Affinity Designer for iPad FULL TUTORIAL

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[Music] so hello and welcome today we are looking at affinity designer for iPad if you don't know me I'm Elaine Giles longtime trainer podcast host and inveterate geek on my youtube channel is where you will find tricks tips and full training sessions refuge range of apps obviously not a live stream tonight though but never mind we've got it covered so finish designer for iPad not been out long about two and a bit weeks now when I covered affinity designer for desktop I asked the question why affinity designer well all the reasons that you would use the desktop version still the same but now you have an iPad version to the current price is $19.99 pounds on dollars and the desktop ones still available $49.99 but those prices they are one-off there is no subscription required not for anything a lot of companies are putting in place these days either subscription for the main application or providing you with add-on services which are subscription-based but not affinity the price you see is the price you pay until the next version comes out other reasons you may want to use it it is blindingly fast which hopefully you will be able to see in my demonstration I will have everything crossed I promise I have managed to crush it repeatedly on one file so I'm not using that file just in case I must have confused it another reason is it's got fantastic support for a whole range of images both in terms of opening them and being able to export to them which we will see in one of the demonstrations that I've got you can also work at such a level of detail it's amazing so you can just keep zooming in and zooming in and being as precise as you need to be to make your artwork I was nonplussed when I saw that initially I thought okay fine but it is amazingly useful you do see something that may be 100 percent zoom and think it's got a bit of a kink in it but as you zoom in and zoom in a zoom in you can fix those things so that's a great feature too you'll be glad to hear that the iPad version has got I've not found a feature that's missing from the desktop so that's how wide the range of features are it is amazing and it's part of affinities ecosystem there is affinity designer for Mac and Windows and iPad there is affinity photo for mac and Windows an iPad and before the end of this month there will be affinity publisher for desktop it's going to be available in beta so all the details about affinity you will find it affinity serif com and of course what we're here for is now that affinity designer is available on iPad so you will need to know what what iPad you will need it's important it's available on iPad because you will be able to use your pencil and the pencil works fantastically with it you'll see me using the pencil in two ways tonight and you really will see it she's heard hopefully because I've got my webcam on so be able to actually see it in terms of the hardware that is supported or what you will need to be able to use this you will need a minimum of an iPad air 2 or an iPad a normal standard iPad 2017 version 5 or any model of iPad pro so that's what's supported the smallest screen is and at 7 days a nine point seven inch so it's not going to be supported on an iPad Mini the reason for those limitations is the chip that's required and more importantly the support for metal so if you're wondering yeah I've got my iPad 3 I've got an iPad 4 and why won't it work on that that's why it's actually a hardware limitation it's not some kind of faux fake software limitation it's a hardware limitation so what you're going to learn tonight well you're going to learn about the interface on the tool set that's critical to find your way around it and become confident in terms of using it but we will be creating vector artwork we will be working with text and there's multiple kinds of text and tend to show you both and I'm not going to be doing what I love to call the blue square demos no no no this is real data the file that you're looking at there is a real file and you will be watching me create the real show art for the next episode amok fights so if you're a Mac bites Mac bite solicitor oh my word you will get to know the title and the show art before it's actually recorded but I'm on it I'm on it won't be long so now you know what you go to learn let's go in have a look at it right luckily my iPad still marvelous okay so first of all I'm going to take you through the entire interface so all I've done there is actually go into affinity designer so I've gone in and I've reset this so as far as I can tell this is how yours would be when you go into it when you download it and install it for the very first time you have tutorials that are available on the left hand side there and you have samples that are available on the right and that is all you actually have but within this area that you're looking at you have the big plus button where you can create new artwork you also have this plus in the top right and that also creates artwork then you have your preferences that are available in there which we're going to come back to and look at but before going further right so you need to create artwork when you tap on that you have a range of options for your artwork you can create a completely new document on the left you can also open from cloud storage you can import from the cloud and you can import from photos can also create new projects now if you've got affinity designer for desktop you may well have artwork that you want to bring in and to do that you can import it from the cloud now I'm sitting here thinking oh I should have imported that sooner because I've got one that's massive so when I might do that later while I'm taking questions because I know it's going to take a couple of minutes to download but that's is what you've got in there now before you even get going these preferences in the top corner one of them I'm going to point out because you will already have seen it and you may be thinking what on earth's that but I have here and I'm looking for where the option is where's the option the option you see no no it's not must be under interface the did you I thought it's on the other one mm-hmm it's convinced it was in there let's have a look automatically did it er show touches that's the one this one down here it's show touches what that means is the touches on my screen you should be seeing on the left hand side big blue circle right I intend to do that tonight so you can see exactly what I'm doing but that is an option and that's where you turn it on now generally it's turned off there we go so I've actually gone in there and turned it on the other thing that I have done in here that it's probably a good idea for you to do but I'll let you decide when I tell you what it is is there is a default save location at the bottom and the default is on my iPad which as you can see I have already changed but on my iPad is the default what that is talking about is when you save a file that you have edited within a finitary photo for iPad where will it save it and the default is on my iPad now I'm going to change that and I'm going to choose iCloud drive so that's one of the changes that I make you've got lots of options in here absolutely lots of options I would recommend before you even start that you go in here and have a look now if you're left-handed you may want to flip the interface and there is an option to do that for example at the top you can also automatically hide the interface and what that means is when you're creating your artwork it actually flips the interface out of the way to let you work and that's on by default so do have a look in here for that you have color preferences