Affinity Designer Tutorial for Beginners - Learn how to use Affinity Designer Part 1

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In this video I'm going to teach you  some Affinity Designer basics. Let's go! Thanks for joining me on this video my name is  Juna with Detour Shirts the channel all about   helping you design and sell t-shirts online. In  this video i'm going to talk about some Affinity   Designer basics if you don't know what Affinity  Designer is it's an application a lot like Adobe   Illustrator if you've seen any of my design videos  you know that I design on Affinity Designer and I   did a poll recently on my youtube channel if you  guys wanted to learn about Affinity Designer and   a lot of you said yes you do. So here's the video  for you guys. This one's just gonna be a basics   affinity designer i'm going to go into more detail  and some other ones but this will be part one   of an ongoing series not sure how many i would  need in this series but i'm going to go through a   lot of the basics the tools on the left hand side  so i'm trying to go through all of those so you   can see how those are being used so you're going  to want to stay to the end so that you can see all   the different tools that i'm going to show in this  video as well as another edition of trend credits   so let's get into this so if you click the link in  my description i have a link to affinity designer   in my description uh you'll get to a website  like this or something like this depending on   when you're watching this video so this is the  affinity website you can see here affinity.serif   we're talking about affinity designer but they  also have other applications so affinity photo   which is a lot like adobe photoshop affinity  designer which is a lot like illustrator adobe   illustrator and affinity publisher which is  a lot like adobe indesign and you can go to   their store here and they have an ipad version  as well so right now it's 50 off so if you're   watching this video right when i release it uh it  is still 50 off and you can see these are some of   the things that it does it's just some really  cool designs you can see here this is a kind of   a high-end application it can do a lot of things  so you can get really complex here like build cars   you can see here so uh and just nice artwork with  the shading and the brushes so you can do vector   only raster and vector so let's look that's vector  right here you can see and vector and raster which   is the shading and stuff it's raster is what is  photo pixels you know those kind of things so   and you can use both of that it's just a  really powerful tool to have and you can   see here this person is using it for apparel for  shirts like that and that's what i use it for   and just beautiful beautiful stuff you can  do with it so just wanted to show you that   this affinity designer app is super powerful  and can do anything you need for t-shirts   as well as other things not just for  t-shirts just art projects in general   so you can see that here so you can save in all  of these you can scroll down uh right now it is   only 24.99 are you crazy that's i bought mine at  50 bucks so uh now is a great time to to buy it   i'm not sponsored by this at all anyway i don't  think there is any sponsorship deals or anything   if there is affinity people let me know i'd  love to do it but i'm not sponsored at all   you can do it on windows mac or ipad ipad is a  separate thing so just because you download the   desktop version doesn't mean you get the ipad  version ipad version is pretty cool too i don't   have an ipad version but i've seen it in stores  and stuff like that so good deals right now so   anyway that is affinity designer let's open up  the application and i'll show you some of the   tools in there i'm not going to have time to  go over everything but i'm going to go over a   lot of things so let's open up the app right now  so this is what it's going to look like when it   opens up it may take a little while for yours to  open up depending on what machine you have mac or   pc and how fast it is this app is pretty heavy  so it may take just a little while to open up   you'll see right here i'm using mac  so you can see right here the apple   and this is what you need to see right here you're  going to use some of these as well as these tools   down here so the first thing you're going to  want to do is go to file and new you can also hit   apple n right here or i believe and  on pc it's command m so just do that   and it's going to ask you what size you  need i'm going to bring this over here   so you can have some presets they have their  own so print if you're going to do a paper size   uh press ready photo size all these  things are preset sizes of your artboard   if you want to do your own presets you can do  that as well i'm gonna make mine 4500 by 5400   at 300 pixels and the units i'm going to use is  pixels right here and you can see right there   and then there's going to be i i'm getting  it hidden right here but there's a create   right here you can click that and it's going to  create that artboard at that size so let's do that   hit create and you can see right here this is your  artboard so let's go down the the tools right here   and i'm going to talk about each one one by  one so the first one is this move tool or   v is the shortcut you can see the shortcut  right there v and what the move tool does   is just move things around so if i had a  square here and i wanted to move it i can   pick it up with this black arrow the move tool  so anything i need if i had a couple of objects   here clicking this i can move