After 7 years of rebuilding, TALLY HO SAILS AGAIN!

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hi my name is Leo and I'm a boat builder and a sailor a few years ago I bought a very old and quite famous wooden Sailing Boat for the price of $1 and since then I've been rebuilding that boat from the KE up with the help of a lot of amazing people now this episode is really exciting for me maybe even more exciting than launching talo because today we're going to be sailing the boat and that's something I've been looking forward to so much for so long before we actually start sailing though we got to talk about the sales themselves we've already talked about the main and the top SS that were made in the UK uh but all of our heads those are the ones in front of the M are being made locally here in Port townend and we're going to visit that Loft and see them being made uh but first of all the actual panels that make up the Sails are getting cut and that's happening in a different loft where they have a special machine [Music] hello I'm Megan Hudson we're here at Port Towns and sales today we are cutting the number one jib for T ho um Sean rankins of Northwest sales will be building the sale um and we're doing a collaboration we're using our Gantry arm cutter from Autometrics it's Unique for a small Loft a loft of the size to have a machine like this but we find it's a really important part of our quality control okay so this is our nesting program um so this is the designed sale right here and all of its parts and pieces so all of these panels here um you and Sean are going to actually build the patches traditionally on the floor so we don't have any of those extra pieces so these are all of our parts and pieces that we're about to cut out on the table okay what's that pump doing it is a vacuum so it's holding the fabric down to the table what's the advantage of doing something like this rather than what would have traditionally been done which is I guess drawing and lofting and cutting my hand absolutely it took up a lot of space and a lot of time and then unfortunately a lot of use of one's knees so it's easier on the body and it's definitely more time efficient [Music] [Music] [Music] wow that was pretty cool I that 4 days of hand workk on the floor yeah I mean yes cuz each panel you're putting put bats on yeah right and you take over the entire floor right so then nobody else can do any of their [Music] work so today I'm down in Port Hadlock which is just a short drive from Port Townsend and this is the location of the northwest school of wooden boat building which is a really fantastic local institution that has been training a lot of boat builders for a long time and we're here today to visit Northwest sales their loft is in one of the boat school buildings above a workshop Northwest sales in canvas is owned by Sha and Inger sha is making a heads and Ina is also doing work for talo she's making the sale covers and other covers for the deck hi there I'm Sean rankings my wife Inger and I own Northwest sales and canvas we've been in this location for 23 years and I got started in this industry in 1976 I've been following tally hoe early on when she was down in Oregon actually before she came to this country when Leo first contacted us about wanting to work with us to build new sales for the Tallyho there was a lot of discussion about the rig that was before the ratul loft got involved but then certainly once they did we got into sharing the design format between both Lofts this the sail making process first of all you need to get your measurements has to come from the rig that's the best once that's happened you can start designing we do lots of traditional layouts here in this Loft but we also do a lot of modern Sal making design that's in our software the first part after the design you cut the sails after that there's what we call the second layout which is where you're attaching all the reinforcements they could be the corner reinforcements reefs patches and then after that you're finally finishing up kind of where we are with all the head cells now where you're closing in after all the reinforcements and you're doing the edges so after that happens most of the machine work's done and then it moves into hand workk that's the last stage and sales like this can be parked in handwork for a while compared to some of the more modern sales that we make these are all handsone rings and of different sizes and eyelets that we're doing with reinforcement this sail cloth is made by Contender we've been working with them for decades and decades and they make a lot of great sale cloth and this is happens to be their light cream fibercon Pro and it's in different weights for the different sales for what the Wind and Sea conditions they'll be used in this cloth is beautiful to work with it's very traditional in its feel and its look we chose to go with narrow panels in the design looks awesome yeah looking forward to what comes after all these years to watch her growing and um now a little bit nice to see her swim and sail [Music] right well we're still a little ways off uh actually departing on any trips but we do have a couple of charts whoops this is SV sparts McDougall let start again shall we so these charts are a bit of a clue about where we're hoping to go I'm going to fold it I'm going to do it so I'm sitting at Tio's chart table down below and in front of me I've got a nice traditional paper chart and as well as paper charts like this and uh pilot books and tie tables and so on talo is also equipped with an electronic chart plotter so I'm I am passionate about traditional navigation but I did decide that on talo it's going to be backed up with modern electronic navigational equipment so we've got a PC that's mounted down below the chart table and we' got this nice big monitor up here and uh We've Got Time Zero software installed on it which is a chart plotting software and um as well as showing the chart and showing the boat's position uh it can also display our radar um our depth sounder and then there's all sorts of options to customize it and get the information that you want to make it clear because one of the um most dangerous things about those small uh chart plotter displays I think is you don't get a sense of the bigger picture so I'm really happy to have this and I'm really excited to use all of our navigational equipment uh once we start sailing we still need to cut it shorter