Advanced WARLOCK Guide to Damage in ICC - MACROS INSIDE - Wrath Classic

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hello everyone and welcome to the long awaited IC Affliction damage guide I want to go through all the tips and tricks that I know to maximize damage as an Affliction warlock in ice Crown Citadel that may change down the line but this is a great Foundation that you can build off of and learn other tricks from your friends or discover on your own if you like what you saw please like comment subscribe all that stuff helps immensely and I hope you enjoyed the video all right everyone let's get straight into it with the first boss Lord marar now Lord marar is pretty simple he's going to basically stand in the middle on pull you can pre-cast this I would use wild magic and he just moves very far during bone storm throughout the phase there's not a lot you could do the only thing I would recommend is when the bone spikes go out there's usually I think three of them uh the ones that are far far away throw a corruption on them the ones that are close like directly underneath them I wouldn't even waste a global on them the melee are going to Vis rate you're not an instant damage class you're an Affliction warlock so be wary of that and as he's moving around the room make sure that you don't let any of your dots drop that's about it marar is very straightforward let's move on to Lady Death whisper Lady Death whisper is a little complicated you're going to have the boss with the shield starting here and then you're going to have the three ads coming around during the fight on the right side and the three coming out on the other side now sometimes they have immunities and you can't really deal with that but you can while magic and roll your dots on lady death whs for this entire time I would strive to do so it's not entirely too difficult but it will mid Max your damage if you can keep a never melting Ice Crystal Plus Wild magic corruption on the boss the entire time here it'll be it'll be very nicely in on with the ads I would corruption them as they come in cuz sometimes they come in slowly especially these Caster ones in the back they like stop and cast as the others are moving in sometimes I can death grip in which is very convenient but I would throw corruption on the ones that are far away and then seed as much as I can on these hopefully get some eradication procs as they're coming in but uh try to corruption them as they come in and see when they're grouped in more than three and you should be in a very solid state but rolling your corruption on Lady Death wher is ideal the entire time in the second phase you guys are going to move into the middle I don't know exactly what strategy you guilds are going to be using but we're using the one where moving lady death death was for left and right the entire time just in the middle and the range are going to be statically in the center the entire time this would be a great place for your port or in the first phase you can use your Port uh a little bit closer to the boss to get out of the melee range if there's like a death in G or something there's a lot of good uses for Port I'll try to cover them as we move on but it's mostly just Min maxing the ad damage in the second phase I would just throw a corruption on the ads and get back into it's the boss and keep an eye out for kicking it's very clutch you could death coil or fear your friends to get mind controlled and be the hero that the raid doesn't deserve but there's a lot of movement min max and always keep an eye out for the ghosts that you're going to have to move for the spooky ghosts because they will kill you so that's about it for Lady Death whisper as I learn more I just want to say I'm going to put a pin comment below this video and add all the tips that I learn going forward from here I don't think there's going to be that much you can add into this fight unless the positioning and strategy changes now let's move on to gunship you kill it now let's move on to SAU Fang right SAU Fang is very interesting going to summon these five blood bees that are in like this star formation or it's going to like move a little bit to the to the like slightly tilt over and the star is going to look like like this it's going to there's two different formations the blood Beast come out and you want to set your Port back here set your Port over here because if you're over here and the blood Beast come out and you're damaging this one and it's like slowly coming over and you get the debuff if you're Alli you can use human racial to break the damage or uh the slow sorry and if this gets too close you can p back if you're hoard or Not Human and you got to get out of there quickly and this will save your life so drop your Port here it lasts 6 minutes should last the entire dire of the fight but I would blast all my cool Downs wild magic of course because we get a full snap the entire time on sour Fang and roll that when the blood bees come out the way we had it was that we had like two range to each one and then the melee blew up this back one so that one will be instantly deleted so I wouldn't put any dots on the melee one because it'll die very quickly there's not like you're not going to get a lot of up time on your abilities there but if it's within range wherever your position maybe you're over here maybe you're over here