Adventures in buying the WORST cars on Earth

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his rap sheet ended up being the size of a bible [Music] i feel like in the car industry everybody talks about their home runs but nobody ever talks about their strikeouts because people are afraid to talk about failing i'm not afraid to fail because i failed at a lot of things in my life and i'm not afraid to admit that about three months ago we got we got a call from an another local dealer who's a friend of ours and he was like hey there's this aston martin up at auction right now we're like okay cool it'd be a sweet car to try to get our hands on so it's about nine o'clock in the morning when it rolls across the online bidding on it and we win it and we had to wait a couple days because the dealer other dealers selling it was going to drop off the title so we go and we finally pick it up my buddy josh picks me up with his brand new trx ram he had just picked it up off the lot we're going to run the 80 miles up to eerie pa to pick it up because he's trying to get his 500 miles on it to unlock it it had 62 miles on it when he picked when he picked me up we run it up there we finally picked up the car it's in the middle of the display floor this thing runs great drives great until 10 miles down the freeway where i just lose all power on it so i'm on the side of interstate 90. truckers going past me a million miles an hour when i finally we're like you know what we got to get get something going so we jumped back in the truck and i left the aston martin on the side of the freeway top down window busted stuck up looked great so we run the closest autozone which had to be 30 miles away from where we were stuck at and we pick up a battery didn't test the battery didn't do anything drive all the way back to the car though the battery and the batteries junk they sold me a bad battery so we take it back to the store go to another store to go pick up another battery we get back i throw it in thing roars to life and i drive 30 miles more same thing happens batteries toast and i'm looking at the welcome to ohio sign knowing how close i am to home i'm like oh this is great so i take the battery out we actually take it back to the auto parts store we got it from and they gave us a new one right then and there and i asked to borrow a jumper box i was like you know what i'm probably not going to bring them back this jumper box or whatever little did we know that we the car was consistently hungry and eating batteries it's got a had a wiring gremlin in it and would just cook every battery you got put into it so i finally hook up this jumper box to it and i just floor it from the ohio border back to cleveland i'm doing about 100 in this thing without a single issue until i finally pull off the freeway two minutes from the shop and it dies on me again but thankfully it actually fired right back up and just drove i got back into the shop tucked it in the corner where it still sits today because we just been too busy to mess with it and before my season a suck started this year uh back in december right before christmas i i purchased a porsche cayenne winter beater because i'm smart like that was one of the dumbest decisions ever but it was a 2500 80 000 mile porsche cayenne i bought a facebook marketplace on a whim i bought it in november and right before christmas the coolant pipes took a dump on me so my season of suck started when i had to get all this money together to fix the coolant pipes and including a brand new water pump on this cayenne s and i ended up having to sell my typhoon for it because the brakes went out of my wrx i had to do breaks on it and this was a week before christmas and i didn't buy any presents for my family yet i was being a slacker like i normally am but it bit me in there so i i called up my buddy i'm like dude you want to buy my typhoon you've been bugging me my beautiful pristine 92 typhoon clint eastwood speck with the green green with the gray cladding 250 000 miles i love this thing it was just such a great beater truck to drive and i had to sell that and i knew that was going to start a black cloud on me for this year with strikeouts because i did not want to sell this thing now the cayenne guy ended up getting fixed i made triple what i paid for it on it when tax season came around this year so that was pretty good and that all led into me going truck shopping to go find myself a tow rig because they're trying to step up my game because you can't just be calling everybody you know to go buy cars hey i need a ride i need this i need that so i started my search for the perfect tow rig to buy which was my f250 ended up buying so since december i realized i had to buy a pickup truck and i've been looking all over the place for a truck i've never came across one i wanted to buy and on facebook marketplaces beautiful 96 power stroke f250 popped up for sale and the guy was the hardest person to get a hold of so me and my buddy jumped in my trusty old land cruiser and drove the 50 miles to go pick it up in northern ohio and in amish countries where it was and the truck was everything i could want but on the way there there was a loud bang underneath the land cruiser the caliper bolt backed out and smacked the rim and punctured the rim and then the rim and turned through it into the floorboard of the truck and the truck the landcruiser started acting up the entire time the brakes started locking up and i just got back and parked it a few months ago too we also came down here to the bandit run for taylor hall and me and doug drove a 911 down here we had a blast well prior to that one of the other shops i do work for we had this mechanic in there that was no driver's license no nothing he was up in quotations a mechanic and it turns out this guy can't do anything he would just come in randomly he would take the bus into work if i didn't pick him up and he'd either be drunk or high or on something he worked away from the other dealership i was working for i didn't like the dude especially after we had two cars that were we had a mercury mariner and a ford escape both ford white but one was pearl white one was fleet white i