as well so art those are the default I've not changed that then you have tools options and again I've not made any changes to these we will be coming back into these preferences later but for now let's actually make a file and go in and actually have a look at the interface so I'm going to choose to create a new file this gives you the new document dialog which not dissimilar from the desktop version in terms of you have a grouping so you can have web and you can have devices so within here I tend to be making them at 1280 by 720 if I was I could do that in there but anything that you need to change you can change in here if you want to change the orientation change the background and you want to create an artboard now whether you want to create an artboard or not is going to depend on what an artboard is and we'll be looking at that later now if you want to use that as a starting point but maybe tweak it slightly then you can change it the dimensions in here just by dragging so you can drag to the left or to the right to increase or decrease you can also do that for the height up and down and you've got the DPI as well now what I'm going to do is to make it easier for the entire device I'm going to turn it back to a device and that is telling you the default that it's picked is an iPad 12.9 retina which is the iPad that I'm demonstrating on and then just tap okay and it will then open up the interface which I'm making sure that you can see that little bit dark but it'll be alright okay so this is the interface now first thing that I would recommend you do is down in the lower right hand corner there is let's do that down there there is a question mark and when you tap and hold on that you get complete help system it tells you what everything is the home button what all of the tools down the left hand side are called what the options are in the lower left of the deselect the snapping the delete you've also got across here an explanation of these menu items now if I just let go those menu items actually live on the left but when you toggle the help on they move to the middle so you can actually see what each menu item is named so those six menu items sorry five menu items are document edit vector pixel and export on the right-hand side here you have all the studios and the studios are color of preferences for specific tools so really they're the options for all of the tools so if you're sitting looking thinking which one was that again until you get used to the icons just toggle that on and off and it will give you exactly what you need to know now the only other thing that is on the screen is this context menu at the bottom and the context menu this one down here changes depending on which tool you have selected so at the moment I have the move tool but as I go through these these tools all of the options at the bottom edge change so we'll see that as we actually start to make things and go through it but that is what you've got there for the interface now the most important buttons here to understand the principles of is the three at the top which start with the one that's got some color in it which is the draw persona the next one is the pixel persona and the last one is the export persona if you've used the desktop version of affinity designer you will be aware of what a persona is but if you haven't a persona is just a collection of tools to do a specific job so what we're looking at now is the selection of tools to work effectively with vectors but if I toggle on pixel mode all of the tools the left-hand side change what's available on the right changes in terms of what works with what's available on the left and if I do that again for the export persona it looks pretty sparse but believe you me it's incredibly powerful and we will see that I promise so what we've got there those three personas I'm going to start in draw persona but I will show you the others now one other quick thing the first thing I tried to do when I went into affinities I know for iPad it was say okay where's the undo and I couldn't find it so let's say that I just want to draw something and I make the mistake of coloring that a lurid pink and I want to undo it where's the undo well it's not there I couldn't find it anywhere the undo is a gesture you'll remember this it's a two-finger gesture just tap that's it now if I decide that that pink was actually quite appealing you can redo with three finger tap hmm she said come on there we go so undo two fingers redo three fingers no don't know about you I'd rather see it in the interface you want to see it in the interface you go back into your preferences and in here under interface there is a toggle and the toggle is the bottom one show undo and redo buttons so toggle that on done there go back into the artwork and now I have two extra buttons down here so these two that are now they weren't there before they were just we only had the one icon now we've got these and they are the undo and redo so that one to go backwards that one to go forwards you also have in terms of undoing at the very bottom of the tool set so that one hunter and attack without each upping that one there that is your history so you could go back through your history up here if you wanted to do it that way you also have that slider and that will slide you through your history so lots of ways to work with it now what I've decided to do I thought okay there's a lot of features to this what I could do is say there's this feature and this one and this one and this one and you'd be bored senseless so I decided we'll actually make some graphics and while I'm doing it I'll show you a range of different features so first thing I'm going to do it just get a rectangle and draw out a rectangle and from that we're going to make some artwork now obviously we are right first thing to think about not pink no no no so let's change the pink so I've gone into the colors here now you can just about see up here no don't do that don't drag that down there we go those swatches there and what you can actually do with that it's getting rid of that if you can swipe one way to the other so I'm swiping from left to right and as I'm doing it it's swapping those around so that's a way that you can flip them around there is there is a tiny button to do that on the desktop version but in here it's a swipe now I actually want to color that white and I have some quick colors in there so I can just tap and get it white now at that point I have a slight border on it but nothing extravagant so I'm going to go in here and just change that a little bit so we can see it a bit more it's probably a bit too much but we'll do one and a half perfect right so that's the start of my artwork and I'm now going to show you some of the options that you have available in here you have a tool third one down which is the corner tool and the corner tool lets you change the cornice so you can pull right in like that you don't have to do it on all of the corners obviously not in one corner you can then do the opposite corner and now you've got the map bites leaf mmm cool but no we're not doing that because what I want to do is do it to all the corners I want to round the corners now I did have another option which was in here I already had a rounded corner thing somewhere there was a rounded rectangle and I didn't use it but what I am going to do is do that in here with the corner tool but as I select one corner it has there a blue square as I select another one that has a blue square but as I select the second one the first one loses its blue square what I need to do is be additive as I'm selecting these things so I am going to tap on there once and also I'm tapping and holding I've managed to select them all so they're now all