that one or click  this one or click that one that's basically what   that does the the black arrow or the move tool  is to click on something and then move it so   very basic i'm going to delete these the next  tool down here is called the artboard tool so   by clicking on that you can see it's changed it to  say artboard you have options as insert artboard   or the size that you want some preset sizes right  here so i'm gonna just hit insert artboard first   and you can see here now this is the first  artboard that we did the one at the very beginning   and you can see the size here is 4500 by 5400  if i wanted to make another artboard because i'm   using the artboard tool i can just draw it here  like this and it whatever size you need it to be   you can click on this as well so if you wanted to  make the second artboard a different size let's   say the merch by amazon hoodie size then it's  40 50 here right so then you could label these   t-shirt and hoodie and the way you  do that is go to your layers palette   here and the first one you can just  double click on it and say t-shirt size   or whatever you want to call it and  then you can do this hoodie size and then always have this file or save this as a  preset and you're good to go so uh you can always   have this this size the merch by amazon t-shirt  size and your hoodie size right here and then you   could also make other art boards you know for the  phone case or the pop socket or the pillows so you   can have a whole set of artboards right here just  on one page so you don't have to do multiple ones   and just bring it in and size it each one  here so this could be like your your page for   sizing and just hold it all there all right  so that's artboard that's the artboard tool   the next tool is this one the white arrow or the  node tool and there's two different things on here   when you see an arrow at the bottom of the tool  some of them have it this one has it and this   one has it right here and this one so there's  three of the tools that have extra tools in them   kind of embedded so this node tool a has  a node tool and point transformation tool   so let's do the node tool first so this one  you can pick points off of an object here so so i'm doing that and moving the points whereas  the black one would only pick the whole thing   if you want to pick individual points on an object  then you would use the white arrow or the node   tool see how that works here so that's node tool  and point transformation tool i don't use it a lot   but what you can do is transform object by moving  the point so it would grow depending where this   is so you can see here i'm going to put this down  here and then grab this point and then just drag   so you can see how it's transforming the object  from a specific point so i'm going to move it from   here or move it from here so you can see how that  grows like that and it does some other stuff but   i don't use that that much because i can  just size it by doing this pretty much so   that works too so next tool is called the  corner tool so let me draw a square here   doesn't have to be a perfect square i'm going  to zoom in so you can see what i'm talking about   and make a black outline all right so here's  my square i'm going to use this corner tool   and click on one of these corners and you can see  it's only doing the corner and i can make this   corner rounded or some of these other corner types  rounded there's this flat there's this inverse   rounded and then there's this inverse corner  so you can see it does a bunch of those things   and you can move it bigger or smaller with this  tool you can also change the radius with this so   that kind of does it but only a little bit  this does it a little better right here and   you can control the thickness right here  at the top of your line so that's nice   you can control a lot of things in the shape  just right here so the fill you can pick the   color is the stroke which is the line outside  of it you can pick the color so and then the   thickness you could even make it a dotted line  or or different things like that or not have one   and then you could bake the corner so what baking  the corner means is it won't have the ability   to do that so if you like right when you're  done with that and you you think you're good   you can hit bake and you can see it now  it makes it point so it doesn't have that   round thing again and you can do this with  different corners so you don't have to make   it the same for each corner so this corner could  be you know this inverse round thing right here   if you wanted to and then bake that one and now  it's now it's points now you can use the node   tool to to move these points right so that's  all that uh the corner radius the or that's all   the corner tool does uh i don't use it that much  only if i needed rounded corners or other kinds   of corners in my design then i would use that  so the next tool here is my favorite it is the   pen tool i use this the most so the pen tool is  really neat this is where i draw and trace things   so the first thing you're going to want  to learn how to do is use this pen tool   so you can click and make straight lines or  you can click and make curved lines by just   moving this around holding down and dragging so  i'm holding my mouse down and dragging this around   this is called a bezier curve so you can see here  this is all mathematics uh and with this tool   you can as the further you pull it you can see it  make that or the less you pull it it makes it less   curved shape and then you can of course move the  curve around like that so it takes getting some   use