Aeroband Pocket Drum 2 Pro Unboxing and Review - Gimmick or Actually Useable?

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[Music] hello this is john from lot your average tutor this is actually my first youtube upload i've had the channel for quite a while i've not actually uploaded anything so i thought actually it's about time i did and then i had the opportunity to review this the pocket drum 2 pro from aeroband so they sent me an email a little while ago saying would i be interested in reviewing one of their products because i was an existing um purchaser of their products which actually i think is the same product it could have been slightly updated this is the pro version of the two and i think it's quite interesting because even though they set this product for free so i have to be very very clear um i've been setting this free of charge but this is my opinion if i don't like it i'm going to tell you i know a lot of people say that but hopefully by the end of this video you'll see um so now why did i send it back well originally this was purchased as a gift for christmas christmasery i kept pushing my wife to send me um some drumsticks and air drumsticks because i do actually have a drum kit up in the loft and if you know it's like when you have a family you move your stuff slightly gets moved to the side and my rolling drum kit my electric drum kit which cost me about 1100 pounds many many moons ago that's been a lot i did use it occasionally but i don't use it enough to warn it to be out to take up valuable space as you know as a parent your things kind of move to the side and the kids toys and activities get replaced so so i thought there's a bit of a gap in the market where actually i'd like to play drums but the problem being is it's the physical space so push the wife to buy me for christmas i got it the kind of similar version to this one i don't know if it's been updated by any kind of software or firmware on there as well but we turned it because the latency was too extreme to make it enjoyable so if anybody knows what latency is it's similar like having a game if you've got a computer game and you want the character to move forward you press up and you want the character to move exactly the same it's very important when you're doing shooting games or action games so that's what latency is that kind of delay so if i go you want something on time but i was getting with this version and it just made it unplayable and it just made it unenjoyable but if you're looking at my website it says for consistency thanks to our unique space calculating algorithm and this is 99.9 lower than other competitors so they're claiming there's no latency so we're going to test that i'm going to do kind of a live demonstration i would say i'm quite a competent drummer but i would say very very basic i was part of a school band way back in the days and i like drumming i don't think this is to replace physical drums if you're a physical drummer who likes drums who's quite competent in their drums it's not to replace it i think it can supplement it if you're out about with friends doing a bit of jamming and stuff as well can be a good farm so where does this product sit does it sit for people complete novices have never played jumps before possibly is it for somebody that actually is quite professional and wants to use it to do live kind of playing with their friends or maybe even on stage i don't really know but the proof is in the pudding so i'm going to unbox it have a little look inside get it charged up and then let's do some reviews see in a moment so just taking this a kind of plastic cellophane off brings you to see what what's like inside i'm not a big fan of lots of packaging unnecessary packaging or look on the back it does mention quite a bit around the software that comes with it as well which is i used it before the early app was quite good quite impressive but again the latency it's no good having a great app if you're actually hitting the drum and it takes a few milliseconds to respond that's when i shake the product nicely packed let's have a look what's inside so we've got user manual some chinese on the back ah uk english instructions in there as well look very very clear there's a qr code feed up as well as i said before this is meant to be the pro version welcome for joining so you get a little card in there as well little cura code on there as well but ultimately now these are gorgeous looking look at them apps are really really nice as well and the good thing as well they've been updated they use usb-c for charging so you get two of these in the back and these little clever little devices which i didn't understand why they didn't use the same connector these use a micro usb on here as well for charging but they're tiny if you look at the size in my hand and these are for the foot pedals to attach them you get these little clips clip on the back so you can put my shoelaces shoes and they give you some by hand to go on there as well and you get the associated charging cables in addition again so these are the things that you would wrap around your feet they're quite stretchy fit my feet quite well because i said i've used it before and then attached to your foot clip them on put the sensors on as well and calibrate um so i knew i just i this is edition so i've not seen it before so you get another little charger so what makes this one different is meant to be this this little device it's a small device which apparently has midi which i'll try a later stage has a headphone out but basically this replaces the phone if you want it to so this is the bluetooth device connected to a speaker or headphones because i'm using samsung pro headphones at the moment connected to that it's supposed to get zero latency and cable to go with it and that's it right let's get it charged and give it a go so they're charged i just looked at the manual and the manual says protect anything between an hour to two hours to charge your devices this is a dual usb c adapter and this is for the drumsticks themselves because they still look very very cool dual adapter for the foot pedals the bluetooth adapter and some qr codes for english and for chinese i believe and that shows you how to set up device these are the plastic clips to attach it to your foot as i showed before i've got a little clip on the back this is for the adapter that seems to charge foot straps which you then attach these to and a audio cable so 3.5 mil i'm guessing that wouldn't go to a speaker or device as well so they're all set up i've tried to look instructions they are do look a little bit complicated i'm not the best instructions and i might have to put on my glasses but it's quite quite in detail to be fair but i might go and visit their website and try and just see it up as well and actually let's just try and see how quick it is to set up just with some kind of basic powers on and just see what happens so i'll give it a go quite excited and hopefully there's a massive improvement from the last one i purchased before as i mentioned it had quite poor latency so when i hit the drum it just sometimes it hit miss with the supply app but i i did speak to one of their kind of development team a while ago it does depend on the phone that you have um the device and how good the bluetooth is but i've got a samsung s21 ultra so i'll try that later stage but i just want to try it minimal setup just for the adapter with the sticks have all connected and just to see if it's usable for somebody who's looking to learn how to play drums or a more experienced drummer who wants it as a bit of fun better jamming going around friend's house and see if it's suitable or not so i do like my gadgets um so this would be a good one as well and again i'm it's to me it's not about cost it's about value i might get in value for money i don't it's about 180 pounds on amazon in the uk there's