also put a   bungee because that would be an absolute disaster  if this thing being popped open and then all my   nicely organized food oh my gosh it would have  just been a pain to to clean up so I had to make   sure this stayed solid let's take you into the  bathroom it's kind of funny sometimes cuz this   bathroom actually at multiple times a day Greg  myself and Taylor will all be in this bathroom   and I'm like I I can't believe like we can all  fit in here never would have planned that out   I really really want this vanity I was really  particular about it simply because I wanted a   lot of storage especially when we're on the road  I couldn't have a lot of just like shelves and   boxes something I would change though now that  we're not traveling as much with our tiny house   is now I would do shelves that's something that I  would change and I definitely see this area being   upgraded in our future we have the composting  toilet super great on the road it gave us the   ability to pretty much Park wherever we wanted  to park and not have to have have a sewer hookup   so the size of this shower is 4T by 3 ft wide it  was important to us to have this entire section   the entire shower because Greg is 63 he want  to be able to move around it doesn't feel like   you're in this incredibly like closed space cuz  as you see here like my head fits fine but Greg's   head like he has to literally tilt this thing  back to be able to comfortably take a shower   so incredibly important that we made this entire  wall an entire walk-in shower so since our tiny   house is meant to be mobile we didn't want to do  tile and grout for one it's incredibly heavy and   two tiles moving around it would have the grout  would have started to crack it just wouldn't   have been a wise decision but I still love the  look of subway tile so what we did instead is   we did this this is actually like a a tile board  this is incredibly lightweight and it's really   held up very well we just did the cocking around  the edges but it's it's been great and it's held up so welcome to the living room this space  is probably one of my favorite spaces in the   house there's glass on all sides so naturally  wherever we parked when we were traveling we   literally almost had 360 views this is also  lady Bell's favorite spot and honestly it was   a part of the decision of why we decided to  put a sliding glass door because we also want   her to enjoy her space as well and I think that  she likes the space because she can see out as well so over here this is where I primarily  do my work we have the media setup if I also   need a dual monitor for my laptop for working  I can connect it here so it's a good spot for   this we design websites that don't suck for  independent financial advisors so part of our   job is to figure out how to make financial  advisors interesting and make sure that the   the information that we convey towards  their perspective clients is such that   their values are conveyed you know they let them  know that they're in the right place before they   go somewhere else so that's that's what we do  she's the designer I'm the marketer and I do a   lot of the sales and the client relationships  so we work fully remotely it's perfect for our   lifestyle and our living situation we have  our gaming section for Greg and the little   one and occasionally I play but they play way  more together so this was an important thing   for us to have in our tiny house because this  serves as our closet we wanted to make sure   that we could have an area to hang our clothes  these drawers are where we keep our clothes so   we have two drawers for Greg two drawers for me  and then Taylor's clothes are actually upstairs   three of these stairs actually pop open for  extra storage for more of like our Electronics   some office stuff let's head upstairs and  I'll show you the bedroom slash office so welcome to our Loft which serves as our  bedroom and office we wanted to have a space   where private from the rest of the house so we  wanted to create this headboard and on each side   Greg and I both wanted like individual ports  so he can charge his devices on one side and   then I can charge mine on the other side also  when we were traveling and our daughter was a   little bit little um a point that a lot of people  brought to us was like oh my gosh safety like your   daughter's in this Loft right can she fall down  the stairs so we installed this gate and what it   did is it prevented her from falling and then we  just taught her over time you don't don't lean on   this or anything but this is really it kept her  safe the entire time so she doesn't need much   anymore um but when we were traveling this was  really great to have so this bed is actually a   queen-sized bed and it fits nicely within this  space we wanted to be able to have walking room   around the side and the back side as well and  so this this bed is great another thing that   we measured out in the design is we really wanted  to place the Skylight right where our heads would   be so in the event you know we were out west  we want to be able to see some Stars it's been   great I really just love the amount of light  all right so let's head on over to the other   side to the office we want to make sure that you  could sit here and not have your head touch the   ceiling this loft is 4T High overall it's really  really comfortable we call this the private office   so if you need a little bit more extra space  you want to kind of be isolated from what's   Happening downstairs this gives you the ability  to have that space a key feature that we wanted   to achieve is we want to be able to sit down  like you're sitting in a regular chair and so   what we did is we actually did a twt drop below  so that you can put your feet down below and work   at the desk you feel like you're in you know in  a regular size room that was really important   this desk is actually on a piano hinge so when  our daughter was younger we can actually hinge   this down if we wanted to and then she actually  originally had a bed down here which is where she [Music] slept this could also  be additional storage area if   we need extra storage the right  and the left of me this is now   Taylor's activity center and then on  the left here um Greg has a lot of his books life for us since going tiny has really  given us just the freedom and flexibility more   options less burden we feel like for us the  trade-off of having a smaller space with less   monthly costs coming out meant that we could put  more resources into doing things that were more   important instead of owning stuff we wanted  to have experience is if we feel like going   and traveling for a little bit we can do that  we actually just reached our seventh continent   so yes we went to the ice continent Antarctica  we were able to accomplish that goal in 5 years   and it's because of this house is why we're able  to do that you actually realize you don't need   as much as you think you did to be happy I'm  deeply grateful for it it ended up being a big   blessing to be in this space thanks for watching  this week's episode I hope you guys enjoyed it   please make sure to like share and subscribe and I  will see you soon with another unique home [Music] tour
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 140,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, tiny home tour, tiny houses, tiny house movement, tiny house family, tiny house family of 3, tiny house with toddler, 200 sq ft house, micro house, traveling tiny house, tiny house on wheels, tiny house design, tiny house nation, tiny house big living, tiny house tours, tiny house for sale, tiny house lisiting, modern tiny house, minimalism, nomadic movement, nomad family, world travel
Id: tshKNTAhJyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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