AEC Collection - The Best Tool for the Job

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welcome my name is Jeff bartels today's session is called Autodesk AEC collection the best tool for the job we like to say the best tool for the job because some of our customers have have grown up on our hero products Revit civil 3d some of the applications like that and many times when you're working on a project you know that you got that one hero product that you're familiar with and you tend to use that for just about everything cuz because that's you know you spent the time of a learning curve getting used to that tool so you try and you try and leverage it as much as you can what we're gonna do today is look at some of the other tools that are available in the collection what you have available to you because there are tools in there that are dedicated to some of those workflows that if you use those tools that can actually help you boost efficiency so that's that's our goal is just to introduce some of the other tools that you have access to just a little bit about myself I've been working in the civil infrastructure industry for more than 20 years I was the CAD manager at a civil engineering and consulting firm in Illinois which is where I'm where I'm from I for a good portion of that time I did standards I installed software I I worked on plan sets site plans things like that I also was responsible for doing implementation and training in the office the I've been training Autodesk applications for almost as long for a good portion of that time I worked for an autodesk reseller where we did a ton of civil 3d implementations throughout the Midwest United States I've been with Autodesk now for six years then fortune given presentations and on occasion I still get to do a little bit of training I am a contributor to a blog called civil immersion I've got the URL there on screen that's a blog that myself and a couple other technical specialists put together and the purpose of the blog is just to provide how-to content you go there and there are hundreds of short recording six to eight minutes that show you how you can accomplish workflows using several of the tools in the collection so if you haven't had a chance to look at that there's some really good content there since we're gonna be talking about the collection I thought we would start by defining it the collection is a grouping of just about every application that you might be to accomplish an AEC project everything from conceptual design all the way through finished high-end visualizations on screen we can see the list of applications that are available there there's more than 29 I believe today we are going to touch on the goal is to try and hit on this many the ones that are highlighted there we'll look at how we can leverage those in an for an AEC project infrastructure project so the project that we'll be looking at today is going to be a small commercial site plan I use a small site plan because that fits well into the timeframe that we have that being said you can use these tools for projects of any size and we're gonna be looking at workflows that fit into several the the stages that we typically go through with a civil infrastructure project everything from conceptual design all the way through up through value add value and as I like to call that the visualization stage if you have a project that where it makes sense we have tools that can create really nice high-end visualizations will then wrap up with a summary and if there are any questions as we go by all means buy your way we can we can answer those as they come up we'll also take any questions here at the end the goals for today's session is give you some exposure to the AC collection we are gonna be reviewing just a subset of what it's capable of because we could spend an entire day talking about each of these tools if we wanted to we will also be discussing several the business benefits you can see some of those on screen we'll talk about more as we get into this big thing it's gonna be a PowerPoint free zone I'm not a big fan of PowerPoint rather than showing you bullet points and screenshots and things like that I'd rather work live in the software I find that's more compelling and I like to bring that up because any time we work live it can be both an exciting and a frightening time because no two presentations are the same so it'll be fascinating to see how this one goes so let's talk about the the commercial project this is gonna be a project that maybe you know you you know historically maybe this would be something where you try and accomplish everything just using civil3d on screen we can see an aerial photo of the proposed project site it is located just south of an existing carwash along any uh a main main drive here we can see the zoning map for that property our project is located right here it's zoned business if we look to the south and to the west we can see these areas are zoned residential and to the east is unincorporated there happens to be a church there currently so if you've ever worked on a commercial project that is adjacent to residential you know that the residents come in to the public meetings aren't coming to tell you what a great idea your project is they're coming because they've got questions I was this going to affect them so some of the things that we look at today in the collection are gonna help us answer some of those questions so what is the commercial venture that we'll be putting in it's going to be a fast-food restaurant called chicken and waffles now autodesk legal photo would be a good idea for us to mention that this is not a real project in the event you have a second or third cousin that lives adjacent to the site we are not actually putting in a fast-food restaurant there so throughout today we're gonna be looking at several workflows using the collection i've got ten plus tools there we're gonna get through as many as time permits so with that we'll go ahead and jump into the demonstration I'm gonna start out in infraworks enforce an application we can use to very quickly create 3d existing conditions models does a lot of other things but one thing it is really wells great existing conditions in just a matter of minutes if I you know for this project let's say maybe I want to create some type of an exhibit I can just show the city and say conceptually this is what we're looking at putting on this life and we you know we don't want a full approval for it but we just want to see if you see any red flags you know with this concept historically you might do something like that maybe putting an aerial photo on a plot maybe mark it up with a marker but if you really want to tell the story about what you're doing 3d nothing tells the story better than 3d historically 3d has been expensive but now we can do it really quick here within Forks let's look at that in the infraworks application we have several tiles each of these tiles represents a model that I can open if I want to create a model from scratch I can come up and just click the model builder button model builder works a lot like Google Earth I can type in an address I can type in a community I'm gonna type in East Dundee Illinois that's where this site is located and this is so this is on the internet I can take a pan around and find my area currently I'm viewing this using a map view I can also go to an aerial view if I want to so there's my site if I wanted to build a an existing conditions model from this I would simply select a selection method grab as much of the areas I want and then I would come down and give this model a name we'll call it sample and then I would click create model when I do that info Works is gonna go out and find any freely available content online for the road Center lines and for building footprints those are gonna get going to be coming from the OpenStreetMap data set it will also find any aerial photography using the Bing data set and it will grab USGS topography for me automatically so we don't have to grab that stuff ourselves this is just meant to be a starting point you can use this to create a quick model and then you can add to it if you want the that's I guess that's the thing I want to stress is you can you can incorporate your own data as well now when I click create well I'll just I'll click create it'll come up and say you know take a couple minutes depending on the size of the area that you picked I think our area was only 0.2 square kilometers we can go up to two hundred square kilometers eventually that model will show up in the interface I'm gonna click to open one that I created a little bit earlier you can get an idea of what that model might look like I've got a aerial photo there this does have relief its Illinois so it's flat but we do have some relief here by the water area you can see it found a water area and it applied the material do that it found a couple building footprints this happens to be a Park District Community Center area so that's probably why the showed up in that dataset let me orbit this around so really quick I've got