uh I would put corruption on as many of these that are within my range without compromising my position like if this one's too far away screw it like that's just how it is these These are supposed to die very quickly so you will not get a lot of up time but getting multiple Corruptions up and maintaining your dots in the boss is essential to Min maxing your damage here and if you assigned this one uh it would be like corruption corrupt corruption maintain dots Shadow bolt Shadow bolt Shadow bolt hopefully it's dead between the boomkin somewhere knocking it back and getting threat on these or like some fire Mage who's going to this one's going to follow out like you can't really do too much damage to those as you're doing it but that's about it for sour Fang special note if you get a mark pay close attention to your health you might have to health sod to death boil that might save your raid and yourself a lot of [Music] time now let's move on to faster gut now faster G is pretty straightforward fight you're going to have your stack Target and you're going to be like over here and then they're going to get the Spore and you're going to go over there and then you're going to go out and that's basically the fight the Spore debuff you can Shadow Ward as you're moving back but what I found really nice is that I can still hit the my my stat tget was over I could hit the boss over here so I would set my port back here so I can spread out easily like the sport the Spore would go out Kaboom I move in boom get the buff P it out and I can still Hit The Boss full range and it was pretty nice uh I've seen other people where they use their port on their stack Target but the thing is uh sometimes the stack Target likes to move a lot so I didn't like this but maybe your stack Target's a lot more accommodating in so you could sack there anyway but definitely use your Port here to mimax your movement and maintain up time on the boss because this is a pretty straightforward fight where there's not a lot of cheesing let's Mo on to rot face now rot face is one of those fights where there's a few things to look out for cuz you know the room's filling out with ooze and random areas like this area will just be filled with ooze or whatever so you got to make sure you watch where you are and basically play place a port somewhere where you feel like you can make a quick Escape like maybe this area is filling up with ooze like Boop still maintain up to on the boss and this going to be these little running around combining together two little guys making a big guy and I put a corruption on this although it doesn't count for any sort of logs damage I think but at the time I wasn't really worried about that I just wanted to kill the boss and I wanted eradication up time cuz I was moving and the fast spells were convenient for my movement so maybe that's not the best but in the moment it felt like the right thing to do I might drop that as I move forward I don't know yet I still need to play on the fight but there's not really a lot of multi ding here just hit the boss and watch your feet and move let's do Professor future side now I think out of all the fights this is my most favorite because there's a lot of multi doting and you start the fight and he runs in and here you are blast it away I popped all my CDs goes over here and the first thing that's going to happen is he's going to summon the green noobs all right and now your raid leader is going to be like blow up that green new and what you're going to do is you're going to put every dot on this besides haunt roll your haunt on the boss set PP as your focus the entire time and roll your dots on PP that is your goal you need a multi- dot multi- dot multi do that's the name of the game you can move in if you want utilize your Port here cuz if you get picked by the slime and the slime's moving in towards you and you're rooted you can still pour it away and the slime's like oh what happened I'm pissed and then he has like find you again so maintain your haunted to PP roll your dots on on the slimes that spawn both both of them that spawn now you have pushed him into the next face he goes over the table summons the two oozes and you will roll your dot on P the entire time this phase is happening and maybe some like green new pick somebody and you can knock back you're not spell off that's bad you need to make sure your dots are on this boss the entire time okay in between [Music] faces now transitioning back into phase two the one thing I want to mention is I don't know if there's a sign for malleable goo all right let's just use EO as malleable goo say there's a malleable goo going out and you accidentally get hit and boom you have like six- 6000% haste and you want to uninstall this is an emergency situation so you can't re imprint your corruption with the haste debuff you're going to have like a 50c corruption it's really shitty so what I would do is if you want to remove the corruption once the debuff is gone seed the boss seed the boss overwrite your corruption and reput it up because if you have a 45 second corruption after the Mal lagu effect wear is off you'll want to uninstall and you'll be really pissed so that's this Phase 2 area when the Mal is happening and even in phase three now phase three you're going to have two more oozes again one two roll your dots in the boss multi dot multi dot multi