Affinity Designer Monogram logo Tutorial - Full and Free Affinity Designer Tutorial

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I always look forward to when your videos pop up in my subscription, Mike!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/R2D2_Fan_Club_Prez 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
and welcome back to keep on creating i'm mike and today we're back in affinity designer creating some vector stuff [Music] and welcome back to the intro of keep on creating if you haven't already make sure to hit that subscribe button and go ahead and hit the like button it really helps the channel out as well as watching this all the way to the end because the youtube algorithm says so anyway thank you for subscribing and thank you for hitting the like button so today what we're going to be doing is we are going to be doing some more victor goodness infinity designer now i did go ahead and do this other design which i was working on and man i just wasn't feeling it sometimes you just don't feel it i was doing this little potion thing for halloween and i was like i don't know if this is working it was this design over here if you do want to see that video make sure to leave a comment down below and i will finish it off and edit it and upload it but let me know in the next week or so because otherwise it's to the deleted library so make sure to leave a comment below if you do want to see this i'm not too sure about it but it did actually look kind of cool but i just i don't know sometimes just a little bit not feeling something but anyway so today we're going to be doing this a little bit of a monogram with a texture and it's a few different methods that i'm going to be using here so pick up all these little tip bits and let's get over to design this thing let's do this and we've got our affinity designer over here so what we're going to do is head up to affinity design across the file drop down to new and create a new document you know the settings that i do and let's click create so we've got this whiteboard going over here rulers on engaged and let's pick a font or for some text so hit t to get our text tool up t and let's type in k and c so you can see i've just got the two letters there and i'm going to scale them up so you can i've just selected those little blue nodes make it really really big and for the font we're going to use for this one i am going to use a font we used before which i think is called whiskey so if you've gone and got that one you're in luck okay so got a font going here you can see it's a font because it's got the little letter a there we no longer want this font we want to convert this to curves so a simple way to convert those curves come on enter you now see it's a group ungroup this command shift g if you don't know where that is you just go up to layer i think it is and where are you there is there the rubber on my mouse so ungroup and you can see i've got an independent k and an independency okay so what i like about the c is i like this little but i don't know what you call it over here there's a little sharp edge over here i'd like to mimic that onto the top section over here so we can either cut this off flip it over put it up there or what we could do is another method i'm going to hit alt shift and drag make a copy of that and this should work so let's just flip this over i'm going to flip vertical so you can see now that little uh sharp edges on the top select both of these graphics and i'm going to go to this align button over here click on that go align horizontal align vertical make sure it's all right now it hasn't changed the column widths over here or anything you can see i've got arrows on both sides my key drag everything here with this little mouse tool okay so with that mouse tool selected i'm just dragging over both of those c's and i'm going to click on this add button here and now it's one object together and i still got that c so let's just name this one c and let's label this one okay so we've got kc for keep on creating okay so what i'd like to do is we need to create an overlap of this now i have done this in the past so what we need to do is i'm going to select this item hit a to get my node tool up which is this tool over here that little white arrow and i'm going to select these nodes over here and simply drag them i don't know somewhere around halfway ish there i mean you can go and do this precisely if you wanted to and i'm going to drag it somewhere over here that's good that's good for me and to overlap this this part is going to have to be really long and i'm going to have to bring in these little bits all these notes here i'm going to have to bring them down so selecting all those nodes over there hold shift click and drag to make sure you're keeping it in line if i don't hold shift whoop it look really bad so just hold shift and i'm going to drag it to somewhere around about there i'd say so i can create a nice overlap okay so i want this c i'm going to select these little nodes over here so let's see all those nodes and all those nodes over here so this section of it and i'm going to drag them really big and long somewhere around about there and let's just see if i've gone too far i've probably gone a bit too far you could decide with whatever letters you're using how far you need to drag them and overlap them mean you may want them really really big or nice and tight like i've got them here now with this particular font that i'm using here i could try and use the align function for the which way for the horizontal but not really for the vertical or the other way around i'm not too sure what i'm what i'm talking about there if i click on horizontal