selected now I can let go and I can go to any corner and I can round all the corners inwards no and I can go crazy with it I don't really want to do that I just want them nicely rounded all of them though so that's how you round all the corners at once okay that's not looking bad at all now next thing I need I need another one of these I need to copy it and I've got a couple of options with that I can go to the menu and you have cut copy paste available so I can copy and then I can go back and then I can paste and it has actually done it it's put one on top of the other if I move it out of the way you can see it what I'm going to do is undo that so let's make sure in the layer so that I've only got one I've got one layer it is that one because there's another way to do it and once you get used to this it feels a little bit awkward at the beginning I will grant you but once you get used to it works great two fingers not to delete not that one but this time if I hold down two fingers and I tap and move I make a copy so you can think of that as two on two copies on another copy two fingers gives you another copy now I want to scale this but look what happens when I try and scale it it's not proportional no no no it's not proportional but if I hold down one finger and scale it oh come on need to be more precise than I am being you're not mean you're not being good to me are you come on I will make you do this there we go it's proportional because I'm holding down one finger right and I'll let go that point I'm bringing that on and centering it now you should see as I do that I've got a green line and a red line the green one is the vertical alignment and the red one is the horizontal and the reason that they're on is this option down here which is the little magnet there is a blue circle around it to indicate that it's actually on if I turn that off and I try moving this I don't get any help aligning it I've taught and believe me it's not good so I always tend to have that turned on I can't think of an occasion where I don't have that turned on right not looking too bad I'm only apart from the fact it's a little bit on the big side so I'm to take it down there we go that wasn't in the center you moved on me you moved again right there we go now at that point those two things need to be together well if I move one I want to move them both so I need to group them all right there's a couple ways of grouping I'm going to try the tricky way first which is on the layers I have two layers so that's the back item that these aren't layers actually they're objects to be precise but I've got two of them and one way to group them is to pinch in and I never managed to do that I can do it when there's more objects but when there's two it's a bit tricky so another way to do it is to swipe on the second one so let's just see that the game tap to select the first one swipe to select the second one and tap to group them and now my two objects are together which means move one move them all so that's grouping them right coming along nicely anybody know what it is yet probably didn't say that shouts out if you know okay right I need I need some shapes I need more shapes here definitely need more shapes I'm going back to the shapes and there isn't a shape that's the shape that I want so I'm going to have to make one so what I would do is evaluate on there which ones don't look bad which ones could I use together to make the shape I want and that heart not bad for a start and then I need another bit to it and I'm looking at it and I'm thinking mmm triangle all right let's try that those two elements together if they were placed properly would make the shape that I'm looking for but not like that they wouldn't so I need to rotate this and that's what that little white handles for but as I rotate it I've got no precision if I pull further away it does it slower than if I do it close by but I've got no precision single tap again and now snapping round and I can be sure that that is right next bit I need to move that into place I'm sure you've twigged what it is by now I now need to select both of those so I need to tap and hold and then I've selected the pair of them now I need those to be treated as one object looking at them they don't actually look lined up properly so what I'm going to do to make sure they are is open the transform studio which has alignment options and I'm going to tap that one we've just moved the bottom bit a tiny fraction that's all I need right so I need these two to be one object now you've seen me group the two objects in the background but that's not enough these need to be one object and you have options to do that you have what's called geometry you may have heard of this as boolean operations or boolean ops I need to add the two shapes together there are actually five boolean operations as add subtract intersect divide and combine but I just want to shapes to become one so I'm going to tap add and that is now one shape but the colors not right it needs to have a black fill so let's see how we use the color tap on the color there now that is white at the moment but if I choose a different color that dot will change and even when I close it it retains the color that was the last color that I used and it needs to be black and that's one of my quick colors so I can do that there and now I've got exactly what I need and what I'm doing is putting that where I want it so missus get it in the center and I need to do a couple more things to make my playing card which is I need to duplicate that so if you remember I wanted to copy something it was a two finger tap and just pull it out now I need to scale it but I need to do it proportionally so that proved a bit tricky didn't it but there we go that's about right and I need to pull it into place and where it needs to be is up here about there not quite right move it a smidgen I also need some text at this point I need the a for this now there's two types of text there is artistic text and put up again there's also art text so it's art text and frame text and for this one is just art text and I'm just going to tap you make sure I've got a capital and put the a in that's all I need to do but it's a bit small now I should probably say what I'm doing here but you can probably see that I'm pinching in pinching out to get zoomed in and then I'm just going to put that in about the right place these two elements need to be grouped as well so tap and tap the second one oh let's retry that shuffle again I see if I'm any better this time oh did it Oh marvelous right so you saw what that was it was a pinch in it's probably easier to be honest if you're cradling the iPad as you can see from where mine is if you could see what I can see now it this is dead flat on the desk and I'm obviously having to reach over and do this it's far easier with that tilted round and then two fingers there at an angle but if I do that you won't say anything so that worked that's fine and now I need that duplicating what's happened hold pull out come on oh no ID - I'm lying to you it's - let's move that up there now obviously get that not doing that get that into place but it's the wrong way around so I'm going to rotate it and I'm holding one finger down to get that in the right place and I've got a card marvelous and the last thing I'm going to do with that is select everything so everything in my layers studio is selected and then tap that group icon and now I've got the entire playing card group together which means I can duplicate it rotate it and now I've got my artwork so that showed you quite a few things showed you adding shapes using the fill grouping rotating boolean operations oh so many things that you saw from just that one demo so that's our first