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[Applause] [Music] s [Music] [Music] thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] hello today we're talking about this thing it's called The Arrow guitar and there have been videos where they say this is a pretty cool thing and my friend Kalin made a video that who said it's the worst piece of guitar gear ever I disagree I think there's worse guitar gear but holy crap is it not good now this is from the company Arrow band they have a drum thing $199 on Amazon where you air drum and you know what for the price for what you get it seems to be a fun toy Les he's playing with it right about now this is at the moment in a Kickstarter style thing pre-orders and all that and they are as one does today approaching influence ERS to get videos done I think the first mistake that they're making is to go to people that know how to play guitar because of course we're going to judge it as a guitar shut up which it isn't and that's the recurring theme of this video this is not a guitar for disclosure we agreed on a fee for this video they were going to pay me €800 for me to present this with its pros and cons however there are very few pros and so many cons that I do not feel comfortable taking money from a company uh not recommending their product so I I am not making money but I felt it important to still have a an opinion on it on YouTube that is not paid for so even if they had paid me for it what which they're wanting to do uh I still would tell you the uh honest truth but the honest truth is so dirty that I do not feel right taking money for it so no money changes hands and I'm pretty sure after this video they're going to ask for this back which is totally fine the argument is have a simpler way for people to start the instrument and have a positive feedback be able to play a song really fast and feel like you are making music which is good absolutely uh what about people with disabilities what about uh kids that would put the guitar away because it hurts their tiny little fingers people with arthritis elderly people yes because this guitar has not strings but silicone runs glued to a plastic fretboard where it it doesn't hurt your fingers that much what or does it well I gave this guitar to Leslie and had to spend an afternoon with it in the backyard she was not even able to play the simplest thing even in the super simple mode where you just do this um got very frustrated and when I joined her she said my fingers hurt I don't want to do this anymore because when you don't have calluses on your fingers even pushing on the silicone strings is not comfortable so that argument went right out the window because I did the test with someone who's not a guitar player my wife and frankly she hated it how is it in terms of actually playing if you do know what to do so when I first plugged it in I was pleasantly surprised you have these silicone strings colors show you different sounds or where to play uh so illuminated Frets kind of cool and these are actual steel strings and as you've seen for the unboxing they have replacement strings in there now on the bridge is a piece of plastic with a sensor in it and that is to mute because if I do this this doesn't mute like it would do on a normal guitar you do this and then put okay now see on kalin's video it's Place wrong because [Music] it's hm mine worked now it doesn't because it's supposed to ring openly until you maybe a reboot will do it you hold in the button here this is for a mic to plug in a mic I don't get it because when you're singing here why why should the sound come out of the speaker here that's pointless people can hear it and to record with it it's supposed to be for people that don't know how to do anything so let me let me get into that argument very quickly here audio connected I see now it's working again so kin when you take it off and back on it doesn't work anymore so it has a USB charging there and it has an output what's that for who in the world would plug this in anyone professional enough or Advanced enough in their guitar playing would use a real guitar uh plugging this in pointless using it with a mic and plugging it into to record something who the crap would do that it's supposed to be a stepping stone for a student and as someone let me tell you this and I might have to repeat it several times in this video who taught guitar to people of any age for over 10 years I have something to say on how you learn guitar so it's uh it feels very natural to fret [Music] okay that actually works well the nice and the tracking you have to lift your hand of course and not to be on the [Music] mute okay slides work yeah louder [Music] ah however however uh of course Bend don't work that's it judging it on that is asinine because it's supposed to be for this learn turning [Music] this and no more than that it's okay if I do what I do on a guitar show you what happens do you hear that there's a bad sound cuz what what I do as someone who knows how to play guitar I'm doing this C sus two and usually I block that D string the third one here with my finger which I'm doing right now it's blocking it so on a real guitar it wouldn't sound here it does and I have a D in [Music] there so I have to play the full chord same thing on the G that's bad so I have to fret this so I have to change my chords when you're learning how to play