then that goes the key goes too far to the left if i click on the vertical it's absolutely fine i don't mind that but i'm going to have to manually just eyeball this and say yep i'm about happy with that case that's on top of that c okay so what i think we should do here is we've got the k we've got the c let's work on one of these letters and then we'll just repeat whatever we've done on one of these letters to the other letters so with a k i am going to make it disappear i'm going to click that little tick button over here and proof it's gone it's gone and all i'm left with is this c okay so with this c let's start by making a few copies of this so to copy this we can go command c and command v there's one option okay if it's not working so come on c come on v make another option another copy of that or we can simply drag it to this little new ad layer over here so click that that'll give me a little plus drop it and then i've got another copy of it there okay so let's select this this this middle one over here i'm gonna actually make it white for now let's actually make it yellow so we can see what we're doing so colors make it that yellow this top one over here i'm going to flip it over and when i mean flip it over i mean take this fill and i'm going to flip it to the stroke okay and you can see we've got this tiny little black outline going there so with this layer selected still i'm going to go to my stroke and let's just pump up the stroke so make it nice and thick where should we take it make it to a nice round number uh maybe that's too much let's click on this layer of this little button over here which is align the stroke to the outside so if i click on that the stroke if i really pump this up if i click on this one over here you can see that line is going to the center of the black at the moment click on this line and it goes to the outside of that black so there's that blue line here and the black is on the outside of that line that is probably too thick for me if i take it down to about six that's good so just remember what numbers you do put in here because we're gonna have to do this later maybe i should write this down okay so basically what i need to do with this mice join over here i'm gonna pump it up a little bit because i want a very sharp edge here so first of all i need to click on this sharp edge here this miter joint and then pump this up probably about four and you can see it it gives you that really really sharp edge so just go up little increments at a time like three if i typed in three it was on two okay that was two i went three nope didn't work before he presto it worked so we got that line going there okay back to the latest palette and with this c over here this outline that we've got i want to convert this outline to a store the stroke outline to a graphic so you can see at this point if i zoom in here it there's the blue line going just this side of the the black line so on the inside if i go to layer and drop down to words expand stroke there it is over there so click on that expand stroke you can see i get a line on the over here i get it on the inside so you can just see it over here and on the outside so the inside of the outside it is now technically a fill so you can see over here it says it's a full color so let's make this full color at this point a white okay and now you can really see how that blue lines on both sides and go to the stroke palette just add a stroke color to this i'm going to add black to this i'm going to make sure that that stroke is should we put it on the outside of the inside just make this a little bit thicker okay somewhere on there make sure we've got that nice sharp mata join okay um i'm going to send it to the outside of it as well so you can see i put it the line into the outside of the stroke and i'm going to make this should make it one point just whoops make it nice and thick so we can see what's going on and then just up that mata point there so we keep on continuing with this nice sharp sharp edge okay that's cool looking in the direction that i want to be taking this tutorial this is affinity designer tutorial and let's head over now to our layers palettes i'm going to go to my layers palette and i'm going to let's concentrate on this c bit over here let's make a duplicate of this so i'm going to just command c command v or you can just drag it to the little icon over here as i said before now with the top version with the c over here i'm going to make this red so we can kind of see what we're doing make sure the it's the fill we're making red okay so we can actually see what we're doing and let's just i'm not gonna hold shift i'm just gonna drag this down a bit to give us a little shadowish type of effect so you can see where that yellow is just peeking through a little bit over there on the top okay so that's what i'm actually looking for there now select your c which is this yellow the yellow c over here let's make a duplicate of that layer so command c command v okay so i've got a duplicate of that now i'm going to select this top red one this let's just make this blue so we can see the differences so i'm going to make this click this top red one select your blue one okay so you've got those two little shadow effect there and i'm going to hit this minus button the subtract over here and all i'm left with is this little blue part over here which i am now going to make black okay because now it's a shadow shadow okay so i'm going to do the same for the outside of this graphics so what we need to do is i need to select this we could we could we could select this layer over here okay so what i actually need to do though is if we're going to select this layer i'm going to