Adventures of Buttman #26: BUTTMAN vs TORNADO (Annoying Orange GTA V)

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♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman, kickin' all the butts ♫ Buttman, punch you in the guts ♫ Buttman, slap you in the nuts ♫ Buttman, do the Buttman strut ♫ Buttman - [Voiceover] Yeah! (farting and laughing) Ayo, it's A O back again with another gaming video and Batman is back! Guess what? Buttman's got a superhero license back after a really tough time. Last episode, we had reports of strange weather in the air. Yo, what the!? (screams) It's a tornado! Fart Boy! Bazooka Monkey! Come on! We gotta stop this thing! Oh no! Come on! Alright, follow me guys. Aw man, I bet this was spawned by a super villian. Oh no! Bazooka Monkey, no! Fart Boy! Oh no, they got sucked into the tornado! That really sucks! (laughs and weeps) Too soon! Too soon! (weeps) Okay, Buttman's a little new at this, and I'm not quite sure how to stop a tornado. (mumbles) Just shoot it. Ready for him to shoot some grenades in there? and then hopefully, they'll blow up and disrupt the weather pattern, right? Woops, oh that's not how you do it, Buttman! You don't just drop the grenade on the ground; it's gonna blow your butt up! (laughs) Okay, it doesn't seem like the sniper rifle's doing anything. Excuse me, I need to come into your vehic-- (sputters and coughs) roly-poly! (laughs) Ow-wee! Hey, give me tacos! I want tacos! Feed the beast! That's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna feed the beast! Excuse me, I need to use this! (truck driver screams) Don't worry, the city will reimburse you! Excuse me, train, I'm trying to get to the tornado! What I gotta is I gotta drive this truck of tacos into the tornado and feed it. Then, once it's full, then it'll just dissipate! It's a foolproof plan, you guys! What could go wrong? (laughs) Buttman, you took a wrong turn! Okay. Alright. You're gonna-- Nope, that's not how you drive a taco truck. Oh, I need to get Bazooka Monkey and Fart Boy back! Oh, alright, here we go! Time to feed the beast! Whoa! Yes! Yes! We have liftoff! Okay, this is not working we-- Oh geez. I don't think Buttman thought this through. Oh! (laughs) Exploding tacos! Who likes their tacos burnt a little extra crispy? (laughs) Buttman sure does! Okay, that did not work! That did not, ah, make the tornado dissipate whatsoever. Something's gotta work though, guys! Buttman-- he's got a lotta tools at his disposal. Look at this thing! Don't you worry! K, I feel like-- Oh crap, it's right there! Geez! It's following me! (screams) No! No! We have liftoff! Oh, no! I'm getting sucked into the tornado! (screams) It's the suck sound! Oh, what's gonna happen to me? I bet there's gonna be a twist at the end of this story, though. Oh, no! (laughs) (laughs) I'm tumbling through the tornado. Uh oh. (Buttman screaming) Oh, no. Buttman! Go limp! Oh boy. I don't think this is gonna end well for Buttman. Uh oh. (Buttman hits pavement) Ooh! Well, that's what you get for storing ketchup packets in your back pocket. I know what I'll do! I'll spawn some minions! Then they'll help me. Yes, minions! No! Oh no! We all got sucked into the tornado. Oh no! Minions! I will probably not save you. I'll just run in mid-air. You know, Buttman needs to get a little cardio in. (laughs) I'm on top of the world! Oh, not anymore. (minions screaming) Oh, minions-- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Just everyone go limp! Oh, no. (Buttman screaming) Oh, no! (Buttman hits pavement) Ooh! (laughs) - [Buttman] Turd. - [Voiceover] Yeah, Buttman! Turd is right! That was a severe blow to my ego! No! I was-- (laughing) I was gonna get that car! To the base! Oh, no! Oh, no! Go way-- (laughs) Go way toward it. No, no! Oh, no! (laughs) It keeps sucking me in! Run away! Ooh! (laughs) Ow-wee! Okay, we need more minions! Everyone! We need to slow this tornado down! Come on, help me! We're gonna shoot this thing! Shoot it down! Why are you not helping me? (minion mumbling) I'm pretty sure this is gonna work if you guys would just help me. If we shoot enough bullets into it, that'll dissipate it. I promise, that'll happen. More bazookas! It needs more bazookas! Yes! I think this is working! I feel like this is totally working. Minions, you gotta follow me. Gotta hop up here. Come on! Minions! Come on, help me! Alright, you're going down, tornado! Woops. Okay, sorry about the walkway there. I didn't mean to shoot that. Aw, he shot it again. No, minions! (screams) Not again! Ow-wee, ooh. (Buttman screams) (laughs) (Buttman knocks into light post and hits pavement) Buttman did a barrel roll. Luckily, he broke his fall using his groin on that light post. (laughs) Okay, minions in a dump truck always help everything. So, I'm gonna put a bunch of minions in a dump truck right-- Hey! I was using those! Hey! You can't take those, tornado! I hate you! I hate you, tornado! Oh, you suck! (laughs) It never gets old! I wouldn't go that way, you guys! I told you not to go that way! Nobody ever listens to the Buttman. Okay, gotta make a getawa-- Oh, no! No, it's sucking me up. Use your flying powers. There we go, yes! Using my super Buttman flying powers-- (Buttman screams) (sputters and coughs) Worked really well! Ow! I hate hedges! Who put hedges here? (laughs) You're