a 20 pound voucher on there at the moment as well so it brings it back to 160 pounds it does vary from your area but if you do go directly to the error bound website just be mindful that i just looked online it's not very clear which products are which because you can get it just the sticks sticks with the adapter just the adapter without the foot pedals so make sure you get the right combination as well so i'll share a link below again but just to emphasize i'm not being paid to write my own honest review as well they've supplied the equipment but if i don't like it i will tell you so let's see if we can get set up so oh so what i've done put the foot pads well don't judge my toes and the other side and i thought i'd just switch them on like a complete novice not a fan of too many instructions and also we wanted to see if it's intuitive to see if it's actually functional straight away as well so i've plus plugged in the adapter into a bluetooth speaker but i'm not using the bluetooth part because too many bluetooth devices can actually cause a bit of interference and sometimes can you know increase latency but we want to get as minimal as possible so i've got it there i've got the sticks i've just switched them on and let's see foot better one so this is the float on not full tom you can see how long i've not been driving for as well so this is the base you can't see my foot seems pretty accurate then on my left which i have on here it's the highest it's supposed to be foot down is close eye hat for open is open hi-hat so this has more like you're hitting the hi-hat to be fair but i've noticed already the latency is so much better than the previous model it could be because it's just down to the adapter so i highly recommend it if you've got the um error band drum 2 but i think the pro makes it this but i don't know if there's any internal changes on there but it's worth to look at so let's look at the stick see what it's supposed to do what is this is you're supposed to click them together about 45 degrees so that white ways it uses kind of space an area similar to like a wii controller so you press both and it means the drums here so it's no good drawing in random places so here should be should be the snare drum [Music] not too bad let's try gentle so it should increase and get louder so that shouldn't be picking up the highest again it's that's 3d space so yeah i do because obviously i'm on a swivel chair i do have a drum kind of stall up in the loft but let's just try again put it in the middle not not so bad but it's not just a snare jump no plane raise my foot my foot is raised actually but it's still doing it like that so so not 100 accurate which i'm not expecting to be honest so we've got the hi-hat here so we have some of the symbols and then the right [Music] so yeah hi tom tom floor tom [Music] again space is not perfect but another way to do it is to look where you are so you hit so you can see the 3d space so maybe reset here [Music] a little bit messy but not too bad it's definitely better but it's definitely important to make sure you're sitting in the right space this is maybe not the best device to use as well but let's reset it seems to miss it sometimes expect it to be here to where that is there [Music] a little bit better when things are a bit more of a distance apart so let's try again not perfect [Music] it's better much better i still think it needs a bit more space and movement to be more needs to be tightened up with that control because at the moment the drum seems to be quite fast let's have a look the hi-hat would not be there but then that encroaches on the snare so it does lose its space it seems to drift let's recalibrate i'm sure you can put in the comments if you do again like this video please like and subscribe and hit that bell notification i try and do more videos so as the name suggests i'm not your average tutor i do a mixture of things as well technologies where it's one of my passions are i've got a 4k projector i'm a bit of a home cinema fan i would say as well i've got a [Music] panasonic tv i've got a samsung dobby atmos soundbar with real apple speakers as well i like my technology but i want the technology to work for me so carry on [Music] why is [Music] with the drums they've made a massive in that virtual space massive the ride way massive so you might have to play more [Music] recalibrate [Music] tom shouldn't be here [Music] i'm using the foot pedals as well [Music] it's losing it's drifting off again i have a practice so it's a long video but i think it's really good if you're going to spend some money you want a quality product [Music] [Music] sorry find a conclusion massive improvement they've done a really good job it's much better with the latency there is still latency because you can't generally it's very difficult to get zero latency that a quote on their website but it's getting better the it's a bit tighter but the space is really important again i'm not in the most ideal chair but again this is the kind of person that potentially using it just sitting on each chair this can get in the way because obviously with a drum kit you'd have a stall but again if you're buying the equipment to use this stuff it kind of defeats the object so again maybe where you set your spacings you still need quite a wide space around you still need to visualize where the snare is where the toms are the floor tom the ride and the crash and i have so sometimes what i find it does drift as well mass improvement i'd love to see where the development goes with this one as well so it's really really good there's some software updates that are coming out as well to be updated which i don't know if they do it on its own but i'm assuming you've got to do it via the app so i might update the app onto my phone and see if there's improvement on the latency as well and the kind of virtual and the kind of visual space but you need to emphasize that when you play you've got to visualize where that is because sometimes when you play you're not getting quite small and then you'll get upset think well it's no good hitting the tom here when tom's up here so you really have to kind of be quite a good visual learner or use that visual acute to understand where the spacing is as well so impressed with it it's definitely much better the quality of it i do like all the cables it comes with a nice box not too much packaging as well but i still think there's a bit of a room to go but i'll update the firmware um on there as well and i'll give you an update if it's improved as well and maybe i try and find a more bit of a simple chair and we'll try again but thank you for your time please like subscribe and hit that bell notification you're going to get a range of hopefully videos from me as well because hence the name not your average tutor i do lots of things like today whilst i was charging the devices i was teaching an online kickboxing class i'm a neurodiversity coach so i have organizations recognize people who are neuro-diverse such as things like adhd autism dyslexia dyspraxia and different kind of neurodiverse conditions as well and how they can be a super powerful organization and i'm also a mental health first aid trainer delivering mental health qualifications to people as well so i do lots of different stuff as well hence the name not average tutor but hopefully you enjoyed watching the video but it gets an honest truthful look as well but again i think i need to play for a little bit longer and i'll give you some thoughts a little while later when i've had a bit more time and the kids are not shouting through the doors and stuff as well and i'll give an update but thank you for your time [Music] you
Channel: NotYourAverageTutor
Views: 30,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DCNzq7viFLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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