AE Fusionized - Wavy String Theory ( DavinciResolve & Fusion )

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empty welcome to another confusion quickie one of my patron asked me if I could reproduce a After Effects tutorial he saw and although I'm not a motion graphics guy I thought why not taking the challenge I love challenges and to my surprise it's like how to present the same procedure in fusion there's only one thing you need to be careful so if you are from after facts and you're trying to switch to fusion today might be a lucky day why don't you come closer and let me show you why [Music] okay the first thing I did is I set my preferences I set my resolution 2024 by 1024 and 16-bit float I also I activated high quality and deactivated the auto proxy and I set my range to 100 okay so let's drop in a background tool and I'm gonna copy this twice I'm gonna need this and next is a rectangle and with this rectangle make this white with this rectangle I'm basically just gonna make my line it's just easier to do than using a poly line something like this okay now the way we make this line wavy is by using at this place and this background here hook this in at the moment nothing happens so this background tool is gonna be our displace map and we need a wave that's why we make something like this basically this is just one wave now and to do the tiling we could use this and set it to repeat and then animate the offset but for this example this is actually not so good we better use a different method I'm gonna show you in a bit okay so let's see what our line does here now I have this hooked into this place and at the moment nothing happens because the displace type is set to Radio now radio what that does is basically it displaces from the center outwards in a radial fashion and we don't want that what we want we want a vertical displace and for that we can use the XY mode and here we can utilize the Y refraction and by doing so we can create some jumprope action oh yeah okay but now we might ask why it is not smooth I mean this gradient looks smooth actually not if I show you the waveform you can see it's actually not smooth it's actually not round it's perfectly linear so this is just an illusion now to make this smooth we can utilize a function called spread in the displace tool what the spread does if we crank this up very high yeah I can see we get some wave action going on here now let's make more waves for that I use a transform tool bring this over here and now we can scale this down and I activate the rap and pain see now we can create some waves now important here for this to work is that you use a value of zero point and the full number like 1 or 2 for example I use let me use 2 now and now you're wondering hey we have so many ripples here why is this here so boring now that's because I cranked up the spread pretty high so if I bring this down you can see we get always and it looks pretty sweet ok next we're gonna do is we want to add a coordinate space tool and that's basically the same that you were doing after effect set this to polar really rectangle okay but if we look closer now you can see we have some problem here it actually doesn't close nicely and it's actually getting worse if we which animate this which we're gonna do now you can see that it doesn't close ok let's set the animation for now here in this transform and we do that by using a very simple expression in the center so right click expression and where it says 0.5 the first 0.5 stands for the X here we just type time divided by 200 let me just play that through now this keeps playing forever yeah maybe a little faster so the less dismembered the faster we move let's make this even what about 80 ok that's fine ok but now we have this problem why does it not close I can show you that if I use a transform after the displays and I'm gonna scale this down and activate the rap I can see that here it's strange it's something strange going on and it doesn't repeat nicely however if I put spread to zero you can see it looks perfect so this lets us know that something is happening with the clipping how it clips here at the borders but there are no settings so for now let me just bring this all the way back to zero there's another way how we can make this smooth by using a blur node right after the transform don't put it in front of the transform it needs to be after it okay and now I blurred is to about 20 let's make 30 okay now that looks better but what happens to the borders you can see still a problem here okay but now it comes if we take a look at the blur again you could see that we have clipping mode in here now this clipping mode is available in many tools in fusion for example the mask tool if you go to image you can see we also have a clipping mode choice here now the default of the mask is set to none but the default of the blur is set to frame and that is the problem so I assume that the spread here is also using frame because look what happens if I switch to domain bang no problems whatsoever and now our coordinate space looks pretty nice and clean so let's increase the waves a little bit uh let's set this to 1 okay this looks very nice now but let's bring this further so how can we make this here become weaker and weaker and basically make it fade to zero effect now for that this background tool is waiting here and we also need another rectangle we can hook it in here and so now the displacement map looks like this and with this placing it doesn't matter if it's 3d 3d displays or 2d displays a value of 0.5 0.5 0.5 the perfect middle gray will have no effect it's a neutral gray --sole if we merge this now ok so now I have this rectangle here let's make it like this that merch is on top like this let's bring it into this viewer and this displays here okay and now you can see what's going on here II of course now we have to smooth the rectangle something like this and watch what happens if I move the rectangle to the left and to the right it looks like someone's heart is beating very dangerous here okay but we want to actually see this with accordion space so usually in the center it should be about right and depends where you want to have it I want to have it on the right side so about this and then we play this through bang looks very nice okay but we want to bring this further so let's bring in a duplicate and now you can decide what you do you can offset the time something like this well you've already good to go now how simple was that so if I set this to three it should be fine quite fast so maybe let's make this smaller so I divide this by 150 okay you can additionally scale this and move this a little bit like that okay now it loops nicely okay but let's have some fun here I mean it's cool but it's still quite boring I mean with this what can you do with this so what I thought is that here where the strings kind of split we could add some particles there okay so let's bring in a parameter and drop in a pea render as well and here we choose for the region we choose a line and I'm gonna put this line about here let's set the renderer to 2d I also want to have maybe now let's leave this to one for them okay and let me see what we have nothing fancy so I put in a pea turbulence to make them fly around and let's choose different style let's choose an gone and make them circle and now of course they're way too small with the viral variants and maybe too many of them so maybe to something like two okay now I want this particles to move with the rotation of it seems like it's rotating it's just an illusion of course but I want to have the impression that the particles are spinning with the with the circle for that I use a pea vortex and just by dropping this in it should be already perfect now I also want to have a little bit more impact when they shoot out sort of like they they shoot out whenever these things touch so I need some sort of sign animation for that simply in the number type an expression very simple again I cannot do complicated expression so you're lucky if you're not into expressions very very simple stuff so I have a sign time / I don't remember and let's see what we got spelling mistake of course okay no it's my must should be much faster so maybe two now you can see it's like a fishes swimming here in the dark yeah and I want to add a pee friction as well yeah not too bad maybe increase the strength here a little bit and if you want to increase the particles you could add I think maybe a multiply - then you will multiply the whole value here and you will get more particles now another thing I want to do is in the style I want them to become big for a short moment and then bit turn small again and basically turn so small and fade away okay let's see how this looks on our I could increase the oh yeah I could increase the velocity variance here which makes the part of you fly further away let's bring it a little higher you see now they shoot out and due to the friction they slow down that's not too shabby and actually let's make them fade out a little bit more perhaps the lifespan it's okay okay now I want to have the same thing at the bottom for that I just simply copy this emitter down here and I use a P merge to bring them brothers back together now the other the only thing I have to do is I have to move the spline the emitter spline down here very simple nothing fancy but big effect let's see if we can increase the vortex here haha pretty strong yeah now it increased the radius so but it didn't look so bad if we don't want to have them going into the center here we could play with the power a little bit and also we can make the lifespan a little shorter maybe 80 I like how they shoot out here really looks like this these two strings are scratching look up okay that's not too shabby okay so basically that's how you can create this kind of motion graphic elements I hope you enjoyed this and yeah my name is Vito I'll see you soon until then enjoy what you doing [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Pirates of Confusion
Views: 31,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 9, Learn Fusion 9, BMD Fusion 9, After Effects, AE, tutorial, AE tutorial, Fusion tutorial, Motion Graphics, Motion Graphics element, Patreon, Fusion demonstration
Id: Sl2uC7zbK2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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