a nice you know blank canvas here representing my existing conditions that I can take and further augment as an example I would like to improve the quality of my existing ground surface you can see that at the site there's a overgrown stockpile here there's also a contention basin there's a bit of a kind of a Ridge through here let's see what the USGS contours look like that we got in infraworks I can draw what's called a parcel I'm just going to pick some points here I'll just work my way around the lot and when I finished with my shape I can come over much like we can in civil 3d I can use these properties I can say let's just turn on the contours I want those at a one-foot interval and they're a little hard to see at this visual style let me change this to site view so there's the contours that I got from USGS so if you've ever worked with USGS surfaces before you know it's not the most detailed stuff in the world not bad I mean if I if I hover over these and we look in the lower left corner if you have really good prescription lenses you can see in the lower left that's the 8:54 contour elevation 853 to 1 as I as I move around through here so just from a rough stormwater perspective I know that the the water probably flows in this direction all right I would like to improve the quality of this existing ground surface this is where I could leverage a drop we have technology that allows us to build 3d models from imagery I could take my cell phone and I could walk around the conference room table taking pictures of the table as long as I had 80% overlap or better on those images I could upload those images to the cloud and produce a 3d model of the table we could do that for tables or we could do it for an entire site the trick to the site is holding the camera that's where the drone comes in let me drop out of this momentarily we'll jump to the next slide here the software that we're gonna be looking at here is called pix 4d this is something that's not in the collection this would be the software that you would buy that would be compatible with your hardware and this flies the drone for you it takes the pictures and ensures that you have the appropriate amount of overlap there's several tools pix 4d is what we're using an example but you could also use drone deploy or sight scan some of those other tools basically the way this works there's a tablet associated with your controller and you can set up what's called a mission you can take and draw out the area you want to collect over an aerial photo and it creates that lawnmower pattern to collect the images most of these work the same way just with grips if I update that mission it also updates the pattern likewise I can pre-program the elevation of the drone which will also update that pattern alright let me pause this and let me show you this using that tool we captured these images as I step through the easel you'll actually see that lawn mower pattern okay so the drone was flown totally autonomously to capture those let me go back to my slide here for a second so once we have those images we use a tool called recap photo which is in the collection a recap photo very small learning curve to this effect there's not a whole lot to the interface basically we just have to tell it you know how do we collect the images aerial or the tripod I said aerial here's where I would grab those images and then I could load them into the interface now if you have if your camera is integrated into the drone the it can capture the altitude and the latitude and longitude and apply that as metadata to each image this application can use that then to scale the mesh that it's going to create and physically put it at that location on the globe if you want this to be tied to survey data it's got an option there called the ground control points where if you know an XYZ coordinates of some locations on site we call those like salient features if if you have known coordinates you can assign those to the to the mash and have this line up with your survey this is a cloud-based tool in the upper corner there you can see I'm kind of hovering to show there's 65 photos which equates to twelve cloud credits about twelve dollars and we can go up to a thousand images and I think that was like around fifty dollars in addition to creating the mesh I can also have it create a point cloud from the photos I can also have to create an orthographic image if you've ever worked on a project and you wanted contemporary aerial photography with the with the project you could use this tool just for the purpose of creating those those ortho photos now on here I'm opening up the image and recap photos or the the mesh so you can see what that looks like so just from we have a fairly decent representation of that of that site we can see the stockpile of the detention basin we can kind of see some of the the the ridges there in the property I always like to say that this isn't meant to be a replacement for survey since we are building the surface from imagery we have to remember that we're capturing the top of the vegetation now if you had a lidar scanner on your drone you could actually create survey grade surfaces from that because this would that would shoot through the vegetation but this can produce a much more accurate surface than what we're getting from the usgs and it'll be fantastic for conceptual design even a little preliminary until we get the survey crew out there to do it to agra fee so i said that we could create the mesh we could also have it generate a point cloud I'm gonna jump out of this and I'm gonna jump in to recap Pro recap Pro is in the collection recap Pro is our tool for managing point cloud data we can use this to register point clouds together we can visualize point clouds we can crop them more importantly we can export point clouds from here into a format that is acceptable by the other tools in the collection that's why we have recap that way each tool doesn't have to have a point cloud engine in it so here in recap I'm gonna say new project import point cloud and I am going to select files to import here we'll go to my folder and I will open the RCS point cloud that was downloaded from recap photo you can see just one we could put a bunch of clouds in here and register him if we wanted to I just got one in this case let me choose launch and here we can see the the point cloud data that was generated from those images okay not not too bad not too bad since we were dealing the photos back in the day I was lucky if you know as somebody who used to have to draft the stuff I was lucky if I got a couple snapshots from the survey crew of some things that were made may have been a little bit complicated to draw here with the drone workflow you can actually capture the site you had a question about something you don't have to drive back out there you can view it as a master you can view it as a point clock you can reference the point cloud into civil3d if you want to so I've got a ton of data here I've got thousands of points each with a unique XYZ and even though this is not survey accurate I could still use this to gather intelligence from the site I've got a major highway here I'd like to get the width of these lanes and I don't want to be out there taping those while traffic is driving by I can use the distance tool here and I can take a measurement now by default it thinks we're in Europe it's giving me that in metric let me change this to feets so I can see that Lane is just over 12 feet wide I can use that same technique here to measure like the width of the sidewalk width of the entrance I can even use it to capture elevations on this building I'd like to find out how tall that building is I can select the point data surrounding that building and kind of isolate that on screen and then I can take a distance maybe I'd like to lock the z-axis so I'm sure I'm getting a straight down measurement we'll take this down to here I can see that building is approximately 21 and a half feet wide now at the risk of destroying the end of the movie here I'm going to be creating a preliminary engineering model that we could take to a public meeting and I'd like to incorporate some of these buildings that are you know off my property I can get a lot of my measurements right from here I don't have to go on somebody's property and and be taping they're taping their buildings so great tool just for extracting measurements as well so let me close this and we'll jump back over to infraworks so I've got my point cloud let me flip my visual style here I can also use that point cloud to update my surface here and in force and I could take into reference this here under data sources here's where I could take in info Works is an aggregator it brings data together into one environment I could come down and I could I could taken grab point cloud and bring that in might take a minute or two for that to show up instead I've actually brought it in here a little bit earlier let me turn it on right there we can see the point cloud so that that matches up with my environment in fact you can see the point data kind