Adorable Tiny Home is her affordable retirement plan! 235 sq ft

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hi there welcome to my channel where I take you  on tours of tiny and unique homes in this week's   episode we'll be traveling to incredible tiny  homes Community to visit twia and take a tour   of her custombuilt tiny home Twila will talk  about her and her husband's non-negotiables   for living tiny show us their solutions for  expanding their living space and discuss how   downsizing has allowed them to spend less time  on Home Maintenance and more time enjoying the   things they love and if you like videos  like this make sure that you subscribe   and hit that notification Bell because we  publish a new tour every single [Music] week Make this House a tiny home hi my name is Twila Welcome  to our tiny home in incredible tiny homes I am from the Woodlands Texas originally  lived there my entire life retired at age 62 and   1/2 to move to East Tennessee my husband and  I always knew we were going to go to a small   home we had the three-bedroom two bath two  car garage our kids grew up left home you're   still having to spend all of your free time  maintaining the outside the inside and you're   not utilizing your home well my husband said  how would I feel about living in a tiny home   we happened to found incredible tiny homes on  YouTube planned our house out on a little piece   of paper it was this rough drawing went ahead  and paid for the house then and about 4 months   later is when they started the build process for  our home a 10x8 it was a set cost for everything   we wanted to add to it there was an additional  costs but we knew that going into this it was   going to cost us more more we had custom windows  put in we had custom lighting put in this is my   forever home we had this built the way we wanted  it built the total was approximately $56,000 for   the home we live in the forest which is one  of the four communities is it incredible tiny   homes we have been living here for 2 years  and 2 months living in the community we pay   $225 a month for our lot and the water and  sewer you can't find that anywhere else and   then I pay approximately about another $125  a month for my electric and internet to live   here on a beautiful lot in the forest close  to the Smoky Mountains it is a dream come true Welcome to our tiny home the r is for our  last name Rodriguez this is a 10x8 freedom style   home with my Dormer up there we have a copper  metal roof with copper skirting we chose the   copper color because it just is a really pretty  color to us we decided to go with the flat log   sighting on our home we were given many different  options of how we wanted it to be done we had   incredible tiny homes put the polyurethane on the  S the polyurethane protects the wood if you don't   have polyurethan on it it would start looking  really weathered and it would start turning real   gray it's still good wood it's just a different  look we wanted our house to be a little bit more   shiny so having the polyurethane on it protect  the wood for us it came automatically with one   Dormer you could get an additional Dormer on  the other side if you chose to do that at the   time we bought our home we chose not to have the  additional Dormer I can say if we were doing this   all over again that would be the only other thing  I would change in my whole home would be to have   a second Dormer put in to give us a little bit  more room upstairs and this is the front of our   house the window is a custom window we wanted to  go ahead and have a bigger window in our living   area so we have what they call 4x4 it's 4tx  4 4ot we chose to have our mini split put up   High versus on the tongue so that we could use  the tongue is space we made a little tongue box   ourselves so there's a little bit of storage out  there but we get to decorate this for the fall we   get to decorate it for spring we get to decorate  it for Christmas all right now we're on the back   side of the house can you guess what this is  I keep my propane bottle in here I have a 30   gallon propane tank in here this lifts up when I  need it to lift up to replace the propane tank but   this also keeps it hidden out of sight and it's  very decorative and as we go to the back side of   our house we have our newest edition which is the  teeny tiny shed the size of this shed is a 5x4 and   my husband helped build this himself cuz we built  it on our lot here at requesting to have another   addition something for my kitchen because I love  to bake so in this teeny tiny I have some of my   additional kitchen things that are easy to get to  I also have a small chest freezer in here where I   can keep my fresh peaches my fresh strawberries  for baking This is Our Deck when we built the   deck we did not realize at the time until we  got here that we needed to add an addition to   the deck so we did this this way so that we could  put our chairs side by side facing our fire pit   we were lucky we got one of the larger lots that  are here in the forest so we have a big lot so we   were able to lay out everything the way we wanted  to lay it out and it's got everything we want in   our lives now from here we do have what we call  our tiny shed this is our storage shed this is a   6x6 shed we decided we wanted it to look like  our home so we went ahead and put the wood on   ourselves and we did the polyurethane this is  where we keep our outdoor supplies things for   the yard to work on the yard because you live in  a tiny home you can't have all of your clothes in   the home at once so we have our summer clothes in  bins and then we switch it out for fall clothes   and then welcome to our outdoor kitchen I have a  black St Stone Grill and I have a gas grill and I   have a smoker for when we want to cook those big  Texas briskets part of tiny home living is not to   be in your house all the time it's to enjoy the  great outdoors again getting back to the basics   of what life is let's all go into our home so  I can show you some of