chords on this it's easier to a degree because on a normal guitar you have to really make sure that your fingers have the right angle to not block other strings while here right now I'm actually blocking that high E string and it's still ringing I really have to go over with my finger quite a bit to be the wrong note and then even then it rings so on a normal guitar your fingers block other strings and that's one of the challenges when you're starting to play guitar how to learn not to block the strings here yes it's easier but it's not realistic now they go into uh this game mode where literally you just do one fret and there's four different ones four different colors which then represents a cord you don't even have to do the full threet it's enough to play with one finger on any of the strings and then you just have to strum the right strings yes that is game mode that is something that Guitar Hero or something would do is it in any way getting you in any way to playing a real instrument it is not I I'll show you the game mode how to play game mode if you are a beginner we recommend you to start with the game mode it can teach you to play an easy song in 3 minutes now let me show you how game mode works select your favorite song from the song library after entering the game mode the Fret indicator lights will light up with for different colors which corresponding to the colors of the sliders when the slider is about to reach the line as a reminder the Fret indicator lights will Flash the upcoming slider color you are about to play When the slider is about to reach the the line you only need to press down any number of strings on the Fret that corresponding to that color one or two strings are both fine follow the slider to play a song and you will score points in game mode the slider involves three different play Styles strumming kicking and arpeggio moreover you can utilize various tools to optimize your playing experience these tools allow you to play with the guitar solely play the guitar with the backing track employ a metronome and adjust the song speed now go ahead and try the game mode [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yourself [Music] la [Music] okay is is that actually playing guitar no it's playing a game which is totally valid this is a toy to play a guitar-like game like Guitar Hero or rock hero or something I actually did rock hero you where you where you used a real guitar with an Xbox I taught with that and had fun with students getting more points but the Xbox and a real guitar was not as much as this and we're going to get to that problem because the biggest problem of this is the price now um You can actually hold this in and have [Music] drums [Music] no it does not track strumming really well it really [Music] doesn't doesn't work well but it's got built in drums to practice or metronome and then it's got this uh cap Capo mode so let's say right here I'm going up three it doesn't mean that you play here like a capable would it just means that everything is three [Music] higher or [Music] down so if you want to dtune your guitar for the right song you can easily do that um next I'm showing you all the features as if I'm getting paid which I'm not um you can change the [Music] sounds like a clean electric none of it sounds [Music] good [Music] okay so none of that really sounds great the app doesn't teach you how to play chords there is a chord mode where you have to play real chords there is nothing teaching you there's nothing telling you how to hold your hand there's nothing telling you how to actually do it with the strings lesie didn't know that she had to do only certain strings there's nothing guiding you and the worst thing when you're learning an instrument is getting into the wrong habits because no one's guiding you but the app is even worse than that because it is clearly a Chinese product made in China by Chinese people without correct localization localization means they're getting someone from that country to look over the text to look over does it sound right to do a presentation in that language or do a voice over that sounds good what they did is use something that chbt use an AI voice to do the English and it's horrible the German menus the word menu in German can mean a menu which is a menu in a program but it uh they translated it to the German menu which meaning a food menu so it literally which is a different word the word is spiser so it says SP it says food menu it's laughable nobody ever checked it the English is horrible and worse all the explainy videos have horrible loud techish background music with an AI English voice over which is bad and then when the music from the actual instrument comes they didn't kill the music so there's techno music going this music going on top with an AI voice over it drives me bonkers mad how horrible that is it is worse than the actual instrument how to play practice mode arog guitar is an excellent instrument for practice the Innovative silicone strings alleviate finger paint while practicing now let's learn how to play practice mode select your favorite song from the song Library the app will remember your last selected mode by default if the current mode is the game mode you can tap on the screen to pause and switch to practice mode upon entering the practice mode chords will be displayed in the form of Sliders unlike the game mode in the