of disappears here in the detention area that's because it's actually going underneath the USGS surface that I had if I wanted to build a surface from this point cloud I can come down here and choose point cloud terrain and I could select the point cloud I'm interested in there's several you know optimization settings I can use I'm just gonna use the defaults here and choose start processing and when I do that infraworks is going to run an algorithm on those points and identify the points that it believes represent bare earth and it will then build a surface from that it will also you through the optimization you can you can decimate the point cloud or simplify the data you can say I'd like to create a point cloud that is less dense than maybe all those points that we have but I still want to keep the same shape and by doing this you can build a surface that is one-tenth the size if you were going to try and build a surface just through civil3d so I'm generating the surface here in addition to building the surface it has the ability to identify and extract vertical components from the point cloud it can you know as it's working its way across that will see a constellation of points that goes up it can isolate those and then it can look at those and say I believe the shape of that is a tree I believe the shape of that is a car I believe maybe this is a street sign or something like that and it has the capacity to actually put those objects at that location at the appropriate size and then you can go through and and make adjustments to those if necessary it's even smart enough to learn as it looks at things multiple times it can you know mail boxes things like that it can learn and put the appropriate symbol there one last thing as its extracting another thing we can extract in the point cloud is 3d line strings like the brake lines it does that based on the intensity of the point cloth so if you captured the shoulder edge of pavements lanes striping basically anything that it can see you can go through and have it automatically trace that those entities and once we trace those you know in in here video you could display them but you could also export those into civil3d just another way if you wanted to generate a road surface or something like that we can do it from the brake lines so once this finishes processing I will have that data in the model it'll take and show up over here in the model Explorer it gave me an overlay I don't need that I'm gonna turn off the point cloud here for a second and let's go to surface layers right here I've got a new surface that was generated from that point cloud back in the day factor probably the last time I was here infraworks didn't support multiple surfaces it does now so I've got this new surface I can just drag this down and put that at the very top of the ground surface and then four works and I can say let's turn around and I'll click okay that point cloud surface will now take over in this area and if I change this view here back to site you can see that I've got a much more detailed surface model there than what I started with okay more more accurate than the USGS does you know if I'm gonna take this conceptual design of the city I want this to be as accurate as possible so now that I have my surface taken care of I would like to start creating some conceptual designs for the parking I could do a little bit of that drawing here in infraworks but in Forks isn't meant to be a CAD tool it's more of an aggregator we have other tools in the collection for drawing so let's do this I'm gonna minimize this and I'll pull up map 3d I'm using map 3d because I can leverage geospatial data everything I do here you can do a civil 3d as well so here here in map I can see that the drawing that I'm opening has a coordinate system to it so it's asking me if I want to use the online map data the soul this will display kind of a infinitely large aerial photo within the CAD environment which is kind of nice and see as I backup that that takes an updates so there's my there's my site since I'm gonna be doing a conceptual design of the parking lot of I'd like to get an idea of where the property boundaries are we're still the conceptual stage yet I don't want to be sending the survey crew out to do a survey I do happen to have geospatial data for the parcels so if I come out into my folder here I have a shape file called parcels I can take that and one really nice thing in Autodesk applications if a particular file format can can exist within the environment many times you don't have to know the the tool to import it you can just drag and drop it into the application so just dragging and dropping that in it was the equivalent of doing the FDL connection i've actually linked to that shape file one more thing I should mention since I was here last we can now take and connect right to ArcGIS online or in our GIS portal and do the same thing so if you have access to that data you you don't have to make shapefile so you can go right there and pull the layer in from there so now that this is in the application I can stylize these parcels much like I can in a native geospatial application they're a little hard to see through so let me change the colors here a little bit I'm gonna I'll change the boundary color to blue we'll change the fill color to a lighter blue and then we'll drag up the transparency I'll click apply we'll close this up so there we go this this is the parcel that I'm interested in one nice thing about bringing geospatial data into the CAD environment we don't lose any of the attribution since I'm linked to the shape file if I select this parcel boundary I can come up from the contextual ribbon and click table this will show me the table data I can find out who owns the lot I can find out what the address is you know parcel index number all of that information that came along from the shape in fact any parcel that I click on here it'll take me right to that area in the table I can also go in reverse I can select the table and it will show me the the parcel so all of that CAD data is there all of that geospatial data is available in the CAD environment I can also I can take this parcel there's an option here check out I can check that parcel out into the drawing and then I could edit its shape I could change the data in the table and then I could go right back and say check in I could take and push those changes right back in this case I could push them right back to the shape file now and in this example I checked that out just because I want that boundary so now that I've checked it out I'm gonna explode it and then I'll hide these other hide these other layers so there's my there's my geospatial boundary here's where I could start drawing my parking lot and rather than having you watch me use my mad AutoCAD skills through the miracle of time-lapse photography I'm just gonna turn on some layers and you can see there's my there's my parking lot design so I just you know drew this with the auto cad functionality offset trim okay all those tools once I get my design and state where I'd like to move it over into infraworks I can then export this data into a geospatial format there's a command called map export using map export I can export CAD geometry into a geospatial format so I'm doing it here just for some line work but you could also do it with your civil designs anything that you want to move into GIS we can do with mat map export I'm gonna export the project site I'll overwrite this shapefile that I made a little bit earlier so map export I'm exporting a polygon I want to select that polygon if it had data associated with it I can export that as well under options here I'm gonna say treat closed polylines as polygons that's how close shapes are stored in shape files let's click OK and that was exported I could then go through an export the parking boundary I could export the stripes I could export the islands each of those could be exported as a shape let's jump out of this we won't save changes and I'll flip back over to infraworks so now that I have my conceptual design done I can take and drop that into my infraworks environment and this parcel that I made a little earlier I just kind of sketched that on screen I don't need that anymore let me delete that let's let's bring in let's bring in our shape file or the shape files that we made here in the data sources panel I could come down and and grab the shape before I do that let me just mention you can see these are all the different file formats that we can bring into infraworks that we can aggregate together in this environment let me also mention that infraworks is capable of connecting to several different database sources and now since since the last time I was here there's an ArcGIS online button here as well so I can take and bring my GIS layers from ArcGIS online or ArcGIS portal right in the infor infraworks environment so for my example here I'm going from shape so let me choose that and then I will jump into that same folder there's the project site shape file from today's date there let me click open you can