go command c command v and i'm going to drag it all the way down to the bottom right down over here just above the k making sure that it's not grouped into anything like this so you can see how it lands in here and it's grouped in there i do not want that i want this to be independent by itself over there okay so what we need to do we need to release all these graphics now the reason why i say release all these graphics is because it's because if we had to just work with it at the moment how it is we would just be working with a key line this probably doesn't make sense we've just been working with the keyline at this point if i just go layer and expand stroke okay and i just try to make a shadow from this at the moment so i'm going to make this blue okay and i just drop that you can see we've got this white bit in here and this white bit over here there is no fill in there so technically we can't make this area black at this point okay so that would be useless to us although we can just drop it down a little bit like that and just get it sort of into position now what i need to do is make this area over here i need to create a fill in that area so hardware creator fill in that area well pretty easy all i do is click this little button over here this divide and you can see it it basically takes those lines and everything and it goes and breaks it and then we end up with this that's my simple simple way of trying to explain it it just breaks it now we can make it all black and i'm glad i explained myself thoroughly through all that and i think i should just be uh yeah i'm not too much sure right now okay so we need done all that and we've got this full stroke whole layer thing we've got going over here i'm just going to click this little plus and over here and you can see now it is one object there's no stroke or fill or a whole bunch of lines going over there we've just got this really nice shadow on the outside and shadow on the inside so that's my shadow on the inside this is my shadow on the outside of course you can come and punch all this through so you don't end up with this huge big area like that let's move on to the next stage by anything basically that has a stroke to it i want to convert to an outline so i'm thinking this top one i don't think that's our layer so this has got a stroke in it to select that go to layer drop down to expand stroke okay so that's now all good i don't think we've actually got anything else i think that one may have a that's got a stroke on it so i'm gonna go layer expand to stroke and the reason why i wanted to change those two strokes is because i want these lines over here if i select this line over here okay this little indent here you can see how it's aligning to that white or i want this to align to the black the easiest way for me to do that is to basically just select this these two nodes over here click and drag them okay and i want them to basically snap to that stroke edge over here it won't snap to that stroke edge unless that stroke has been converted to a curve that's a little bit complicated but trust me it won't it just will not so if i come on this line over here i'm gonna make a new node over here so just by clicking it okay with the node tool and i'm just gonna snap it to that edge over there so anywhere where you've got a an edge like this one over here where there's a white gap or like this little gap over here or over there i'm gonna go eliminate those by simply clicking on this line over here got my node tool make another little node in there click and drag snap it up to there likewise down here i'm going to just stick those two nodes together hold shift click and drag until it snaps to that edge and let's drag all the way to this side over here select those two little nodes there and there hold shift click and drag okay top one rather snap it to that edge and there we go so i've created that nice looking shadow going through there now what i'd like to do is add a little bit of texture to this so i am going to get my pen tool p okay which is this tool over here and i'm going to draw i'm going to draw this quite big because i'm going to obviously need this for the k2 this is where i'm going to switch on my k again just make sure i'll cover everything here and i'm going to select click over here hold shift okay and click over here making sure that my line is basically covering over my entire k and my c so whatever led is your largest one make sure that it's covering everything it's going to put a stroke on this again okay let's make it we can leave it at one point make it a nice pinstripe so just making sure that it's covering so it's just covering that k and that's that's all good so right there okay so what i need to do is i'm going to zoom in like about here i'm going to select my line okay so i've got my line selected i'm going to hold alt and shift click and drag and drop it somewhere around about there so just release okay and i'm going to go command j and i'm going to hold that down until it covers my entire graphic so not just the top section but you can see that bottom section and now it's covered everything and just give it a few more for good stuff okay so with these curves selected over here so you can see all these curves i'm going to go and select all those curves i should come across our c somewhere along the line wow that was all the curves and there's our c so the one just above that one that is all our curves there so to make this a little bit easier to deal with i'm going to go command g which is group okay so you knew where the ungroup was in the layers so i've got layer and ungroup or group i am grouping this so i've got a group of those lines and now you can see it's