practice mode chord charts will be displayed along with fingering instructions when the slider is about to reach the line play according to the chord charts and Sliders to score [Music] points in game mode the slider invol the songs in the app are horrible midi not fun to play with something that if you sold it as a toy would entertain you for a good 30 minutes and then it goes away doesn't Rock it's acoustick sounds or clean tones I don't see how this has any value to someone trying to learn guitar is it easier than actually playing guitar yes but it also doesn't give you the feeling doesn't give you any feeling of accomplishment uh sounds bad and you're just fighting with it more than you should the the biggest gripe that also other people like Kaylin had was the price this puppy hores clocks in at a Mia 500 bucks and that's the biggest problem if this was sold as a learning tool toy which it is play some games all that for 150 bucks I might have I might be impressed with the with a silicone [Music] strings not not too bad for 50 bucks for 500 as I said you can buy yourself an Xbox and a cheap guitar and play rock hero where you use a real guitar and have real games and have like you know good translations play the real songs with the real audio for for that money I get there's tick in here real strings this thing now oh it's actually working there's Tech in here there's LEDs in there all that but I mean we are talking 500 bucks now as a guitar teacher I'm telling you this if you are afraid of pressing on an acoustic guitar which hurts they usually have steel string 12s which is very ouchy get yourself a €69 nylon string guitar that is rather nice to the fingers it still hurts but it's okay so it's 69 bucks 69 and um then you still have 431 left for about half Year's worth of lessons weekly lessons where someone guides you gives you material it sends you home with things to practice and you're actually learning things with this with no guidance from the app on how to play the chords how to do the fingers no lesson plan no anything even with it being softer on the fingers you're not going to learn anything you're not going to be able to pick up a guitar after you worked with this and actually be able to play your right hand will be in the wrong position you don't know how to mute you don't know how to fret you're going to block strings because you don't have to pay attention to this year as a teaching tool to get you into the world of actually making music with instruments this is not the solution I get that someone had a cool idea and really went with it and had it designed and molded and loads of money went into this you should have talked to some guitar teachers who would have told you this is a bad idea as a toy let's say it was 149 I'd say I can probably find better toys but I'd have less of a problem with it it is not an [Music] actual instrument and for a toy at 150 it would be expensive I mean you can disassemble it that's kind of cool but at 500 bucks it's so bad that I had to refuse to put food on my table because I can't take their money cuz they made such a product and I'm sorry anyone on YouTube that they got to tell you for money that this is something great uh either doesn't know what a guitar looks like or should be like have never taken a lesson in their life have never taught or will tell you anything for money and I'm sorry I don't know who these people are I haven't looked at the videos but holy crap recommending this is dangerous they should have sent it to people who want to learn given them two month and then send them a real guitar and see can you do it and the answer is no answer is clearly no thanks for watching if you thought there was value to the video maybe support me on patreon uh pay me that way well I will not put links to this below because I simply can't uh they're going to be mad they're going to demand this back they can't have it back I have no use for it um hope this helped animals at the end oh no not animals at the end Kalen pointed this out rightfully so the most worst thing ever about this product is the advertising because I'm sorry we have to get extremely mad about people lying to us in advertising and understand advertising is about lying in a way well not here not on the channels of people that I call my friends but making an ad where you overlay pre-recorded actual acoustic music and singing on this piece of thing is Criminal and that's what they did I gladly remember the river you and I sailing on the ad from a year ago literally has an acoustic guitar you can see that the movements don't match it's badly done but it's clearly not the audio from this instrument and that's lying and aeroband shame on you for even reaching out to us wanting us to support a company that lies to their potential customers you don't do that it makes me really mad there's there's many things you can do to me but do not blatantly lie that is not okay shame on you and I'm almost at the [Music] end [Music] croll s l yeah my eyelids closed can't see single BR TR skin R blood and it working brain is everything I got
Channel: EytschPi42
Views: 283,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EytschPi42, HP42, Henning Pauly, Aeroband, aeroband guitar, beginner guitar, bad product, jammy guitar
Id: Coh88YTfqxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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