see that shows up here in the data sources list once we make the attachment we can then configure it we just have to tell infraworks what this represents so I'll double click to do that and then I'll open the type menu and you can see these are all the different types of objects that can be represented in infraworks basically you choose a type so that you could then go through and apply the appropriate style I'm saying that this this parcel boundary is going to be a coverage area just drape it on top of the surface and then I can choose a material and info works comes with a lot of materials out of the box you can also create your own I'm going to use this grass material and I'll choose clothes and refresh and when I do that it makes the attachment and then it will apply a material to that and it will kind of create the appearance of a freshly mowed lawn there kind of gives me a blank slate to work from now I did that attachment using the the pull down here remember I said that we can do that with drag and drop as well so if I grab like the parking lot shape I can drag that in and I can say this is a coverage area and I'll apply a material to this will go in the roadway collection and I'll grab dark asphalt as I bring these over you can see everything is organized nicely in this list let's do one more I'm gonna grab the the island I'll drag and drop that in we'll say this is a coverage area and under material will choose roadway and I'll grab this concrete so as I make these attachments they're organized nicely on the pallet the other nice thing notice there's a refresh button up here so I only have to do this connection one time if my design changes in that other file I can just export new shapes just overwrite the ones that I had and then I can come into infraworks and click the refresh button and everything updates so I only have to do this once and I can I can very easily update it for subsequent changes so now that I have this in the in the model remember I said that it drapes if I kind of orbit this up you can see how that's kind of laying on top of that surface if I was to show this to the city that that would probably generate a question are you gonna grade that that way and of course we're not but I don't want to spend the time you know working out the grading for the lot right now what I can do is select the the parking shape I can right click and choose shape terrain and I can I can kind of pad this off I can set an elevation for this and what it'll do is kind of flatten that out and then it'll blend the surface into the existing so this way this way if I was to show that to the city that's that's not going to generate an issue that's nice and flat all the coverage areas that it works anything that's on top of one that I adjust will conform and these these operate they function using draw order just like just like they do in civil 3d let's do one more thing I'm going to add a building we'll say that maybe the franchise owner franchise owner gave us the franchise owner gave us a building that we should use for this project some fast-food chains use the same building footprint regardless of location there we go so the building they gave me is FBX which is a it's kind of a FBX is kind of like a universal model format FBX goes into all of our applications but we can take Sketchup files we could take Revit files we could take obj files from 3ds max we could take 3d DWG files if we want to so let me just I'll drag and drop drag and drop will tell infraworks what this is it's a building if I go to the 3d model tab I can see it and this particular building didn't have a geospatial coordinate system assigned to it so I can choose interactive and I can just double click to put this wherever I want okay so very very quickly I created an existing conditions model I was able to lay out some conceptual parking area and place the building this gives me something nice I can show the city just you know from a conceptual perspective do you see anything that might raise red flags so we'll say city looked at it and said you know it is own business or commercial you're not putting a you know putting a jail there you're not putting an adult bookstore we don't see anything that would really raise a red flag we're not going to give you a approval for it just yet but so we don't see any reason why you can't can you on with preliminary engineering so knowing that they minimize my infraworks and I'll jump into civil 3d so we'll say we're in the preliminary engineering phase the tool that we're gonna look at next I always like to say is the one of the greatest secrets best-kept secrets that we have at Autodesk the application is called raster design using raster design we can incorporate images into the cad environment we can assign coordinate systems to images so that we can predictably put them in other drawings we can merge images together we can clean them up color correct them we can extract geometry from them geometry and text wonderful wonderful tool so let's look at that I'm gonna open a drawing here this is called boundary destroying has a coordinate system in it and basically it's the same parcel boundaries I had before these are just polylines in this case just so I can see where they're located so I am going to let's let you know the the geospatial boundaries that I had they're nice but they don't show me things like easements or setback so I don't see all the information that might be you know important to know when I'm laying out my design let's say that we approached the city and asked for a plant for this site and they sent us one I'm gonna go back into my directory here they sent us a tiff I'm just going to drag and drop that in I'll kind of pull that out so here's the here's the property and I can see looking at the plat looks like they've designated a location where they expect a in access looks like they've got it is right in only so I know right now I'm probably gonna have to negotiate my parking lot with the city I can also see that there happens to be a utility he's been running through this as well as a set back here and the utility easements on the east side of the property so let's let's use raster design to align this to my geometry when we load raster it comes up as a single tab in the ribbon raster runs on top of all the AutoCAD applications I'm using it in civil 3d but you use it in math regular autocad autocad architecture can mep all the other stuff that come in the collection I'm gonna choose match which will load the tool and then as soon as this comes up I'll pick a couple points up I'll pick a point here and I'll align that to this end point the Southwest and then I will pick another points up here and I'll align that to the end point here and then I will select this image I'll right click and we'll say so let's send that to the back so the the plat doesn't match perfectly with the geospatial boundaries I don't expect it to but this is this is pretty close it'll give me an idea I have also externally referenced that conceptual design let's reload that so there's my parking lot I can see fortunately one of my entrances falls where they're expecting one I can see that this utility easement doesn't run underneath my building that's that's another good thing and I can see that I'm not encroaching on the on the setbacks here in the back so not too bad I can see that we were you know it's not it's not optimal but it's not something that we can't recover from so using raster design I was able to align that sometimes when people see that they say well there's an align command in AutoCAD we could do that as well let's let's look at some of the other things raster can do for instance if I come down to this legal description you can see the city didn't send us the cleanest scan in the world I can use raster design to clean this up I'm gonna start by going to process image and I'll say change color depth I'm sure you'll agree this was a plaque or a print at one time it was all black or all white so I'm gonna change the color depth here and to buy tonal which gives me the exact opposite of what I would expect let me go to clean up here and I'll choose invert there we go so now it's all black are all white it helps accentuate some of a dirt that's on the scan there is a tool that I can use under cleanup called de speckle I can use this to clean the image basically I will select the area of the image that I want to clean up I get selected all if I want to and then I would zoom in and pick a representative speckle and it will grab every speckle that size or small and when I press ENTER it'll take that out okay still got a couple of the big ones I don't want to go too big or I start losing periods commas things like that but we can clean the images from here you don't have to use Photoshop or in fact I think that would be difficult in Photoshop being a Photoshop user occasionally we would add some of the stuff that I've worked on in the past we've get details that would come in through the fax machine and then they want us to incorporate those into our plants and they just look terrible you almost wanted to