demo so I'm going to use the back button and you can see when I do that I've got this document here this document at the moment started life on my iPad I would quite like that in iCloud and to do that because I've already set that as my default storage iCloud Drive as my default storage when I tap on the burger menu I've got a few options one would be to rename so that's always a good thing so you know what your artwork is so I'll put cards having done that the next thing back to the burger and this time hit save if you quick you'll notice that in the middle it said iCloud Drive it was saving it to iCloud drive so a copy of that is now saved in the cloud for safe working right next thing I'm going to do I am going to get a new artwork but this time I'm going to import it from the photos I should caveat this with I am no expert when it comes to drawing but there's my boy okay and I'd quite like a vector version of my boy isn't he gorgeous right so what I'm going to show you is just how great the vector tools are now before I start doing anything on there right if I will use this bit over here just to show that first thing to be aware of it's imported that pixel layer but it's locked it so any changes I make won't be destructive to that image everybody has heard of the pen tool the pen tool when it comes to vector where you tap and then you tap somewhere else and you do that and no one knows how it works properly you know if I if I tap here and I pull round all kinds of things work tell me in the chat anybody always with that I never was what I taught myself to do was very very roughly draw stuff out and fix it later and how you do that let's get rid of that and go back to this one not very helpful that's black is it let's be clever with it let's go and make it I usually make it a pinky purple color so I can see it alright what you can do with with the pen tool either you'll be an absolute whiz with it in which case congratulations I'm not or you can edit it in post which is what the node tool is for so these are very angular at the moment which is fine if you want them angular but if you don't you can change the type on the context menu at the bottom so I can change all these nasty angles to be rather smooth and then I can use the handles to smooth them even more and just drag them around I can add extra points I can change the points that are there fantastic and the chances of me drawing anything they look remotely like a dog are slim to non-existent so well that's grand let's try another way so we'll delete all of that there and do it right let's go back to my boy all right I would like something vector ished that vaguely resembles the shape of him and that is where the pencil tool comes in which is up here now I'm going to leave it at pink and let's have a look how big that is not bad we could probably do thinking a smidgen bigger big that will do nicely right what this one will do for you is allow you to actually draw but there are things you can do to make it even better so I will start up here and I'm I'm just doing this let me just check that it's not certain it's not that awesome right one option I've got is to trust just start drawing just going round and drawing and it's not it's not going to be bad but it's not going to be brilliant either so Roundy's furry main but that way round easier and back again not bad but not great all right so let's have an actual look at it turn that off well it's not bad at least you can see it's got two ears but it could be father Christmas so not great it's also each one of the white things is a note and you can see that it's not great I would have to go in and do an awful lot of work in there so let's get the note tool to try and smooth that out I'd have to be pulling it up pulling it in moving these points just to try and get a very nice curve on it so it's not bad but it's not great so let's delete that same tool pencil tool with my pencil tool there we have pencil tool if you tap this little tiny triangle it is tiny it's there you tap that there's no stabilizer on that at the moment but you can add one of two types of stabilizer the Rope stabilizer or the window stabilizer now the Rope ones very interesting the Rope one actually works great I'll show you what it does as I start to draw it pulls behind it it's actually pulling behind it and it's much smoother if we look at that compared to the last one it's got a lovely smooth curve to it this one might have some possibilities so let's zoom out again see what we can do with that so do bear you can see as I move up my hand over on I'm leaning on stuff that I shouldn't be I need to be in midair I need to cradle this and I'm I can't at the moment so it'll just have to do but I'll start on easier and now I'm actually using then the pencils give not on me for crying out loud good job I have a second pencil you're going to draw for me oh you are jolly good brilliant right never let it be said I have too much kit right so I'm dragging upwards and I'm going round it coming down and now I want his fur so I'm bringing that in this time I've got great curves great curves now warning it's not going to be good as I go around this corner cuz my hands in the wrong place but I'll do what I can and I'm trying to keep to the edge there then round easier missed a little bit there but never mind and joint oh we didn't join up right so what I will do with that is I will fit I will fix that up here close there we go it's closed so what I've got there let's go back to the layers let's turn off the background much-improved much-improved turn it back on and actually show you something else now which is round the eyes we've looked at drawing so I can use that and that bit there you can get that on the either drag it background not bad but it's very solid the line is solid all the way along but you can tweak your lines so in here you have this pressure command and as you do that it actually changes the line so let's have a look how that actually works to do that I'm just going to draw a line that line is the same width all along but this pressure option in here let's you change that so I went to add a point in the middle there's now a blue point in the middle and when I pull that down the start of the line is much narrower if I pull the end of the line down the end of the line is much narrower you can add as many points as you like and go crazy with this so let's add some points in and make it crazy get the idea the left is the start of the line right is the end of the line and the other bits and pieces here are what is happening in the middle and I can delete those points as I go so that's not actually a bad way of doing it and you can move this over to kind of tail it off I'm going to leave it in the middle and what I'm going to do is get rid of that and get rid of that and try and do it again by putting one in the middle dropping this down at this and dropping it down at that end and trying that pulling round back over there and that is much better much much better it's much more realistic a beautiful almond eyes did my boy so pulling it round back up there so you can either do that at the point you create it or you can do it after impost and just so he doesn't look odd when I turn it off I only use same settings just go around here I'm being incredibly rough he's not going to be happy with me but tell me you're not much more beautiful than that now it looks like the Joker but never mind and just do the nose there so hopefully he's starting to look like a Victor Samoyed it's about the ears in and go back to the layers and toggle off the background layer that's the smiling Samoyed that is the smiling Samoyed so even me artistically challenged can manage to make something that's not bad at all okay so that's