The Most Seaworthy Small Sailboats - Bristol Channel Cutter - Ep 278

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have you guys seen the movie one simple question it's awesome and you should watch it but more importantly have you guys seen one of these [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the movie one simple question is the story of a young couple looking for adventure Who challenged themselves to drastically simplify their lives by living aboard a small sailboat while embarking on a crazy journey to find an iceberg their Quest brings them lessons in the joy of a deliberate life a greater understanding of Nature and A New Path in the pursuit suit of happiness and I love that not just as a movie with a sailboat in it because we love those but as a philosophy for Life minimalism excites me finding joy and happiness is one of the reasons I love sailing so much I love the sport of it sure I never pass up an opportunity to crew in a race but I love the Simplicity of it the spirituality the Tranquility the serenity you know how many boats are called serenity a lot for good reason one simple question is a movie that really encompasses a lot of my life philosophies and people asked a few videos ago why it says Desi data on the board behind me why that poem's first paragraph is on my arm if you go read it I think it'll make a lot of sense just like the boat that Benjamin and Teresa from one simple question turned me on to the Bristol Channel cutter and what a boat it has its own website Bristol Channel cutter. org and there it says very few boats have the pedigree of the Bristol Channel cutter both historically and as an icon of BluWater cruising fed yacht designer Lyle C hes originally based the designed for the Bristol Channel cutter on the legendary Bristol pilot cutter the epitome of yacht design in the mid 1800s to early 1900s these pilot Cutters had to be incredi quick yet highly seaworthy to race out to the incoming tall ships that were desperate for an experienced sailor to take their Helm and pilot the valuable ship to safety through the notorious Bristol channel for those of you who are Colonials like me you might not know what the Bristol channel is it's an incredibly important waterway in Britain separating South Wales in Southwest England Wikipedia says the channel can be a hazardous area of water because of its strong tides and the Rarity of safe havens on the North Devon and Somerset Coast that can be entered in all states of Tide because of the treacherous Waters pilotage is an essential service for shipping a specialized style of Sailing Boat the Bristol Channel pilot cutter developed in the area the Bristol Channel cutter has a fearsome reputation with the UK's in the world's highest Tides the ferocity of water movement combined with underwater geography makes the Bristol Channel a highly dangerous place for seafarers each pilot cutter raced its peers to reach the incoming tall ships first where the prize for showing up first was the piloting job that's how they made money the start of an arms race of boat technology that was the precursor to today's modern yacht racing making ship design incredibly important worldwide in the late 1960s American Yacht designer Lyle C Hess used his knowledge to create a ser series of boats which were incredibly seaworthy yet had an impressive turn of speed especially in light winds Renegade of Newport based in California was one such boat and its impressive racing career caught the eye of young Larry party an ambitious young Canadian sailor looking for adventure that's right the parties are in this story too between Lyle the designer and Larry the adventurer the plans for sarapin of Victoria were were born and Larry successfully built the boat by hand and sailed her with his wife Lynn for over 10 years circumnavigating the world in the process looking for something bigger and more capable the parties once again called on LY C hes for their next boat talison which has safely taken them over 200,000 nautical miles so what are these boats these Race Across the Bristol channel to win a job piloting a tall ship these Uber seaworthy s ERS well they come in different sizes from 24 ft to over 30 but this isn't just some boat that was built in the 60s people still make them in 2020 asraa a 30-footer was built in Virginia carll planked Alaskan yellow cedar over black locust frames on an Angelique backbone how beautiful is that the very popular 28t version has circled the planet more times than Neil Armstrong and is a Gorge boat 28 ft overall but weighing in at a staggering 14,000 lb its 10t beam leaves a lot to be desired inside but sugar Scoops and AF cabins aren't in this boat's vocabulary it job is to get the job done if you want a 30t scalpel buy an Olen 30 this boat's a chainsaw of long Keel transom hung Rudder and inor Diesel and that cutter rig the bow sprit brings this 28-footer to almost almost 38 ft and that gives you ample sail area to scoot along in light winds but a heavily reduced sail plan available for the heavy stuff and the heavy stuff they do that Cape of Good Hope Cape Horn they've been around and around and they're still doing it they likely always will I just want to take a second to thank the people that make this channel possible the patrons people who give a couple of bucks an episode to make all this possible the mission at lady King is has always been to get more people sailing more easily and I couldn't do it without you guys if you'd like to help support the Mission please consider becoming a patron this is a boat built in a time before GPS and accurate weather forecasting and meteorology for Lynn and Larry it was just them and sarapin the wind water and waves and the boat needed to be able to take care of them no matter what happened and she did this boat isn't without controversy though when Lyall has designed the boat originally Sam moris of California built them from 1976 to 2007 but other people built them too paying royalties to hes and Morris unless they didn't pay you see in the US there was a hin system Hall numbers like the VIN on your card but not everyone in the world used hens here in Canada back then we didn't have them so thousands of boats were made here with no identification numbers at at all I've owned a few of them and people argue with me on the internet demanding that I have a HD number and I'm just too daed to find it between 30 and 45 Bristol Channel Cutters were built in British Columbia with no hints and as such royalties were never paid to H and Morse because there was no accountability to do so so there could be some Cutters out there in the wild right now with no hints Wikipedia says that Bristol Channel cutter is a recreational keel boat built predominantly of fiberglass with wood trim it has a cutter rig a spooned Plum stem an angled transom and transom and Keel hung Rudder controlled by a tiller and a fixed long Keel it displaces 14,000 lb and Carries 4,600 of those PBS in lead in the KE the H length is 28.0 Ft but including the bowel sprit and Boomin it's 37.75 ft the boat has a draft of 4.83 Ft with the standard K the boat's fitted usually with a Swedish Volvo md7a diesel engine of 13 horsepower or the Japanese Yanmar of 27 horsepower for docking and maneuvering the fuel tank holds 30 Gall the design has sleeping accommodations for four people with two straight SE births and a pilot birth in the main cabin and an aft quarter birth on the starboard side the G's located on the port side at the Companion Way ladder the gle's El shaped and is equipped with a stove in a sink a navigation station is opposite the galley on the starboard side the head's located in the bow and includes an optional shower the freshwater tank capacity is 64 us Gall and the holding tank capacity is 15 Gall cabin headro is 75 in the design has a hull speed of 6.9 knots which is a lot a Blue Water Boats review noted that the design represents a Pinnacle of ruggedness and practicality while retaining respectable performance few boats can take the abuse of extended voyaging as well as the Bristol Channel cutter and I guess it's becoming something of a lyess masterpiece and what's all this rugged piece of world traveling history go for well there's still lots for sale Washington for 92,000 will get you one built in 1988 there's one in Florida that they built in 2010 that'll run you 126,000 a 2008 in Washington for 167,000 the cost is very high for an old design but the beauty the rugged nature The Staggering lineage of these boats the ability to get on board untie the dock lines and sail off anywhere your little heart desires knowing full well that while the world may be a big scary often bewildering place for you that no matter where you turn up on this planet this boat's already been there and everything everything's going to be just fine [Music]
Channel: Lady K Sailing
Views: 81,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sailing, LadyKSailing, Lady K, TRYC, sailing uma, sailing away, sailing delos, sailing around the world, sailing bahamas, sailing caribbean, sailing zatara, sailing ruby rose, sailing adventure, sailboat living, sailboat tour, sailboat story, sailboat refit, how to sail, sail away, buy a sailboat, bristol channel, lin and larry pardey, the pardeys, cutter sailboat, cutter rigged, sailboat history
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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