so oh okay yeah that yet uh Nick the ores for the dingy so today we are hoping to go out for our first actual sa trial where we hoist sails and that's what we're preparing for um there's a good bit of wind but not too much so pretty good conditions for it and we're just going to be trying to hoist our maina our stasa and our jib so just our kind of lower working sales um and yeah just look for snags look for issues um see how things go up go down uh maybe if things go well we'll actually get a little bit of sailing in got me uh about six feet that one back to the double this one oh yeah you guys all right so we're going to go sailing hopefully fingers crossed uh we'll head out of here in the normal way we'll probably motor around a little bit while we get a few last things set up and then we'll find a nice spot where we got plenty of room all around us and head into the wind and slowly Hoist the main whilst uh lashing on the Mast hoops so that'll take a while stay so next and then finally hopefully the jib there's not a lot of wind but we are going to be healed over to some extent lots of checks down below to make sure nothing's falling apart breaking check for leaks in the build every now and then ETC number one rule as always stay on the boat life jackets in the four Peak unless I say that we need them it's optional but if you're thinking about it then just go and put one on we all know to watch out for the boom on this boat that's a really serious matter let's go saving let's just lose everything apart from this one let's L this one please of course you need somebody call deps no I don't think so so right up I'm right off look at that what see what's going on Leo one of the uh one of those cleats for the Gaff spans is hooked on a lift that any more slack in that there you go there it is why breathing so heavy all right yeah all right J all right we're going to Bear way everyone all right wow hey we're sailing we're sailing yeah the motor the motor still a that's really G there we go wow s looks awesome so good so good hey it's just like sailing a laser man we get that space little rigged up please and if you got a te measure you can come measure this go ahead and Hoist the stacil when you're ready please sheep fre Tipper oh sure sheep speed [Music] yeah okay that looking better all right that looks like a pretty good beginning height for your your for your tack pin at there that's working it's amazing when it works I mean Sean is on the phone right now for sake he's perfectly on the i' say a little more on the main all right can I call you back tonight yeah we're we're just bending on we're just doing our first sale in tally hold we have a stop or not oh no somebody reached for that hat man over hat overboard we're going to bear away a little bit and then TI all right I can see it I got eyes on the hat are you going to pick it up on the lur side yeah I'll get it with my foot then keep it straight W nice nice all right all right let's get the let's try and get the jib out [Music] ho SM hey there we go feel that breeze yeah progress man it's really starting to look like a boat huh guys wow this a boat now wow someone getting that shot with those mountains cuz oh I have the Z pretty good how do you guys feel about driving yeah let's dve around and chase them chase I feel good about it all right everyone mind your hats on the jve yeah bud we're clocking now I feel bit when I have those wees in the corners on that St this is insane this is abely insan oh my God that's the boat that my first real boat building Mentor rebuilt in the UK and sailed across the Atlantic no motor oh that's right you guys are buddies yeah yeah and he's also advised me a lot over this build that was like Ashley's kind of first big project right yeah woo oh yeah yeah that's it OHS we're flying right now holyo [Music] a [Music] critically low voltage head are FL as they going to go so here we are we're sailing I really can't believe it it's feels amazing um everything's up the main the stasa the number one jib and uh she feels fantastic sing really well everything went up pretty flawlessly a couple of minor hitches but um nothing major at all uh needless to say it just feels totally mad to be here doing this um can't quite get my head around it'll take a little while to sink in I think but uh very very happy she uses trying to keep the angle of the GFF the same on the way down so that the foot is coming down evenly everyone hold Sean's got a phone call Hollywood it's Hollywood all right so now be good time to get fenders up oh pled on it what a day huh Fender's over y forward Springs on right SE TR today guys excellent awesome sir yes sorry we don't have champagne fluts dude all expectations were exceeded today like to say thank you to Daniel for the champagne hey cheers everyone [Music] Che Chin Chin here Cheers Cheers ah so it tastes expensive does well it was so special to actually sail talio for the first time it still hasn't really sunk in and I can't wait to get out there again now we certainly weren't sailing as fast as we could have been in those conditions we actually don't have all of our headss yet and we weren't ready to hoist our top sace so we were under canvased and that was part of the plan really we didn't want to uh overdo things on the first sale but for the wind speed and the amount of Sals we did have up I thought she was slipping through the water really nicely really easily and um she sailed beautifully she was very responsive tracked really well felt very balanced the boat just felt really comfortable the helm that's generally pretty heavy Helm because of the size of the boat and the size of the rudder it felt a lot easier under sail than it did under power now I know some of you will be curious about how we're getting on with our gearbox prop issue and I am working on it and we're coming up with Solutions I'll be talking more about that very soon but for now thanks a lot for watching and a massive massive thank you to everyone who has donated or otherwise supported this project it does make a huge difference it means we're able to keep on doing this work and it means we're able to keep on making and editing these videos so I really really appreciate it and I'll see you next time cheers the
Channel: Sampson Boat Co
Views: 561,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1xdswaO2gbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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