AEG | German Bench Grinder | Restoration & Modification | 4K
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: The Restoration Guy
Views: 1,011,717
Rating: 4.6706057 out of 5
Keywords: Bench Grinder, Bench Grinder Restoration, AEG Bench Grinder, German Bench Grinder Restoration, Polishing Machine Restoration, Polishing Machine, The Restoration Guy, Grinder Restoration, Restoration, old restoration, tool restoration, vintage restoration, rust restoration, restoration project, rusty, restoring, how to restore, old, how to restore grinder, modification, vintage grinder restoration, rusty bench grinder restoration, german restoration, restored, perfect, tool, vintage
Id: EEnwWltDNoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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