dot one of them you'll do more damage to one of them you won't just put your main just roll corruption on the one where it doesn't matter that much where it doesn't do a lot of damage and smack the one that you're doing extra damage to and in phase three your kite your take will kite PP around the room uh make sure not to stand directly in the middle cuz there will be like a slime going out a slime puddle and it'll just get you know bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and it'll be really annoying if you drop it here and then this area is cover and everyone's like push to this end of the room cuz you're a dick so watch your positioning and just drop your Inferno before the last and you guys should be done within a minute or you'll probably wipe because this mutating mutated PL does a ton of damage that's it for pet side Council this fight sucks I hate I actually don't like this fight uh at all but I set my port in the place I'm supposed to stand so if the shock Vortex goes out I get easily teleport back to where I was you can snapshot say you're about to swap off the first prince to the one of the other princes you can free snap deaths Embrace on them before for the swap with the corruption which is really cool the only issue is you don't know which one it's going to swap to so if if it's worth two globals I would do it but you also lose like all the other debuffs like the crit and stuff I don't think Shadow Master is going to be on them 5% crit so you just got to make sure debuffs are exactly going to outweigh the 12% damage so keep an eye on that I would probably just use a haste pot here because you're swappy targets you're not going to get full mid Max while magic usage unless you roll your corruption all three of them the entire time but I don't think that's possible with the positioning cuz takes like track SW over here you're going to get knocked to Siberia P back be really pissed as this one gets over there somehow and this fight sucks ass and the only thing you really have to worry about mechanic wise that you have to take care of is these kinetic bombs are slowly falling and you'll just have to midax your fell Hunter to get over there but these the initial descent on these is fast so if you hit it with a searing pain or something some direct damage spell dots don't work while your pet's getting over there the second time it starts to descend is slower so it that that'll help you manage your kinetic bombs at least you know a little bit that's about it for Cil there's not a lot here it's just it's just movement and shitty and there's not I don't like that fight it's very inconsistent blood Queen so hopefully for blood Queen you get big relatively quickly but there's really not a lot going on here besides I would port in the spot that you're supposed to stand because we had assign positions for everybody for the blood Vortex air phase cringe stuff so if you get bit it's really nice cuz you can snapshot that 100% damage onto the boss with your corruption and roll that the entire time but in terms of personal damage been Max I mean there's no multi- dotting I'd roll I I don't even know if I'd roll a wild magic because if you get bit early then you just override it and it doesn't matter and you can just Hast pot off the rip and it' be better so I would Hast pot depending on my bite order because you'd override the corruption anyway if you're like later at like 75% maybe you had wild magic off the rip the bite's normalized so it doesn't even matter if you're parsing anyway it's just trying to do as much damage as you possibly can the pack to the dark Fallen you'll have to move in forward in the middle and stack and then it fades don't have to really worry about that that often and then the fire if you get the fire thanks to the swarming Shadows you should just put it in a place where nobody would really deal with the fire like against the wall that's about it it's like pretty chill there's not a lot of damage stuff that you can do here unfortunately Walker honestly like some healer design this fight and you don't have to do anything besides damage I mean each the ads does something you can kick the ark Mage you have to focus the Blazing skele I'm I'm going to put the ads in the order that you should worry about them cuz this one's the most important then these they reduce the healing that you're doing to the boss then probably the balling zombie that chase people like a sociopath then these kind of just like don't really matter as much the Williams and this is the order so always kill this then focus on these and if this guy's still alive this guy explodes this guy just casts a frost W volley just kick it this is like a big just idiot and once this idiot dies it spawns the worms so this order just remember that and you're good that's that's it for dream Walker it's it's there's no it's a Healer fight now Cindy now for Cindy this fight sucks because of one main mechanic the unchain magic if you get unchain magic this lasts 30 seconds and every time you cast you get a stacking damage dealing when it explodes buff debuff that Stacks infinitely so you're because there's so much damage going out and you have the constant damage of frost sword the entire fight when you get this you probably want it to stack to maybe two or three and then you stop what this means your dots will fall off the bus and you will be