redraw it as opposed to using that but we could clean them quite well using the raster tool now another thing we could do I could extract this text maybe I need the text from this legal description in a exhibit and goodness knows if you've ever typed a legal description that could be one of the most painful things in the world to do so I'm gonna use the optical character recognition functionality I can just click OCR and then I can pick two points that represent the angle at which that text was created and I can come down and select the area that represents the legal description and here in the verify text pane I will see the original image on top and down below I'll see the extracted text any place where it ran into a word that it didn't recognize it'll be green and if I click on that word and show me a little picture of the image and I can see the T was kind of kind of blown out there let's fix that I could take and drag this down a little bit further state route kind of put an apostrophe there I'll put the space back in let's go a little bit further if it ran into the word monumentation now that's not a spelling error it's just a word it didn't recognize if I want I can come over and click add to dictionary so it'll never run across that again so when I'm when I'm finished I can like okay and if I click on this this is now a paragraph of M text so I could drop this into an exhibit I could even cut it to my clipboard and paste it into another application if I wanted to all right so raster design let me jump out of this and you can see when I when I go to get out it says hey do you want to save the changes to the image so I get any change I made I can actually save back to the photo from here which is nice in this case I'm gonna say skip off let's look at another tool another tool we have in the collection is called vehicle tracking using vehicle tracking I can very quickly layout parking lot geometry if you've ever had to put parking stalls in that can be a very time-consuming process I used to do a lot of parking additions for like a hospital or a school and you could be there for the day offsetting things and trying to create all the geometry of those stalls just to find out how many stalls would fit you know you it takes you just as long to do it conceptually as it does to create them accurately vehicle tracking allows us to create stalls it also provides swept analysis tools so if you know any vehicles that have to access the site delivery vehicles refuse vehicles emergency vehicles we can ensure that they can get in and get out so we'll look at some of that vehicle tracking when is installed is a single tab in the ribbon it loads on top of all the AutoCAD applications so I'm using it in civil 3d but we could run it map we could run at regular AutoCAD if we wanted to we'll do striping first the way striping works is you define a standard you know in work that I did our parking stalls were always nine feet wide eighteen feet deep 24 foot wide drive aisle twenty-one foot wide if it was one direction you might have different measurements for handicap stalls and the safety zone stuff basically you'd punch all of that in and save it as a standard and by default it comes with a bunch of standards out of the box I like to consider these starting points under US parking standards there's a couple in here if I right-click on this I can choose view and you can see usually we would take and punch in the measurements for islands and Bend islands and Bay dimensions and service types vehicle classes valid Bay angles all the different angles that the stalls could be you can even dial this up to wheels and safety posts I've logged a lot of time putting wheel stops in parking spaces that I really don't have to do anymore let me hit cancel will close this so once you've defined your standard you could set that as the default and then we can create parking stalls as fast as we can draw a polyline so I'll start at the endpoint here and I'll come down to the end point here and if I was to continue on you'll see how that would clean up in this case that's as far as I want to go so I'll press ENTER and then I have to tell it do I want the stalls to the inside both sides or outside I'll click to the inside to put them there and then I'll tap my spacebar to go back into the command and we'll put a couple more in here go from the end point here to the end point there I'll press ENTER and then I'll click to the inside so unlike the traditional way of creating these stalls where they're all individual items if I click this roll you can see it's it's all one object with a bunch of grips that we can use to make edits my favorite grip is this one allows you to pull it into a curve if you ever placed stalls along an arc that can be time-consuming because the narrowest part of the stall needs to be your minimum measurement now I dragged that outcome those what that radius is but if I type di for distance and I measure the narrowest distance of this stall we'll see that's exactly 9 feet okay so let me undo we'll put that back I've got another grip here that controls the drive aisle if I select that you can kind of see some dots up here that's my construction line that I use to show what the drive aisle width would be this is bi-directional I can see it's gonna encroach on my drive-through lane if I click this grip and pull this so that it's one-way you can see how that construction line comes in so I can see okay if I made this one way that will fit with my drive aisle let me come over here since it's one-way I can use this grip to snap to the valid bay angles that would be extremely painful to do if these were individual pieces and then you know what I really don't need I am here at the beginning I can come up and hit my edit button and I can see let's turn off the lets turn off the start Island so at any point I can come up and click and create a parking report find out how many stalls I have I don't even want to admit what we used to do back in the day to count stalls it usually involved multiple people and averaging what everybody came up with because no two people came up with the same number now you can just get a parking count right from right from the list there having said that not all stalls are gonna be the same some of these are gonna have to be handicapped accessible instead of editing the whole row I can click a button and I can edit just an individual stall you can see the little red light comes on I'll click this stall for instance and here's where I can choose a different Bay type different measurements this Bay types got a safety zone I can click copy to so you can see a put one in there I can go through and add two more if I want to when I'm done I'll hit close I'll hit escape and I can come right back up and generate another report I've got nineteen stalls traditional stalls three accessible there's my total there's my percentages I could export this into a CSV file and make a table out of it if I wanted to I could even have it count the stalls and put the numbers on them if that was necessary so a really really quick way to generate parking lot geometry we can also use this for sweat path analysis let's say that I had a WB 40 semi with a trailer that needed to pull in to do deliveries I'm gonna make the assumption that they're going to be driving north and they'll pull in this side drive around the building and park in the drive-thru lanes so that they can unload here at the storage area here in vehicle tracking I'll pick the auto drive arc tool which brings up the library of vehicles that I can choose from there are hundreds of real-world vehicles in here organized by country we come down here to us design vehicles you can see these are further organized by state some of these were created for do T's I also have the statewide ash tell and then this is available at different you know different years metric customary will go into 2011 so here we can go through and select our desired vehicle there's also a wizard here you can even create your own I can mix and match what's there I can take the cab from one vehicle and attach it to the trailer of another I can also create my own vehicles completely from scratch I also like to mention that in this example we're using kind of an outdoor situation where I'm driving a truck outside this works indoor as well I could create those little golf carts they drive around the inner part we can generate like an MRI unit that moves around the hospital if it has wheels and you can steer it you can model it with vehicle tracking I'm gonna choose the WB 40 trailer we can see that's articulated let's choose proceed and I will drop this down here in the roadway and I'll choose to proceed we drive the vehicle just by picking on screen I was I was telling John a little bit earlier back in my day we used to have these vehicles printed on acetate at different scales we'd lay them down on the paper and try and you know see if the vehicle would drive in don't have to some people are still doing that so but uh you don't have to do that anymore you can you can actually drive the vehicle around so in