drawing it's the pen tool if you're good with it the pencil tool if you're not quite so good and the options that you've got by changing the pressure options within the settings for the brush for the pencil tool okay right another demo so let's take the dog out of the equation all right this one shows different features again so I'm just going to get a new file instead of opening a graphic I've started from scratch because you may already have stuff in there I haven't but nevermind what I want to make is a book cover and it's got pixel work in it as well as vector and I have an image that I want to start with so I'm going up to my document menu and I'm going down to place place image I've got options then I can either import it from the cloud or import it from photos this presupposes you know where it is I've taken it from the photos so it's in my camera roll and it's this image here now what it's done is it's loaded it into your cursor as it were and that's what that little message that flow across there was about what it's telling me is to draw it out and I've done just that so this is going to form the basis of my book cover with the left hand side being the back of or the right hand side being the cover and a spine down the middle but it's a thriller my book and that just looks like a typical British summer day so what I'm going to do with it is go into the layers and what I'd like to do so show you that I've got just the one there first thing I want to do is do a copy and do a paste now let's put one on top of the other so toggle off either one of those they're identical at the moment but what I need to do with this is change the mode so going into the options that you have for this and one of the options in here you've got your opacity which in this case won't make a difference at the moment would it will it will in a second so I'll show you then you have in here blend modes if you've ever used a vector a raster editor you'll instantly know what all of these do but I'll just show you what they do by going through them they change how the top level the top layer interacts with the layer below it so making it much lighter much darker much crisper all of these options here and what I'm looking for is something that looks thriller ish so either multiply or one of the light options that's a bit too bright isn't it mm what looks thriller ish color burns not bad is it right now I can show you what the opacity does as I pull that back it goes back to the original so I'm going to leave that set as it is because that's starting to look like cover of a thriller well I think so it's better than it was right now what I need to do now is I want to add here some detail to it so what I want to do is use the brush tool because this back bit doesn't have the nice rich color that the front does and this bit here is going to be a bit plain in the lower left corner so I am going to choose my brush tool back to brush and in my vector brushes you have a whole range of these and I can't remember which one I tried could have been that chalk one right what you need to do here you can change the size of your brush that's not bad the paucity you've got a lot more settings that you've got what I'm interested in is I'll just draw on it so you can see what we've got black at the moment and yeah that's great isn't it not quite right so what I need to do I need to undo that it's a two finger touch to get rid of that I need it to be a sort of already brown color kind of like blood it was a thriller did I mention that and then draw that on there now I know at the moment that's a bit much but it's covered up that light area not brilliantly but it's covered it up but there are magic things you can do with that in here which is I am going to take the three curves and I am going to group them now I don't really want these pixels hanging outside of my artwork so if I pick up that group and I drag it over the top of one of these images so I dragged over the top one and there's a blue line top middle or bottom I'm going to drop it in the middle when I drop it in the middle two things happen it gets clipped so there's nothing outside the area and it gets the blend mode applied to it as well at the moment that's probably a little bit too much I should probably mention that on my iPad screen looks great on my iMac a little bit lurid so when your mileage may vary on your iPad but that looks about right here so I've added that to it all right what do I need to do now could do with some text now it could do with a name couldn't it so I'm going to go down to my artistic text and I'm going to tap to add it and I'm going to call this dead water okay no way too small first of all way too small so stretch it out now you should be seeing that certain things are happening I've got some very strange color thing going on here all right and that's because look at the layers it's clipped to that inside it as well as put it within the photo layer and I don't really want that so I'm going to pull it up and when that blue lines at the top take it out of that layer right not going to see it too well if it's that color either so I'm going to go back into there and make it white it could do with a little bit of something happening with it make it a little bit better it would look great down here but the first thing I need to do to make sure that I've got the layout correct is actually put this on the spine but while it's down there and I can see it properly know to apply some effects to it so you have effects available here in your layer effects studio and I'm going to add a little bit of a blur to it so tapping on the Gaussian blur and popping that per smidgen still vector it's just a little bit blurred I'll put an outer glow on it so let's make that glow as well actually disappearing isn't it but you get the idea I won't bother putting too much more on it let's get some shutter one it there we go now I will put that wasn't what I wanted what are you doing back into that strange what are you doing with me let's get rid of that that one you were on there a minute ago and you're saying that you're on there now but you're not and I was just about to change the font as well let's get the font changed first because that's very plain but a tight writer one would be good I would still like to know why this isn't working but you definitely should be why wouldn't you be because it says it's applied do you know what going to worry about it it's going to be fine what I need to do is duplicate that this was what I was doing when I crushed the whole thing so it could well be that but what I need to do is get a copy of that and I need to rotate it so I'm going to grab it to rotate one finger tap and hold and get it in the right place and now I need to position that in the center so it's on the spine it doesn't look like it's the center to me let's get that out of the way no I don't want to scale it I see what its problem is right it is actually right what's wrong is the one behind it so that's in the center this is not in the center so before I do that I would need to group them because there is two of them so let's get that grouped and then let's move that to the center that is perfect let's get this one where it needs to be down there I'm going to do the same to duplicate that get it up there scale it down a little bit and get the writers name in there so taking me to the end so let's put a writer I was going to put me but probably better not right stretch that out and that would probably be better in a different color so let's try and get a deep blood around for that as well and something a little bit brighter than that that will do perfectly now all of those have been art texts but we now want some frame text so I'm going to draw a frame