bought him the paint he sprayed them i walked in and i had a a pearl white quarter panel on a fleet white truck and a fleet white with a pearl white quarter panel and i was like this guy has no clue what he's doing and then it turned out he didn't know how to read either and i'm pretty sure he was colorblind well a couple days prior to the bandit run he got sick and we told it was during covent and everything so we told him you just stay home so i left on a wednesday and we got back on a tuesday the following week they're like oh we haven't heard from them well we'll call him adam so i go over to the the repair shop and i'm like something's missing here and i couldn't figure out what it was all the tools were in a mess like they normally are but something big was missing and that big thing turned out to be a mercedes ml320 it was 2008 2009 was a diesel had a salvage title at 250 000 miles it was literally the worst vehicle you could steal and for some reason he stole it i don't know there's some sort of clot with driving that around or something but it just i kind of wanted to use the winter beater it ran great well he stole it while he was working for somebody else i know and put someone else's dealer tag on it and something about that this whole ordeal was i went to the guy's shop and he's like yeah i'm i'm not gonna file my dealer tag stolen and that's when i knew something kind of shady was up but sometimes when you mark your dealer tag stolen all your plates get marks stolen when that four letters get ran into a dealer tag they all pop up stolen at least in the state of ohio that's how that is and they finally tracked him using red light cameras they followed him all over this was about st paddy's day he was in downtown cleveland he was everywhere and it took him about two weeks to actually track him down to where he was and a local detective went to a whole nother jurisdiction to arrest him and when we finally get the thing back it's i don't know this was a pretty decent vehicle when it disappeared it looked like crap there was mud everywhere somehow we had grease all over the ceiling on the of its and it was full of tires i don't know what it is with crackheads and suvs but if you see a crackhead and driving an suv for some reason it's always full of tires his rap sheet ended up being the size of a bible he was already out on parole for stealing cars he had kidnapping on it and when he showed up to court about a month later he showed up to court and he's sitting there in front of the judge and he's like do you know you're supposed to be driving that he's like no all this other stuff and he's reading his book his doc attend like you know you're out on parole for the same violation you're in court for right now he's like i know and he went and failed his drug test and for some reason they didn't arrest him then and there he had to report to jail like two weeks later he had no driver's license he one officer there was like he walked outside got in the car and drove away so that kind of shows our justice system right now well every once in a while the sunshine does shine on me there was a awesome little subaru it was an 83 subaru gl that matrix 3 did a conversion on if you know what matrix 3 is there or you don't they're kind of like american sunroof corporation how they just chopped roofs off cars and made them non-convertibles into convertibles they even had some cars where a convertible was available but they still turned a coupe into a convertible even though you can go buy one from the factory so it was around father's day this car popped up on facebook marketplace and the dude was like i can't meet you today it was i think it was a sunday i was like dude i'll be there monday to buy it i got the cash and everything and what's so bad about like all these different facebook groups for obscure cars and all this crazy stuff is when someone finds something it always gets posted so it's about seven o'clock that night this car starts making its rounds around the internet and the guy calling me is like i have 20 other people interested in i want to pay more i was like well i have the cash right now you already said it was a deal he's like i know if you come here i'm a man i'm worried i'll sell it to you for 2 200 and as soon as i bought it i posted it on these groups trying to find out more information out there like i can't believe you got that you stole that out from under me there's a couple really good old-school subaru pages and stuff and he's like i can't believe you paid that blah blah blah blah and i was like whatever dude shut up i drove it for a couple months and i actually threw it up for sale i ended up selling it for 7 500 bucks to a guy who not couldn't get shipping arranged it's actually the centerpiece of his subaru collection in arizona somewhere and he drives it frequently it's pretty cool i actually sold the guy who enjoys it premier financial services has been a sponsor of the vin wiki youtube channel for the last four years and we love them for that but we also love their simple lease it's one of the most powerful tools in the world of exotic car financing it allows you to minimize your payment minimize your down payment have the flexibility to move in and out of cars and take all of the advantages that are available to a leasing structure so check them out at the link in the description below we appreciate their continued support of venwiki and since you heard about them last year on the channel they were actually acquired by first financial bank usa and what does that mean for you it means they're now larger than any of the other exotic car banks you may have heard of they can move faster buy more deals and give you even better customer service so thank them for their continued support of in wiki and use them as your tool to buy your dream car soon [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 83,029
Rating: 4.6824007 out of 5
Keywords: Mark Spence, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, VINwiki, Car Stories, carfax, salvage, stolen, bad cars, used cars, finances, credit
Id: eX2PFxBji2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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