Veiled Fate | How to Play

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bailed fate is a strategic deduction game for two to eight players it mixes the careful planning of mainline strategy games with the banter and misdirection of social deduction games blending the genres into something we call strategic deduction you play as a celestial being secretly manipulating the fate of nine demigods who roam the earth at the beginning of the game each player is randomly and secretly assigned a demigod this demigod is your offspring kept secret from the other players until the game is over [Music] at the end of the game the demigod with the most victory points called renown wins the game if you haven't set up the game check out our how to set up bailed fate video or reference the rulebook for setup instructions [Music] at this point the board and tokens should be set up the appropriate number of quests for your player account placed on the board your first player chosen and each player should have their secret demigod card face down in front of them the game takes place over three ages at the beginning of the first age each player draws five fake cards fake cards are used throughout the game to secretly vote on the outcome of quests and age cards thereby influencing the fate of the nine demigods there are five different kinds of fake cards feather double feather scorpion double scorpion and a plus two fake card which adds two random fake cards to a boat when revealed once everyone has five fake cards in their hand you're ready to start playing during the setup phase we placed an altar in the city now the first player draws the top card of the age deck and reads it aloud placing it at the center of the board we'll talk more about age and city cards a bit later now that the first age is set up players begin taking turns starting with a player holding the first player token on their turn players may use up to two actions actions can be used in two ways move a demigod or use a god power first we'll talk about movement now you've probably been wondering how do i keep the identity of my demigod a secret easy you hide in plain sight any player can use their action to move any of the nine demigods on the board when you choose to move a demigod as your action you can move them to any adjacent location to an open slot on a quest in an adjacent location or to an open slot on a quest in the region they are currently in you cannot move a demigod off a quest or directly into the abyss or the pools when you use a move action to place a demigod on a quest you must vote on that quest by choosing one of the fake cards in your hand and placing it face down in the pile next to the quest so what exactly are you voting on [Music] looking at a quest card you'll see that there's a feather column on the left and a scorpion column on the right neither column is good or bad they just have different outcomes you are voting for the outcome you prefer when the quest is filled with demigods the quest is completed to begin resolving the quest first check the top of each quest for either a plus 0 1 or 2 icon the player who completed the quest must choose that number of other players to secretly contribute a fake card from their hand to the boat pile any player who contributes a card in this way draws a card to the fate deck to replace it finally shuffle the vote pile reveal the votes and tally the feathers and scorpions to determine the outcome of the quest if any plus two fake cards are revealed draw two fake cards from the fate deck and add them to the vote tally in the event of a tie the fake coin is flipped to determine the final result let's take a look at quest outcomes we'll use the quest abomination to illustrate possible outcomes quest outcomes resolve top to bottom completing each row one at a time so starting with a first row if this quest were to resolve with a feather's outcome the active player would flip the fake coin to determine whether pink loses or gains one renown green gains one renown blue loses one renown and orange gains one renown if it were to resolve as scorpions the fake coin is still flipped for pink adding or subtracting one renown yellow would gain one renown blue would gain one renown and orange would be smited to the abyss just a couple more things to keep in mind about quests before we move on some slots on quests have special requirements if there's a class icon or color modifier only a demigod of that class or color can be placed there with a move action normally a demigod can be placed in any open slot on a quest however some quests have ordered placement shown by these little arrows you must place demigods on these quests in the order shown by the arrows [Music] the second way to spend your turn actions is by enacting a god power god powers are incredibly powerful but they come at a cost each use of a god power requires you to spend a number of your fake cards which are a limited resource so use them wisely there are five god powers that you can perform the first is the portal it costs three fake cards and it allows you to move a demi to any location or open spot on a quest ignore all movement rules and quest requirements this means players may move demis off of quests or even out of the abyss in the pools and a reminder if a player is portaling a demi onto a quest they must vote next is transfiguration this also costs three fake cards and it allows you to switch the location of two demis on the same incomplete quest ignoring any quest lot requirements the next god power is the smite this will set you back two fake cards and allows you to move any demi to the abyss even demis who are currently slotted on a quest next we have omniscience costing two fake cards this allows you to shuffle a random card from the fate deck into any quests vote pile then you may secretly examine the vote pile returning the cards face down next to the quest when you're finished finally we have influence costing one fake card after adding a fake card to a quest on your first action you may use influence as your second action to add one additional card from your hand to the boat a player's turn ends in one of three ways first if a player uses both actions their turn is automatically over second a player may take their first action but pass on the second action by simply telling the next player it's your turn third a player may end their turn by resting when