out now you could sit and type it but you'd be bored if I try doing that so what I'm going to do is go and find my text and my text is somewhere in here so in my Google Drive book blurb there's my book blurb so I'm going to copy it from here so select that's all of that copy it and back to the previous apps tap in there and paste so edit paste it's a bit small isn't it it's a bit small but it's there so what I can do with that is scale it now protip over here there is the text studio I am going to drag up so I haven't gone into it but as I drag up it scales the text for me brilliant it's the wrong font though as well so I do actually need to go in there and I do need to choose that American typewriter I think that's just perfect yeah unfortunately it can't read it too well so I think I'll probably make that white and then what I would probably do is put a shape behind it so let's put that's not that's no let's draw a shape a shape give it a fill so back to our colors we'll make it black but we'll change the opacity that should do nicely now obviously it's in the wrong place and now you're drawing all this and I don't want you to do that right let's put that scale that get it behind it and that's the issue it's not behind it but if we go into the lightest see where it is and it is that one which is the rectangle and let's grab that grab you let me grab you come on and move it behind and now we can read it but there is a trick with this text which I'd like to show you which is at the moment the text is running outside of the box because this is the corner us there particularly this one this is a lower corner of that box and as I do this with the lower corner it scales but the inside one lets me flow it so there is a distinction between what this one on the inside and this one on the outside actually does so that one will let me flow it the other one actually scales the box not bad at all so I have my book cover there we go so that showed you quite a lot showed you importing the images in terms of placing an image text art text frame text effects pixels we put some pixels some in there and the blend mode so quite a lot now next thing I'm going to do I should have done this first so I'm going to take some questions while it does this but what I'm going to do is I need to import from the cloud so I'm going up to iCloud drive and to do this to me oh there we go first I climbed drive yet that we worried then right so I'm going to go to a furniture designer and these are my affinity designer files and somewhere in here there is my file that's the one this is my demo file but this is a real file though awesome that was fast Wow right this is my real file that I use for what we're in the middle of literally bang in the middle of the mock bytes ten it's been a while right I make artwork for every podcast that we do and we're in the middle of doing ten shows about the ten years that we've been podcasting which is now almost eleven but that's not split hairs and this is how I do it I hadn't need three different sizes of each one hence the layout for the ten in the middle and then the ones hanging off the side this file is 352 Meg the Mac isn't pleased with it so I had at wonders about how the iPad would handle it and the answer to that was absolutely fantastically it's a smooth as anything but as i zoom in we see problems I would not have used that font it would have looked like that this one half of its okay other half not quite so much these are all right and these numbers here not brilliant so I will explain to you what the problem is the problem is there are the fonts that I have used are not available and the reason that these are working is because I've converted them to be vector curves and I did that in case you know the artwork was finished and if I don't have access to the font I need in the future the artwork was still work and with these I clearly didn't and this put me off using the iPad version I thought that's not gonna work is it because I use really weird fonts fear not they thought of that so let's just go back to those preferences there were five options at the top let's go for the last one I have not installed any fonts here but I could have done so tap the cloud icon and I have actually put my fonts in iCloud Drive and I'm looking for them come on I'm sure they were in my demo data fonts and here that here are some fonts now the ones that I actually use a lot are the first two but I've got extra fonts in there and I've got a folder full of other fonts as well now be aware must be iCloud Drive I tried it from Google Drive didn't like it so what I'm going to do is select the fonts that I want so tapped one it loaded it in you can select more than one at a time but there are the two that I'm interested in it's that simple to load them be aware if you have affinity photo it loads them into both brilliant so let's go back into my file now all is well alright all of those images are now fine so this one up here where the top was fine bottom wasn't now working and the numbers on the ones that are yet to come are now working and I promised I would design one one three live I'm insane right let's do let's do it so I'm going to tap delete to get rid of that so that is where I'm working this area that I'm working on with the blue outline is an artboard if you do not know what an artboard is it is a discreet area of your document that can be exported separate from the rest hence all these posters living in one file so that's what an artboard is it's really simple to create one all you need to do is go to your artboard tool which is in there and draw one now I have another artboard simple as that simple as that I don't need that up although however so let's go back to warm on 3 where I am no first of all I need the background this isn't actually how I design it I sit there pondering but I know what what I want this one to look like so the first thing I need to do is go and place an image you see me place an image before so going to my photos for the image and the image is Mavericks this one's Mavericks so it loads it into my cursor as it were and I'm going to draw that over the artboard now it's a very very big image come on don't let me - oh good grief sake look where it's put it like shall we try that again place image yes yes a place where I want it not where you want all right let's try that again let's place it almost right this or something that's what I've done you know wasted by my own petard one one three no I haven't you're just not you just being silly it's alright we'll do it your way we'll drag it in from over there alright move it now come on you know when things fabulously in rehearsals yes that I told my could have gone far too well in rehearsals right let's try and take that down a bit that's better right perfect got a background now and I can start work right I need to add something else to that so I need to add something else to that so I'm going back and what I'll do this time is come out of it and I need to go and get it and I think I left this in the cloud so I'm going to go up to the cloud and where's my day to go on no not in this search right in affinity designer and need by date and there it is this is the artwork I need to copy I need Top Gun so I'm opened it up and gone to the takia go no go into there and copy go back out go into my other file and just paste it in so paste and it's put it in the right place I'm glad it's come around to my way of thinking right so getting there all right a couple of other things that I need to do each put some text on it that's part of the title of the show Top Gun in the first two words alright need to add some text so get the text tool it's artistic text I need so the art text tool and typing in first word is meats