this this is it this will print the acetate sheets if you like that you know we can this will print the acetate sheets I thought that was fascinating that you could still do that so I'm just gonna pick a couple points to drive this in look one thing I didn't mention as I as I move this you can see how the even the wheels turn and the the arrow with the percentage changes that is the amount of steering wheel that's the percentage they're turning the wheel okay everything from a hundred percent left to a hundred percent right the steering of the vehicle is based on real world physics there is a there's a five mile an hour speed put on that you could change that if you want and then there's a certain amount of time how long does it take the driver to go from a whole left to a full right steering wheel block and so the faster the vehicle goes the larger the arcs are going to be so you can customize all that if you want but it's based on real-world real-world physics once I've drawn my path it creates envelopes the green envelope represents the path of the body the red envelope represents the path of the chassis and notice that just like the parking this is considered one object I can see based on my envelope so I kind of mounted the curb there I can click these pasture points and I can edit this path okay I can I can take and move this around if I want to so let's just pull that down you can see all that updates now I'm gonna try and pull it too far here yeah if I pull it too far it'll break the path and say you can't physically get from this past point to this one in the real world so you don't have to worry about editing that to a point where it can't physically be the maneuver can't be done they pulled this back up now pulling that in I was just driving using curves there's another way that you can drive this is the way I refer notice I can also back some of these points out if I want to I can use the geometry in the file to drive the vehicle so as I get up to the entrance here I can say pick alignments I would like to pull in parallel to the back occur here on the north and then I'll choose pick alignments and I would like to pull around the east side of the building parallel to this curb and then I would like to pull around south side of the building parallel to this curb I'm making sure that I don't mount the island there and then once I get far enough here I don't need to turn on the bearing I can take it back this up now I can't back up a trailer in the real world to save my life just ask my dad but I can I can back up a trailer here with vehicle tracking real easy so I can I can see now that that truck can get in there from horizontal perspective now that we have the path I can turn on things like visibility sight lines you know what can what can the driver see or you know how much can they see while they're making the maneuver I can take in place I can create an exhibit with the sight lines if I want to since I have a 3d parking lot I can project I can project this vehicle up to that parking lot this is the top surface of this was created in civil 3d so I just I projected that up vertically and now I can I could run an animation of this let's click drive play there he's driving I've got a camera control I can put myself in front of or behind the vehicle left or right stay on the left side here I can also put myself below or above let's get down a little bit lower here notice when he pulls in you can see how it's actually driving up on that civil 3d surface this will do a ground clearance check to if you're you know if you've got a really long vehicle some of the vehicles in Wisconsin the tram that transport the blades for the for the windmills taken they're quite long and when they make really wide curves and you want to make sure they're low there they're not gonna shear the crown off the road so this you can do a comparison there at the bottom of the vehicle to the ground so let me get above this for a second and we're gonna drag him around here in addition to seeing this from an overhead camera I can also view things from the drivers eye I can also say that when he backs up like he's gonna do here in a second I want to see the view from his rear view mirror so I can go through and I can establish she can make the maneuver horizontally he can make it vertically from a clearance perspective and I can also say that the he'll be able to see while he's making the maneuver and that that's recording or that that little animation that we did there can be exported as a video that can be put into a PowerPoint or an exhibit so that's vehicle tracking jump over this we'll go back to infer works here in infraworks so as I'm generating stuff in civil 3d like that proposed surface I could bring that over to update this model I could bring over the the geometry the parking striping all the different things that I that I was creating there in fact we'll see a more finished here in a second but so as I make that content I can be constantly bringing this over to enforce to to further augment my model here because I want to create something I can take to a public meeting to get support for the project let's look at how we can add content in infraworks there's a there's a draw tool you can see these are all the things that we can we can draw I can draw trees I can draw utilities I can draw roadways if I want I can i can draw buildings let's say I want to add a tree I'll just click tree and infraworks comes with a ton of content out of the box likewise you can also download content from the internet the 3d warehouse is a phenomenal place to get tools or you know 3d models that you can then apply to to pellets like that one so I just double click to place a tree if i zoom in on that tree I get close enough you can see that the every vein in every leaf is visible it sits in a rendered state all the time infraworks is a lot like a gaming engine or a gaming environment so you don't have to render this that that is what it is very intuitive grips I can use this grip to change the height use this grip to rotate I can use this grip to move the tree around that's one tree maybe I'd like to create a row of trees there's a row of trees option maybe we'll do the yellow ones rather than double-clicking to place I will just single click and now it lets me generate kind of like a polyline I'll just double click when I'm done and the difference between a single object and multiple objects is you get this density slider farther you drag that to the right more trees you'll have and you can drag that left to right and I could go back and I could drag it back to the left and and do fewer trees notice that it kind of randomizes them just so that they all don't look the same if you click one tree we can use the grips to edit that one tree click that tree a second time and now we're editing the entire group now that you've seen that you really know how to insert everything into infraworks because everything all these little components go in the exact same way if I wanted to put a car in the parking lot I'm gonna go to City Furniture that's like the catch-all mailboxes street signs like posts people vehicles I'm going to type vehicle or start typing vehicle and I'll grab the the Audi I'll double click place that in the model you can see the same grips you can rotate that to kind of face the the edge there and maybe I want to put in a couple people I'll gonna City furniture and I'll start typing people maybe I will I'll do this guy here I'll double click ok locked his keys in this car maybe ok stand in there just thinking about something very easy to to take and flesh out a model just by adding the content that comes in the application or you can you could take and create your own or grab content from online if you remember this particular project is a chicken and waffles so it's gonna have very specific signage much like a McDonald's or something like that it's not gonna have you're not gonna find all of that stuff in the thing if we wanted to create some of our own contents let's do this I'm gonna drop out of this AutoCAD is a great tool for this many times AutoCAD looked at as a application for doing 2d drafting it does a great job in 3d so if you wanted to create some 3d content this would be a vehicle that you could use now I'm I'm in AutoCAD we could do this in civil 3d too I'm just using the AutoCAD functionality while this is coming up here let me show you where I'm going let's say I want to create a menu board for the drive-through lane something that's going to hold this picture so as people drive around they can say what they want to work what they want to order in autocad here let's close this so this is AutoCAD the ribbon may look a little different I just came down to the workspaces here and loaded the 3d modeling workspace and I've created a couple polylines this is gonna be the geometry that'll make up my my menu board let's go back to home here for a second I'm gonna choose move and I'll move this rectangle we'll just move this up foot-and-a-half really nice tool in autocad called loft if I select a couple shapes and hit enter