to to to drawing but you know you could  even make a circle if you're really good or   i'm not saying i'm really good at making the  circle but you can see you could do that and   then move things around like this so this would be  really good to practice with the pen tool so what   i like to do is draw something on paper with a  pencil and then bring it in here scan it and then   trace over it with the pen tool so that's really  powerful and then there's some tools here with the   pen tool of course that you can make all these  different things not going to go into this but   one of the things that i use is this corner  one so you can make sure that it has a   curve so if i come in here and click this convert  to curves you can see now i have these bezier   handles these handles to make it more curvy  and if i want to take away that i can make   it a corner again by clicking up here so that  is the pen tool so next is the pencil tool so   kind of different the pencil tool is more about  holding down and dragging so i'm holding down   my mouse and then i'm just dragging and then  when you lift up then it makes those points   uh in there so this one's a little harder for me  but some people have that steady hand it's kind   of like drawing with a bar of soap uh it would  be nice if you have the ipad with the pencil   that works really well but just drawing it  with a mouse you kind of get you know it's   not that great i mean it's kind of good but  it's still kind of hard to draw so pencil tool   and then let go and it makes it into points  and so if those points aren't the right place   you can you know move them around like this and  make it more curvy or just delete the point and   have it that so that is pencil tool the next tool  under the pencil tool is a lot like it it's called   the brush tool or vector brush tool so let me show  you that one it's the same kind of thing except   this one is connected to a brush so you'll have  a brush tab here and you can convert these things   into brushes now so you can see how that changes  it into all these it's like different types of   brushes let me show you some of the other  ones that comes with it ink so you can see   i guess you don't see that that that different  let's do a different one oh acrylics is pretty   cool so you can see here so it's still those  points so you can still move these points   but it is a brush shape so it comes  with it so if you need to give your   designs that kind of brushed look  and then you can change it too so if you want to change the brush to  something else oh you could do that watercolors   do that so just this nice kind of brush stroke  as if you were painting so i don't use this   a lot but this one's really powerful if you  want to give your design some of that extra   look this is this tool is really powerful to  make your design looks like if it was painted   so that is the brush vector brush tool so i'm  going to stop right there we got about halfway   through these tools there's still a lot more  to do i'm gonna put that in another video so   that you can see how to use those other ones  let me know in the comments which tool of   these that we learned today is your favorite i  love the pen tool but maybe you might like the   brush tool or some of the other tools let me  know that in the comments and thanks so much   for staying all the way to the end and your  reward is another edition of trend credits Thanks for staying all the way to the end here is  your trend, "Just pretend I'm not here" so you can   see some of these are higher BSRs but there's  some other ones that are lower 725 here 126. So   on Merch Informer it's getting an A. Remember I  have a link in the description for Merch Informer   if you don't have it, a lot of other things you  can do here as well. If you don't want to use   this trend you can see here i'm just here for the  i'm just here for the snacks for the raid for the   wings you know so think of different things you  can say i'm i'm just here for the blank for the   game for the food for the whatever so those are a  couple of different trend ideas especially because   uh you know super bowl is coming up and and those  kind of party things are coming up maybe holidays   uh gatherings uh you can use that kind of t-shirt  it would be funny t it could be a funny t-shirt   for those kind of things so your trend is just  pretend i'm not here but think of other ways you   can do this of course don't copy what's already  here make your own in phrase and design if you   want to use this phrase make sure your design is  different if you don't want to use this phrase   use a different phrase along this topic along  this niche so that is it for this video and   don't forget to like and subscribe if this video  gave you some value give it a thumbs up and if   you're not subscribed already hit that subscribe  button thanks so much for staying till the end and   watching this video and as always keep creating  and keep learning i'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 86,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, how to, side hustle, affinity designer, affinity designer tutorial, affinity designer tutorials, how to use affinity designer, affinity designer for beginners, how to use affinity designer for beginners, affinity designer tools tutorial, affinity designer all tools, affinity for beginners, graphic design tutorials for beginners, graphic design, affinity designer t shirt design, affinity designer basics, affinity tutorial, affinity designer review
Id: sjv1t0bY5IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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