pissed so I would hate spot for this first of all second of all the way we did it is we used the stairs so I would drop my port here because when Sydney pulls you all in for blistering cold this ability you get all flung in from wherever you are unless you resist it and then he just poured instantly and keep damaging the boss so that's going to be almost the entire fight where the blistering and the porting is going to happen so make sure your Port is maintained this is a long fight you will have to redrop your Port now the other phase that's worrisome is the block phase now there's going to be six blocks and it depends on how you guys are doing it but we stacked two two two together the most efficient damage for these without breaking them is seed I see the first one like the middle one and it hits these and you don't want to see them too much because people have to survive right so keep an eye out for the percent HP that they have and don't spam seed until you go until somebody gets broken out they die just keep an eye out on their health cuz other people going to be dotting they just going be living bombing death that's going be death to decaying so be the bigger person and and you can stop doing damage to the tombs before somebody dies from it and you can use this time to readjust life tap or whatever you need to do before she comes back down and you're going to do that like three times then the last phase is going to be one person gets the tomb with this magic buff Buffet going out and this is very dangerous you need to be able to recognize is when you need to drop this cuz this increases all the magic damage you take so you have to get behind this ice block that she drops she's only going to be dropping one you hide behind it drop and you can peek out do damage and it goes out every I think 8 seconds so if you time it properly you should never get any magic Buffet Stacks after the first one so peek out peek out peek out and then there's going to be a point where you just it doesn't matter about the sacks you take CU she's so low so you just stand out there and like continue draining and that's that's it but you can you can Peak cast cast cast move in not get a stack and then the next one drops and there's a second one over here and they're killing this one and you can roll corrupt you can put a corruption on these just for the extra eradication proc and then you move over here Peak go in P go in PE go in but keep an eye on your Stacks this is the major part of P3 and a lot of people will die because I can't match the stacks cuz but this stack this is a passive damage the entire fight so you're just going to die to the frost or took and it just it's a lot of damage so keep an eye out it's very boring fight to be honest because the unchain magic will also be going out the entire time if you get this in phase three I would just stop casting there's literally no point cuz the damage if you hit even a one stack is enough that if you hit some people will throw everybody out of the loop and you'll just wipe so very shitty fight very boring but this drops full actory so we really want to do now now let's talk about the L King now the L King we got the Lich King to like 52% on the PTR so there's going to be parts of this where I could only explain so much and at the start of the fight I would drop my port drop your Port over here near near this this crust the crumble f is 1.5 but off pole you're going to be standing maybe over here maybe over there with all the range and you're just going to be pounding into l k the l k is going to be spawning these like three Ghouls and a shambling horror you can Doom the shambling horror for later and when the ghouls are getting low I roll a corruption onto them and this just gives more a rat up time and they have to die anyway uh they don't count for details but it helped like round out the damage on them from the early like disease ticks and it would help the tank and you just watch out for shadow trap and you move you move you move you move and you push them and the tanks are managing the ads and you're rolling dots in the ads you're doing single Target into the L G there's actually not a lot you have to do P1 but P2 starts to happen uh hopefully there's no Shadow trap near your Port you pour it out lkin goes to the middle now we're in Phase phase two your port's still here I want to mention the shambling is a frontal shock wave and it'll kill you so watch out now these raging Spirits I don't know there's an icon for Raging Spirits we're going to use plague siphon for Raging Spirits now there's going to be these raging Spirits there going to be about three of them and then you have to clean up the ads if you don't have a disease left and the shambling wh is high Health that's probably going to be a wi but you're mean stacking range on one side and on the other side and then the melee are going to be over here somewhere we're going to use Demon Hunter for that this going be the melee and this is going to be facing lch Kang and these raging Spirits also have a very dangerous ability called Soul shriek I don't know where the icon is but it's a it's a frontal and it's very dangerous I like definitely watch out for that as well and once you kill three of or you can kill one of these another one spawns and you can kill this one and then the third one uh you probably won't kill before the transition