all nice and tidy over there so let's make a duplicate of this group so you can either go come on c command v or you can click and drag it to this little icon over here and let's just flip this over so with this tool over here flip horizontal now i've made this cool ignore everything on the outside over here within our graphic you can see i've got this cool blank square crossover shape going there and what i'm actually going to do now is i'm going to take those two groups and make another group so i've got a group within a group okay so that just makes it nice and tidy it's a group within a group and then we can come and mess around with that one okay so with that group within a group this let's call it cross hatch i suppose it's kind of called this cross hatch of a spot then right yep okay so that's our crosshairs pattern i'm going to click this and i'm going to actually drag it and put it you can see now how it's inside that c and i'm going to drop it there so we've given this c this cool little texture and if i make this now a white fill okay or you can make it whatever fool you wanted this is going on black then obviously you would make the the background of a black color so with the c selected i'm just going to make this a white fill and it's just nice and crispy oh look at that and now that we've done our c basically we've got to repeat that for whatever other letter you've got so we've got a k you're going to repeat that exact same process so the easiest way to do that number one is let's just take all these all these bits all the elements that we've done for this letter c i'm going to select them all so c c c c all those editors there including that little pattern that we've gotten here i'm going to group them command g okay make that a single group and i'm going to switch that group off okay because now we can totally concentrate on our other letter so you go ahead and go ahead and create your other letter and we'll meet you back here to do the next stage okay now you should have your two letters i've got my k and my c and i put the pattern in both of those so you should be able to create this from the first letter that we've done so now we're going to do the next stage of overlapping these letters with the ability still to be able to change everything that was a long sentence so basically we want to weave these in and out of one another so i'm just going to look at say let's have a look at my letter c so with my letter c over here you can see how that's sitting on top of completely on top of my k at the moment what i want to do i'm going to have it going over let's just let's do it under this area over under over so where are we looking at it to go under what we need to do is i'm going to get my pen tool so hit p okay and i've got my pen tool which is this tool over here now this is where again your outlines over here i'm going to talk about these little outline strokes over here these have to be outlines they cannot be strokes as such so it must just be a fill you can see i've only got a full here i have got no stroke there is nothing in their stroke it's only a fill that's why when i go over with my pen tool you can see it really highlights that edge over there and that's exactly what i want i want that to be precisely on that edge i don't want to be clicking somewhere over here or somewhere within here i want that to be dead on that line okay so when i get my pen tool nothing selected again here i'm just going to hover over this area here and when i click i'm going to go down to here okay so clear that whole area you can see how it goes onto that line so i've got that perfect line going from my top section over here all the way through to down to here it's going to click somewhere on this side right to the outer line so the outer line there click over there go up click over here and let's just close this box off by clicking over there and now you can see if i just make that blue for now i've created that perfect inline with that outer black line all the way around there do that again on this section over here because we're basically going under over under so we're going to the under section over here i'm going to do the exact same go to the edge click click on that edge click on that edge click on that edge and close it off and let's just make that blue as well okay so you can see we've got again under over under over now what i'm going to do is i'm going to get mom an easy way to do this i'm just going to get my rectangle tool m and i'm just going to draw a massive block around that letter c so the whole letter c is hidden okay so there's my curve over there my curve over there i'm going to stick those two curves the ones we just drew okay so those two curves we just drew it's going to make them red okay so we can see them i'm going to add them together so click add so those two items become one one item so one curve over there i'm going to take my blue and i'm simply going to punch them through so now we're going to actually see our element poking through there okay so it's just a little bit poking through now what we need to do is grab a whole group of our c over here so just our c group so our letter c and click and drag that and make sure it goes within that area so you can see now it is going under here over that area under here and over that area obviously it's blue so all we need to do is select our blue color and say no fill please and there we go so it's tucking in and out in and out and we can make that k minor is currently yellow still i'm going to make that white okay that looks pretty damn cool oh it's overlapping what we could do is just go a little bit further again and we could draw some like diamond shaped things here