a player rests they are now skipped in the turn order until the end of the age a player may choose to rest after taking one action but they cannot rest if they have used both of their actions that turn a player rests automatically if the player chooses to take no actions on their turn the player does not gain or spend a fake card with either action or the player runs out of fake cards on their turn if a player runs out of cards on their first action they may not take their second action the first player to rest each age takes the first player token and becomes the first player for the following age if no player rests in an age the current first player keeps the token [Music] when a demigod gains or loses a renown and their renown tracker enters a new renowned space their token is put at the front of the line this means that the most recent demi to enter a renowned space should always be the closest to the next highest renown space even though these demis have the same score the tracker at the front of the line is in the lead and would win in the event of multiple demis being on the same renown space at the end of the game a few things to remember though as you resolve quests city and age cards that will help you keep the renowned trackers in order first quest results are resolved in order from top to bottom when resolving age cards demis gain or lose renown in order starting with a demi in first place lastly any time a demi is smited their renown tracker is moved to the back of the line within their renown space city cards represent the current events in the capital city and can affect players and demigods when they return to the city there are six slots on each city card when a demi moves into the city from any location the city token is placed on the card covering the first slot the next time a demi moves into the city the token is moved to the next open slot following the arrows connecting each slot this continues until the last slot is covered or the age ends at which point the city card is discarded some slots on city cards contain result icons when the slot with the icon is covered by the city token the icon is immediately resolved the rewards include drawing a fake card gaining and losing renown smiting to the abyss or a flip of a fake coin some city cards have decrees which are written above the slots these remain in effect until the city card is discarded when a demi is sent to the abyss by a smite they are removed from their current location on the board or quest and placed in the abyss whenever a demigod is smited be sure to move the demi's renowned marker to the back of the line in its current renowned space to move a demigod out of the abyss a player must spend one action to move the demigod from the abyss to the pools they then draw one fake card into their hand from the fake deck then players may spend one action to move a demi from the pools into the city this player may then optionally refresh a card to do this they discard any one fake card from their hand and draw a new one from the top of the fate deck to replace it [Music] an age is over when one of the following occurs all players have rested or all quests have been completed then the players resolve the aged card to resolve an age card the player with the first player token reads the card aloud age cards all trigger a global vote for example on defend the borders if the vote results in feathers demis in the forest coast and canyons all gain two renown if the vote results in scorpions demis in the desert volcano and mountains all gain two renown in the event of a tie demi's in the city pools and abyss gained two renown beginning with a player to the left of the first player all players take turns adding fake cards from their hands to the boat pile in the city on their turn players may contribute as many cards as they choose to the age vote from their hand including adding no cards at all once all players have had the opportunity to vote shuffle the votes and reveal them one at a time tallying the resulting scorpion and feathers then resolve the effect on the age card that corresponds with the winning vote or tie and remember all renowned added or subtracted from demigods is scored in order from first place to last place following the renowned tracker placement rules from before to begin the next stage first discard the city card if necessary as well as any lingering quests leaving any demis on those quests in the same quest region next each player draws five fake cards in turn order up to the maximum hand size of eight cards then the players take turns placing new quest cards starting with the first player the number of quests will vary depending upon your player count finally draw and place new city and age cards reading aloud their effects the next age has begun and players begin taking turns starting with the first player [Music] the game is over when the third age card has been resolved at that time all players reveal their hidden demigod cards and the player who reveals the demigod with the highest renown wins the game when playing with more than 5 players there are some additional setup rules and gameplay differences the major difference is that each player has a secret teammate with a matching demigod card at six players there are three teams of two at eight players there are four teams of two and at seven players there are three teams of two and then one player without a teammate this player without a teammate gains one additional renown at the very end of the game to compensate for their lack of a teammate the challenge is players do not know who their partner is at the beginning of the game figuring this out through careful observation may be a crucial factor in winning the game that about does it we hope you enjoyed learning how to play build fate if we missed anything please let us know in the comments on board game geek or hit us up on the discord and ask us there thanks
Channel: IV Games
Views: 38,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Board, Game, Tabletop, Dice, Cards, Deck Builder, Deck, Boardgames, Games, Kickstarter, Prices, Art, BGG, Nerd, Geek, RPG, TTRPG, Minis, Meeple, Meeples, Dice Tower, Tokens, KS, expansion, moonrakers, iv, iv studio, iv games, veiled fate, strategy, social deduction, strategic deduction
Id: BRAWvJ8k_k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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