way too big so let's go deal with that scale up down a bit move it into place it should be if you're with us live type in what you think top guns going to meet and I'm just going to rotate that that's far too big take it down take it down move it that's better all right Top Gun mates what does Top Gun meet well brace yourselves right more artistic text Top Gun mates Deadeye dick it's a story and a half honestly it is you need to listen to the show you will need to listen to the show right let's move that and get that into place that's a bit too big I will not sent it across the bottom perfect apart from the fact that the meets is a bit big so I'll take the meets down inside that's fine also think a bit too much yellow so I'm going to make the meet a different color let's make that an orange not on the outside that's fine on the inside perfect okay this is how I'm at fights poster comes to life now two things missing which means that might need to move up a bit make room for it just a minute you would just orange stay like that [Music] give me a bit of room okay two things missing let's see what looking at this one well there's the hashtag might bite Sten and there is the show number now if you're thinking ahead and you're planning your artwork look at what I've got I've got 10 10 that size and 10 that size so I need 30 hashtags that say much by its turn and I don't want to keep recreating those waste of time so if I start looking at this one which is locked so let me in so I can see it now you are 111 right it is in the branding there are two elements as the map binds 10 hashtag and there is the show number now that muck bytes 10 Tugg is the same on every poster so it would be a good idea to make it a symbol so if you go into the symbols and with it selected and tap on the option at the top you can add a symbol from your selection now what's a symbol a symbol is a reusable element you have two ways to create reusable elements symbols is the first way and assets is the second use a symbol when there are very few changes needed use an asset where you want a starting point so obviously with the number that changes every time but a starting point would be good so with this one it's not going to change so I am going to add that as an asset so add symbol from there brilliant so if I move back down to this one although good grief knows where it's going to put it and I tap I can insert that nearly in the right place so I'm gonna drag that down and put that over there the beauty of this is if I change this one every other instance of it changes you want proof of that let's add another one put that down there and prove it so I'm going to go into the color because on this artwork it would be better white so where is black at the moment it will be better white and when I make it white the one that was selected changes that one changed and so did that one whoa went on there it's meant to do that it's a symbol when you change one it changes them all now that might be a problem obviously in these circumstances that one was black it doesn't look bad in white but it was black so what can we do well first off I don't need this second one so once you delete up but this one here I'd like to be white what you can do is go into your symbols studio and there is a synced symbols option turn that off then make your change so black to white don't forget to go back and turn the sink back on and you're good to go if you make any changes to the content of that so say we actually staggered to the map by is 20 if you change one you'll change them all so that's symbols but there's also another thing which is the assets so going back into here in our branding we had this now you should be able to just point out that that there is a symbol you can tell it's a symbol it has an orange stripe that tells you it's a symbol now this one I'd like to be an asset so if I tap on my asset studio I've got all these assets these are for people who are making UI and UX and there's all of these that ship with it but if that's not your game if that's not what you do you can actually create your own so create a new category then I will name that category so rename that category this is going to be all my Mac bytes stuff so rename it to my whites Oh can't rename it good grief why not possibly because I did do this in rehearsals and it doesn't like it so if I call it my bytes to weave any happier oh you will awesome have to deal with that later won't I right so I've got my Mac bytes of that next thing I need to do is to add a subcategory this is for things that are going to live inside there so it gives me one called assets you can rename that if you want but assets is fine for me what I'm going to do then is use the lower menu and add asset from selection which is this Mac bytes one one one there and there it has added it from there that means I can go down into my other artwork and insert it and move that down to where it needs to be and scale it and remember it's a starting point obviously this isn't one one one we've done that one now I had a little bit of problem editing this I think it was the font but I did find if I sort of tapped him vaguely the right place it did delete it there we go and I can put in 113 that will not change the others because it was a starting point and there you have it the artwork for mark by hundred and thirteen not bad but it's no good having it in here and that's not useful at all I have as you see a lot of files in here if I were to try and export this what wouldn't export all of it hmm don't know now let me try and get rid of that artboard wasn't having it before but it's not having it now I'm topping the delete and it's ignoring me can I cut it instead my cheat that'll do nicely right so I've got all my files there all my posters how can I export them alright you've got a few options when it comes to exporting and one of them is magic right the first thing you can do in terms of getting things out of this file is you can save a copy of this file but that won't actually create for you derivatives the other options do that one option is on your document menu you have an export option which is a third one down it'll lets you export in one of ten formats at the top and not just that but you can be incredibly precise about what you do export because at the moment it's going to export the entire document that's what this option here is where it's talking about whole document what area it's asking you what area so always make sure if you're using multiple artboards that you've got the correct area selected so I'm going to tap on that now it's doubtful at the moment that you will have as many artboards as i have but if we just scroll through these I have three artboards for each poster because there are three sizes obviously in here that's going to give me a problem because I can't tell which is which I would guesstimate that it's working from the top down so if I want the sixteen by nine it'll be the top one of each group of three but obviously I wanted one one three so let's hope that's the right one one three and with that I can then export it in certain file formats and this one that's selected is a PNG I'm going to go for it and see if it right and just tap ok and it's going to say where do I want it and I'm going to say iCloud and I'll put it in my demo data and add hopefully it's done it if it's the wrong one I'm going to end up with a white screen so let's have a look what's in my files in my iCloud drive in my demo data oh did I guess right doesn't look like it does it so my guesstimate was wrong mmm not to worry okay that would have worked obviously if I had known which was which there's a better way to do it but let's try again that's drawing that maybe it's the other way around the