and then the entire time these Frost bombs are going out slowly and they're going to pick somebody and they do like an AOE pulse ice damage so you have to kind of move out of the stack so you don't kill everyone and hopefully your hunters and your Mages with long range H Mages on l king sorry move in and these have to die quickly so hopefully people are paying attention to those but all right so you've killed two Spirits your ads from P1 are dead you're moving in now and then this Outer Edge starts to crumble and you stand over here and all the melee and stuff are stacked over here you probably have one raging Spirit left so maintain your dots on this and reput your your dots up on Lich King I would haunt Lich King and still roll your dots on the Raging Spirit now at this point this is when the infamous Valkyrie spawn and there's going to be three Valkyries all right and hopefully this raging spirit's dead it might be alive you just have to use your judgment but the Raging spirit is a priority but these Valkyries are a higher priority like you have to focus on these valks and if you have multiple warlocks and a warlock gets picked you don't have to damage this anymore this doesn't matter it'll throw you off the cliff and and you'll just Port back with your smartly placed Port from from before the fight and then it goes back in the middle but if there's three of these I would forsake my dots my corruption on Lich King I would seed off Lich King after putting corruption 1 2 3 as they come down and hopefully they're all going in the same direction and the tank springing Lich King and you can seed all this with the corruption if there's just two of them I would roll dots on two of them and then keep my dots up on l k with like a focus Shadow bolt and just maintain that and you can do a lot of damage here with your multi- dot within 20 25 seconds that a lot of classes can't match so definitely keep an eye out for that and then if one's getting ahead of the other obviously like put some Shadow bolts into this so this person doesn't die and now you're going to do that a few times and uh the last thing is I wouldn't stand directly in the path of where the Lich King is going because if you get defile you have like half a second to move and unless you port and then screw all your friends ports and then they all have to redrop their port and the valks come out and you're screwed I would try to give the Lich King some birth here so the tank can bring him to where the valks are going that's basically P2 there's no extra ads or anything it's just a lot of damage a lot of positioning a lot of multi doing now P3 is we didn't get to P3 so I don't have any personal experience to solve like basically I saw in bods and he's going to suck you down under underneath to this area and there's going to be all these Spirits flying in the sky where the vile spirits up in the sky and you can seed up top and maybe a boom Kim and you're going to be like moving around in the circle as like stuff's falling from the sky and exploding so you can seed and do damage here and kill these ads or corruption them if you don't feel comfortable as you're moving and then as s after you sucks into the sword you go back to the top and you do more damage l king now the Tank's also going to have this mechanic where he drives to the edge where he summons the other AIS spirits and he explode upon impact so I wouldn't really worry about doing damage to them I think you can soak one with a shadow Ward if it's loose and you want to be hero but that's about it and then Lich Kang moves back in the middle and you just repeat that phase until he hits 10% he's dead so there's a lot of going on this fight it is the most difficult fight and will take you a long time to do on heroic it is a pain in the ass but that's about it for all the bosses now a lot of these fights there isn't a lot on M M like it's very straightforward like fesan race and uh blood Queen and loot ship but there's a lot of information here and I hope this video helps you guys out hey guys thanks for making it to the end of the video this is an accumulation of three PS worth of experience and I wrote all this out on my Discord there might be something I miss go take a look if you guys know something that I don't please drop a comment below I would love to learn anything else that I can learn and share and get better with with my guild or other warlocks that are struggling on fights with their guilds and if you like what you saw please like And subscribe below it means a lot it makes me want to continue to make videos like this and I wish you all the best of luck in ic this week and good luck on the L King because that fight is really hard hope to catch you next time peace
Channel: ItsPummel
Views: 29,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warlock, World of Warcraft, ItsPummel, Advanced warlock guide ICC, ICC advanced warlock guide, how to parse as a warlock in ICC, Warlock parse ICC, how to parse in ICC, Warlock min max ICC, Warlock ICC parsing, ICC warlock guide, warlock ICC guide, affliction warlock ICC guide, affliction ICC guide, ICC affliction parse guide, affliction warlock wotlk, how to parse as affliction warlock wotlk, wrath warlock ICC guide, affliction warlock wrath ICC guide, ICC aff guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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