twice it will create a 3d solid between them another tool extrude I can click this close shape and I can pull this up maybe five and a half feet so there's the base of my sign there's the the top of my sign I'm gonna change the visual style here to x-ray so I can see through those and then I can say move let's grab this top I want to pick it up from the midpoint between two points I'll pick it up from the midpoint between these two centers and I'll place it to the midpoint between two points and I'll grab these two corners well flip this back to conceptual so rather than rather than mapping my image to the front face here I'd like to create kind of a picture frame effect so let me just draw a quick line from point of curvature to point of tangency on the top and bottom and then I will move these a little bit you'll see where I'm going here in a second we'll move that one down we'll move this one up maybe a quarter foot and then we've got a tool called press pull I can click that shape and I can pull it out or push it in I'm gonna push it in point zero five that gives me a nice little nice little frame where I can map that edge so there's my geometry for my side let's go to realistic because now I'm going to assign materials to this AutoCAD comes with a bunch of photo realistic materials out box if I bring up the materials browser we can see here's the library down below this is the materials that are in my current drawing nothing global maybe I want to paint this yellow in the search box I'm gonna type yellow works very similar to how it isn't yet in force if I type yellow it'll show me every material that contains that string Texas string and they're organized by type here I'll just choose plastic let's drag the yellow material into my drawing and then I'll drag it onto my parts now I want to create a material to put that photo on so I can come down I can create my little material if I want to I'll call this menu board and then I could apply reflectivity transparency don't need to do all that right now I just want to grab that image that we looked at a second ago and then one last thing I'm gonna edit this image if you're gonna map images specific sized images in AutoCAD you just want to make sure that the image is the same size as the face that you're mapping it to and that little picture frame I could measure it and show you but I'm hoping you'll take my word for it it's 2.1 feet wide and it's 5 feet 5 feet tall there we go once my material is done I can drag it over and drop it on that face and then lastly because I never want to walk away and have that the off a little bit there's a material mapping tool here that I can click that face and say put the lower left corner of the image in the lower left corner of the face so there's my there's my custom menu board let's do a save as and I'm gonna save this on the desktop we'll use that here in a second another tool we have in the collection is called format format is used to create the like the general massing of buildings the architectural side uses that frequently this is how they'll maybe lay out a building before they bring it into the Revit we can use it here I'm gonna use it for a building if you remember that car wash that was north of the that was north of my project maybe I got some measurements from the point cloud I could use form it to very quickly generate the the shape of that car wash very simple interface will say that's maybe 140 feet long by 32 feet wide as I as I run through these applications if you're if you're someone who who's using civil 3d there's a learning curve a civil 3d there's a lot of stuff at civil 3d these other tools not even close you can learn in four works in a couple days you can learn this in a half-hour there's there's not a whole lot to this I'm not a very smart guy ask my wife okay so getting in and out of these it's not it's not bad at all this does modeling very much like a press Paul for example I've got faces I've got edges and I've got points if I click this face I can I can pull it up if you remember I think that was like 21 and a half feet something like that let's click this face I'll pull this up to maybe 16 feet that'll work for right now look like pan this over and I'm not gonna certainly not gonna try and draw the whole building here I'll show you a finished one in a second maybe I do a little overhang hold my shift key and grab both of those faces I could pull those up a little bit I could then go to my pencil tool if you remember the car wash add like a pyramid type roof on it I could grab that point and I could pull that point up okay so very quickly I can start laying out the shape of that building let me show you that building would look like if you spent some time on it okay form it also includes materials drag and drop them on much like we do in the AutoCAD environment so very quickly I could start generating some of those ancillary buildings around the outside of that property here inform it and then when I'm finished I could just say export and I can export this locally I can export that using FBX or obj several of these file formats will will be accepted and in forks FBX is the one that I used in my example I've already created one of those so let's jump out of this I'll jump back here and I am going to let's bring in that menu board I'm gonna say I want to bring in an AutoCAD 3d object I will go to my desktop there it is open so it's taking that in this case I'm linking right to that DWG file so if I when it edited the DWG I could come back here and refresh and have it update the menu board in here once it finishes processing that I can then configure it telling for works what it is city furniture there it is interactive placing I want to take and put it right there there is no difference in function between that menu board and a tree or a car or something like that let's orbit this around and I'm going to go back into my folder there's the FBX I created for the building and we'll place that right here let's try that one more time right there okay so very quickly I could go through and start you know fleshing this out making this look more real rather than having you watch me do that I'm gonna open up one that's spent a little time on this this model contains a bunch of I mean you can see it's the same model we started out with here I'm gonna load a bookmark info Works has bookmarks or saved views okay it takes me right to that view all the little accoutrements here were generated in AutoCAD you can see my there's my parking lot that's saying when we drove on in civil3d these are all coverages for the grass and the parking lot are the sidewalks and stuff I exported that building from format using just generic material you know muted materials since it's not part of my project but now this gives me a nice environment that I could I could mean I could take this to a public meeting I've got the entire project here now I don't know I don't have to be locked into printed exhibits if I wanted to there are tools here where I can adjust time of day okay we could do a shadow study there if we wanted to I could adjust the the dates that I could change the the sky color if I want to we can create snapshots if I want to I could extract images from this and I can control the resolution so I can pull really high resolution images I can create fly throughs if you've ever done a fly through animation you know that can take hours or days because it's got to render every every frame you're an enforce if I bring up the storyboard I can say let's let's add a camera path animation it just saved my location in space I can then zoom in and I can say let's let's save a spot here and then I can come over here save another one here I can pan my way down to the corner save another one orb it up and get another maybe we could pan over the top of the building this way okay you get the idea just in this one you know keyframe or segment I've got six different locations that I've saved all I have to do is set the appropriate speed that I want to fly through those points by default it's 55 miles an hour which is a little fast I'm gonna set this to maybe 13 miles an hour there are pre-made camera movements and pans and rotations and just all a bunch of stuff we can do let me choose play and when I choose play it'll create an animation that is smooth as glass by the the folks connecting through the internet maybe seeing a little bit of choppiness but when you see the recording you'll see that this is smooth I can have titles fading in and out I can have captions fading in and out as I go but you could take and create compelling visualizations in just a matter of a couple minutes once you have the the model and in Forks III was one of the guys when you know when my group or the firm that I worked for would go to a public meeting I was a guy that had to print all the cat exhibits and then spray mount them on foam board never want to do that again okay this this this would be much more much more compelling to have in a meeting let's do this plus the foam board you spray mounted and then it's a humid day and by the time you get to the