so i'm sure there's a diamond shape oh there we go diamond shape so click on that one the diamond shape what other shapes we've got we've got the diamond shape and we can just draw like a diamond something like so i'm going to make that a fill black okay and i think it's actually giving us a stroke which this stroke could actually work quite well on this one because it'll separate it from the lines so hit v to move it onto our board so just pop them i'm going to pop mine at the end of all the letters so somewhere over there alt shift and click and drag to make sure you make another copy of it okay i'm going to put one at the bottom over here just holding alt dragging it over there we can put another one at the top over here and another one right somewhere in the center of those two lines somewhere like about there so that just gives it a little bit more and that white key line just makes them pop off a little bit more you can go even further than this i'm going to go further and further and further here uh i need to let's just group all these diamonds together so group them i'm just going to go diamonds i wish they were real diamonds okay so let's get p hit p get our pen tool up i'm going to draw i'm going to draw a line going straight through here somewhere around there somewhere around the center point make sure that is i'm going to make sure that's black and make it take it all the way to the bottom okay oops and i'm going to duplicate that line so just select it hold alt and shift duplicate it i'm going to put a little bit of swirly end on here so really easy swirly end what we could do is get our ellipse tool a little circle tool hold shift and drag i do not want a fill so take the fill off okay and if i want it to be overlapping a little bit say i want the circle to go hover over that over this little bit here snap it to there i want the circle just to be on the outside somewhere like about there click this select that little node over there so make sure it's blue i'm just going to drag it until it snaps to my circle edge over there select my circle now that is still an ellipse so it's not a curve let's convert that to a curve command enter it's a curve now i just need to break these points so i'm going to zoom in here hit a okay and i'm going to stick this point over here and this point over here go up over here and you see that it says here break curve and i click that and it's basically if i now go and select this over here you can see it only selects that section there i can delete it so it's like a the scissors tool basically for like illustrator i'm going to stick this object over here or this curve i'm going to stick this line over here okay so i've saved those two lines dragging my key over those two joins over here and i'm going to click there should be a join one which is join curve so click that join curves and now it's become one shape there so that's just one one shape we can do the exact same for this side over here instead of having to go through all that again i'm just going to click and hold shift and drag i'm going to just drag this little node right in i'm going to actually delete that node take this one flip it over and just select that edge over there so just go over it click and drag till it snaps to there okay that's probably going a little bit too far if you want to see exactly where it is you can go into wireframe mode which is command y okay and then you can actually see exactly that that needs to snap to there so it's perfectly snapped okay come out of wireframe mode select both items again with your node tools drag over and click join and now that is one join yeah that looks good and i'm just going to select this one again alt drag drag it to about there flip it over and drag it some more that looks good that's cool okay so something like that and then i'm going to get my i'll get one of these diamonds i'm just going to go in here and copy a diamond so come on c okay um let's take my curve come on v and just drag that out over here i'm going to rotate it so you can see i get those little arrows hold shift rotate i'm going to make it a little bit smaller just drag there take that key line off just take the one off okay and let's just pop it right on the edge of that just make it overlap into there a little bit that's good do the same for this one alt shift and drag pop it in there and you can see so adding all these little elements inside making it look good so you can go as crazy as you want for this that's just a little little bit and make it look good and there we go you're going to create a monogram with the texture overlapping underlapping it looks really good you could even use that texture on a business card now i'm going a little bit different anyway so you could use that on a t-shirt a business card your website your actual logo it looks pretty damn good so until next time make sure to hit that subscribe button smash the like button i've got a cool cat and make sure you bust the nut i'll catch you on the next one i'm outta here
Channel: Keep on Creating
Views: 2,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affinity designer, affinity designer tutorial, affinity designer tutorials, affinity designer for beginners, how to use affinity designer for beginners, affinity designer tools tutorial, affinity designer all tools, affinity for beginners, graphic design, affinity designer basics, simple affinity designer, vector logo, vector design, keep on creating, affinity designer logo, affinity designer beginner tutorial, easy affinity designer tutorial, logo design, Mike Hayes, designer
Id: eiLtyGW1bxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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