other way around so that's what I should do you know that will work is in my whole document no you're not lighting up for me are you come on now letting me pick anything in my whole document what's the matter with you it's thinking about it I think because I need to choose an area and it's not letting me choose an area not helpful let's go out of that and see why not let's select one of the ones that's got more than that on it and that way I can't be wrong can I let's try oh no no that one right let's try that and see if it will do that now it's it's happier now now it's letting me choose now I don't care which one oh now I'm because all the 109s have got artwork in them so that'll be a good start but I will I'll choose that one and let's try that let's try it again to the demo data in iCloud drive yeah replace it and let's see what it's managed there it is you saw it appear there it is ok so that does work that's maybe why you should name your layers don't do as I said I do do as I say right now one thing I am going to do while I'm in here I don't need to Ashley I'm going to do it on the fly gotta love this right that's one way to export but there's a better way to export a far better way to export because if I were to export these posters in that way I'd be there forever because these in the middle are a ratio of 1600 by 900 and I need them in different sizes I need them at 1280 by 720 I need them at 600 by 337 and a range of other sizes I also need them in different formats so just imagine how many exports that would be living nightmare but there is that export persona remember that so let's go into the export persona now what we've got here each of the artboards has got a blue frame around it all of them the blue frame indicates I've made a slice of that we have a slice tool up there and you can draw I seas on both for the work I do the slice is the entire artwork but if you do different work where you need a slice within the artwork you can do that I've just done it around you each poster so over at this side when I look at all my slices I have one slice per poster now I also have layers here and these are what actually get exported okay now I actually did a lot of this work on the desktop because affinity designed for iPad wasn't out I didn't think for one moment I'd be able to take this on the road with me I didn't what I want to do in here now I'm going to set up some options when it comes to exporting which is I would like to set global options which is yeah somewhere mmm where are you I need to find the bit where I tell it where I want it to export and that is not it so where he disappeared to there we go choose export folder so basically tell it where you're sending them to and I want it to be iCloud Drive I want it to be in my demo data but I could do with putting it somewhere else mmm new folder have a think about it why don't you write let's call this demo posters now I'm doing that so you see there is nothing in there there's nothing in there so select thinking about that No had problems with this I'll be honest with you what I actually wanted to see was I need to select demo posters and then open not done open hopefully that has sorted it out now all of these have got settings in there and I would like to export the lot all at once and that's what this export all button is for if you don't want to export them all if you just want that show art that I've done that one one three you can just tap that and it says currently being exported and it disappeared okay fair enough can we see that all I'm going to do is drag on my files up and I'm gonna go in there and there is the artwork I've just exported six different versions of my artwork now the reason there is six different versions when there is one poster is that I've configured my export to export one piece of artwork in through two different formats at three different sizes I think I think that's why I've done yes that's what I've done which is amazing now while I'm talking about it what I'm going to do now is export the lot all of them to the same location and I'm going to leave that there while it does it and you can see just how fast it is doing it and I can scroll up and down while it's doing it and you can actually see them coming in this window is not part of affinity designer this is the files up in floatover mode and that's it that it's as fast as that and it's done the entire lot and that is why although you have export options straight from the app that that export persona is so much more powerful so if I get rid of that come on where you go no all right let's take you the other way right and go into there no I want I want you full screen now it's not playing there they all are so let's have a look at the one bees here fantastic and that's a full quality one and there it is there is the artwork for the show okay all right there's my iPad let's get rid of my iPad and get back up here awesome so let's have a recap right it's available right now and it's 1999 as I've said there are two versions now desktop version for Windows a Mac and the iPad version you can get all the details that you need to know from affinity serif com if you are interested in more detail and you want to read stories from nearly set developers then designers who are using affinity designer there is a book available it is written for the desktop version but you've seen the fidelity between the desktop version and the mobile version is nothing short of amazing so when there's some good stuff in that book and you can transfer it across in terms of knowledge transfer as I've said affinity designer is part of the patron roots of applications from affinity for designers affinity designer affinity photo and affinity publisher publisher will be available before the end of the month in beta it's not too late to sign up for the beta if you want that is the URL to go to and sign up as soon as it's available I will be all over it and because I will be all over it I will be doing a live session I would say on YouTube but tonight proved a little bit trying in that department but hey we'll give it another go I will make sure that the recording of this is available on YouTube at some point thank you for that YouTube and you can watch all the other stuff and I have lots of videos hours and hours of videos about affinity photo for iPad affinity photo for desktop and affinity designer for desktop already available so that's slash Elaine Giles so I am going to say thank you for being with me if you've been with me live I'm going to go in and take questions now because it's been such a challenging night in terms of the technology needed to demonstrate everything that I needed you to see that I've not been able to see much in terms of questions so I'm going to go and take the questions now and I've had people say who watched the replay they liked the Q&A as well well I must admit we do Rumble a little and we go slightly off piste so what I'm going to do is I'll make a list of the questions and the answers and I'll put them on a blog post and put the link in the blurb under the video and then you don't miss out but for now it is goodnight from me and I will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Elaine Giles
Views: 193,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affinity, affinity designer, affinity designer tutorial, affinity designer tutorials, affinity for beginners, affinity serif, affinity tutorial, affinity vector, basics, design, drawing software, how to, illustration, mac, serif affinity, tutorial, vector, vector drawing, vector tutorial
Id: Ci_ai5ZMv7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 27sec (4707 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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