meeting its all warped and it's got a bunch of ripples in it all right let's look at another thing here it's one thing that creates still image it's another thing to create an animation we can with the tools in the collection create what I like to call low-cost virtual reality we can physically put a stake holder in this model let me go to the export command here I want to export this as a bounding box I'll grab the amount of my project that I want to represent my virtual reality experience and I'm exporting this is an FBX all right that that Universal file format let me click export and there's quite a bit of stuff in this model there's a whole bunch of you know custom parts I've got cars and people and coverages but you'll see that to export this out it just takes a couple couple seconds when that's done I can close this and I can open up Navisworks Navisworks is in the AC collection Navisworks it's another aggregator this tool historically has been one that you use to aggregate CAD models together from disparate vendors to produce a single you know BIM environment does a great job with that we can do 4 D and 5 D construction simulation we can do clash detection it also creates stereo panorama which is what we're gonna use it for here I'm gonna say open and then on my desktop if I've been living right I should see my export that I just made let me open this in NamUs works I don't lose anything all the materials go along for the ride so I could just and some people they've asked you know I've got like a seven mile roadway can I export the whole seven miles well you could it would be a huge file but the VR thing you unless you can see seven miles don't don't export seven miles because of the the thing that I'm going to show you with the smartphone you'll be able to take and stand in one spot and look around so you'd be better with a huge project to just grab pieces where you're gonna be standing so there it is another thing you'll want to do if I select this I can I can right click and say I want this to be feet it comes over by default it's centimeters and you can create a visualization from that but when you're looking at it it'll be like it's table size and you'll you'll know it when you look at it it won't feel right setting that defeat then it'll feel right I mentioned that so that's on the recording in case you want to use this later let's Orbitz so to do a like a low-cost virtual reality you basically just put yourself in the model where you want to be standing and click the little eyeball tool in there I can take and look around so this looks perfect I want to render it along with the collection you get the ability to do cloud-based rendering I want to render the current view I want to render this stereo panorama and just want to show you that it's a cloud-based service or sorry a cloud credit service even if you do a just a minimal one it's it's zero yeah you can it's free so you can render this a few times do you get things the way you like and then you can go up and dial this up to final and you can dial that up to 2046 pixels and that should say 13 yeah I should say 13 unless it's gotten cheaper since yesterday but so that once once you do that then you can share this with anyone I can say email me when this is done and I would choose start rendering now I've already created one of these so let me go to the render gallery you'll you'll get an email and it'll give you a hyperlink that you can click to view it which takes you to the render gallery I can also get to the render gallery right here in Navisworks and you can see some of the renderings that I've been working on when you open a rendering you could take and drag around it's kind of like a you're in the at the inside of a sphere so I can I can look up down left right if I wanted to share this I can open this the share thing I can I'll get a link that I can paste into an email if I send that to somebody they can tap it on their phone and view this as a stereo pair or if they scan if they scan the QR code they can view that as a stereo pair so let me let me do this I'll bring up my powerpoint for those off sites so this is an example of some QR codes if those were scanned this is basically what it'll look like on your phone and then you can put your phone into a Google cardboard or like one of those Hamidah lenses those are that's probably one of the easiest ways to go because you just snap it on there and you're set you'll see this in 3d and you can I mean it's not bad if you've ever ever used a viewmaster before it's basically the same same principle so there's some examples of the type of viewer that you could use for this those QR codes sky's the limit you could print that put it on a brochure you could put in the newspaper you know anything that you can have an info works or you can see these tools and Navisworks so we're making it in Forks bring it into NamUs but really anything that you do in Navisworks do can be made into a 3d environment and we're coming up on the top of the hour here let me show you just a couple other things that you get with the collection with the collection you have access to AutoCAD mobile and this is not like a this is not like just some viewer this is AutoCAD it's just a really light version of AutoCAD that runs in the cloud it's it's a mobile app that runs on your smart phone or your tablet I'm running it on a tablet here and I've got basically one of the drawings that we looked at today I'm opening that from the cloud and I have to admit when this tool came out if you've used civil 3d you're probably familiar with object enablers things like that first thing I thought is when I try and view this on the cloud I'm not gonna see my contours I'm not gonna see the parking striping and when I opened it up I was like man I can't you know it's not going to give me all of the properties of that stuff it's just a visual but in this environment I can take measurements I can add a notation here I'm taking a measurement of the the onedrive aisle in the parking lot that is supposed to be 24 feet it's right there on the west side of the building maybe there we measured the drive aisles the drive through lanes 12 and I've got some storm sewer in there now maybe we can't have a storm sewer length more than 200 feet so I can use this I can open up that drawing that came right from civil3d with the vehicle tracking parking stalls and and I can I get taken clicking all right one more thing here if you have a project that warrants it the AC collection comes with 3ds Max and 3ds max if that's the application they use in Hollywood for movies like force awakens and endgame and stuff like that so it's one of the few applications if people say can I do this in 3ds max yeah yeah you probably can there's there's not a lot you can't do with 3ds max this model that we see here is the same model that was in Navisworks export of this and there's a there's a tool called civil view in 3ds max that allows you to take and create paths for vehicles and things like that if you're not a 3ds max guru we happen to have a couple people on staff that do 3ds max all the time so we said hey how about if we give you the model and just create some content for us so I'll go ahead and hit play 3ds max can create people that are kind of milling about or having conversations they swapped out some of the vehicles obviously they're in fact as this is panning around if you look in the rut lower right corner this was recorded from using a VR headset so you can through 3ds max you can take in through the 3ds max live you can take and export your content such that it could be viewed using a oculus device or the vibe and the 3ds max supports all the different lighting effects and I think even had some dirt flying around lens flare so today we looked at a lot of stuff talked about a lot of applications that are available in the collection if you're someone who uses civil 3d that hero product to do a lot of things I'm hoping that seeing some of the stuff today inspired you to maybe explore some of these other tools they don't have the same investment of time to learn as a civil 3d does vehicle tracking raster design formats a lot of those applications can be learned in just a couple hours infraworks like I said maybe a day or two to take and pick that up and then that URL if it me if you're interested in that civil immersion blog we've got a bunch of recordings on there that just show you you don't have to know what tire tool to get in and do something meaningful with it with that I'm hoping that you would agree that this is why we say that the AC collection is the best tool for the job and if anybody has any questions or comments or anything like that be more than happy to take those you
Channel: Jeff Bartels
Views: 9,762
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Keywords: Bartels, akn_include, Autodesk, AEC Collection, Civil 3D, InfraWorks, Collection, how to, about, tutorial
Id: 0_VOFagmbp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 5sec (4865 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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