the features of my tiny home welcome to the inside of my home if you  talk to my husband he will tell you it is the   living room the business center because there's  where the computer is kept our entertainment   room because that's where our TV is at we spend  all of our time in this spot you don't need all   of these rooms in your home because you don't  really use all of these rooms in a home and   then this is my fireplace that we have and  again we were're able to find tiny tools for   our t tiny fireplace it opens up and you can  see we do use our fireplace and when we're   not using it it's a great storage place to put  my candles my husband did a lot of research to   find out what would be the best fireplace to  have in the home and we ended up going with a   mini Cube because they're made for tiny homes  tiny cabins tiny boats so we use this it's not   the only heat Source we use we do have a mini  split which is the heating and air conditioning   we wanted the fireplace because what happens if  electricity goes out in the winter it can warm   the house it's also for the Ambiance of having a  fire in your home all right let's head into the kitchen this is my kitchen area under here is our  sink which is a small sink but I've learned how   to wash dishes in a small sink I like to bake that  is one of my hobbies and it is also very relaxing   to bake so I insisted on having stove with an  oven it is not the huge oven but it does exactly   what I need it to do I can bake cakes cookies pies  breads today I made pecan tassis this is one of my   favorite desserts it is absolutely great it's easy  to make they're all homemade [Music] here standard   in the home we do have the range hood that vents  outside this is a microwave shelf I don't use a   microwave so we use this as our spice rack that  way we have plenty of spices for all the cooking   we left to do in our kitchen the kitchen is big  enough that my husband and I both are able to get   in the kitchen and move around without bumping  into each other and get into each other's way   I wanted a refrigerator that has a freezer not a  tiny tiny refrigerator but I wanted something that   I could have and be able to have my things I need  in the freezer and my refrigerator that of course   is full of places we've traveled around the United  States trying to find that perfect place to retire   and this is our bathroom over here it is about a 3  and 1/2 ft by probably about 5 1/2 ft I have a 36   in shower I think our 36 in shower is just right  I have been into a home that has a 32in shower it   fits a little tight and I've been into some homes  that have 48 in showers my 36 in shower is just   the perfect size for us we have our toilet this  is a normal toilet people have asked me that in   the past I live in a tiny home I have sewer I have  a regular flushing toilet we also instead of using   a water tank I went with a tankless water heater  I will tell you my water it gets hot instantly it   takes 10 seconds to get the water up to 122°  heat it has endless hot water because of the   fact it doesn't store the water in it it uses the  propane to heat that water and that is one thing I   have loved about having this hot water heater as  we move on from the bathroom back here is where   my washer and dryer is at I also have space to  hang clothes here so I have a stackable washer   and dryer that is absolutely great I insisted on  having that and I have it my dryer is a vented   dryer which to me is very important I love  having it because it doesn't take that long   to dry clothes this is just the same as what you  would have in your house or an apartment it works   great and behind us we have these amazing stairs  incredible tiny homes when we were having our home   built my husband had talked to the Builder he  was concern of how to get that washer and dryer   into that corner back there so the Builder and  then the gentleman that works in the wood shop   Rob decided that they would make stairs that  move these stairs are ones I do have storage   just so you're aware but my stairs move out so  that they will come all the way out so we had no   problem putting our washer and dryer in there or  if it needs to come out for some reason it's able   to and the stairs just go right back into place  and then we go up these stairs into my sleeping Loft and this is our loft or our bedroom  whichever you want to call it you go up   the stairs we come up here as you can see I  have plenty of head room to sit up in here   and the only thing I would have changed this  is the Dormer on this side with the window if   we had have done a double Dormer would have  given you a little bit more room and more   light up here but again this works perfect  the way it is I'm not going to complain I   am happy with what I have we keep our  clothes in little baskets behind our   bed my stairs have drawers in them so that's  where we're able to keep other things that we need every day is a great day because you  get to enjoy life again living in a tiny   home has made life so much simpler  you're not having to maintain the   home the way you do your your  bigger homes it's an enjoyable life thanks for watching this week's episode  I hope you guys enjoyed it please make sure to   like share and subscribe and if you'd like  to see more home tours that are located in   incredible tiny homes Community make sure you  check out the links in the [Music] description
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 387,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, tiny house village, incredible tiny homes, incredible tiny house community, tiny home tour, tiny house community, tiny houses, tiny house nation, senior tiny house, tiny house retirement, small space design, custom tiny house, small space decor, tiny house design, downsizing, tiny house retire, seniors in tiny houses, ith community, randy jones, tiny house movement, simple living, tiny home
Id: 63qa4093DQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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