doing really good! Woo! Blimp! Well, maybe that's the solution to all my problems. A blimp! I didn't even think about that. Okay, what do you think about another groin landing? Yup, perfect! What? Stop screaming. Okay, now I just need to spawn some minions. Here we go, minions here, minions there, lots of minions on the blimp. No, no. Don't run off the blimp. Hey! What did I just say about not running off-- Don't run off the blimp! (minions screaming) Minions! Okay, well, I never said minions had high IQ's. (minions screaming) Guys! (laughs) Just add a few more here. There we go, minions. Minions, no, don't. No don't-- stop running off the blimp! Aw, you guys! Where exactly do you think you're walking to? Okay, minion blimp is operational and ready to take down that tornado! Now, you may be asking yourself, "how's that gonna be happening?" I don't know! Just seems like a great idea-- oh-wee! Back on-- get back on the blimp, Buttman! (laughs) Here we go! (sputters and coughs) Finally! Geez! (laughs) Okay, minions! You're looking in the wrong direction. The tornado's behind you! Guys, look out behind you! The tornado's right there! More minions! Need more minions! Quickly! Quickly, guys! No! You're running into the tornado! Oh, no! (laughs) (minions screaming) What are you screaming for? What'd you expect was gonna happen? (laughs) Dude, look behind you! Look behind you! It's the tornado! It's right there, minions! This is not working. This is not working as expected! Okay, minion, follow me. Buddy, you gotta follow-- No! Woops. Oh, no! (minion screaming) I didn't do it; he fell on his own. (weeps) Aw no, it's getting so close. Wah- oh no! (screams) It sucked the blimp into it! Oh, no! Buttman! This whole plan was full of hot air. (laughs) (Buttman hits pavement) (laughs and coughs) And Buttman has a concussion. (laughs) Nothing is working! Ah, nothing is working! Can't stop the tornado! Oh, wait! I almost forgot about my minion dumptruck idea. Okay, this is totally gonna work guys. We're just gonna fill this tornado with minions, and then it won't be able to spin anymore 'cause it's got so many minions inside of it. It's gonna work, guys! Oh, no! My minions! (screams) (sputters and laughs) I don't feel that went quite as well as I hoped it would. (Buttman screams) (screams) abandon ship! Nice recovery, Buttman! That was good! (Buttman hits pavement) (laughs) Excuse me I need to-- Ow! (laughs) Gotta find Fartboy and Bazooka monkey! Uh-oh! No! Oh, we're airborne! (screams) I can feel the air on my derriere! Gah, ow. Perfect landing. Good job, Buttman! More minions. We need more minions! Yes. More minions. Minions for everyone! (laughs) No! (laughs) Aw, man! The tornado really swept 'em off their feet! Oh, no, I'm stuck in the tornado again. Ooh! (minions screaming) Okay, I still like my idea. I'm just gonna throw more minions in here. (mumbling) (laughing) Yeah! It's wor-- (laughing) (minions screaming) Even if it isn't working, I feel like it's still a great idea. Hey! Okay, let's dive back into it. Oh, whoa! I didn't even realize I had a parachute. Okay, I'm gonna go back into the tornado. Whoa! Wow! We're doing some awesome tricks here, Buttman! But maybe instead of showboating, you should actually do something that's useful, huh? (laughs) K, let's airdrop a few more minions in there. There ya go! (minons screaming) (laughs) Yes! I feel like this is working! I think this is the best idea I've had so far! Whoa! (laughs) Yes! Go forth, my minions! Okay, doesn't really see me stopping the tornado at all. Probably just needs a few more. (laughs) Woo-hoo! (laughs) Alright, just drop a few more in there. Woo-hoo! (laughs) I'm using the tornado to my advantage. Okay, here we go. More minions. More minions for the tornado! (laughs) (minions screaming) Is it working? I think it's working! Look out for the building. (sputters and coughs) (Buttman screaming) Buttman! Oh, this is gonna end well. Ooh! Ow-wee! Hey, my minions! You're back! How's your trip? I hope it didn't suck. (laughs) Alright, hop on buddy. We got this. Hold on tight. We're going straight to the eye. (laughs) Oh, no! What'd you do!? (laughs) Ooh! I'm stuck inside. (sputters) Hey, what's happening? (laughs) Excuse me! Coming through! Official Buttman business. Gotta stop a tornado. Whoops. Uh-oh. Hey! - [Buttman] Crap! (laughs) Ooh! Extra crispy! (laughs) Aw, man. I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to stop this thing. Well, while I keep trying to stop this tornado, I'm gonna sign off. Thank you guys so much for watching. It's been another great eposide of Buttman! (laughs) If you have any ideas on how to defeat the tornado, let me know. Uh-oh. (car hits pavement) (weeps) This was totally blown up when I got here. Geez. Alright, guys. 'Til next time! Later hot pertaders! ♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na ♫ Buttman, kickin' all the butts
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 5,186,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, annoying orange gaming, buttman vs tornado, adventures of buttman, guns and action, action, violence, tornado, grand theft auto v, gta v, video games, parody, cartoon, comedy, spoof, lampoon
Id: 3bOg5AHeAFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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